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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. This is something I posted as a note on another website, but I think it fits: So, as Marius so nicely put it, "Happy Generic Love Day!" And it got me thinking. So many people complain about how much Valentine's Day stinks because they're single, and it's a Hallmark holiday, and [insert other complaints here]. But think back to elementary school. Where everyone made "mailboxes" (usually a piece of paper folded in half and taped together to make a little pouch) and taped them to their desks. And everyone made Valentine's Day cards for everyone, and some of them even had candy taped to them. Those were fun times. We weren't worried about being in relationships or any of that. We celebrated Valentine's Day just for the fun of it (and for the free candy). We had the love of our friends and family, and that's all that mattered. What changed since then? Puberty? We still have friends and family who love us very much. Which brings me to my main point: there are many different types of love. Who says Valentine's Day is only for romantic love now? We still have the love from our friends, our family, and [insert other subset of people here]. So even though we might be single, we still have plenty of love worth celebrating too. So go ahead and wear red, gorge yourself on candy, and share the love!
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That's a good strategy. Jesse, how are your classes/teachers/everything else? Sure there must be something interesting to talk about.
  3. It just takes some time and experience for you to relax. This goes for everyone. If you can, ignore the horns. They seem to forget when they were first learning. Everyone is in such a big hurry to go nowhere fast. Oh yeah. They can get over themselves. Sometimes if I am feeling really ornery, when someone gets on the horn, I move even slower. Haha I have friends who do that too. Although the classic NJ reaction usually involves a combo of the middle finger and some bad language crafted into a sophisticated insult. There is, in fact, a facebook group called "Dear PA, please get the **** out of the left lane! Love NJ."
  4. Aw, that's adorable. Well, in the words of my friend Marius, "Happy generic love day!"
  5. It just takes some time and experience for you to relax. This goes for everyone. If you can, ignore the horns. They seem to forget when they were first learning. Everyone is in such a big hurry to go nowhere fast. Oh yeah. They can get over themselves.
  6. I made it out and back with no problems. I only got beeped at once because I was taking too long getting out of the parking lot (I couldn't quite tell how fast the other cars on the road were moving, so I decided to just let them all pass. ) I just wish that driving didn't make me so nervous.
  7. WOW!!! Your car is pristing clean! Both the inside, which is immaculate and the outside, which is perfect. Hopefully your father can fix the oil problem. Looks like you bought a really fantastic car! Good luck with it. Actually, it has a rather large dent down the other side of it. Apparently, the first day the previous owners had the car, they managed to hit the side of their garage. But that's okay. It still works, and now I don't have to worry about if I smash the door into a shopping cart or something. Exactly. But your car still looks great, even if we only see the good side. The inside is really immaculate! Yeah, it's pretty decent. I'm happy with it. My mom got some seat covers and stuff for it too. If I get to the middle school really early (I'm planning on giving myself, like, an extra half hour to get there), I might work on putting those on. The only problems with the interior are that you can't see what some of the radio buttons say because the paint's worn off, and we can't figure out how to set the clock (it's 2 hours and 8 minutes fast, and neither instruction manual tells us how to fix it.) Other than that it's awesome though. Two hours and eight minutes fast... well, I would just accept the 8 minutes as being on time and deduct two hours. Blonde math. If I had to start deducting the eight minutes, then I would be late just trying to figure out what time it was. If you know how to set the radio, then just pick your favorite stations and forget about what the buttons say. On my car, it is 1 through 6 and then the same buttons stand for 7 through 12, if you select FM2. Well, if you think I can remember what stations are behind which button... not a chance. I just press buttons, when I listen to the radio, until I find a song I like. Usually though, I listen to the CD player. Do you have a CD player installed? I'll probably sharpie the labels on eventually. I don't have a CD player, but I do have a tape player. So I'm going to get a tape adapter for my mp3 player.
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay dean's list! And your topic is only dying because you're not posting in it. Did you guys get snow? Don't say that evil word... it is starting to snow here in Memphis. This is a bad thing, because these drivers can't drive when the pavement is dry, and they almost NEVER see snow. Haha oh boy....
  9. Not good. Let me know if you decided to go or you called in. I think I'm going to go. It's really warm out now, so I think the mess should be all rain by now. I'm just going to give myself lots of extra time....
  10. WOW!!! Your car is pristing clean! Both the inside, which is immaculate and the outside, which is perfect. Hopefully your father can fix the oil problem. Looks like you bought a really fantastic car! Good luck with it. Actually, it has a rather large dent down the other side of it. Apparently, the first day the previous owners had the car, they managed to hit the side of their garage. But that's okay. It still works, and now I don't have to worry about if I smash the door into a shopping cart or something. Exactly. But your car still looks great, even if we only see the good side. The inside is really immaculate! Yeah, it's pretty decent. I'm happy with it. My mom got some seat covers and stuff for it too. If I get to the middle school really early (I'm planning on giving myself, like, an extra half hour to get there), I might work on putting those on. The only problems with the interior are that you can't see what some of the radio buttons say because the paint's worn off, and we can't figure out how to set the clock (it's 2 hours and 8 minutes fast, and neither instruction manual tells us how to fix it.) Other than that it's awesome though.
