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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Continuum I thought I was starting over again. I know that isn't true. So now I sit here wondering, Will I ever get over you? There are no new beginnings, There will never be an end. And we can only hope, That time our wounds will mend. Past is tied to present, As morning is to night. So we sit here wondering, Trying to get it right. I live my life in constant hope That I will like God's plan. Until then I'll watch and wait As best as I possibly can.
  2. :blink: Why would your father get you a car that eats oil??? Isn't that a sign of a bad engine? *is totally confused* He didn't know it until he'd driven it around for awhile. It's not a good thing, but I can deal with it. He's planning on taking a closer look at it when I'm home during spring break. The thing is, we're not sure where the oil's going. It doesn't appear to be leaking, and the car doesn't smoke. So we're a little lost on that one. Until then, I have at least a dozen quarts of oil in my trunk.
  3. I'm kind of in the same boat here. Maybe Nutzky can tell us a bit about himself?
  4. I have a car! It's really easy to drive, but it pretty much eats oil. I'm going to have to add oil at least once a week. Yeah. o.O But other than that it's all sorts of awesome.
  5. I went swimming today with Lara (one of the things for her photo scavenger hunt was the swimming pool, bonus points for someone swimming in it). And it was fun times. I'm working on getting the pictures off my camera now.
  6. I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking. Well, at the moment, my brain knows what it's doing, and my heart is still kinda confused. I can't really do anything either way. Ian has a girlfriend and Phil is 5 hours away from me. So unless something usual happens, I'm just kinda stuck. You're not stuck, this is just a little pause until things happen in such a way that you are able to make a decision. For all you know, the perfect guy is less than five miles from your house or campus. You just never know. When you least expect it, that is when it all makes sense. Oddly enough, Phil and Ian both respectively live 5 miles from my house and campus (I think, I'm not exactly sure where Ian actually lives now). The problem is, meeting the perfect guy won't do me any good if I still have feelings for Ian. I hate not being able to fully control things about myself. :glare: And I'm not really expecting things to make any more sense anytime soon. I understand most of what's going on, I just don't like it. You know when the perfect guy is in your life when your heart rules your brain, your every step is like you are floating on air, ecstasy is how you view every moment of your day and you can think of nothing else but this guy. When this guy is in your life, if it is not Ian or Phil, then those two guys will no longer matter. That's infatuation, not love. The two may usually go together, but they're two different things. Maybe human infatuation... but definitely hamster love. I knew the minute I saw the hamster of my dreams, that that hamster was the one. .....Infatuation: to cause to be foolish : deprive of sound judgment, to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration. .....Love: a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, attraction based on sexual desire, affection and tenderness felt by lovers, affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests. When true love finds you, trust me on this one, it will be all of the above and more. Oh, I know what love is. Love is what I felt (and apparently still feel, although I'm generally pretty good at pushing emotions to the back of my head when i have to) for Ian. But I can't have Ian. But at least my brain has calmed itself down. Basically I have to wait for either my feelings for Ian to go away, or for circumstances to change so that Ian and I actually end up together (which will take nothing short of divine intervention) It's kinda of annoying to be stuck like this, but it takes some pressure off of me to keep an eye out for potential guys. Because I know I can't start anything with anyone until my feelings for Ian go away (well, I *could* but that wouldn't be fair to the guy at all, and I'm not that stupid or selfish).
  7. I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking. Well, at the moment, my brain knows what it's doing, and my heart is still kinda confused. I can't really do anything either way. Ian has a girlfriend and Phil is 5 hours away from me. So unless something usual happens, I'm just kinda stuck. You're not stuck, this is just a little pause until things happen in such a way that you are able to make a decision. For all you know, the perfect guy is less than five miles from your house or campus. You just never know. When you least expect it, that is when it all makes sense. Oddly enough, Phil and Ian both respectively live 5 miles from my house and campus (I think, I'm not exactly sure where Ian actually lives now). The problem is, meeting the perfect guy won't do me any good if I still have feelings for Ian. I hate not being able to fully control things about myself. :glare: And I'm not really expecting things to make any more sense anytime soon. I understand most of what's going on, I just don't like it. You know when the perfect guy is in your life when your heart rules your brain, your every step is like you are floating on air, ecstasy is how you view every moment of your day and you can think of nothing else but this guy. When this guy is in your life, if it is not Ian or Phil, then those two guys will no longer matter. That's infatuation, not love. The two may usually go together, but they're two different things.
  8. I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking. Well, at the moment, my brain knows what it's doing, and my heart is still kinda confused. I can't really do anything either way. Ian has a girlfriend and Phil is 5 hours away from me. So unless something usual happens, I'm just kinda stuck. You're not stuck, this is just a little pause until things happen in such a way that you are able to make a decision. For all you know, the perfect guy is less than five miles from your house or campus. You just never know. When you least expect it, that is when it all makes sense. Oddly enough, Phil and Ian both respectively live 5 miles from my house and campus (I think, I'm not exactly sure where Ian actually lives now). The problem is, meeting the perfect guy won't do me any good if I still have feelings for Ian. I hate not being able to fully control things about myself. :glare: And I'm not really expecting things to make any more sense anytime soon. I understand most of what's going on, I just don't like it.
