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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yes, if you walk around the neighborhood behind the 10 story building, it makes such a giant contrast. Actually the 10-floor building is also a college of business and the home of res life, so the first two floors don't really count. I have my intro to economics class on the first floor, nice to not have any travel time involved That's interesting. Our residence halls and class buildings are all completely separate.
  2. You escaped with far less injuries than I did... I got into an unforeseen ant hill and was bitten all over my paws, all the way up to my hammy body. Ewwww. I stepped on a fire ant hill once. That wasn't fun. I've never ripped my shoes off that fast before. x3 Fire ants was exactly what I got into. Except they love to bite me and lots of them had dinner! Gah, I hate those things with a passion! >_<
  3. This semester seemed to fly by! For you and everyone else with exams looming, I'm sure it did not go fast, especially the next couple weeks. One week remaining... SWEEEEEEEEET !!!!!!!! Seeing Phil... SWEEEEEEETER !!!!!!!!!!! Pretty much. I'm still amazed at how fast time is moving. And while I'm glad that it's almost summer vacation, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about time in general moving this fast.
  4. Yay for tree climbing! LOL I was waiting for your reply. Remember the picture of you in the tree? I do... it was outstanding! My tree is cooler. xD But yeah, one of the pics turned out really well. I dunno....my tree is pretty cool. Jesusfreak... you were missed yesterday!! I was? Oh. *feels loved* Of course you are loved! I always look forward to your daily updates! Haha okay. I'll have to keep that in mind. Although normally not much changes from day to day around here.
  5. Oh, right, I have a topic. The past couple days have been really nice and warm. It's supposed to get up to 80 degrees tomorrow. I already have a bit of a tan, which is good, because that means I won't get nasty burns this summer. After tomorrow, I only have one week left of classes! Which also means I have massive amounts of work to get done. >_< I have a choir concert on the 27th, a final exam May 1st, and after that I think I can go home. And see Phil. Who has been occupying most of my attention whether I'm talking to him or not.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Wow, 10 floor buildings. Our biggest residence hall is four floors. I'm pretty sure all the others are three floors.
  7. Yay for tree climbing! LOL I was waiting for your reply. Remember the picture of you in the tree? I do... it was outstanding! My tree is cooler. xD But yeah, one of the pics turned out really well. I dunno....my tree is pretty cool. Jesusfreak... you were missed yesterday!! I was? Oh. *feels loved*
  8. Yay for tree climbing! LOL I was waiting for your reply. Remember the picture of you in the tree? I do... it was outstanding! My tree is cooler. xD But yeah, one of the pics turned out really well. I dunno....my tree is pretty cool.
  9. Exactly my thinking. Yeah, I told Jenny that too. It's kinda hard because I can understand why Tommy would be concerned, but at the same time I know that he has absolutely nothing to worry about. And now that Phil is my boyfriend, Tommy really has nothing to worry about. It will never sink in. lol I don't know. Tommy is a pretty logical guy, I think after awhile he'll figure it out. Plus next year he'll be at the same college as Jenny, which is going to help things a lot. You are so generous. IMHO some guys never figure it out. Haha this is true, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  10. If you did that, then there were be no reason for you to come here. But, HampsterKing is changing the system so that based on how long you have been here and the number of posts, there will be a change in privileges. Really? Ooh that's exciting! Mostly for people such as yourself who have been here and we know. Yeah, that makes sense.
  11. If you did that, then there were be no reason for you to come here. But, HampsterKing is changing the system so that based on how long you have been here and the number of posts, there will be a change in privileges. Really? Ooh that's exciting!
