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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. ... for now. LOL If a miracle occurs over the summer and we end up as a couple, I'm sure we'll visit each other a few times throughout the year (provided he gets his license over the summer, which he's planning on doing). And there's a good chance I'll do my grad school at his college, which he's also planning on doing. You never know. And miracles do happen. LOL Fully aware of that. So now I'm just hoping for the best. I knew you were. With that in mind, how's this one... 'good things take time'. This is true. It's so nice out today! Yesterday in Chicago it was sunny, but in the shadows of those tall buildings, the wind was still chilly. I stopped in a place called The Soupbox, and had the most incredible bowl of soup. It felt so good on a chilly day. Ooh, that sounds good. Today between some of my classes I went out and took pictures of trees and flowers just for the sake of being outside (and some of the trees have flowers and they're really pretty). I took a couple pictures when I was downtown Chicago. If they turned out, I will post them. Awesome! Oh, and Ian visited today. Out of nowhere. He called and said he would be here in 10 minutes because there was a small music thing going on that he wanted to go to, so I went with him. And he stayed a little while after, but had to go home because he has a paper to write. So that was interesting. Verrrrrry interesting. Glad you had a nice time. Yeah. The nice thing is that it wasn't awkward, which was good. I was kinda worried about that. But he made no mention of the fact that I had feelings for him, and I think I told him something about Phil when we were talking on aim over winter break, so things seem to be back to normal (if you can call anything involving Ian normal. )
  2. It looks to me like you have four subjects that are not easy. Physics, Pre-Calc, US History and English, are not subjects where you have no homework. Jesse and Jesusfreak would be in a much better position to answer, but I do feel that you are not a slacker and have a very good idea of what you can handle and where to draw the line. Personally, I think your choices are good ones and I think theater will be a good course for you to enjoy. Theater also takes a lot of work, but sometimes this type work is fun. My vote is to keep your schedule the way it is. If you overload yourself and your grades suffer, what good is it to take the extra course? I have no desire to do good in school anymore. Every since my grandpa passed, I'm just so.. blah. I think I'm going to take regular English, regular US History and regular Pre-Calc next year, instead of honors. Well, the is not Us History Honors, the only choices are AP and regular, and I despise History, so I don't want to take AP. Pre-Calc is still advanced for my grade, so, I guess it's aiiiiight. I'm skipping Physics and taking AP Bio. And French 4H, Spanish 2, Independant Studies for Ceramics, and Gym &stuff. Today I decided that I pretty much hate all the Spanish teachers in my school, especially the one I have now, so I might not take Spanish next year. I don't knowwwwww. I'm so confused. We were supposed to hand iin our course selection sheet already, but I didn't. Your grandfather would want you to do well in school. Just because he is not on the earth in a physical form, he is with you in spirit. Please try and take all the courses you should and perhaps the teacher for AP History is better and more interesting than the regular History course. A good teacher can make all the difference. You already have French, so if you don't want to take Spanish, I don't see why you should. Does your school offer German? Well, it's the same teacher that I have now, and I like him, but I just really really despise history. American History is the worst, we've done it like, 4 times. 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 7+8 Grade. Why do I need to take it again. I'm smart, if I try. It's just that I'm a major procrastinator and my working habits could use improvement. Take this advice from the world's greatest procrastinator... get your work and study habits up to speed now. If you do that, then college will be a whole lot easier. As Jesusfreak mentioned, if you take the AP History course now, you will not have to take it in college. That's actually a great idea. But if I don't do well on the test, then I will have to take it again.. In most cases, if you do well in the class, you'll do well on the test. If you want, you can go out and buy the study books for the AP classes you take (they make them for the SAT's as well). Those are good if you only care about passing the test. If you still don't do well on the test, then at least when you take the class over again, it'll be easier (that's what saved me when I tool calculus. My AP teacher didn't teach to the test, so we all got 1s, and I had to take calc in college. But my college calc professor was horrible! Remembering stuff from my AP calc class helped me pass calc in college.)
