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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! Band people are usually fun times, and nice people in general.
  2. Sounds like you are not going to have time to sleep. Hope you have some time to keep us updated! lol it's going to be pretty crazy, so I might not be on every day, but I'll be here often enough. Oh good. We want to be a part of the craziness. lol okay.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Definitely. Perhaps it's better that I'm too shy to yell at people for making noise, so I at least haven't made any enemies within the suite. I'm kind of on neutral ground with everyone (except my roommate who I am on good grounds with). Still, it can feel alienating at times. What are the residential halls like at your school? Besides the crabby RA on the floor above you. There are all sorts of different types of housing. I live in a standard double, which is two people sharing one room in a hallway that shares a few bathrooms. There are 6 person suites that share a bathroom and a mini hallway that connects all the rooms and the bathroom to the main hallway. There are pods, which are four doubles that share two bathrooms and a common area. And there are four person apartments, which is four single rooms that share a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. There are also triples, which is just three people in a room instead of two, and singles which is just one person in a room. Single room areas? That would be wonderful. At my school you basically can never have a single room unless you are willing to be stuck in an unused room in one of the two basic Freshman dorms which are rather noisy and unclean...or become an RA, which I could not handle. Yeah, they're not in areas, but some people just luck out and get single rooms (as do RAs). Although this coming year there will be no more singles for normal students, because we've got a bit of a housing shortage. Some people are going to be forced into triples. >_< Oh my! Hope that doesn't happen to you, unless you're planning a triple for next year. Here some freshmen are forced into designated triple rooms, but I don't think returning students face that problem much at all, except perhaps some sophomores. I hope so too. My roomie and I don't have enough physical space for a 3rd person. (We're both from out of state, so we have EVERYTHING here on campus, because we can't just go home and get it)
  4. Sounds like you are not going to have time to sleep. Hope you have some time to keep us updated! lol it's going to be pretty crazy, so I might not be on every day, but I'll be here often enough.
  5. Spring break is next week. It's going to be insanely busy though. I'm looking at driving to CT, visiting my sister and Phil at college, two family birthdays (mom and sister, both of whom I got presents for today), a dentist appointment, and a praxis exam. Oh and then driving back here to NJ. So lots of crazy goodness.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Definitely. Perhaps it's better that I'm too shy to yell at people for making noise, so I at least haven't made any enemies within the suite. I'm kind of on neutral ground with everyone (except my roommate who I am on good grounds with). Still, it can feel alienating at times. What are the residential halls like at your school? Besides the crabby RA on the floor above you. There are all sorts of different types of housing. I live in a standard double, which is two people sharing one room in a hallway that shares a few bathrooms. There are 6 person suites that share a bathroom and a mini hallway that connects all the rooms and the bathroom to the main hallway. There are pods, which are four doubles that share two bathrooms and a common area. And there are four person apartments, which is four single rooms that share a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. There are also triples, which is just three people in a room instead of two, and singles which is just one person in a room. Single room areas? That would be wonderful. At my school you basically can never have a single room unless you are willing to be stuck in an unused room in one of the two basic Freshman dorms which are rather noisy and unclean...or become an RA, which I could not handle. Yeah, they're not in areas, but some people just luck out and get single rooms (as do RAs). Although this coming year there will be no more singles for normal students, because we've got a bit of a housing shortage. Some people are going to be forced into triples. >_<
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Definitely. Perhaps it's better that I'm too shy to yell at people for making noise, so I at least haven't made any enemies within the suite. I'm kind of on neutral ground with everyone (except my roommate who I am on good grounds with). Still, it can feel alienating at times. What are the residential halls like at your school? Besides the crabby RA on the floor above you. There are all sorts of different types of housing. I live in a standard double, which is two people sharing one room in a hallway that shares a few bathrooms. There are 6 person suites that share a bathroom and a mini hallway that connects all the rooms and the bathroom to the main hallway. There are pods, which are four doubles that share two bathrooms and a common area. And there are four person apartments, which is four single rooms that share a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. There are also triples, which is just three people in a room instead of two, and singles which is just one person in a room.
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That sounds pretty cool. Suites stink if you're not friends with your suitemates.
  9. Nope, I've been here in NJ for quite a long time. Interesting though. You should have taken a picture. Because that wouldn't look weird at all. xD Not if you have skillz like I do. They don't offer an introductory course on stalking at your school...do they? Haha no, I'm just good at taking pictures without other people noticing.