  12. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful! lol thank you. You have a very artistic side, photographs, poetry, some day you ought to consider putting an inspirational book together with your photographs placed together with your poems. I think something like this would be very popular and would sell extremely well. lol maybe. It would be fun to actually have a job as a photographer for books and things. You have a great eye, so I do believe you would be great as a photographer. Maybe. Who knows, maybe when I'm a teacher I'll pick up a part time job or a summer job as a photographer. Or even see about getting a job as a photographer this summer. That would be pretty sweet. Excellent idea! Or you might be having the summer off, spending time with Phil, taking pictures of nature. lol sadly, getting a job is going to be a must. We're both going to be working, but depending on where we work we could visit each other, and of course we're going to spend most of our free time together. My apologies for not explaining my thoughts... I thought teachers were paid in such a way that they received a pay check throughout the summer. In Florida, a teacher friend of mine, gets paid this way so she has money and can have the summers off. Ah. I think it depends on the district. Where my high school was, teachers could actually choose whether they wanted their salary divided up through the whole year or just during the school year. That's very nice to be able to give people a choice. For me, I would rather learn to live on the smaller paycheck and if I didn't manage to get a summer job, then I would not be under stress about how to pay my bills. And if I did find one, then I could save the money or put it towards retirement. Yeah, I'd probably go with the year-round paycheck too, mostly because I don't trust myself that much to ration my money. Plus then I don't have to worry too much about getting a summer job, and I can do things at my leisure. And... you can hang out with Phil and take those nature pics I was talking about. LOL lol sure.
  13. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful! lol thank you. You have a very artistic side, photographs, poetry, some day you ought to consider putting an inspirational book together with your photographs placed together with your poems. I think something like this would be very popular and would sell extremely well. lol maybe. It would be fun to actually have a job as a photographer for books and things. You have a great eye, so I do believe you would be great as a photographer. Maybe. Who knows, maybe when I'm a teacher I'll pick up a part time job or a summer job as a photographer. Or even see about getting a job as a photographer this summer. That would be pretty sweet. Excellent idea! Or you might be having the summer off, spending time with Phil, taking pictures of nature. lol sadly, getting a job is going to be a must. We're both going to be working, but depending on where we work we could visit each other, and of course we're going to spend most of our free time together. My apologies for not explaining my thoughts... I thought teachers were paid in such a way that they received a pay check throughout the summer. In Florida, a teacher friend of mine, gets paid this way so she has money and can have the summers off. Ah. I think it depends on the district. Where my high school was, teachers could actually choose whether they wanted their salary divided up through the whole year or just during the school year. That's very nice to be able to give people a choice. For me, I would rather learn to live on the smaller paycheck and if I didn't manage to get a summer job, then I would not be under stress about how to pay my bills. And if I did find one, then I could save the money or put it towards retirement. Yeah, I'd probably go with the year-round paycheck too, mostly because I don't trust myself that much to ration my money. Plus then I don't have to worry too much about getting a summer job, and I can do things at my leisure.
  14. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful! lol thank you. You have a very artistic side, photographs, poetry, some day you ought to consider putting an inspirational book together with your photographs placed together with your poems. I think something like this would be very popular and would sell extremely well. lol maybe. It would be fun to actually have a job as a photographer for books and things. You have a great eye, so I do believe you would be great as a photographer. Maybe. Who knows, maybe when I'm a teacher I'll pick up a part time job or a summer job as a photographer. Or even see about getting a job as a photographer this summer. That would be pretty sweet. Excellent idea! Or you might be having the summer off, spending time with Phil, taking pictures of nature. lol sadly, getting a job is going to be a must. We're both going to be working, but depending on where we work we could visit each other, and of course we're going to spend most of our free time together. My apologies for not explaining my thoughts... I thought teachers were paid in such a way that they received a pay check throughout the summer. In Florida, a teacher friend of mine, gets paid this way so she has money and can have the summers off. Ah. I think it depends on the district. Where my high school was, teachers could actually choose whether they wanted their salary divided up through the whole year or just during the school year.