  9. I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking. Well, at the moment, my brain knows what it's doing, and my heart is still kinda confused. I can't really do anything either way. Ian has a girlfriend and Phil is 5 hours away from me. So unless something usual happens, I'm just kinda stuck.
  10. I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him.
  11. Today has been all sorts of fun. A couple of my friends are doing a photo scavenger hunt for their theater club, and I volunteered to be their photographer. So we were ALL over the place today (one of the things on the list was the sign for the state border, and we also had to go out shopping today). So there has been lots of insane running around and picture taking, and it's been fun.
  12. Just wait... the bad weather is coming. It hit here last night. Oh I know. There's supposed to be snow here by sunday. So I'm enjoying the awesome weather while I can.
  13. It's almost 70 degrees outside. In New Jersey. In February. And I'm wearing shorts.
  14. Being three and one-half, I feel really, really young. lol It's kinda strange, because most of my friends are at least a few months older than me, but here, with the exception of a few people, I'm one of the oldest...*remembers how she was 14 when she joined the HD boards*
  15. Wow these poll results make me feel old....
  16. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response. You have really thought this through. I like your thought process. Phil... hmmmmm. I guess this makes it more than just driving. It just crossed my mind at random. Now I just need to make a concentrated effort to relax when I'm driving, as well as when I'm thinking about anything related to driving. As for my day today, it's been raining, which means our campus is once again flooded (whoever decided it was a good idea to build a college campus on a cranberry bog needs to have his head examined....). And I was playing DDR with the girls down the hallway, which is always fun times. And I discovered double mode (using two mats at once) which is really fun. See there is a good outcome for a rather dreary day. *nods* DDR is how I plan to regain my presently obsolete cardiovascular system. And how I plan on keeping myself from getting too bored over the summer. Now I just need to work on getting dad to buy an air conditioner for the living room.... Air conditioners are nice. Yes, yes they are. My day today has been spent playing rock band and more DDR. That's basically all there is to say. Parents. Did he let you play with him????? And they wonder why kids leave home when they are old enough. ....? Okay, you've lost me now.... Sometimes kids act like the grown-ups and parents act like the kids. In some cases, the kids want to experience the grown-up end and leave home almost officially the first day they go away to school. For example, I have a friend who's parents, yes, both of them, are into extreme sports. Anyway, he thinks they are crazy. So for him, he wants out of the house as soon as he is able. Does that clear things up? Kind of.... I love my family though. They're awesome. I just got back from shopping. JC Penny's was running some insane sale, and I got two skirts and two shirts for under $16. So I'm happy about that. It doesn't mean you love your parents less, it just means that you are growing up. Mm...yeah, I suppose that makes sense too.
  17. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response. You have really thought this through. I like your thought process. Phil... hmmmmm. I guess this makes it more than just driving. It just crossed my mind at random. Now I just need to make a concentrated effort to relax when I'm driving, as well as when I'm thinking about anything related to driving. As for my day today, it's been raining, which means our campus is once again flooded (whoever decided it was a good idea to build a college campus on a cranberry bog needs to have his head examined....). And I was playing DDR with the girls down the hallway, which is always fun times. And I discovered double mode (using two mats at once) which is really fun. See there is a good outcome for a rather dreary day. *nods* DDR is how I plan to regain my presently obsolete cardiovascular system. And how I plan on keeping myself from getting too bored over the summer. Now I just need to work on getting dad to buy an air conditioner for the living room.... Air conditioners are nice. Yes, yes they are. My day today has been spent playing rock band and more DDR. That's basically all there is to say. Parents. Did he let you play with him????? And they wonder why kids leave home when they are old enough. ....? Okay, you've lost me now.... Sometimes kids act like the grown-ups and parents act like the kids. In some cases, the kids want to experience the grown-up end and leave home almost officially the first day they go away to school. For example, I have a friend who's parents, yes, both of them, are into extreme sports. Anyway, he thinks they are crazy. So for him, he wants out of the house as soon as he is able. Does that clear things up? Kind of.... I love my family though. They're awesome. I just got back from shopping. JC Penny's was running some insane sale, and I got two skirts and two shirts for under $16. So I'm happy about that.
