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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. *is thoroughly amused* So, on facebook there's this option you can add called "honesty box" which allows you to send messages to people on your friend list anonymously. The only thing you know about the person sending the message is their gender (provided they specified it in their facebook profile). So, today I got back from class, and found that I had a new honesty box message (which doesn't happen too often). And it was from some guy who said, "wanna hook up? you're hot!" It amused me on so many levels. I'm assuming it was a joke, but still funny.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That's true. And it would save you from having to spend so much time on it. And I think some of us would be willing to test it for him. Haha probably. I would, but I don't own the game for it, and also don't quite have the time either.
  3. That's no fun. I'm just about ready to kill the people that live above and next door to me. The people next door are exchange students from China, and Chinese by nature is a kinda loud language. But these people were up all last night shouting back and forth well past quiet hours. Doesn't help anything that my bed is right next to their room. The people upstairs from me can't grasp the concept that noise travels through the floor. At all hours in the night, they're constantly dropping things or moving their bed violently enough to make it squeak against the floor. All of these things wake me up, and I have an 8am class today. Grrrrrrrrrr. My friend has an apartment and she is on the top floor for exactly that reason. Yeah. I might go talk to them later. There's a chance they're freshmen who have no idea about the amazing acoustics in these dorm buildings.
  4. I think part of the problem is that the HD albums are aimed mostly at kids who are too young to be on here. (I think legally you're supposed to be at least 13, but that might be different because the board mods each post). So the trick would be to make an album that appeals more to older teens or adults (that would probably mean taking away the high pitched voices, at the least.) Or just make a new single song and toss it around the internet for free.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That's true. And it would save you from having to spend so much time on it.
  6. That's no fun. I'm just about ready to kill the people that live above and next door to me. The people next door are exchange students from China, and Chinese by nature is a kinda loud language. But these people were up all last night shouting back and forth well past quiet hours. Doesn't help anything that my bed is right next to their room. The people upstairs from me can't grasp the concept that noise travels through the floor. At all hours in the night, they're constantly dropping things or moving their bed violently enough to make it squeak against the floor. All of these things wake me up, and I have an 8am class today.
  7. Lucky. Here it's 36 degrees today. Good luck with your homework, and I'm glad your uncle is better. Oh, it's about 40 degrees out now. NJ has the strangest weather I've ever seen. Today has been less than great. My 8am class started today, and it is THE most boring class I've EVER had. The professor walked us through using yahoo as a search engine. *headdesk* I'm kind of tempted to ask for all the assignments and do them in the afternoon and email them to her if it's going to be all this common sense stuff. I knew how to use internet search engines in 5th grade! BHP class was fun, because it was just open discussion of our reading from last night. One of my psych classes was canceled, and in my other one we just watched a movie (because it's Psych Film). I still have to get through night class. I decided to not go to dinner, but rather make soup today because I've got some cold thing. Thank you "health center." Usually I can function almost normally with a cold, but this one's really knocking me out. I like that idea. Ask for the entire semesters list of homework, and have it completed by Monday. Perhaps you can take the rest of the semester off for that class. You have to wonder what a professor is thinking when they have a class like that. Are they actually part of this world? So weird. As for the cold thing... there is a super cold going around, so take this one very seriously. Please. The teacher is pretty old, so maybe she thinks these things are novel concepts, but it's just insane. I wish I could place out of the classes. And yes, it is the super cold. I might actually call in sick tomorrow morning and not go to the middle school. I could probably just arrange to go on Monday instead. But we'll see what happens. I might just get up early to give myself enough time to figure out how I feel before I have to call in at 8am, but we'll see what happens. Great idea to see how you feel in the morning. My suggestion is that when you call them and tell them you are getting a cold, they will not want you there anyway. Staying in bed and rest, get lots of fluids and this should help keep your cold from really becoming a monster. Yeah I'm not going tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I have a fever, and they're not going to want me there in this condition. Plus I don't want to have to drive in this condition, especially since there are a few nasty sections of road I have to go through, and that's not good when my brain is this fried. So I emailed my teacher and my professor, and I'll call in tomorrow morning. I can probably just make up the time on Monday. Very smart move. Please feel better soon!!! lol thanks I'm feeling quite a bit better now. At least the fever is gone.
