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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Wonderful news! Good luck on your psych film paper. I'm sure you will do great on it. Yeah for visiting Phil. Thanks Psych film paper still isn't done, but it's mostly done. I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I still can't get over all the stuff I have. My room looks like it exploded. Luckily, my roomie will be out at a formal dance of some sort until late, so I've got time to have the room be a mess. Let's hope her date keeps her out until the wee hours of the morning. This way she will sleep really late in the morning and give you the quiet you need to finish your paper. She doesn't have a date, I don't think. I'm pretty sure she just went with a bunch of friends. I probably will get up at noon tomorrow, because I have to be at the chapel somewhere between 1 and 1:30 for the concert. Paper writing will happen after Dad's gone with my stuff. Noon??? If I woke up at noon, I would probably think I lost half the day. Have fun at your concert. Keep in mind, college is like another time zone. Noon is like about 9am for normal people. I also went to bed at 3am (which is, admittedly, later than I had planned on going to sleep).
  2. Good Night The grin on my face spans ear to ear, despite the fact that you're not here. I hate it when you have to go, because, you know, I love you so, but the smile's still there, and I know that you care. So I go to sleep without sorrow, and I know that I'll talk to you tomorrow.
  3. Wonderful news! Good luck on your psych film paper. I'm sure you will do great on it. Yeah for visiting Phil. Thanks Psych film paper still isn't done, but it's mostly done. I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I still can't get over all the stuff I have. My room looks like it exploded. Luckily, my roomie will be out at a formal dance of some sort until late, so I've got time to have the room be a mess. Let's hope her date keeps her out until the wee hours of the morning. This way she will sleep really late in the morning and give you the quiet you need to finish your paper. She doesn't have a date, I don't think. I'm pretty sure she just went with a bunch of friends. I probably will get up at noon tomorrow, because I have to be at the chapel somewhere between 1 and 1:30 for the concert. Paper writing will happen after Dad's gone with my stuff.
  4. Wonderful news! Good luck on your psych film paper. I'm sure you will do great on it. Yeah for visiting Phil. Thanks Psych film paper still isn't done, but it's mostly done. I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I still can't get over all the stuff I have. My room looks like it exploded. Luckily, my roomie will be out at a formal dance of some sort until late, so I've got time to have the room be a mess.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Hey, if those are the only two problems you have, you're not doing too bad.
  6. Classes are over for the semester! Now I just need to finish my papers and one last exam, and I get to go home. I'm taking a short break from my psych film paper right now. I've been working on it since I finished dinner, and it's getting difficult to keep my eyes open. :closedeyes: I'm more than half way done, but I would like to finish it before I go to sleep so I don't have to worry about it on Sunday, because dad's coming here with the truck to pick up my stuff and see my choir concert. (Apparently mom already went and got Grandma, so she's at my house now, and mom won't be coming to the concert. As such, dad can only take one car. This means I'll be taking the minivan home myself.) My exam is on Thursday, and I think I'm probably going to go home that day, as long as I'm not really tired or anything (which I shouldn't be). Then I can unpack, get organized, spend some time with my family, and go visit Phil. I'll still have homework to do though. I've got education stuff I need to do/revise by the 6th. But at least I'll be home.
