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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Are you trying to make me hungry??? I think this is great! lol thanks! Hopefully my professors will think the same.... Here, I will grade your paper... A+++++ How's that? lol sounds good to me! Beside that A+++++ I added a Platinum Star. Ooh.....shiny!
  2. Are you trying to make me hungry??? I think this is great! lol thanks! Hopefully my professors will think the same.... Here, I will grade your paper... A+++++ How's that? lol sounds good to me!
  3. Are you trying to make me hungry??? I think this is great! lol thanks! Hopefully my professors will think the same....
  4. So, we had to write poems with this specific format for one of my classes. I kinda liked it, so here you go: Dining Hall Wander through the hungry masses Smell of burning oil Don’t want to be late for classes See the workers toil Smell of burning oil Is there anything edible today? See the workers toil She’ll eat sushi, come what may Is there anything edible today? I see pizza, grab a slice She’ll eat sushi, come what may Today the fries look pretty nice I see pizza, grab a slice Don’t want to be late for classes Today the fries look pretty nice Wander through the hungry masses
  5. Cooooooo! You have a new car! Post pics!!!!!!!!!! Great news that you will be out of class earlier! lol I might get around to it later, but for now, I have homework I ought to get done.
  6. My birthday was fun, aside from the fact that I now have a rather unpleasant cold. I'm waiting for my tea to cool down as I type. I found out more about my car. It's a 2000 chevy prizm. And it was previously owned by some little old lady who can't drive anymore, which is why they're selling it. And it's only $2500, which is good. Dad still has the car, and he's going to drive it around for at least a week before he brings it down here just to make sure there's nothing wrong with it. I also got the email from our choir professor saying who's in chorale and ensemble, and this semester I'm not in either (it's a different prof. from last semester, and the groups she picked were really small). I'm kinda happy about it though, because it's probably going to mean I get out of class earlier.
  7. You're going to have a great time! And I did! ^_^And now I'm also very very sore, and probably sunburned. A stupid saying, but your soreness is a good kind of soreness. And you would probably do it again. Oh, of course! It's just because I was using muscles that have been long neglected. Oh, and I have a car! Kind of. I only have two pictures of it, and know nothing else about it. It looks like a generic chevy sedan, which is good. Dad's at camp now, so I'll have to talk to him tomorrow about it.
  8. You're going to have a great time! And I did! ^_^And now I'm also very very sore, and probably sunburned.
  9. So nothing really interesting has happened lately that I can think of. I'm going skiing tomorrow though, and that should be fun times.
  10. The artificial intelligence and music course sounds awesome! I would really like that one. Yeah, it looks really cool, and covers a really wide range of topics. Plus Marius and Steph are in the same class with me, which is awesome. A great class with two of your friends, now that is a great way to start the day. Yep! The only thing is that it involves lots and lots of thinking, which isn't always easy in the morning, but at least it gets my brain going for the rest of the day.
  11. The artificial intelligence and music course sounds awesome! I would really like that one. Yeah, it looks really cool, and covers a really wide range of topics. Plus Marius and Steph are in the same class with me, which is awesome.
  12. So my insane day of classes. Here's a rundown: First class was the honors one on artificial intelligence and music. It looks like it's going to be really interesting. Next was developmental psych (youth and adolescence). The material I think will be interesting. The teacher is one of those teachers that will either be really awesome, or will be a raging nut job. I'm not sure which. After that was psychology of film, which looks like it's going to be *awesome.* And last but not least was teaching science in the middle school, which also looks like fun, and the teacher looks really cool. So it's looking like a fun semester.
  13. Oh, and first day of classes was today. I only had two: Statistics and Research Design and Choir. The first one has an awesome teacher who has *gasp* common sense! She seems really nice. And choir has a new professor too. She apparently taught our college's choir for over 20 years before letting her son take over. Then he left for FL, and we had a different guy last semester. So our current professor is this little old lady with as much energy as a five year old at a playground. She seems pretty cool. Tomorrow is my INSANE day of 7 hours of classes....
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yes, and that will be the first class I go to tomorrow. So now I'm back. A little hard to get over saying goodbye, but I didn't have too much time to think before my roommate and his friend came in. Let the smacking commence. It's true what JF said about college making you a patient person. Not like they're bad people, it's nice to see them again. They're playing time crisis 4 on my roommate's new PS3. I think I'll just browse online and listen to music or funny videos for a bit. Then I'll get to work on making my boss character (it's kind of hard because the object slot needs a specific meshtree, as in the way the meshes connect to one another). Not like I'm making it from scratch though, just taking meshes from TR3's Sophia Leigh and using them with Seth from TR4. Oh yeah, and my door closes itself, so I locked myself out without thinking about it. One of the helper students in the lobby kindly came up the stairs with me and unlocked it. That'll teach me to forget my card. Hahaha I've done that before. I usually leave my door unlocked unless I'm leaving for awhile. And yes, being surrounded by nerds is fun times, and WAY better than being surrounded by "cool" people. Because for some odd reason being "cool" tends to involve running down the hall at 3am shouting something along the lines of "WOOOOOOO!!!! I'M SO DRUNK!!!!!!!" and then puking all over the bathroom floor. You don't want to be cool. And also, the nerds have all the awesome video games and are more friendly.
