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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    A midterm exam itself is not required at my school, but a grade is, so if the teacher feels that there are not enough graded things, or even in spite of this, there will be an exam anyway. I took the math one last week, it wasn't hard but very long. I got 105% on it. In intro to economics we took our microeconomics exam so I guess that will be like a midterm. I will take my music class one next week, and I haven't heard anything about the other classes (that paper for English might help make up our grade...eek, hope I did well on that!) Ah, yeah my college is the same way, but the professors all tend to make their midterms around the same time. And 105% awesome! I don't know if I actually have any midterms this semester....I do know, however, that I got 100% on the psych quiz I got back today. Nice job! Sounds like you've found the right major. That's what my mentor told me when I talked about my Calc 3 class. lol one can hope. And you, you're in calc 3 as a freshman!!!! That's beyond insane!
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    A midterm exam itself is not required at my school, but a grade is, so if the teacher feels that there are not enough graded things, or even in spite of this, there will be an exam anyway. I took the math one last week, it wasn't hard but very long. I got 105% on it. In intro to economics we took our microeconomics exam so I guess that will be like a midterm. I will take my music class one next week, and I haven't heard anything about the other classes (that paper for English might help make up our grade...eek, hope I did well on that!) Ah, yeah my college is the same way, but the professors all tend to make their midterms around the same time. And 105% awesome! I don't know if I actually have any midterms this semester....I do know, however, that I got 100% on the psych quiz I got back today.
  3. Here is a hint... :wub: Alright, to save you from pages and pages of searching, here's the general story: Waaaaay back in the day (roughly 2nd grade) Phil and my sister were close friends, and my sister had a huge crush on him (he's in my grade though). So they were friends for awhile and we all went to church together and all that fun stuff, but eventually we lost touch with him. So Freshman year in college (last year) I made a facebook, and found Phil on facebook. And we started talking, and he and some other people convinced me to get AIM. So I was talking with him the entire year on aim, and we got to be pretty close. But I hadn't seen him in person in years. So middle of summer rolls around, and I'm home for a week, and he came over to visit, and it was super fun times with DDR, swimming, jumping on the trampoline, and talking. Later that evening I was talking to a friend saying that my ideal guy would be a cross between Ian (music guy that I was in love with), Kenny (guy that I was in love with in high school), and Marius (awesomazing friend). And at that moment it hit me that Phil is kinda the combination of those people, in some odd sense. So since then I've been interested in him, but I really need to spend more time with him in person before I do anything about it. (I've seen him about three times since the summer, because we go to college a good 5 hours apart, although we live in the same town, about 5 minutes apart). And now my sister goes to the same college as he does, and they're all friends. That's pretty much it.
  4. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    He appeared and then disappeared today. Way to fast for me to attract his attention. I thought he would have looked here. Of course, now that you have micicles, he has a very keen sense of smell. He will appear here fast. Yes, yes, I smelled them, but I had pep band tonight so it only made me impatient. *snatches them* I came back to school from home, to continue with pep band um...fun. The saxophonist behind me kept spitting on me when he talked and yelling at the refs and other team a lot. That is why I wear ear plugs (not foam ones for pep band, but these weird space-age ones that don't block particular frequencies but reduce overall volume or something.) Fun. >_< How has everything else been? Go through midterms yet?
  5. Okay... I'm confused. If you are all on spring break, why would Phil/your sister still be at school??? Is their break on a different schedule than yours? For some reason, I thought you both were on the same schedule. Nope, they're schedule is different, and often a week ahead of mine. I was kinda hoping we'd have the same week, because then we'd be in town at the same time, but visiting him at college will be cool too, because I'll get to see more of how he acts with other people.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    He appeared and then disappeared today. Way to fast for me to attract his attention. I thought he would have looked here. Of course, now that you have micicles, he has a very keen sense of smell. He will appear here fast. lol one can hope.