  7. It is! Who knows? Maybe I can even get a job as a forest ranger during the summers when I'm a teacher too. Kinda funny, Phil was just saying something today about going hiking this summer. Apparently someone gave him a book about the 51 best trails in CT or something like that, so we'll have to check that out. I also got some good news about my room situation. My parents decided (by which I mean came to their senses) that it would be silly to move me into Jenny's room when Jenny's not even going to be home for most of the summer, and I am. So she's at home now to clean out her room, and move some of her stuff into my room. Dad says that since it's warm out now, Jenny will probably sleep on the day bed on the front porch (which is screened in) until she goes to camp, and I get to stay in my room. I'm just going to have to move things to fit both of our stuff in there. And then we're going to have to work something out for the winter vacation next year, but that's a ways off. I also told Dad about the attic idea, and he responded with, "Do you have any idea how hot the attic gets?" LOL He also said something about the attic being only 3'-4' tall, so there's really no space up there (not like I need it, I'm only 5'1" and I'd probably just be sleeping/sitting up there anyways). I might mention the idea again once we're home as a possibility for the winter, because then the heat wouldn't really be a problem. Okay, back to working on fixing my paper (they want me to cite sources for ideas I came up with on my own, and make my paragraphs more concise despite the fact that I'm already under the minimum page requirement). Glad to hear your room situation is working out more to your liking. The summer forest ranger idea seems like a really great one. It would be nice if you could manage to work the summers in the forest and teach in the winters. As for the paper... sources for ideas. Where do teachers think up these things? LOL I can understand why they want sources, but some of the stuff is really common knowledge, and some of it is just my own reasoning, that I based off of my own logic and reasoning instead of taking it from someone else (apparently students aren't capable of independent thought?). But whatever. It's done now, and I'm going to sleep. Hope you had a great night's sleep. lol I slept well, but not nearly for long enough. Today I get to spend most of my free time studying for my developmental psych final tomorrow (which should just be like the regular tests which I did well on, plus some questions from past tests). And tomorrow I get to write my psych film paper. Saturday will be lots of packing, Sunday is choir concert and my parents taking home most of my stuff. Lots of craziness. Good luck on your test. When I read about the psych film paper... Alfred Hitchock's "The Birds" came to mind. A little off track, but well, what can I say. It seems like all you do is pack, unpack, pack, unpack. I'm not even involved and the packing/unpacking is wearing me out. So I can only imagine how you feel. Haha I know. I'm getting quite good at packing and unpacking. Just think... you have a couple more years of this. lol that I do. Good thing I'm good at it.
  8. It is! Who knows? Maybe I can even get a job as a forest ranger during the summers when I'm a teacher too. Kinda funny, Phil was just saying something today about going hiking this summer. Apparently someone gave him a book about the 51 best trails in CT or something like that, so we'll have to check that out. I also got some good news about my room situation. My parents decided (by which I mean came to their senses) that it would be silly to move me into Jenny's room when Jenny's not even going to be home for most of the summer, and I am. So she's at home now to clean out her room, and move some of her stuff into my room. Dad says that since it's warm out now, Jenny will probably sleep on the day bed on the front porch (which is screened in) until she goes to camp, and I get to stay in my room. I'm just going to have to move things to fit both of our stuff in there. And then we're going to have to work something out for the winter vacation next year, but that's a ways off. I also told Dad about the attic idea, and he responded with, "Do you have any idea how hot the attic gets?" LOL He also said something about the attic being only 3'-4' tall, so there's really no space up there (not like I need it, I'm only 5'1" and I'd probably just be sleeping/sitting up there anyways). I might mention the idea again once we're home as a possibility for the winter, because then the heat wouldn't really be a problem. Okay, back to working on fixing my paper (they want me to cite sources for ideas I came up with on my own, and make my paragraphs more concise despite the fact that I'm already under the minimum page requirement). Glad to hear your room situation is working out more to your liking. The summer forest ranger idea seems like a really great one. It would be nice if you could manage to work the summers in the forest and teach in the winters. As for the paper... sources for ideas. Where do teachers think up these things? LOL I can understand why they want sources, but some of the stuff is really common knowledge, and some of it is just my own reasoning, that I based off of my own logic and reasoning instead of taking it from someone else (apparently students aren't capable of independent thought?). But whatever. It's done now, and I'm going to sleep. Hope you had a great night's sleep. lol I slept well, but not nearly for long enough. Today I get to spend most of my free time studying for my developmental psych final tomorrow (which should just be like the regular tests which I did well on, plus some questions from past tests). And tomorrow I get to write my psych film paper. Saturday will be lots of packing, Sunday is choir concert and my parents taking home most of my stuff. Lots of craziness. Good luck on your test. When I read about the psych film paper... Alfred Hitchock's "The Birds" came to mind. A little off track, but well, what can I say. It seems like all you do is pack, unpack, pack, unpack. I'm not even involved and the packing/unpacking is wearing me out. So I can only imagine how you feel. Haha I know. I'm getting quite good at packing and unpacking.