  3. I still suggest taking higher level courses. They're worth it. In my experience, they were also a lot more fun because the students were more intelligent, and the teachers seem to enjoy teaching AP classes more, which does make a difference. (And like I said, if you do well on the AP test, you don't have to take it in college. So you should take AP classes in subjects you don't like so you don't have to do it in college.)
  4. ... for now. If a miracle occurs over the summer and we end up as a couple, I'm sure we'll visit each other a few times throughout the year (provided he gets his license over the summer, which he's planning on doing). And there's a good chance I'll do my grad school at his college, which he's also planning on doing. You never know. And miracles do happen. Fully aware of that. So now I'm just hoping for the best. I knew you were. With that in mind, how's this one... 'good things take time'. This is true. It's so nice out today! Yesterday in Chicago it was sunny, but in the shadows of those tall buildings, the wind was still chilly. I stopped in a place called The Soupbox, and had the most incredible bowl of soup. It felt so good on a chilly day. Ooh, that sounds good. Today between some of my classes I went out and took pictures of trees and flowers just for the sake of being outside (and some of the trees have flowers and they're really pretty). I took a couple pictures when I was downtown Chicago. If they turned out, I will post them. Awesome! Oh, and Ian visited today. Out of nowhere. He called and said he would be here in 10 minutes because there was a small music thing going on that he wanted to go to, so I went with him. And he stayed a little while after, but had to go home because he has a paper to write. So that was interesting.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, I have to agree that for most people, talking to your roomie in person is probably your best bet. However, if you don't spend much time together in the room, or if you're just really bad with words, a letter might help too. It's up to you, really.
  6. AP classes aren't easy, but they're worth it. The nice thing about AP is that not only does it look awesome on your transcript, it gets you out of classes in college, which is awesome. Being ahead in your credits is nice because you might be able to graduate early, or course select sooner than normal. Plus the classes, because they're more difficult, prepare you more for the course load in college. I suggest taking as many as possible without losing your sanity.
  7. ... for now. If a miracle occurs over the summer and we end up as a couple, I'm sure we'll visit each other a few times throughout the year (provided he gets his license over the summer, which he's planning on doing). And there's a good chance I'll do my grad school at his college, which he's also planning on doing. You never know. And miracles do happen. Fully aware of that. So now I'm just hoping for the best. I knew you were. With that in mind, how's this one... 'good things take time'. This is true. It's so nice out today! Yesterday in Chicago it was sunny, but in the shadows of those tall buildings, the wind was still chilly. I stopped in a place called The Soupbox, and had the most incredible bowl of soup. It felt so good on a chilly day. Ooh, that sounds good. Today between some of my classes I went out and took pictures of trees and flowers just for the sake of being outside (and some of the trees have flowers and they're really pretty).
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That is absolutely ridiculous. And I'm going to tell you what your mentor is going to tell you: You have to talk to your roomie about it. His actions are totally inconsiderate (if he even knows he's waking you up). If you don't talk to him, he's not going to know you're upset, and nothing will change.
  9. ... for now. If a miracle occurs over the summer and we end up as a couple, I'm sure we'll visit each other a few times throughout the year (provided he gets his license over the summer, which he's planning on doing). And there's a good chance I'll do my grad school at his college, which he's also planning on doing. You never know. And miracles do happen. Fully aware of that. So now I'm just hoping for the best. I knew you were. With that in mind, how's this one... 'good things take time'. This is true. It's so nice out today!
  10. you are completely right!! Hanson deserve a spot on that list! i swear for the longest time i thought there was a girl in hanson! like mmmbop sounds so... feminine! That's because when it was recorded at least one of them hadn't hit puberty yet.
  11. Life happens. Good luck with your studies!
  12. ... for now. If a miracle occurs over the summer and we end up as a couple, I'm sure we'll visit each other a few times throughout the year (provided he gets his license over the summer, which he's planning on doing). And there's a good chance I'll do my grad school at his college, which he's also planning on doing. You never know. And miracles do happen. Fully aware of that. So now I'm just hoping for the best.