  7. So, my topic has been neglected the past few days mostly due to excessive homework, and then the ensuing need to socialize with the rest of my friends who I hadn't seen because of the homework. Anyways. Recent stuff, let's see....The weather has been unusually warm, which is nice. Derek broke up with his girlfriend, apparently (they didn't seem that close in the first place). I scheduled my praxis exam (just getting through the phone system should earn me a passing score). Marius' uncle had a heart attack, and then some problem with a clot. It's really rough on his family, so he's going home. A few other people are going on some retreat thing this weekend, and my roomie's going home, so I get the room to myself. Ian and his girlfriend might come over to visit on Sunday, which is exciting because I haven't seen Ian in nearly a year, and I want to meet his girlfriend. I heard someone playing a penny whistle earlier today, and it reminded me of him. Seeing him with his girlfriend might be kinda tough, but it'll probably be a good thing for me. Usually seeing guys I like involved with someone else mostly ends it for me. Also, over spring break I might go to Phil/my sister's college for a night, hopefully so I can go to ballroom with them (because they insist I have to go). So that'll be fun.
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *puts some micicles out and continues running around* Where's Jesse?
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *joins Jesusfreak running around Jesse's topic* Weeeee!
  10. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *runs around Jesse's topic for no apparent reason*
  11. How lucky you are! Hope you enjoyed your sleep!!! Oh, I did. Things are finally starting to wind down a bit with the homework and all. I just got out of class early because we had an exam, which I think I did pretty well on (I was up until 1am last night studying for it). I still have two more classes to go, but in one of those we're just watching a movie, so that's not bad.
  12. Yay canceled morning class! I got a couple extra hours of sleep, which was awesome.
  13. Ah, yeah, fans work well to drown out the little noises that tend to keep me awake too. I just like music better. It only works if the music turns off after about an hour though. Otherwise it'll just wake me up later.
  14. Waiting to See I'm waiting to see what happens, but what am I waiting for? Is it for someone to make a move, or is it for something more? Will something happen that rocks the world, or someone new enter my life? Will there be something that causes joy, or will I encounter strife? What sorts of things will people do? And what paths will they take? Will they walk away from me, or will they my future make?
  15. I know the feeling. >_< When I'm at home, I usually put on some quiet music to help me fall asleep.
  16. Yay! I like having other people post in here too.
  17. Yeah for no homework!!!! Get a good night's sleep. Yeah, I was actually able to get to bed before midnight, which was really nice. Hope you enjoyed your night's sleep. You probably will not see another of those days until Easter Holiday. lol nah, I usually get a decent amount of sleep over the weekends too, but for all intents and purposes, I need 8 hours of sleep.
  18. Yeah for no homework!!!! Get a good night's sleep. Yeah, I was actually able to get to bed before midnight, which was really nice.
  19. The past few days have been kinda insane with working and not sleeping and all that fun stuff. >_< Tonight is the first night this week that I don't have homework due tomorrow (or today) that I haven't completed yet. I plan on taking a nap after my next class.
  20. If you are distracting yourself, it must be for a good reason. Knowing you, it will be accomplished in time and you will get an A! Snow days are fun. lol I can hope. Some of the homework might get done the day it's due.
  21. So, this weekend. Friday's snow day was awesome and much needed. I got to play in the snow with some friends. Saturday......I don't remember much about it, so I guess I just sat around doing nothing all day. Rayna stopped by the room, and we were talking until 4am. Then my friend Eamon IM'd me and we were talking until about 5:30am. Today we went out to the thrift store, but it was closed, so we went to the used bookstore down the street instead. And then we went to wal-mart. And now, I'm distracting myself from the massive amount of homework I need to do.
  22. Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*
  23. I haven't used myspace but I'm inclined to agree. Myspace seems like Mystalker to me. It depends on how you use it. Right now, my profile is set to private because I'm pretty much only on facebook.
  24. ooooooh man. Myspace definitely needs one of those. As to why they don't, I don't know. I think they're actually making one for myspace too. Not sure. Facebook is better anyways.
  25. Snow day today! I can't quite figure out where the noise upstairs is coming from. There was no one in the room above mine, and the people next to them said it wasn't them. The room on the other side of the one upstairs from mine is the crabby RA that tried to write us up that one time.
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