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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Dentists... wish we could get rid of cavities with lasers. Wouldn't that be nice. Oh yeah. I'm at the college now, and have nothing really interesting to report aside from the fact that anime was fun times. Sadly, I probably won't see Phil tomorrow because he's stuck in labs all day. Our family plus Tommy are all going out to dinner tomorrow for Jenny's birthday, and then I come back home, because I have my Praxis I exams Friday morning. Hopefully you will squeeze in a little time to see Phil after his labs. Good luck on your exams. That would be awesome. The problem is that his labs end right around when Jenny and I have to leave to meet our parents and Tommy at the restaurant. But we'll see what happens. Too bad he couldn't come to dinner with you all. Now that would be awesome!!! The cool thing would be that he was just coming as a friend and your parents would not be scrutinizing him as a future "mate". So that would take all the pressure off him. LOL Oh, my parents already love him. Phil and my sister were friends back in like 2nd grade, so he was at our house all the time. And he's still just as sweet as he was back then. They're also already aware that I'm interested in him. However, we're going out to dinner to celebrate Mom/Jenny/Tommy's birthdays, so it's not really up to me to invite anyone, and Jenny wouldn't invite him because she has Tommy (and he's already somewhat concerned that she likes Phil as more than a friend). So, yeah. >_< It's kind of strange being the only person in your family that's single when you all go out to dinner.
  2. Dentists... wish we could get rid of cavities with lasers. Wouldn't that be nice. Oh yeah. I'm at the college now, and have nothing really interesting to report aside from the fact that anime was fun times. Sadly, I probably won't see Phil tomorrow because he's stuck in labs all day. Our family plus Tommy are all going out to dinner tomorrow for Jenny's birthday, and then I come back home, because I have my Praxis I exams Friday morning. Hopefully you will squeeze in a little time to see Phil after his labs. Good luck on your exams. That would be awesome. The problem is that his labs end right around when Jenny and I have to leave to meet our parents and Tommy at the restaurant. But we'll see what happens.
  3. Dentists... wish we could get rid of cavities with lasers. Wouldn't that be nice. Oh yeah. I'm at the college now, and have nothing really interesting to report aside from the fact that anime was fun times. Sadly, I probably won't see Phil tomorrow because he's stuck in labs all day. Our family plus Tommy are all going out to dinner tomorrow for Jenny's birthday, and then I come back home, because I have my Praxis I exams Friday morning.
  4. I'm back from the dentist. I had two cavities, so now I can't feel half my face, and one of them kinda hurts (It never hurt until it was filled. ) I'm waiting for the novocaine to wear off, which is supposed to take about an hour. I'm not so sure I believe that. Once it goes away, or at least mostly goes away, I'll head up to Jenny/Phil's place, as long as I'm not in a lot of pain.
  5. Yeah for getting back home safe. Agreed! We went out to dinner at Olive Garden because it's mom's birthday. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, and as long as I'm not in pain or drugged afterwards, I'll be going back up to Jenny/Phil's college for another night, because anime club is tomorrow night, and they want me to be there for that. Phil was particularly insistent that I come back, so that's encouraging. Sounds really promising. Have a great time!!! Wow, I think I'm actually not reading too much into this. I just finished looking at the pictures from ballroom on my camera. He's looking at me in at least a quarter of them, which is a lot when you consider that he was dancing in all of them, and as such should have been looking at his dance partner, or perhaps the instructor or other couples to make sure he's doing it right. So that's kind of exciting. I'm now debating whether I should point out the eye contact to him just to see how he reacts. I don't want to make him uncomfortable though, and a question like that would probably make anyone feel awkward. Otherwise inexplicable eye contact aside, I also realized that taking good pictures of dancers is not easy. I wasn't really impressed with how most of my pictures came out. But at least it gives me something to practice with next time I'm around for ballroom. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! You do not need to ask him about eye contact. I think you already have the answer to this question. Trust me, he would not be asking you to come up if there was not something to him wanting to get to know you better. Haha that's kind of what I figure. He IM'd me this morning pretty much the second I signed on, for no apparent reason. It made me happy.