  8. Lucky. Here it's 36 degrees today. Good luck with your homework, and I'm glad your uncle is better. Oh, it's about 40 degrees out now. NJ has the strangest weather I've ever seen. Today has been less than great. My 8am class started today, and it is THE most boring class I've EVER had. The professor walked us through using yahoo as a search engine. *headdesk* I'm kind of tempted to ask for all the assignments and do them in the afternoon and email them to her if it's going to be all this common sense stuff. I knew how to use internet search engines in 5th grade! BHP class was fun, because it was just open discussion of our reading from last night. One of my psych classes was canceled, and in my other one we just watched a movie (because it's Psych Film). I still have to get through night class. I decided to not go to dinner, but rather make soup today because I've got some cold thing. Thank you "health center." Usually I can function almost normally with a cold, but this one's really knocking me out. I like that idea. Ask for the entire semesters list of homework, and have it completed by Monday. Perhaps you can take the rest of the semester off for that class. You have to wonder what a professor is thinking when they have a class like that. Are they actually part of this world? So weird. As for the cold thing... there is a super cold going around, so take this one very seriously. Please. The teacher is pretty old, so maybe she thinks these things are novel concepts, but it's just insane. I wish I could place out of the classes. And yes, it is the super cold. I might actually call in sick tomorrow morning and not go to the middle school. I could probably just arrange to go on Monday instead. But we'll see what happens. I might just get up early to give myself enough time to figure out how I feel before I have to call in at 8am, but we'll see what happens. Great idea to see how you feel in the morning. My suggestion is that when you call them and tell them you are getting a cold, they will not want you there anyway. Staying in bed and rest, get lots of fluids and this should help keep your cold from really becoming a monster. Yeah I'm not going tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I have a fever, and they're not going to want me there in this condition. Plus I don't want to have to drive in this condition, especially since there are a few nasty sections of road I have to go through, and that's not good when my brain is this fried. So I emailed my teacher and my professor, and I'll call in tomorrow morning. I can probably just make up the time on Monday.
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse, you have worked so hard on this, we really need to throw you a party! Not yet, let me release the thing first. I'm doing the second runthrough now, and then I'll request beta testing. Here are some screenies: Cool!
  10. Lucky. Here it's 36 degrees today. Good luck with your homework, and I'm glad your uncle is better. Oh, it's about 40 degrees out now. NJ has the strangest weather I've ever seen. Today has been less than great. My 8am class started today, and it is THE most boring class I've EVER had. The professor walked us through using yahoo as a search engine. *headdesk* I'm kind of tempted to ask for all the assignments and do them in the afternoon and email them to her if it's going to be all this common sense stuff. I knew how to use internet search engines in 5th grade! BHP class was fun, because it was just open discussion of our reading from last night. One of my psych classes was canceled, and in my other one we just watched a movie (because it's Psych Film). I still have to get through night class. I decided to not go to dinner, but rather make soup today because I've got some cold thing. Thank you "health center." Usually I can function almost normally with a cold, but this one's really knocking me out. I like that idea. Ask for the entire semesters list of homework, and have it completed by Monday. Perhaps you can take the rest of the semester off for that class. You have to wonder what a professor is thinking when they have a class like that. Are they actually part of this world? So weird. As for the cold thing... there is a super cold going around, so take this one very seriously. Please. The teacher is pretty old, so maybe she thinks these things are novel concepts, but it's just insane. I wish I could place out of the classes. And yes, it is the super cold. I might actually call in sick tomorrow morning and not go to the middle school. I could probably just arrange to go on Monday instead. But we'll see what happens. I might just get up early to give myself enough time to figure out how I feel before I have to call in at 8am, but we'll see what happens.