  15. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful! lol thank you. You have a very artistic side, photographs, poetry, some day you ought to consider putting an inspirational book together with your photographs placed together with your poems. I think something like this would be very popular and would sell extremely well. lol maybe. It would be fun to actually have a job as a photographer for books and things. You have a great eye, so I do believe you would be great as a photographer. Maybe. Who knows, maybe when I'm a teacher I'll pick up a part time job or a summer job as a photographer. Or even see about getting a job as a photographer this summer. That would be pretty sweet. Excellent idea! Or you might be having the summer off, spending time with Phil, taking pictures of nature. lol sadly, getting a job is going to be a must. We're both going to be working, but depending on where we work we could visit each other, and of course we're going to spend most of our free time together.
  16. Exactly my thinking. Yeah, I told Jenny that too. It's kinda hard because I can understand why Tommy would be concerned, but at the same time I know that he has absolutely nothing to worry about. And now that Phil is my boyfriend, Tommy really has nothing to worry about. It will never sink in. lol I don't know. Tommy is a pretty logical guy, I think after awhile he'll figure it out. Plus next year he'll be at the same college as Jenny, which is going to help things a lot.
  17. Hey, long time no see! A whole bunch of us have our own topics, so you might as well just glance through them to get an idea of what's been going on.
  18. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful! lol thank you. You have a very artistic side, photographs, poetry, some day you ought to consider putting an inspirational book together with your photographs placed together with your poems. I think something like this would be very popular and would sell extremely well. lol maybe. It would be fun to actually have a job as a photographer for books and things. You have a great eye, so I do believe you would be great as a photographer. Maybe. Who knows, maybe when I'm a teacher I'll pick up a part time job or a summer job as a photographer. Or even see about getting a job as a photographer this summer. That would be pretty sweet.
  19. Exactly my thinking. Yeah, I told Jenny that too. It's kinda hard because I can understand why Tommy would be concerned, but at the same time I know that he has absolutely nothing to worry about. And now that Phil is my boyfriend, Tommy really has nothing to worry about.
  20. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful! lol thank you. You have a very artistic side, photographs, poetry, some day you ought to consider putting an inspirational book together with your photographs placed together with your poems. I think something like this would be very popular and would sell extremely well. lol maybe. It would be fun to actually have a job as a photographer for books and things.
  21. Yeah, I pretty much chalked it up to typical male insecurity.
  22. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful! lol thank you.
  23. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. <-----understatement of the century Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Haha In all reality, the hardest part is going to be next semester. So far, we've spent very little time in person, and we're used to just talking online. But over the summer, we're going to get used to seeing each other in person on a regular basis. So come fall semester, we'll actually really miss each other. Do you have any more breaks in the next semester? If so, do they match up with Phil's? Nope, at least not that I'm aware of. We both have a long winter break between semesters, and a spring break (which this past year didn't line up), but that was it. However, by next semester Phil should have his license and a car, and I should have a car, so we can visit each other when we don't have weekends that are too busy. I see you have been thinking about this. lol Phil and I have been *talking* about this. Even better!!! lol yep. This whole situation is just really sweet. Like I can tell he's *really* happy about this, and my sister is really happy about it because Phil is like a brother to her, and everyone just seems happy about it, which is kinda neat. Who would have thought that something that makes me this happy would make so many other people happy too? Phil is almost too good to be true. Of course you realize that if you ever have a problem, there are no family members who will be on your side. LOL lol it's pretty amazing. The more I talk to him, the more I find we have in common. And having family support it is definitely a good thing. My family loves Phil. That's superb. At least when you have family events and he shows up, your sister's boyfriend will now know he is there with you and not her. Yeah for positive outcomes. That too. I think that at some point I'll have to go with Tommy to watch one of the ballroom competitions. Because if Tommy sees that I'm okay with Phil dancing with other girls, he might be more okay with Jenny dancing with other guys, and he'll specifically be okay with Jenny dancing with Phil. It's just kind of difficult for a lot of people to grasp that dancing together doesn't have to be a romantic thing, although it certainly can be.
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