  13. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    :blush: My apologies. I was in Cincinnati this morning, then Memphis, now Chicago. At the end of the week, I hope to have pictures of Little Big Horn. Ah, I figured you were probably busy. At work we have wireless and I tried again, but had to get approved. This will take a week???????? Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttt? Huh? I am whining. It takes the company one week to approve you to use your laptop with their wireless. We all have undergone background checks and all sorts of other checks, so I cannot imagine why it takes an entire week. Ah. I would have thought you would have gotten yourself approved for wireless a looooong time ago. I should have, but I always used the company computers as the wireless seats were always filled. They now have expanded the wireless seating area and the company computers are too busy, so I decided to start using Adam. *is caught being lazy* Ah, cool. I remember when we went down to FL, there was wireless available in the waiting area in the air port, but you had to pay for it. Which my sister did. I have no idea why we have to get approved, it is not like anyone can get within 1000 feet of the building, without going through security. The dumb thing is that I can use my cell phone to hook up to the same wireless network without being approved. Yeah, that seems pretty silly to me.
  14. ... for now. If a miracle occurs over the summer and we end up as a couple, I'm sure we'll visit each other a few times throughout the year (provided he gets his license over the summer, which he's planning on doing). And there's a good chance I'll do my grad school at his college, which he's also planning on doing.
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    :blush: My apologies. I was in Cincinnati this morning, then Memphis, now Chicago. At the end of the week, I hope to have pictures of Little Big Horn. Ah, I figured you were probably busy. At work we have wireless and I tried again, but had to get approved. This will take a week???????? Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttt? Huh? I am whining. It takes the company one week to approve you to use your laptop with their wireless. We all have undergone background checks and all sorts of other checks, so I cannot imagine why it takes an entire week. Ah. I would have thought you would have gotten yourself approved for wireless a looooong time ago. I should have, but I always used the company computers as the wireless seats were always filled. They now have expanded the wireless seating area and the company computers are too busy, so I decided to start using Adam. *is caught being lazy* Ah, cool. I remember when we went down to FL, there was wireless available in the waiting area in the air port, but you had to pay for it. Which my sister did.
  16. Enjoy your break. You hardly get any of those. Will you get to see Phil? Huh? No, I mean I'm taking a break from doing homework. I'm still on campus and all that. I probably won't see Phil until May when we're both out of college for the summer. Although I might see if my parents want to see if he and my sister want to come down for my choir concert at the end of the month. Then he might get to briefly meet some of my friends. And if they get out a week after I do, and it's okay with my roomie, I might see about them coming down to visit here for a few days, because I got to visit them for a few days. I just keep forgetting to ask my roomie about it.... *puts a post-it note on Jesusfreaks forehead* Remember to ask roomie! That sounds like a really great idea. lol I'm not sure where I'm going to put them though. I can put one in the hammock and one on the floor. Another option would be to put Phil on the floor of one of my guy friends' rooms. Or, if one of my friends is done with exams soon enough, they might leave a week early and one of them (depending on gender) could take the missing friend's bed. Or the three of us and maybe some other friends could have a sleepover party in one of the lounges. (although that might result in being woken up at inconvenient hours). Or I could clear off the loft platform thing, put all the stuff in my car (get some packing done early), and put someone up there. The possibilities are endless.....as long as my roomie doesn't mind having up to two people she doesn't know in the room. I think she should be okay with that. You are very respectful of others, so she ought to feel that you would be thinking of her as well. Just talked to roomie, she seems kinda okay with it as long as it's not more than like two nights. It'll probably also depend on what our final exam schedules look like. So cool!!! I am excited for you! This is going to be great!!!!!!! Mm I'm going to be realistic and say it's probably not going to happen anyways. But we'll see what happens. I like thinking positively. I know better than to do that. I take a middle of the road approach. Phil and sister visiting for choir concert: plausible. Phil and sister visiting for a few days: not likely, but possible. Seeing Phil and sister during summer break: assuming no tragedies happen, definitely. I can't win them all. The summer is the best of all times to see Phil. lol it's just about the only time I can see him. Summer and winter breaks. Because that's the only time we're in the same town. Even then, I'm not sure how often we'll see each other, because we're both going to be working, and I'm going to be at camp on the weekends. I'm hoping to bring him up to camp with me for at least one weekend, and maybe go to the renaissance faire, because he'd probably enjoy that.
