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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Enjoy your break. You hardly get any of those. Will you get to see Phil? Huh? No, I mean I'm taking a break from doing homework. I'm still on campus and all that. I probably won't see Phil until May when we're both out of college for the summer. Although I might see if my parents want to see if he and my sister want to come down for my choir concert at the end of the month. Then he might get to briefly meet some of my friends. And if they get out a week after I do, and it's okay with my roomie, I might see about them coming down to visit here for a few days, because I got to visit them for a few days. I just keep forgetting to ask my roomie about it....
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    :blush: My apologies. I was in Cincinnati this morning, then Memphis, now Chicago. At the end of the week, I hope to have pictures of Little Big Horn. Ah, I figured you were probably busy.
  3. Yeah, I remember most of that. And Hanson is totally missing from that list.
  4. Looks like I've neglected my own topic. Not much new has really happened lately, aside from massive amounts of homework. I got a lot done in the past two days, so I'm taking a break now. But yeah, nothing spectacularly interesting.
  5. Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Glad to hear you had an awesome time! My dad's company is oddly lenient about his working hours. It seems that they don't really care when my dad works as long as it's mostly when he's supposed to, and as long as the total number of hours is the same. So he'll do things like work an hour later than normal from Monday-Thursday, and then take Friday afternoon off. It's pretty awesome. And Horatio, it's about time you're online! I've been waiting for you to mod posts all day!
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Um...you're what, three years ahead in your math? At this level, math is supposed to take forever. That's nothing to be depressed about. If your roomie is keeping you awake, tell him to do his homework somewhere else, like in a lounge or something. And when you're feeling lonely, you can always come talk to us. I know it's not the same, but it's better than nothing. And if nothing else, the semester is almost over! Fine, I'll take my time with the math. My roommate does his homework in the study lounge nearby. However, he still walks in and out to get stuff or print things using his printer. And of course when he's ready to go to bed. Ah. Then nicely inform him that his constant going in and out of the room wakes you up (he might not even know), and request that he takes everything he might need with him the first time, and holds off on printing things until you're awake. (If my roomie's sleeping when I need to print something, I email it to the professor instead and offer to bring in a hard copy later. That way your prof knows you got it done on time, and you won't wake up your roomie (and if your prof doesn't want the hard copy, it saves paper and ink!) He knows I wake up when he walks in. If I startle or something he just says "don't worry, it's only me". He also knows that I wake up after his phone goes off a million times in the morning. I don't know why he doesn't do anything about it, but I'm afraid of being too offensive about it/ Sometimes you just need to be upfront about it. I don't think most guys will get offended if you tell them to stop doing things that keep waking you up.
  8. *has an image of Jesusfreak reaching into the goldfish bowl and grabbing a cute little fishy and popping it into her mouth* Ew. *is reminded of the babelfish from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy*
  9. Cheesasaurus Rex! I don't know why that came to my mind. My thought before that was Goldfish, partly because they're cheese flavored, and partly because I'm eating them right now (the crackers, not the fish silly!). Or Cheese Curls.
  10. Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it. Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. I know. I've known for a while that they often don't make any sense. But trying to deal with the anomalies can be annoying. x3 I concur. That's why most of my friends are guys. That, and because I apparently tend to think like a guy. Apparently my brain has the best of both worlds.
  11. lol you guys are something else.
  12. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Um...you're what, three years ahead in your math? At this level, math is supposed to take forever. That's nothing to be depressed about. If your roomie is keeping you awake, tell him to do his homework somewhere else, like in a lounge or something. And when you're feeling lonely, you can always come talk to us. I know it's not the same, but it's better than nothing. And if nothing else, the semester is almost over! Fine, I'll take my time with the math. My roommate does his homework in the study lounge nearby. However, he still walks in and out to get stuff or print things using his printer. And of course when he's ready to go to bed. Ah. Then nicely inform him that his constant going in and out of the room wakes you up (he might not even know), and request that he takes everything he might need with him the first time, and holds off on printing things until you're awake. (If my roomie's sleeping when I need to print something, I email it to the professor instead and offer to bring in a hard copy later. That way your prof knows you got it done on time, and you won't wake up your roomie (and if your prof doesn't want the hard copy, it saves paper and ink!)
  13. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *gives Jesse a really big hammy bear hug* Thanks, I feel a bit better today. I also went to bed at 10. Didn't fall asleep for a while doing that (my dad called me, my roommate walked in and out, etc.), but I wanted the rest anyway. I'm leaving for the band festival tomorrow, and will get back late Saturday night. Yay band festival! That sounds like fun.