  9. It is! Who knows? Maybe I can even get a job as a forest ranger during the summers when I'm a teacher too. Kinda funny, Phil was just saying something today about going hiking this summer. Apparently someone gave him a book about the 51 best trails in CT or something like that, so we'll have to check that out. I also got some good news about my room situation. My parents decided (by which I mean came to their senses) that it would be silly to move me into Jenny's room when Jenny's not even going to be home for most of the summer, and I am. So she's at home now to clean out her room, and move some of her stuff into my room. Dad says that since it's warm out now, Jenny will probably sleep on the day bed on the front porch (which is screened in) until she goes to camp, and I get to stay in my room. I'm just going to have to move things to fit both of our stuff in there. And then we're going to have to work something out for the winter vacation next year, but that's a ways off. I also told Dad about the attic idea, and he responded with, "Do you have any idea how hot the attic gets?" LOL He also said something about the attic being only 3'-4' tall, so there's really no space up there (not like I need it, I'm only 5'1" and I'd probably just be sleeping/sitting up there anyways). I might mention the idea again once we're home as a possibility for the winter, because then the heat wouldn't really be a problem. Okay, back to working on fixing my paper (they want me to cite sources for ideas I came up with on my own, and make my paragraphs more concise despite the fact that I'm already under the minimum page requirement). Glad to hear your room situation is working out more to your liking. The summer forest ranger idea seems like a really great one. It would be nice if you could manage to work the summers in the forest and teach in the winters. As for the paper... sources for ideas. Where do teachers think up these things? LOL I can understand why they want sources, but some of the stuff is really common knowledge, and some of it is just my own reasoning, that I based off of my own logic and reasoning instead of taking it from someone else (apparently students aren't capable of independent thought?). But whatever. It's done now, and I'm going to sleep. Hope you had a great night's sleep. lol I slept well, but not nearly for long enough. Today I get to spend most of my free time studying for my developmental psych final tomorrow (which should just be like the regular tests which I did well on, plus some questions from past tests). And tomorrow I get to write my psych film paper. Saturday will be lots of packing, Sunday is choir concert and my parents taking home most of my stuff. Lots of craziness.
  10. It is! Who knows? Maybe I can even get a job as a forest ranger during the summers when I'm a teacher too. Kinda funny, Phil was just saying something today about going hiking this summer. Apparently someone gave him a book about the 51 best trails in CT or something like that, so we'll have to check that out. I also got some good news about my room situation. My parents decided (by which I mean came to their senses) that it would be silly to move me into Jenny's room when Jenny's not even going to be home for most of the summer, and I am. So she's at home now to clean out her room, and move some of her stuff into my room. Dad says that since it's warm out now, Jenny will probably sleep on the day bed on the front porch (which is screened in) until she goes to camp, and I get to stay in my room. I'm just going to have to move things to fit both of our stuff in there. And then we're going to have to work something out for the winter vacation next year, but that's a ways off. I also told Dad about the attic idea, and he responded with, "Do you have any idea how hot the attic gets?" He also said something about the attic being only 3'-4' tall, so there's really no space up there (not like I need it, I'm only 5'1" and I'd probably just be sleeping/sitting up there anyways). I might mention the idea again once we're home as a possibility for the winter, because then the heat wouldn't really be a problem. Okay, back to working on fixing my paper (they want me to cite sources for ideas I came up with on my own, and make my paragraphs more concise despite the fact that I'm already under the minimum page requirement). Glad to hear your room situation is working out more to your liking. The summer forest ranger idea seems like a really great one. It would be nice if you could manage to work the summers in the forest and teach in the winters. As for the paper... sources for ideas. Where do teachers think up these things? LOL I can understand why they want sources, but some of the stuff is really common knowledge, and some of it is just my own reasoning, that I based off of my own logic and reasoning instead of taking it from someone else (apparently students aren't capable of independent thought?). But whatever. It's done now, and I'm going to sleep.
  11. It is! Who knows? Maybe I can even get a job as a forest ranger during the summers when I'm a teacher too. Kinda funny, Phil was just saying something today about going hiking this summer. Apparently someone gave him a book about the 51 best trails in CT or something like that, so we'll have to check that out. I also got some good news about my room situation. My parents decided (by which I mean came to their senses) that it would be silly to move me into Jenny's room when Jenny's not even going to be home for most of the summer, and I am. So she's at home now to clean out her room, and move some of her stuff into my room. Dad says that since it's warm out now, Jenny will probably sleep on the day bed on the front porch (which is screened in) until she goes to camp, and I get to stay in my room. I'm just going to have to move things to fit both of our stuff in there. And then we're going to have to work something out for the winter vacation next year, but that's a ways off. I also told Dad about the attic idea, and he responded with, "Do you have any idea how hot the attic gets?" He also said something about the attic being only 3'-4' tall, so there's really no space up there (not like I need it, I'm only 5'1" and I'd probably just be sleeping/sitting up there anyways). I might mention the idea again once we're home as a possibility for the winter, because then the heat wouldn't really be a problem. Okay, back to working on fixing my paper (they want me to cite sources for ideas I came up with on my own, and make my paragraphs more concise despite the fact that I'm already under the minimum page requirement).