  17. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    :blush: My apologies. I was in Cincinnati this morning, then Memphis, now Chicago. At the end of the week, I hope to have pictures of Little Big Horn. Ah, I figured you were probably busy. At work we have wireless and I tried again, but had to get approved. This will take a week???????? Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttt? Huh? I am whining. It takes the company one week to approve you to use your laptop with their wireless. We all have undergone background checks and all sorts of other checks, so I cannot imagine why it takes an entire week. Ah. I would have thought you would have gotten yourself approved for wireless a looooong time ago.
  18. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    :blush: My apologies. I was in Cincinnati this morning, then Memphis, now Chicago. At the end of the week, I hope to have pictures of Little Big Horn. Ah, I figured you were probably busy. At work we have wireless and I tried again, but had to get approved. This will take a week???????? Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttt? Huh?
  19. Enjoy your break. You hardly get any of those. Will you get to see Phil? Huh? No, I mean I'm taking a break from doing homework. I'm still on campus and all that. I probably won't see Phil until May when we're both out of college for the summer. Although I might see if my parents want to see if he and my sister want to come down for my choir concert at the end of the month. Then he might get to briefly meet some of my friends. And if they get out a week after I do, and it's okay with my roomie, I might see about them coming down to visit here for a few days, because I got to visit them for a few days. I just keep forgetting to ask my roomie about it.... *puts a post-it note on Jesusfreaks forehead* Remember to ask roomie! That sounds like a really great idea. lol I'm not sure where I'm going to put them though. I can put one in the hammock and one on the floor. Another option would be to put Phil on the floor of one of my guy friends' rooms. Or, if one of my friends is done with exams soon enough, they might leave a week early and one of them (depending on gender) could take the missing friend's bed. Or the three of us and maybe some other friends could have a sleepover party in one of the lounges. (although that might result in being woken up at inconvenient hours). Or I could clear off the loft platform thing, put all the stuff in my car (get some packing done early), and put someone up there. The possibilities are endless.....as long as my roomie doesn't mind having up to two people she doesn't know in the room. I think she should be okay with that. You are very respectful of others, so she ought to feel that you would be thinking of her as well. Just talked to roomie, she seems kinda okay with it as long as it's not more than like two nights. It'll probably also depend on what our final exam schedules look like. So cool!!! I am excited for you! This is going to be great!!!!!!! Mm I'm going to be realistic and say it's probably not going to happen anyways. But we'll see what happens. I like thinking positively. I know better than to do that. I take a middle of the road approach. Phil and sister visiting for choir concert: plausible. Phil and sister visiting for a few days: not likely, but possible. Seeing Phil and sister during summer break: assuming no tragedies happen, definitely. I can't win them all.
  20. Enjoy your break. You hardly get any of those. Will you get to see Phil? Huh? No, I mean I'm taking a break from doing homework. I'm still on campus and all that. I probably won't see Phil until May when we're both out of college for the summer. Although I might see if my parents want to see if he and my sister want to come down for my choir concert at the end of the month. Then he might get to briefly meet some of my friends. And if they get out a week after I do, and it's okay with my roomie, I might see about them coming down to visit here for a few days, because I got to visit them for a few days. I just keep forgetting to ask my roomie about it.... *puts a post-it note on Jesusfreaks forehead* Remember to ask roomie! That sounds like a really great idea. lol I'm not sure where I'm going to put them though. I can put one in the hammock and one on the floor. Another option would be to put Phil on the floor of one of my guy friends' rooms. Or, if one of my friends is done with exams soon enough, they might leave a week early and one of them (depending on gender) could take the missing friend's bed. Or the three of us and maybe some other friends could have a sleepover party in one of the lounges. (although that might result in being woken up at inconvenient hours). Or I could clear off the loft platform thing, put all the stuff in my car (get some packing done early), and put someone up there. The possibilities are endless.....as long as my roomie doesn't mind having up to two people she doesn't know in the room. I think she should be okay with that. You are very respectful of others, so she ought to feel that you would be thinking of her as well. Just talked to roomie, she seems kinda okay with it as long as it's not more than like two nights. It'll probably also depend on what our final exam schedules look like. So cool!!! I am excited for you! This is going to be great!!!!!!! Mm I'm going to be realistic and say it's probably not going to happen anyways. But we'll see what happens.