  18. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response. You have really thought this through. I like your thought process. Phil... hmmmmm. I guess this makes it more than just driving. It just crossed my mind at random. Now I just need to make a concentrated effort to relax when I'm driving, as well as when I'm thinking about anything related to driving. As for my day today, it's been raining, which means our campus is once again flooded (whoever decided it was a good idea to build a college campus on a cranberry bog needs to have his head examined....). And I was playing DDR with the girls down the hallway, which is always fun times. And I discovered double mode (using two mats at once) which is really fun. See there is a good outcome for a rather dreary day. *nods* DDR is how I plan to regain my presently obsolete cardiovascular system. And how I plan on keeping myself from getting too bored over the summer. Now I just need to work on getting dad to buy an air conditioner for the living room.... Air conditioners are nice. Yes, yes they are. My day today has been spent playing rock band and more DDR. That's basically all there is to say. Parents. Did he let you play with him????? And they wonder why kids leave home when they are old enough. ....? Okay, you've lost me now....
  19. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response. You have really thought this through. I like your thought process. Phil... hmmmmm. I guess this makes it more than just driving. It just crossed my mind at random. Now I just need to make a concentrated effort to relax when I'm driving, as well as when I'm thinking about anything related to driving. As for my day today, it's been raining, which means our campus is once again flooded (whoever decided it was a good idea to build a college campus on a cranberry bog needs to have his head examined....). And I was playing DDR with the girls down the hallway, which is always fun times. And I discovered double mode (using two mats at once) which is really fun. See there is a good outcome for a rather dreary day. *nods* DDR is how I plan to regain my presently obsolete cardiovascular system. And how I plan on keeping myself from getting too bored over the summer. Now I just need to work on getting dad to buy an air conditioner for the living room.... Air conditioners are nice. Yes, yes they are. My day today has been spent playing rock band and more DDR. That's basically all there is to say.
  20. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response. You have really thought this through. I like your thought process. Phil... hmmmmm. I guess this makes it more than just driving. It just crossed my mind at random. Now I just need to make a concentrated effort to relax when I'm driving, as well as when I'm thinking about anything related to driving. As for my day today, it's been raining, which means our campus is once again flooded (whoever decided it was a good idea to build a college campus on a cranberry bog needs to have his head examined....). And I was playing DDR with the girls down the hallway, which is always fun times. And I discovered double mode (using two mats at once) which is really fun. See there is a good outcome for a rather dreary day. *nods* DDR is how I plan to regain my presently obsolete cardiovascular system. And how I plan on keeping myself from getting too bored over the summer. Now I just need to work on getting dad to buy an air conditioner for the living room.... Air conditioners are nice. Yes, yes they are. My day today has been spent playing rock band and more DDR. That's basically all there is to say.
  21. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response. You have really thought this through. I like your thought process. Phil... hmmmmm. I guess this makes it more than just driving. It just crossed my mind at random. Now I just need to make a concentrated effort to relax when I'm driving, as well as when I'm thinking about anything related to driving. As for my day today, it's been raining, which means our campus is once again flooded (whoever decided it was a good idea to build a college campus on a cranberry bog needs to have his head examined....). And I was playing DDR with the girls down the hallway, which is always fun times. And I discovered double mode (using two mats at once) which is really fun. See there is a good outcome for a rather dreary day. *nods* DDR is how I plan to regain my presently obsolete cardiovascular system. And how I plan on keeping myself from getting too bored over the summer. Now I just need to work on getting dad to buy an air conditioner for the living room....
  22. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response. You have really thought this through. I like your thought process. Phil... hmmmmm. I guess this makes it more than just driving. It just crossed my mind at random. Now I just need to make a concentrated effort to relax when I'm driving, as well as when I'm thinking about anything related to driving. As for my day today, it's been raining, which means our campus is once again flooded (whoever decided it was a good idea to build a college campus on a cranberry bog needs to have his head examined....). And I was playing DDR with the girls down the hallway, which is always fun times. And I discovered double mode (using two mats at once) which is really fun.
  23. Wonderful news... your grandmother is out of a successful surgery! I know you are happy and relieved. It is totally amazing what results are occurring with cataract surgery. I know of about three or four people who have undergone cataract surgery and voila... no more glasses. How phenomenal medicine has become! I know! Someday I might get laser eye surgery too, but not for several years, at least. I'm afraid of what would happen if they messed it up. Plus I've had glasses since I was two. So it would be a strange transition. Oh! And I figured something out today. Dad emailed me the pdf of my car's owners manual. So I was looking at it today, and realized I felt nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about, nothing I was reading was frightening, and in my mind I wasn't nervous, but biologically, I felt nervous. And then it hit me: conditioning! My mind associated driving (stimulus, the thing that makes me nervous, which is a response) with the owner's manual (unconditioned stimulus), so the driving manual became a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of being nervous. And then I linked it to Phil. I wasn't nervous the first two times I saw him (over the summer and at his college). But the next two times (over winter break), and then thinking about him after that brought on feelings of nervousness. The reason? I was driving with him or to him! So my brain associated Phil (unconditioned stimulus) with driving (stimulus), which makes me nervous (response) to make Phil a conditioned stimulus, with a conditioned response.
  24. It's really gross outside today. :closedeyes: But in better news, Mom says Grandma's eye surgery went well, and once she's recovered, she won't have to wear glasses anymore (she had cataracts removed).
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