  15. Now that is a description you won't see the advert people using to describe their teles. To me, that is the biggest waste of money. Hahaha Nah, it's really nice. Our old TV was small, and you couldn't plug anything into it. The DVD player didn't work, and the remote controls not only didn't work, but one was clearly marked as belonging to another building. The new one has a workding DVD player, and already has the AV hookups for most major game systems attached to it. It's pretty sweet.
  16. I'm guessing your classes don't start until Tuesday. Good luck with your next semester. No, they start tomorrow. We don't get off for MLK day. But all my friends are back now, which is good. Lara is now living in the same building as us, only upstairs (she was the one that was living on the other side of campus). A bunch of us were playing rock band in the lounge (I got it for my birthday, don't remember if I mentioned that yet), which was fun times. And our lounge got a new, functioning, flat screen, wall mounted TV. It's shiny . And a little after dinner, a couple of us went out grocery shopping, which was also a good thing.
  17. Yeah!!! It's really nice to be back. lol sometimes this place feels more like home to me than my home does. Only a few of my friends are back though, so I'm waiting for everyone else (including my roomie) to show up.
  18. I'm back at college now!
  19. :wub: We could always call it... The Love Diet! Just kidding about that. I would like to say that you will more comfortable soon, but I am only hamster and not Dr. Phil. Honestly, I think it is great that you and Phil are seeing more of each other. Jenny and Tommy, I know had a great day, thanks to you! lol I hope so. I'd like to get to know Phil better without the interference of butterflies. And I'm skinny enough as it is, so not eating won't be a good thing. And what kills me is that being the person that I am, I want to explain to him why I'm not eating like a normal person, but I can't, because if he doesn't feel the same way, it would make it awkward. >_< And yes, Jenny and Tommy are quite happy. When we got to the house, Tommy stayed behind in the front porch while Dad and I went inside. Tommy was going to call her and say, "I see you..." or something silly like that, but just after we walked in, Jenny went out on the front porch to find her jacket, and instead found Tommy, which resulted in a rather loud "OHMYGOSH!!!!!!!111one" And lots of giggles.
  20. I spent most of my day today packing and looking up used cars online (the used car guy from the other place basically blew us off about finding the prices of the cars we wanted. >_> ) And also helping Jenny's bf Tommy come over here as a surprise visit. He had told her on the phone that he couldn't come over, and she was pretty upset about it. A few minutes later, he IM'd me to see if I could get him a ride to our house from the bus stop the next town over. (Which we managed to do, since Dad and I went out to look a a car near there anyways). And when we came back with Tommy, Jenny was happy. Oh and this is *really* dumb, but I'm going to share it with you all anyways just because it's on my mind. Two things actually. The less stupid thing is that I was talking to Phil online today and he said that it gets lonely when I'm not online. The more stupid (and rather inconvenient) thing is that I realized he gives me butterflies in my stomach. Which is cute and all (it's just like when I had a crush on that guy from middle school), but, like being nervous (really the same biological reaction I think, just with a more positive social connotation), it makes me nauseous and unable to eat much without feeling sick. I noticed it the last two times when I was with him that I wasn't feeling well enough to eat at meal times. The first time I thought that my dinner from the night before had upset my stomach, and this past time, I attributed it to being nervous from driving. So I decided to challenge that theory by looking through some pictures of him on his profile, which, sure enough, elicited the same reaction. Cute, but aggravating. He's going to think I'm anorexic or something. >_<
  21. I can't eat ice cream, so I got a brownie. The problem was that I could hardly eat anything for some reason. I think it's because driving makes me really nervous, which makes me kinda not feel well and unable to eat much. This creates the problem later on of my being hungry to the point of nausea and still unable to eat (my present state ) Car shopping isn't too bad as long as the salesman you're working with isn't a jerk (and sadly most of them are). My biggest problem is looking at cars with my dad. He doesn't like car shopping, he just likes cars. So he likes to look at all the cars *he* wants. "Hey, look at this car!" "It's a standard Dad." "Yeah, but once you learn to drive standard I guarantee you'll like it better!" "But at the moment, I *cant* drive standard...." "Hey this car is cool!" "Dad that's a lotus, we can't afford that...." You get the idea. I have to say one thing... it is very easy to learn standard, and once you learn standard, it is the ONLY way to drive a car. If you find a car you like, and it is standard, you will learn to drive it in a flash. Trust me on this one. As for car shopping with your father, it would make me crazy. Good luck. Sorry to hear you can't eat ice cream. You are missing the best ice cream in the world. I believe it, but right now driving an automatic is more than enough challenge, plus I'll be driving in NJ. No way I'm going to attempt to learn standard in NJ. Not while I'm still this inexperienced. But someday, I do plan on learning standard. Just not in the next two days. >_< Yeah, dad can be frustrating, but I'm used to it. Still gets mom nuts though... And for ice cream, I don't mind much. There's a brand of soy ice cream that I like that's actually really good. Plus if I was able to eat ice cream, I'd probably be a good 20 pounds heavier. And yes, there were quite a few commas in your last post. Better than a run on sentence though. Today my parents decided it was a good day to celebrate my birthday since I'm going to be at college by the time of my actual birthday. They got me Rock Band (the playstation game) and a pretty necklace, and my sister got me the Sims 2 Holiday Stuff expansion pack. And we also went out to dinner. It was snowing pretty hard when we left, half the time we couldn't see the lines in the road. But where I live is a good bit south from where we ate dinner, so it's all rain here. :closedeyes: But I'm still happy anyways.