  11. Lucky. Here it's 36 degrees today. Good luck with your homework, and I'm glad your uncle is better. Oh, it's about 40 degrees out now. NJ has the strangest weather I've ever seen. Today has been less than great. My 8am class started today, and it is THE most boring class I've EVER had. The professor walked us through using yahoo as a search engine. *headdesk* I'm kind of tempted to ask for all the assignments and do them in the afternoon and email them to her if it's going to be all this common sense stuff. I knew how to use internet search engines in 5th grade! BHP class was fun, because it was just open discussion of our reading from last night. One of my psych classes was canceled, and in my other one we just watched a movie (because it's Psych Film). I still have to get through night class. I decided to not go to dinner, but rather make soup today because I've got some cold thing. Thank you "health center." Usually I can function almost normally with a cold, but this one's really knocking me out.
  12. This is such a phenomenal idea. I was hoping someone would suggest what I was thinking. I'm ready. Any suggestions on where to begin? For one thing we could use more members, but I don't know how we would go about getting them, since the thing this messageboard revolves around (The Hampsterdance) seems to be dormant at the moment. I wish we could get all of the old members back somehow. Another thing to speed up posting would be to get more moderators. *nudge, nudge* So posts appear faster and people can respond to them faster. Thus the increase in posting could be exponential relative to the amount of moderators, assuming someone responds to each post (/random mathematical outlook) *volunteers to be a part time mod* College work would have to take precedence, but I'm obviously usually on here often enough to help at least a little bit.
  13. Wow, we have another almost 70 degree day today! The nice weather gave me a chance to put the seat covers on my car and check the oil, plus I had to go get my TB test done for the middle school. It looks so weird when they do it, because it's this odd white bump on your arm. Although now it's a normal pinkish color. I have to go get it checked in a couple days. Now I have tons of homework to do.
  14. My uncle is doing much better now, and should be out of the hospital soon, if he isn't already. Apparently he didn't even know he was having a heart attack. He didn't get the chest pain (probably because of all the pain meds he's on for his back problems), but he had some other odd symptoms, so his wife took him to the hospital just to make sure he was okay, which, apparently, he wasn't. Good thing they caught it when they did though.
  15. Oh my goodness!!! Our prayers are with both your and your family and Marius and his family. Too much bad news all around. Hopefully everyone will get better and get out of the hospital. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I had to tell my sister about it too (because mom's still with grandma, and didn't want to talk too loud about it over the phone because it would upset her), and like everything, I think she took it kinda rough. But her boyfriend should be visiting her tomorrow which will be good. It will be good for your sister's boyfriend to be with her. This is such a tough time for your family. Yeah, she's really excited about him coming over. She misses him soooo much when she's at college. As for my family, I can't say if it's a tough time for them or not. I'm taking it fine. My sister gets upset over anything, and both my parents seem okay. But I have only limited contact with all of them. So I really don't know.
  16. I'll keep everyone in my prayers. *hugs* Thanks *hugs back*
  17. Oh my goodness!!! Our prayers are with both your and your family and Marius and his family. Too much bad news all around. Hopefully everyone will get better and get out of the hospital. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I had to tell my sister about it too (because mom's still with grandma, and didn't want to talk too loud about it over the phone because it would upset her), and like everything, I think she took it kinda rough. But her boyfriend should be visiting her tomorrow which will be good.
  18. Today I got my room in order, and then went out shopping with Lara. And I drove, and did a good job. That's the good news. Now on to bad news. I swear Marius and I lead nearly parallel lives with a different time scale. He apparently found out that his aunt might have cancer (and his family is going through some drama as it is). And then later today I was talking to my mom and found out my Uncle Bob had a heart attack on Valentine's Day, and is now in the hospital. So prayers are always much appreciated.