  14. For the most part, your English is better than most native English speakers.
  15. Having read the past two pages and probably also having forgotten half of it: Horatio, those pictures are stunning! What type of camera do you have? Oh, and I saw the bee in the picture before it was mentioned. *sings* Boooris the spiiiderrrrr! (for anyone who doesn't know, there is a song called "boris the spider" by the who. My dad used to sing it to us when we were little and there was a spider in the house.) zomg cheesy has a pet spider. And its name is Boris. That's awesome. I like spiders. They eat other more annoying bugs. I generally avoid killing things unless they're a threat to me or my food. Anything else gets captured on a piece of paper or something and put outside where it belongs.
  16. Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it. Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense.
  17. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Um...you're what, three years ahead in your math? At this level, math is supposed to take forever. That's nothing to be depressed about. If your roomie is keeping you awake, tell him to do his homework somewhere else, like in a lounge or something. And when you're feeling lonely, you can always come talk to us. I know it's not the same, but it's better than nothing. And if nothing else, the semester is almost over!
  18. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    Ooh, you have fun hair! It looks a lot like mine, only shorter and a teeny bit darker. My hair gets really frizzy when it is humid. Your's too? But some of my friends love to play with my hair, cause it goes into little spirals than can be springed. x3 It amuses me that is amuses them so much. But my hair has varying shades of darkness. Like, the outer hair is a lot lighter than my under hair. Or however you would phrase it. My hair is made of frizz. And it's the same way with the different shades in it. Although mine's more wavy than curly. The funny thing is, when I was little, my hair used to be pin straight and platinum blond.
  19. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    Ooh, you have fun hair! It looks a lot like mine, only shorter and a teeny bit darker.
  20. Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.
  21. Ooh fun! That's the type of stuff we were learning in my cell bio class right before I dropped it. (I understood the material, but the quizzes were impossible to pass, and the teacher didn't know how to teach. I decided it wasn't worth my GPA.)
  22. It's okay, I give God praises when I get good amounts of sleep with my earplugs. Like I got 10 hours last night. Also I have just 6 more weeks left. 10 hours is awesome. Oh, and room selection was today. We got the general area where we wanted to be, so that's all good.
  23. :blink: :blink: So, what happens if a freshman goes to a school where he/she doesn't know anyone? They should be in regular housing, where it's two students per room that lets out directly into the hallway. That way your rooms aren't in such close quarters, and you can socialize with the entirety of your hallway rather than just your suite. The way my college did it was that honors kids had the option of living in the honors dorm, which is just a regular residence hall, except the kitchen and lounges are nicer than the other buildings. There's also another building that's all regular freshmen, known as "freshmen experience" or something dumb like that. I've been in there once. It was scary. Freshmen can also pick any of the other buildings they want, except for premium housing like suites or pods (unless an upperclassman pulls them in). The building I'm in now is partially wellness (substance free). Another building houses mostly science majors, another one has mostly sports people, etc. And the "early riser" "late riser" thing is pointless for freshmen too, because a lot of them change their living/sleeping patterns once they get to college (and the less responsible ones are likely to lie about it because their parents are watching as they fill it out). I still do my homework in my room, but my sleep schedule moved forward about 3 hours from what it was when I was in high school.
  24. I'm glad your registration was mostly okay, that's the one thing about college that can be stressful to work out. Well that and housing, which I hope works out well for you. I'm going to bed now even if it sounds like there are apes in the common area of our suite. Glad you're getting sleep. Haha. I'm still amazed they put freshmen in suites with people they don't know. That's so dumb.
  25. =O!!! I should send Nutzky a snapshot I took in brawl! A funny one! I have many! Please post your snapshot! I don't know how D= Can you get your picture on your desktop? Or, do you have a photo program on your computer? If so, let me know and I will tell you exactly how to do it. Whether it is on the desktop or in a photo program, note the number or name of the picture. Let me know... moderators are standing by. The picture isn't even on my computer, it's on the game disc. Wii has internet connection, so maybe I could upload it that way? Does the wii have a web browser? Like could you maybe save the picture in an email using the wii? If you can do that, you could then open the email on your computer, and save the picture, and then upload it here. I'm pretty sure it does. I have my Wii connected to Internet, but I don't know if I can use the browser. I'll read my manual and find out. *thwacks MK with THE ENCLOSED INSTRUCTION BOOK.* Hey now, you realize the Enclosed Instruction Book is a living creature right? It has feelings Hahaha
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