  10. Nope, I've been here in NJ for quite a long time. Interesting though. You should have taken a picture. Because that wouldn't look weird at all. xD I'm sure I looked weird enough looking at her the whole time wondering whether or not she was JF. I don't think taking a picture would have made any difference. Haha XD
  11. Nope, I've been here in NJ for quite a long time. Interesting though. You should have taken a picture. Because that wouldn't look weird at all. xD Not if you have skillz like I do.
  12. Nope, I've been here in NJ for quite a long time. Interesting though. You should have taken a picture.
  13. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Cool. Curious, what math did you have freshman semester? Algebra and trig. I probably could have placed out of it (I took AP calc in high school), but I figured it'd be good to make sure I wasn't missing anything, because at the time I was a physics major. Ah, okay then. I know that physics can have much calculus involved. Actually I don't yet, but I'll find out soon enough (next year or the year after). Physics is basically calculus applied to real life. That is the best, most perfect statement!!!!!!!! Why thank you. *bows*
  14. I think I made mention that people could dye their hair whatever color they want. I seriously doubt that enough people would dye their hair for it to become a trend though. As for cost, I've heard of people dying their hair with kool-aid.
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Cool. Curious, what math did you have freshman semester? Algebra and trig. I probably could have placed out of it (I took AP calc in high school), but I figured it'd be good to make sure I wasn't missing anything, because at the time I was a physics major. Ah, okay then. I know that physics can have much calculus involved. Actually I don't yet, but I'll find out soon enough (next year or the year after). Physics is basically calculus applied to real life.
  16. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Cool. Curious, what math did you have freshman semester? Algebra and trig. I probably could have placed out of it (I took AP calc in high school), but I figured it'd be good to make sure I wasn't missing anything, because at the time I was a physics major.
  17. Kidney stones, ow! How is he now? I hope you can figure out what doesn't seem right...it isn't that you forgot to give me some micicles today, is it? I think he's doing alright. He's at home anyways. My strange feeling might have been about the weather. We had an insane storm come through today. But just in case... *hands over some micicles*
  18. So, I have this crazy idea, and it's probably stupid and probably won't work, but I want to see what you guys think about it. The idea is to raise awareness about teasing in schools. In a lot of places, adolescents have a lot of pressure to conform to one particular style, to have perfect hair, tan skin, clothes from all the cool stores, etc. And oftentimes, people who don't fit this mold get made fun of, which does horrible things to a kid's self-esteem. Kids get labeled as "uncool" for stupid things, like wearing clothes that are a different style. I think that no one should have to go through that, and that kids should be able to look however they want without being made fun of. This isn't to say that we should throw out dress codes (we know those exist for a reason), but people should be able to have blue hair or different styles of clothing without worrying about people making fun of them for being different. So the idea is to have people dye part (or all, if they want) of their hair blue (or some other odd color of their choosing). When someone asks them about their hair, they can explain what the Blue Hair Campaign is about. I know the idea is kinda crazy, but I was curious what everyone else thinks. (And yes, I'm actually willing to dye part of my hair blue. I kinda want to do it anyways.)
  19. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    A midterm exam itself is not required at my school, but a grade is, so if the teacher feels that there are not enough graded things, or even in spite of this, there will be an exam anyway. I took the math one last week, it wasn't hard but very long. I got 105% on it. In intro to economics we took our microeconomics exam so I guess that will be like a midterm. I will take my music class one next week, and I haven't heard anything about the other classes (that paper for English might help make up our grade...eek, hope I did well on that!) Ah, yeah my college is the same way, but the professors all tend to make their midterms around the same time. And 105% awesome! I don't know if I actually have any midterms this semester....I do know, however, that I got 100% on the psych quiz I got back today. Nice job! Sounds like you've found the right major. That's what my mentor told me when I talked about my Calc 3 class. lol one can hope. And you, you're in calc 3 as a freshman!!!! That's beyond insane! Insane? Don't tell me Sheena broke our deal! Well, I was in calc 3...now I'm in differential equations, though technically I'm also a sophomore now. Instead of Freshman and Sophomore years, I got freshman and sophomore semesters. Haha you really are crazy. I was a sophomore my second semester too.