  19. CANDY????? What are you doing eating candy??????? Got any dark chocolate? lol *shares candy* Thanks! You are most welcome. The Fresh Market, which is a really fabulous market-type store had valentine-type candy corn. It was red at the top, pink in the middle and white at the bottom. The also had malted milk balls in the same colours. Someone told me that the candy corn, had a little bit of cinnamon in it. Glad I didn't try the candy corn or I probably would have been on a sugar high for a year. They also make 'bat corn' at Halloween, which is black and orange and has a bit of a licorice taste. Not overwhelming, but just slight hint, which makes it wonderful. They also had another version of bat corn, which was brown and orange with a hint of chocolate taste. Ooh, that sounds really good!
  20. CANDY????? What are you doing eating candy??????? Got any dark chocolate? lol *shares candy* Thanks! You are most welcome.
  21. CANDY????? What are you doing eating candy??????? Got any dark chocolate? lol *shares candy*
  22. Today has been fun so far too. After class, a few of us went out shopping. At the thrift store I got two skirts, and at CVS I got lots of candy for half price (becase it was all valentine's day stuff).
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    My major is math, with minors in music and French. In regards to my math teacher, I haven't taken Spanish but at least French is in the same language family, so that helps. My economics teacher wanted BOTH a hard copy and an email copy. Ah, okay. That makes sense.
  24. Generic love day was fun, despite being in class all day. In one class we just watched a movie (which we'll probably finish in class today), and in another class I got my test back and found that I did really well, which made me happy (mostly because I didn't know we had to read some article, and there were a number of questions on the test about it. Lucky for me, the article was apparently about photography, and I only got one of those questions wrong.) At the dining hall at dinner time they were playing romantic music obnoxiously loud, so I left a bit before the rest of the group. And also Dave wasn't exactly in a happy place for a lot of yesterday (he obsesses too much over his single-ness and has some serious confidence problems that are mostly unwarranted). After getting my homework done, a bunch of my friends and I went to the Valentine's Day dance, which didn't stink! The DJ played mostly good music for dancing, which made me really happy because I was half expecting lots of slow songs. And we got free t-shirts. When we got back, Dave seemed to be in a much better mood, which is a good thing. So all in all it was a fun day.
  25. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Exactly!!! *grabs ahold of Jesse's tail and gets lost in the fur* Haha, well I did have a little time trial on my hands today. I forgot to print out an essay for economics (yes, yes, for shame etc.) but the class is taught in the same building I live in, so after class I ran up the stairs, pulled out my laptop up and used my roommate's printer (he doesn't mind if I use it) and ran back down the stairs. My prof wasn't in the classroom but I remembered that he likes to talk to students out in the lobby, so I gave it to him there and was off to my next class. As for how my classes are... Intro to Economics - It's interesting, but I feel somewhat overwhelmed sometimes because it's such a huge topic. The professor has quite a few interesting things to discuss though. Differential Equations - Somewhat slow paced, but I finally learned a new technique last class. The homework is kind of drawn out so it takes patience. I have to "listen with an accent" as I heard Lucy Ricardo put it, because my teacher has a hispanic accent. Communications - The professor is cool and helps things feel low stress since everyone has to take this class. Just had my first test, hope I did okay... Literature - Quite a bit of reading per night, but I like how the professor talks. He knows ways to relate it to our generation. Brahms to Bernstein - Pretty much this prof makes his students get As, but it does open my world of music more. We've listened to some interesting pieces like program music by Schubert (haha, I like that name!) about a trout being caught (a piano making leaps up and down would be the trout jumping, etc.) and the Unsquare dance by Dave Brubeck done in 7/8 time. Information Literacy - starts in March. And even then it meets once a week. What a random class. Chorus - one of the guys in the bass section seems to be tone deaf He likes to sing next to me to try to match my pitches but it doesn't always work. Band - Haven't started concert band yet, it's been delayed a few times Pep band is fun to go to, and it's giving me practice on the e-flat soprano clarinet, as well as transposing on the fly because I have to read the b-flat clarinet parts. lol fun fun. A lot of times, if you explain to your prof that you forgot your paper, they let you just email it to them too. My first math teacher in college had a hispanic accent too. I pity the students in that class that never took spanish before. It sounds like you've really got a decent set of classes this semester, which is good. What is your major anyways?
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