  22. I can't eat ice cream, so I got a brownie. The problem was that I could hardly eat anything for some reason. I think it's because driving makes me really nervous, which makes me kinda not feel well and unable to eat much. This creates the problem later on of my being hungry to the point of nausea and still unable to eat (my present state ) Car shopping isn't too bad as long as the salesman you're working with isn't a jerk (and sadly most of them are). My biggest problem is looking at cars with my dad. He doesn't like car shopping, he just likes cars. So he likes to look at all the cars *he* wants. "Hey, look at this car!" "It's a standard Dad." "Yeah, but once you learn to drive standard I guarantee you'll like it better!" "But at the moment, I *cant* drive standard...." "Hey this car is cool!" "Dad that's a lotus, we can't afford that...." You get the idea.
  23. Today was fun. I went over to Phil's house, and there was the usual DDR, wii sports, and we watched a movie. And we also went and got dinner at Friendly's. And the service there was actually fast! (The Friendly's in my town is notorious for slow service, you'll never see another restaurant with more kids who remembered to bring their game boys because they know it's going to be awhile). So yeah, lots of fun. As for that snow storm, it only ended up being about an inch of snow. Lame. Tomorrow I have to get laundry done and maybe start packing. Friday we're probably going to go look at cars again*, and more packing. Saturday I go back to college. *Oh yeah, yesterday we went out to look at cars (because I'm going to need one to get to wherever my field work ends up being for my education class). And it was fun times, albeit chilly. The car salesman that was working with us was actually a really nice guy, he never tried to sell us anything that we didn't want, or try to get us to go for something out of our price range. And he was honest when there were things wrong with the cars. So we wrote down a list of what we were interested in, and he's going to get prices for us by Friday, when we take Dad in to look at the cars as well.
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You can mess with the animations in sims2. I haven't done it, but it seems that other people have. ModTheSims2 is a good place to look around for tutorials and the like. I'm not sure what you can do on a mac though. I've recolored a few clothing items myself, but nothing serious. The having your own company thing sounds like a lot of fun! Maybe consider a second major or minor in business administration for that one. As for your living situation, having an entirely substance-free campus, unless it's like some hardcore Christian college or something, doesn't work. And it doesn't allow for housing for people who *actually* want to be substance free. Something to keep in mind: if you really don't like where you are, consider transferring. If you're really not happy, it's not worth it.
  25. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay rants! I often find that when I rant about things, I find solutions to them. Anyways. As far as the people you're living with, I can safely say that it's not the age of the people you live with, but the types of people you live with (although freshmen only housing is notoriously rowdy). I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but, live in wellness (substance free) housing. And even though you're technically a junior (and btw juniors should have at least 60 credits in most colleges for most majors, that comes out to 15 credits per semester), don't think you *have* to graduate in three years. I'm about a year ahead in my credits as well, but I'm still planning on taking at least 4 years to graduate. Pushing yourself can be good, as long as you don't push yourself over the edge. As for your career choice, DO NOT go for a career you don't think you'll enjoy. Do something you love doing, or at least something you *like* doing. At the same time, its good to be able to pay the bills. You don't have to be making six figures or anything, but paying the bills is kinda important. And designing video games can totally be an art! Whoever laughed at you is either ignorant, jealous, or trying to be cool (or a combination of the three). Most of my friends are gamers, and they love it when the graphics in their games are really well done, and when they have really good story lines. And being someone who spends a decent amount of time watching people play these games, I agree with them. Designing video games these days is a lot like writing and animating a movie, only way more complicated. If designing video games is something you enjoy and think you'd be good at, then go for it! The only trouble you might run into (your dad makes a point here), is finding a job because so many people want to design games these days. However, there is also a greater demand for video games now than there used to be, and the games take more work to produce, so it could balance out. A suggestion for designing things: I have the Sims 2 on my computer, and I often download custom content for it from a few places online. There is a HUGE community of people who design new clothes and objects for the game, some are just recolors of things that were already there, but a lot of of them are nearly from scratch. It might be worthwhile to get ahold of the game, and mess around with the programs available for creating custom content yourself for that game too. It will give you a chance to put lots and lots of detail into your work, and maybe even find a new game to entertain yourself with. As for your parents, the reason they're being such a pain is that they're concerned about you, and they probably don't want you living in their basement until you're 40. So along with telling them that you're not going to pick a career you don't like because it pays well, also tell them that you plan on having a job that will support you and keep you financially stable as well, because you're not stupid.
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