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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. The case I have is made specifically for my camera by Canon. It has a ring around where the two halves close that creates a seal, and a locking latch that keeps it shut. I've been using it for years with no problems. I have a few pictures up on a website (can I say which one?), and it has the option to make prints available, which I did. So, who knows, maybe someone will want them.
  2. Awesome, thanks so much!
  3. That one was with my old camera, actually. I have a waterproof case for it. Maybe I should try selling prints of my pictures to supplement my income.
  4. That's something I'm looking into now, having not had any interviews yet.
  5. I know! In 50 years, photo labs will be obsolete and kids won't know what film or negatives are. What's really impressive is that my camera is about the same (smallish) size as the old one, and only cost about $200 online. I am pleased to report that my money was well-spent.
  6. Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening. Oh, awesome! Thanks! I called and left a message, he should call back today. Also, I have a couple friends who are teachers in New Jersey, I am going to see if I can track them down. My brain did not compute. My apologies for not thinking of them before. lol that's okay, I usually prefer to do things on my own. Right now though, having no real job prospects, I'm starting to panic.
  7. Thanks! Shane took that last picture of me from a good distance away. I'm pleased to say that the optical zoom on my new camera is much better than my old one. The picture where we look surprised was because that tree reminded Shane of the scene in Lord of the Rings where Sam and Frodo are hiding from the ring wraiths under a tree, so we were sort of imitating that.
  8. Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening. Oh, awesome! Thanks!
  9. Hokay, so, they're ALL huge. I have to get ready for work, but maybe I'll come back and shrink them later. o.O (Why doesn't the photo feature scale pictures to the screen size?)
  10. Let's see here.... Hokay. There are pictures here from both cameras. Chances are that if the picture is HUGE it's from the new camera.
  11. Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been absurdly busy. I had two weeks of both Mad Science camps and Wal-Mart. This left no time to shower, let alone do anything else (I ended up sacrificing some sleep time to shower when I had to). Yeah, not doing that again. After those two weeks, I was in NY for five days with Shane. We stayed at camp and went kayaking, swimming, and went to the Renaissance Faire. It was a wonderful time, and a much needed vacation after the previous two weeks. Shane's birthday was also two weeks ago; I got him a giant nerf gun. He was thrilled. I'll have to track down a couple pictures from the weekend to put up. I ended up taking both cameras with me, since the old one has a waterproof case and the new one does not. The new one does take very nice pictures, even on the auto setting, which is what I use most of the time. I am worried though, it's mid-August and I still haven't found a teaching job. I don't suppose you have any connections in the teaching world of NJ?
  12. lol I hate it when that happens! There's been some sort of cold-like bug going around here too. Being that my jobs involve being around lots of people, and my boyfriend's job is also to be around lots of people, we're both probably doomed to get it.
  13. That's no fun >_< What exactly is myocarditis?
  14. Today has been a good day. I got my Praxis score, and I passed! My camera also came in today, two days early! It seems to be living up to my expectations so far. I'm still waiting on the case and the bigger memory card though; they were shipped separately. Shane seems to have cell reception good enough for sending and receiving texts, which is wonderful. Not just because we can talk, but because we're starting to talk seriously about looking at engagement rings and planning for a life together, which is immensely exciting to me.
  15. That's a long flight! What are the differences between the two airplanes?
  16. My mad science classes were a pre-k class involving dinosaurs and paleontology, and a 2nd grade(?) class about slime and polymers. Yes, the slime class made slime to take home. I'm glad Shane is feeling better too. He was funny, he had to call home and let his parents know he was going to be here, and his mom asked what staying here was going to do for him. He told me he thought that was a stupid question, and that if nothing else, he'd rather be here just for moral support. And yeah, it's going to be hard to get in touch with him for a whole week. He should be able to send and receive texts whenever the family goes out, but not where they're staying, as it's in the middle of nowhere. It's not really near anything I could direct you to on a map. He talks about this place all the time though, it's a house his (extended) family owns in the woods, and they all vacation up there, and go there every year for Thanksgiving. I hope I get to see it someday. The new camera should be fun, and should be here sometime between the 15th and the 20th. No interviews yet. There aren't many openings, and most applications take FOREVER to fill out! They're asking for stuff I need to go hunting down documents to find out. I did apply to one though, that only wanted a resume and cover letter. That one is about an hour from here, but looks like an awesome district, and it's just a one year leave position, which is exactly what I want.
  17. I taught my first Mad Science lessons on Wednesday! It was a lot of fun. Shane and I spent the last couple days together, which was nice. The not nice part was that he was only here for so long because his ear infection started to hurt really badly and he didn't want to drive home. I took good care of him though, and he seems to be doing better. He's going to be visiting some family in NY next week, with no internet and cell reception that's bad at best. I'm going to miss him. I ordered a new camera! The Canon Powershot SX120. I had been looking at it back in November, but now I can afford it, and it should be here in a week or so. I'm quite excited about that.