  20. Okay, now imagine this. Take all the people who have driver's licenses where they mailed away for them. Next, assume they are all in FAST cars with BIG motors, and the idiot behind the wheel has no clue that when driving in rain or snow, you lose traction. Now add this thought... if the pavement is dry you tailgate at a minimum of 30 miles over the speed limit, so if the pavement is contaminated... you tailgate even closer at higher rates of speed. Finally, take some nitwit who decides they are going to teach these crazy drivers a lesson and drives in the left lane, with blinkers on, at about 15 miles below the speed limit. YEEEEEEEEEEE.HAAAAAAAAAAA! Bumper cars. :rolleyes: There is one section of highway, I will never, NEVER, NEVER drive on, because it gets a lot of black ice and you always have crashes. Even on dry days. Of course, I am trying to leave this place and now I am stuck here waiting until the maniacs go to bed, so I can head to Florida. lol woooow.....I'll have to add that to my list of places to not live in. You never want to even visit here! Not if you value your life. Haha I'll keep that in mind. I already refuse to drive through Trenton. Now make it... I refuse to drive through Memphis and Trenton! lol I wasn't planning on going there anyways, but okay. The main reason for not going through Trenton, aside from its being absolutely ridiculous, is mostly just my lack of driving experience.
  21. Okay, now imagine this. Take all the people who have driver's licenses where they mailed away for them. Next, assume they are all in FAST cars with BIG motors, and the idiot behind the wheel has no clue that when driving in rain or snow, you lose traction. Now add this thought... if the pavement is dry you tailgate at a minimum of 30 miles over the speed limit, so if the pavement is contaminated... you tailgate even closer at higher rates of speed. Finally, take some nitwit who decides they are going to teach these crazy drivers a lesson and drives in the left lane, with blinkers on, at about 15 miles below the speed limit. YEEEEEEEEEEE.HAAAAAAAAAAA! Bumper cars. :rolleyes: There is one section of highway, I will never, NEVER, NEVER drive on, because it gets a lot of black ice and you always have crashes. Even on dry days. Of course, I am trying to leave this place and now I am stuck here waiting until the maniacs go to bed, so I can head to Florida. lol woooow.....I'll have to add that to my list of places to not live in. You never want to even visit here! Not if you value your life. Haha I'll keep that in mind. I already refuse to drive through Trenton.
  22. Hm...so today has been mostly boring. Most of my friends are home, although my roomie's still here. Her family isn't well organized. Brennan apparently has kidney stones, so he was in the hospital earlier today. He's home now. It was interesting because throughout the day something just didn't seem right. Something still doesn't seem right, and I feel kinda restless, but still apathetic. I don't know why, and it kinda bothers me.
  23. Okay, now imagine this. Take all the people who have driver's licenses where they mailed away for them. Next, assume they are all in FAST cars with BIG motors, and the idiot behind the wheel has no clue that when driving in rain or snow, you lose traction. Now add this thought... if the pavement is dry you tailgate at a minimum of 30 miles over the speed limit, so if the pavement is contaminated... you tailgate even closer at higher rates of speed. Finally, take some nitwit who decides they are going to teach these crazy drivers a lesson and drives in the left lane, with blinkers on, at about 15 miles below the speed limit. YEEEEEEEEEEE.HAAAAAAAAAAA! Bumper cars. :rolleyes: There is one section of highway, I will never, NEVER, NEVER drive on, because it gets a lot of black ice and you always have crashes. Even on dry days. Of course, I am trying to leave this place and now I am stuck here waiting until the maniacs go to bed, so I can head to Florida. lol woooow.....I'll have to add that to my list of places to not live in.
  24. So this is where all the cool people are hanging out. I want a blizzard! Here in NJ we got a snow day at college for about 4" of snow. Back home in CT we might have a delay for that. But then again, if you've ever driven around NJ, you'd understand why.
  25. Edge Something seems wrong, now is that true? Something seems wrong, I've been thinking of you. Things are strange, I watch time change, Not quite sure what to do. We're all on edge, The past we dredge, is starting to drive us insane, but still make sense of our world today. Looking forward, looking back, at memories we dare to track. Uncertainty takes it's toll, Eyes will roll, As we leap over yet another hurdle. The delicate balance, We try to maintain, Do what we can To reduce the strain. Waiting to see just how it ends, While in the mean time, Sanity bends.
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