  11. HOLY ICELAND! It's you! Now, I am off to sketch you as a new character for my book. Oh, and Good Luck. lol "holy iceland" That's kind of awesome.
  12. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay dean's list! And your topic is only dying because you're not posting in it. Did you guys get snow?
  13. Cancelled classes... dream on! Good luck on your first day of middle school teaching. You will find your way there. If you get stuck, make sure Marius has his cell phone turned on. Night class got canceled! It's pretty gross outside now, so I'm kinda hoping middle school gets canceled, because I don't want to have to go outside/drive in the pouring rain tomorrow, especially when I'm not entirely sure where I'm going. If it gets cold enough to freeze and you have to drive to school, please remember this. Bridges freeze before the roadways do. So if you are driving to work and have to go over an overpass, slow down prior to getting there. If you are going to have to make a turn, such as an on-ramp, really slow down before you get there. And if someone honks, ignore them. This will keep you from skidding, slipping and sliding. Hope you don't have to go to school. Yeah. If the roads are really that bad and they don't cancel, I'll call and say I'm not coming. It's not worth it. And I already drive really slow. Especially because I *know* about the on/off ramps, especially in NJ. People fall off of those things all the time.
  14. WOW!!! Your car is pristing clean! Both the inside, which is immaculate and the outside, which is perfect. Hopefully your father can fix the oil problem. Looks like you bought a really fantastic car! Good luck with it. Actually, it has a rather large dent down the other side of it. Apparently, the first day the previous owners had the car, they managed to hit the side of their garage. But that's okay. It still works, and now I don't have to worry about if I smash the door into a shopping cart or something.
  15. Cancelled classes... dream on! Good luck on your first day of middle school teaching. You will find your way there. If you get stuck, make sure Marius has his cell phone turned on. Night class got canceled! It's pretty gross outside now, so I'm kinda hoping middle school gets canceled, because I don't want to have to go outside/drive in the pouring rain tomorrow, especially when I'm not entirely sure where I'm going.
  16. Oh and you wanted car pictures. These are the two my dad sent me. I don't have pics of my own yet.
  17. Oh right, pictures. Here's some utterly random goodness for you all.
  18. Yesterday was probably the coldest day of the year. I figured out the brilliant idea of wearing a long skirt over a pair of pants for extra warmth, which worked quite well. Somehow my outfit had a vaguely gothy look to it, which was kinda fun. Today's a bit warmer, but we're expecting snow/slush/rain. Maybe some of my classes will get canceled......(hey, I can dream). And tomorrow I start my work at the middle school! I drove out there yesterday to find it (Marius came with me to read the directions as I went, because he's awesome like that), so hopefully I'll remember how to get there tomorrow (I have the directions in my car just in case).
  19. Hi! *waves* I always love hearing about the little things you guys get to do. I mean seriously, how many people out there get to feed birds that sit on their car first thing in the morning? The very image sounds like something out of a Disney movie (too bad they don't help you clean up too ) And those are some crazy hours to work. Anyways, the three topics I spend the most amount of time in I have linked to in my signature. Feel free to stop by if you want, and welcome to Hampsterdance!
  20. Seek the Sunny Side I know that you're not feeling glad, But wait! There's more! It's not all bad! You lost what means the most to you, That really sucks, and you're feeling blue. But look around, there's so much more, wonders abound, joys galore! Soak up everything you find, change your perspective, it's all in the mind. See the beauty in a rainy day, learn to smile when clouds are gray. When life feels like it's about to end, always know that you've got a friend. Seek the joy in sleeping late, know some things are left to fate. Marvel at the starry skies, notice just how fast time flies. When you think the day is done, know another's just begun.
  21. And my lesson plan is done! [insert sigh of relief here] I'm happy because I think it came out pretty well, and I came up with the ideas for it on my own (although I'm sure someone else has done it before). So yeah, yay! And also it was snowing a bit earlier today which was fun (especially since I was wearing shorts only 4 days ago )
  22. Usually, writing poetry takes less effort than getting myself ready for class in the morning. :blink: Is it due to the fact that it's morning or just the fact that you have to get out of the dorm and on your way to class? lol both, and the fact that most of the poetry I write comes naturally. It's not a concentrated effort.
  23. Thanks Although I have to say that for me, at least, poetry isn't something that takes any great deal of work or effort. It's something that just comes to you. Most of my poems, they only take about 10 minutes to write. I look over them when I'm done to fix typos and the like, but very rarely will I ever make changes to my poems once they're written. Usually, writing poetry takes less effort than getting myself ready for class in the morning.
  24. I'm kind of in the same boat here. Maybe Nutzky can tell us a bit about himself? I'm going to send him this link and ask him to post. Awesome!
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