  21. Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk. Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger). What I was wondering about those kids in Italy was if they had some wine with dinner, and that is why they got expelled. They would not get carded if they had wine with dinner. I'm guessing they took their newfound freedom and got plastered. That's what happened when some people from my high school did their Italy trip. Except they didn't get expelled. And the teacher that was chaperoning them was also plastered. And the trip was during the summer. Well, in Florida, there was a teacher and student's parents as chaperones, on a trip to Europe. In Paris, the parent allowed her daughter to have some sips of wine with her dinner. Nothing excessive, just about three or four sips. When they got back, the teacher was fired and the student was expelled. The parent tried to take full responsibility for her daughter, but the school's policy was to expel the student. Yeah, that's really stupid. That's why I hate zero tolerance rules.
  22. Enjoy your break. You hardly get any of those. Will you get to see Phil? Huh? No, I mean I'm taking a break from doing homework. I'm still on campus and all that. I probably won't see Phil until May when we're both out of college for the summer. Although I might see if my parents want to see if he and my sister want to come down for my choir concert at the end of the month. Then he might get to briefly meet some of my friends. And if they get out a week after I do, and it's okay with my roomie, I might see about them coming down to visit here for a few days, because I got to visit them for a few days. I just keep forgetting to ask my roomie about it.... *puts a post-it note on Jesusfreaks forehead* Remember to ask roomie! That sounds like a really great idea. lol I'm not sure where I'm going to put them though. I can put one in the hammock and one on the floor. Another option would be to put Phil on the floor of one of my guy friends' rooms. Or, if one of my friends is done with exams soon enough, they might leave a week early and one of them (depending on gender) could take the missing friend's bed. Or the three of us and maybe some other friends could have a sleepover party in one of the lounges. (although that might result in being woken up at inconvenient hours). Or I could clear off the loft platform thing, put all the stuff in my car (get some packing done early), and put someone up there. The possibilities are endless.....as long as my roomie doesn't mind having up to two people she doesn't know in the room. I think she should be okay with that. You are very respectful of others, so she ought to feel that you would be thinking of her as well. Just talked to roomie, she seems kinda okay with it as long as it's not more than like two nights. It'll probably also depend on what our final exam schedules look like.
  23. Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk. Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger). What I was wondering about those kids in Italy was if they had some wine with dinner, and that is why they got expelled. They would not get carded if they had wine with dinner. I'm guessing they took their newfound freedom and got plastered. That's what happened when some people from my high school did their Italy trip. Except they didn't get expelled. And the teacher that was chaperoning them was also plastered. And the trip was during the summer.
  24. Enjoy your break. You hardly get any of those. Will you get to see Phil? Huh? No, I mean I'm taking a break from doing homework. I'm still on campus and all that. I probably won't see Phil until May when we're both out of college for the summer. Although I might see if my parents want to see if he and my sister want to come down for my choir concert at the end of the month. Then he might get to briefly meet some of my friends. And if they get out a week after I do, and it's okay with my roomie, I might see about them coming down to visit here for a few days, because I got to visit them for a few days. I just keep forgetting to ask my roomie about it.... *puts a post-it note on Jesusfreaks forehead* Remember to ask roomie! That sounds like a really great idea. lol I'm not sure where I'm going to put them though. I can put one in the hammock and one on the floor. Another option would be to put Phil on the floor of one of my guy friends' rooms. Or, if one of my friends is done with exams soon enough, they might leave a week early and one of them (depending on gender) could take the missing friend's bed. Or the three of us and maybe some other friends could have a sleepover party in one of the lounges. (although that might result in being woken up at inconvenient hours). Or I could clear off the loft platform thing, put all the stuff in my car (get some packing done early), and put someone up there. The possibilities are endless.....as long as my roomie doesn't mind having up to two people she doesn't know in the room.
  25. Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk. Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger).
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