  6. Yeah for getting back home safe. Agreed! We went out to dinner at Olive Garden because it's mom's birthday. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, and as long as I'm not in pain or drugged afterwards, I'll be going back up to Jenny/Phil's college for another night, because anime club is tomorrow night, and they want me to be there for that. Phil was particularly insistent that I come back, so that's encouraging. Sounds really promising. Have a great time!!! Wow, I think I'm actually not reading too much into this. I just finished looking at the pictures from ballroom on my camera. He's looking at me in at least a quarter of them, which is a lot when you consider that he was dancing in all of them, and as such should have been looking at his dance partner, or perhaps the instructor or other couples to make sure he's doing it right. So that's kind of exciting. I'm now debating whether I should point out the eye contact to him just to see how he reacts. I don't want to make him uncomfortable though, and a question like that would probably make anyone feel awkward. Otherwise inexplicable eye contact aside, I also realized that taking good pictures of dancers is not easy. I wasn't really impressed with how most of my pictures came out. But at least it gives me something to practice with next time I'm around for ballroom.
  7. You may not think it's your best, but I think it really quite good!!! Thanks. Most of my poems have been a bit jumbled lately. This time it was partly because I had to leave for dinner, so I was a bit rushed. >_<
  8. Once again not my best work, but whatever. Infatuation Like a cheesy cliche, I have butterflies in my stomach. He's been on my mind all day, Been awhile since I felt this way. I'm happy just to have a chance, To look at those eyes Twirling round as he danced, A pleasant surprise, A possible romance.
  9. Yeah for getting back home safe. Agreed! We went out to dinner at Olive Garden because it's mom's birthday. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, and as long as I'm not in pain or drugged afterwards, I'll be going back up to Jenny/Phil's college for another night, because anime club is tomorrow night, and they want me to be there for that. Phil was particularly insistent that I come back, so that's encouraging.
  10. Is that directed towards me? Yes it is. (although it's good stuff for everyone to know)
  11. I'm back at home now. At some point, I took a wrong turn, but somehow ended up where I was supposed to be anyways. I pulled up Google maps a few minutes ago to see what I did, and I credit God with having me make the right turns. Also, the road I was on had a gas station, so I was able to get gas and not be worried about not being sure where I was.
  12. This sounds like all sorts of ridiculous. You need SLEEP. Four hours is NOT enough. No wonder you're having such a tough time. Sleep is directly related to your ability to learn.
  13. So, I got to go to ballroom today with Jenny and Phil, which was lots of fun. I got to learn a few dances, and watch Jenny and Phil dance. And Phil dancing is fun to watch, because he's pretty good, and it makes him look even more attractive than he already is. Oh, and while I was learning some of the dances, I got to dance with Phil. Which was awesome. After that we went and got dinner and talked for awhile. As much as I'm probably just reading into things too much, I think he might actually like me as more than a friend. He was looking at me and making eye contact a lot, even while he was dancing and I was watching. Jenny knows I'm interested in him, and I told her that she could tell him I like him ONLY if he expresses mutual feelings. Otherwise things could get really awkward, and even if Phil doesn't like me like that, I still want to be friends. So, we'll see what happens.
  14. @_@ How can a human being do that......
  15. That is excellent! I should do stuff like that when I'm a teacher... I'm at my sister/Phil's college now, which is awesome. We played Brawl on the Wii for awhile in his room. Phil's computer background is an anime girl with blond hair and blue eyes like me, so I'm not sure what to make of that. It's probably sheer coincidence, but it's interesting. Also one of his roomies looks like a chubby and slightly shorter version of Ian. It's kinda creepy. The other roomie is Scott, who I know from middle school. So, it's been fun times so far, with the exception of some awkwardness involving some roomie issues involving my sister and Robin's (the roomie that looks like Ian) girlfriend. (My sister wants to room with Scott's girlfriend instead of her, and it's just really stupid drama. Not my sister's fault). Great to hear you made the drive and are having fun. Phil's choice of anime girl might be a good way to keep you on his mind. Your sister needs to room with who she feels is right, otherwise, it might be a very long year. lol maybe. But for the sake of not setting myself up for disappointment, I'm not making any assumptions. And as for Jenny's roomie situation, that's exactly the idea. Her and the girl that's causing drama have very different sleeping schedules, which would be a huge problem. Plus she's annoying. Jenny gets along really well with Scott's girlfriend, and they have similar sleeping patterns, so it would work out fine. And I got a free t-shirt today! The college TV channel was handing out green shirts with their logo on it. Yeah for free t-shirts!!! Agreed! Free T-shirts make up a significant part of my wardrobe.
