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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. With food and patience, you can make an animal do just about anything.
  2. Eh, I didn't mind stocking shelves at True Value, so I doubt Wal-Mart would be any different. If another job comes along, I can always take it. Also, I'm guessing it's possible that if a day shift opens there, they might consider current workers to fill it first.
  3. Well, it looks like I might be working a full-time night position at wal-mart stocking shelves. The hours are going to be awful, but there will be a lot of them, and I'll be getting paid at least $9/hr, which is nice. It'll also leave me open for interviews for teaching jobs. I got to spend the day with Shane yesterday, which was a lot of fun. We spent a good part of the day playing DDR, which was good because we both need to get back in shape.
  4. I love the pictures! I need to get myself a new camera lol.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Congratulations! So, what are you going to do now that you've graduated?
  6. Oh I'm jealous. The highways here are 55 or 65, with local roads anywhere from 25 to 55, depending on what's on the road and the type of road. And yeah, a lot of our traffic lights have cameras too.
  7. Oh look I graduated. (omnomnom tassle)
  8. Ooh, those are really pretty, and remind me that I should get pictures of my graduation flowers lol. Your pictures look like they should be framed and hung as decorations or something. I especially like the lily.
  9. They do that????? Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken. That's true, but the EZPass just makes it easy to catch speeders. They can probably take their data and sort it by the amount of time it took to get from plaza A to plaza B, and send out automated tickets for everyone going faster than a certain speed. Do they really do that or are you just speculating? Florida does not use the EZPass for speeding tickets... yet. If New Jersey does it and makes money, then I am certain that it won't be long before Florida catches on. I don't speed, so it doesn't bother me to use the EZPass. I've heard enough first-hand accounts to believe it, especially since it's so easy to do. It does bother me, because the speed limits are much slower than they should be. I follow speed limits whenever I feel that the speed limit is as fast as it is safe to drive. Aside from that, I'll do between 5 and 10mph over the limit, depending on the road and state (NJ is having financial problems, so I keep it to less than 10mph over here, since the cops are out for tickets).
  10. They do that????? Well, if they really wanted to, they could give you a ticket even if you pay cash. Every car that passes through the toll booth gets it's picture taken. That's true, but the EZPass just makes it easy to catch speeders. They can probably take their data and sort it by the amount of time it took to get from plaza A to plaza B, and send out automated tickets for everyone going faster than a certain speed.
  11. We have them too, they call it EZPass here. I don't have one though, since I'm from CT, and rarely had to take toll roads when I was in college. The major highway here is a toll road though, so I might get one. The problem though, is they can use your time between tolls to give you speeding tickets.
  12. I have my own internet now! Yay!
  13. OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! Wonderful news!!!!!!!! I don't protect my wireless. If someone wants to use it... go for it. But when you get your own, this will be wonderful. The AT&T Uverse I have is incredibly fast. I'm getting comcast, because they don't require a yearly contract. My modem and router arrived this morning, and in theory, the cable should be turned on sometime today, so here's hoping that happens and it all works. I spent the past couple days driving around, and it's pretty hard to get lost around here. There are always signs for the parkway. I'm gonna have to start paying for things with cash more often, so I have change for the toll plazas.
  14. I'm all moved in now! I'm currently using some neighbors unprotected wireless signal, which is flaky at best. XD I should be getting my own internet in a day or two, which is exciting. Now here's hoping I get a job...
  15. It'll depend on where I get a job, but I know that mom would like to rent the house out eventually, for much more than I could afford on my own. It's also bigger than I need, and not really in a place that I want to live for a long time. I'm home for mothers day now. I didn't bring my computer, so I'm typing this on my iPod lol.
  16. I don't actually intend to stay in Grandma's house permanently. Just for the summer. If I get a job in the area, I'll likely only stay there until I can get my own apartment or something. I'm heading down there today though, to drop off some of my things. Yay for moving out! (Especially since "finals week" means "stay up late and be loud week" for my roommates)
  17. You have a very down to earth look about you. I like it. Out of curiosity, what nationality are you?
  18. Graduation is sooooon! I'm very excited about it. I probably already said this, but it's online on the college website, for those who know where I go. I'm done with all school-related obligations now, so all that's left is moving out. I have decided that I am in fact going to stay at grandma's house. I figured out that I spend about $500 per month (probably less than that), so it would cost me about $2000 for the summer. I know that I'll have $1000 when I graduate, so all that's left is to find a job to cover the other half of that. Also Comcast internet doesn't require a contract, which means I don't have to pay for a full year of internet. Yesterday was fun. I got to hang out with Shane, Ian (Shane's friend), Shayna (Shane's other friend), and Nick (Shayna's husband) at Shayna and Nick's apartment. They're all fun people. The apartment is cute too, and really cheap as far as apartments in NJ go (which is surprising, since they're in the district I've been student teaching in, which is a kinda high class place). If I get a job around here, I might look for a place there as well. Ian (who's a city boy) was surprised at how green the complex was (trees and such). It was a lot of fun to hang out with all of them for the evening. They're all really intelligent, but in slightly different ways. I'm glad that Shane is friends with such awesome people, and also that I'm becoming friends with them too.
  19. I would suggest using it on something that's *really* hard to find CDs for in stores. And I would also suggest buying music of an artist you like that doesn't have a huge fan base and could use the money. Or at least that's what I would do.
  20. Like an hour maybe? It's closeish to Toms River.
  21. Grandma's house is in NJ, actually very close to Shane's home. Part of the idea for me living there is indeed because no one is there right now, and insurance is cheaper. Also, some things have gone wrong in the house because of it being empty (most notably a pipe breaking and flooding the house because no one was there to notice). I won't be getting charged rent for at least the first few months. So, we'll see what happens.
  22. Ooh, pretty! Horatio: I read an interesting article on Yahoo News about how the lack of air traffic from the volcanic eruption caused bluer skies over Europe. While it was disruptive for traveling and shipping, it had some benefits.
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