  18. Wal-mart has been good overall, and I still haven't yet started teaching actual lessons at mad science, as the camp I was supposed to teach got canceled. Shane's graduation party was last week, which was a lot of fun. Apparently one of Shane's aunts told him that she can tell how much I love him by the way I look at him. Hehe. I had jury duty earlier this week, which was just stupid. I drove all the way to CT, but I didn't have a "valid" reason to get out of being on a jury. The lady in charge of excuses asked if anyone was going to be away on business, and I stood up and informed her that I was working full time in NJ, but apparently that didn't count. The attorneys, however, thought it was strange that I even drove to CT for jury duty, and let me go. While I was home though, I was able to gather a lot of my belongings to take back to NJ. Now I have to put them all away... Shane and I both requested off for a few days in August so we can go up to camp and go to the Renaissance Faire together. It should be fun. I found out last night that sparklers are illegal in NJ, and my sister told me today that they're illegal in NY too. What is wrong with these people? We're allowed to have lighters, stoves, grills, propane torches, cars, but SPARKLERS ARE TOO DANGEROUS??? People these days.... *headdesk* I told Shane we need to move out of NJ asap, or at least before we have kids. MY KIDS ARE GONNA PLAY WITH SPARKLERS GOSHDARNIT!
  19. Things are going well so far this summer, and I've been super busy. I've been spending a lot of time with Shane, which is always a wonderful time. I could go on about how awesome he is and how perfect we are for each other, but I'll spare you the nausea. I guess I'll have to update you in groups of things, since so much has gone on lately. Wal-Mart: Going well so far. All in all, it's a relatively boring job, and working in the fridge is cold. I've been working day shifts for training, but I start my night shift tomorrow night. Last night, in my attempt to shift to a nocturnal sleep schedule, I stayed up until 4am. But then my body decided, at 10am that daylight means it's time to get up. Mad Science: I've had one training session so far, where I basically just learned some of the lessons I'll have to teach. It seems like a lot of fun so far! Praxis Test: I had to take my Praxis test for middle school science last weekend, and I think it went well enough. Derek's Graduation Party: This was on the same day as my Praxis, and Derek lives relatively close to where I took my test, so it worked out well. I had a lot of fun hanging out with my friends, but noticed that I don't really have much in common with them. I was sad that we were drifting apart after this past school year, but it seems kind of okay now, though I do hope we stay in touch. This is normal for me though, I tend to cycle through friends every 3-4 years it seems. Christie's Wedding: Christie is my oldest cousin on my mom's side (the only one older than me on that side), and she got married yesterday! Her husband seems pretty cool, even though I just met him yesterday. By all accounts, the wedding was a fairly normal wedding, and it was a lot of fun. Lots of driving was involved though, as it was 6 hours away from camp (which is where I met up with my family to drive over there). Shane: It's been really good to spend lots of time with Shane this summer. Even though I've been working full time at wal-mart, we still manage to see each other at least once or twice a week. In fact, I just saw him yesterday on my way home from camp. He's been frustrated though, about not being able to get a job, because he's broke now. But, he has an interview at Target today, so here's hoping that goes well. While Shane having a job too might make finding time to be together hard, he'll at least have spending money, so we have more options on stuff to do when we're together. We did tie-dye together not too long ago, which was a lot of fun. Also, my parents like him, which is good. They're not too fond of my sister's boyfriend. They like him as a person, but not as a significant other for her. Family: They all seem to be doing relatively well. Jenny is at a new camp, which is going well as far as I know. The new camp is treating her much better than the one she worked at for the past few years. My mom has been spending a lot of time hanging out with her friends from grade school in NJ. Dad's just been being dad, no real news to report on his end. Grandma, as far as I know, has still been doing well at her assisted living place. Upcoming Stuff: Shane's graduation party is next weekend, which should be fun. We'll see how switching to the night shift at wal-mart goes, as well as starting actual work at Mad Science (I have one more training session on Friday).
  20. I did indeed get both jobs! My orientation at Wal-Mart is today, so that should be interesting. Also, my Memorial Day weekend was awesome, as I got to spend lots of time with Shane and my Family.
  21. I had an interview with Mad Science today! They're a group that does after school programs, camps, parties, etc. where they teach science, but in crazy and fun ways. It was a group interview with three other people, and I think I was the best of those three. I'll know sometime next week if I got the job. I also have another meeting at wal-mart on Thursday, which is a good thing as far as I can tell. Mad science won't be lots of hours, and it'll all be during the day, so it works well with working nights at wal-mart.
  22. Yeah, I'm still a big fan of the "don't date until you're a sophomore in college" approach. By that time, people have gotten over their first year away from home changes, and know themselves better so they can make better choices.
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