  16. That is excellent! I should do stuff like that when I'm a teacher... I'm at my sister/Phil's college now, which is awesome. We played Brawl on the Wii for awhile in his room. Phil's computer background is an anime girl with blond hair and blue eyes like me, so I'm not sure what to make of that. It's probably sheer coincidence, but it's interesting. Also one of his roomies looks like a chubby and slightly shorter version of Ian. It's kinda creepy. The other roomie is Scott, who I know from middle school. So, it's been fun times so far, with the exception of some awkwardness involving some roomie issues involving my sister and Robin's (the roomie that looks like Ian) girlfriend. (My sister wants to room with Scott's girlfriend instead of her, and it's just really stupid drama. Not my sister's fault). Great to hear you made the drive and are having fun. Phil's choice of anime girl might be a good way to keep you on his mind. Your sister needs to room with who she feels is right, otherwise, it might be a very long year. lol maybe. But for the sake of not setting myself up for disappointment, I'm not making any assumptions. And as for Jenny's roomie situation, that's exactly the idea. Her and the girl that's causing drama have very different sleeping schedules, which would be a huge problem. Plus she's annoying. Jenny gets along really well with Scott's girlfriend, and they have similar sleeping patterns, so it would work out fine. And I got a free t-shirt today! The college TV channel was handing out green shirts with their logo on it.
  17. That is excellent! I should do stuff like that when I'm a teacher... I'm at my sister/Phil's college now, which is awesome. We played Brawl on the Wii for awhile in his room. Phil's computer background is an anime girl with blond hair and blue eyes like me, so I'm not sure what to make of that. It's probably sheer coincidence, but it's interesting. Also one of his roomies looks like a chubby and slightly shorter version of Ian. It's kinda creepy. The other roomie is Scott, who I know from middle school. So, it's been fun times so far, with the exception of some awkwardness involving some roomie issues involving my sister and Robin's (the roomie that looks like Ian) girlfriend. (My sister wants to room with Scott's girlfriend instead of her, and it's just really stupid drama. Not my sister's fault).
  18. Actually it is National Psychic Day... you are supposed to 'know' exactly what the other driver's are thinking. BTW, take a look at this wonderful poetry... http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...=5174&st=20 Sorry, but you were wrong. xD Friday was actually national pi day. So my school had a thing where whoever could recite pi correctly out the farthest won a pi and a gift card to the movies. Some girl won, with 230 digits. That's insane. My cousin used to be able to recite I think the first 100 digits. And I was aware that it was pi day, half my friends had facebook statuses about it.
  19. Actually it is National Psychic Day... you are supposed to 'know' exactly what the other driver's are thinking. BTW, take a look at this wonderful poetry... http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...=5174&st=20 Oooh, is that how it works?
  20. I'm home! The ride home wasn't too bad, aside from the fact that I almost ran out of gas. My car goes really far when it's on E. And it's apparently national don't use your blinker day. But aside from that, driving was okay.
  21. Haha Photography is fun times.
  22. Wow, well good luck with all of those things and have a safe travel. Traveling from NJ to CT is no fun from what I heard from my roommate and his relatives. And I thought my break was busy, with pep band events and not having food services open...and scalding hot showers because barely anyone was in the building. If nothing else, be glad you don't have to stay on campus. Mm, it's not bad, but I've only really been driving for about a month, so I'm a bit nervous about it. The trick is going to be trying to bypass the George Washington Bridge without getting myself horribly lost. Because I don't want to drive through all that mess. As for staying on campus, they *make* us leave. We don't even have a choice. There are some people that have to stay though. I was at college for a summer session, and there were people around, but it was really quiet, but the water pressure still stunk. There were less food choices available, but they always had plain pasta, and they had some AMAZING cakes. So it wasn't too bad.
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse!!!! What great news! I hope it all works out for you. Yes, I hope so too. I have a good feeling that it will, though. By the way the times seem to keep changing on the board. More specifically the forum index is now an hour behind the rest of the board for some reason. Yeah, I noticed that too. The boards can't seem to make up their minds whether it's daylight savings time or not. That's only because some of them are still programmed to the old Daylight Savings Time... which would not have occurred yet. Ah, that kinda makes sense.
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse!!!! What great news! I hope it all works out for you. Yes, I hope so too. I have a good feeling that it will, though. By the way the times seem to keep changing on the board. More specifically the forum index is now an hour behind the rest of the board for some reason. Yeah, I noticed that too. The boards can't seem to make up their minds whether it's daylight savings time or not.
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