  12. Haha that's what I did with music selections for my music class. The CD set with the music was a hundred bucks but I looked up the songs in videos instead. LOL Nice. So, yesterday was interesting. Finding that video was probably the best part of my day outside of talking to Phil last night before I went to sleep. The rest of the day kinda stunk. Despite getting 8 hours of sleep, I was totally exhausted all day (yet the day before I was full of energy and running on 6 hours of sleep ). I woke up tired and could barely stay awake during class. On the way to lunch and back I felt like I was going to pass out, so I took a nap before class which helped a bit. Our psych film presentation went well enough. After that was dinner, which I left early because I was in a bad mood (being tired makes me a rather unpleasant person to be around). When I got back I talked to Phil for a little bit, which cheered me up a bit. Then right as I was getting to go to class, my mom called. So I talked to her on my way to class. Apparently, Grandma was found walking around outside in her bathrobe. Mom took her car keys away a few days ago, and apparently grandma got the idea to walk over to Ken and Kathy's (uncle and aunt), which is within walking distance. But she got lost on her way over, and some guy asked her if she was lost, and gave her directions to get home. So she got home fine and called Uncle Ken to tell him what happened. So with that, they were like, "Uh....we were just going for a walk ourselves! We'll come and get you! " So she's at their house now. And of course now my mom is panicking because if Grandma's going to be walking around outside in her bathrobe alone, she can't stay in her house by herself anymore. So my mom is frantic trying to get the house in order for Grandma to come live with us. And because my room is much cleaner than my sister's, my room is getting moved out for grandma, and I'm going to have to share a room with my sister (I'm not thrilled about that, but we don't exactly have any other options right now). On top of being really tired, this phone call was rather upsetting to me and I was near tears by the time I got to class. I did my mini-lesson, and did a rather bad job of it (it's hard asking middle school level questions to college students that know the answers), but my professor thought it was good anyways, and gave everyone in the class perfect marks. I later explained why I was so out of it, and he was okay with it. When I got back to class, I talked with Phil for awhile and explained to him what was going on. And let me tell you, that man is amazing. I was about to have a mental breakdown and start crying, but by the time I went to sleep, he had me laughing out loud, and I went to sleep with a grin on my face that couldn't be moved. And last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I had a brilliant idea about moving into my sister's room. We both have a lot of stuff, and hardly enough room in our own rooms, so being crammed into one room isn't going to be great. However, we have an unfinished attic upstairs that's used for storage. I'm wondering how hard it would be to section off and insulate part of the attic above Jenny's room, and make it into livable space. That would free up a lot of room, and it would be so cool! I'll have to call dad and tell him my idea later. But now I have to go get ready for class. I can understand your mother's panic. Finishing off the attic with insulation, sheetrock, etc is easy. It would be the electrical part that I would be unable to do, but there are electricians for that. I like your attic idea. Pretty stellar! It's nice to know you have an understanding professor, but I think you probably did much better than you think as you seem to be your worst critic. Phil sounds like a great guy and has wonderful abilities to help put a smile on your face. I think you need to keep this guy around for a long time. Oh, I intend to. He's pretty amazing. As for the lesson, my concept was fine, but my presentation was bad. I know that I could have done better if circumstances were a bit better and I had more time to prepare. Thankfully, our professor was looking more at the concepts and thought that went into it. As for the attic thing, I know Dad can do the electrical part, it shouldn't be too tough. Plus all of this will get accomplished over the summer, so we don't need to worry about the house freezing while we do it. I'll probably call dad in about a half hour to talk to him about it. I'm not sure if he'll agree with it though, because a lot of other things around the house need to get fixed up too. I do plan on helping out though. I might even be getting paid for it. Which reminds me, I had an idea today that I might look into perhaps getting a job as a forest ranger for the summer. How cool would that be? I remember that's what I wanted to be when I grew up when I was little. I have two friends that work for the Forestry Service. Of course their jobs are careers, but they love every minute of it. I think you ought to try it. I did a quick search online, and wasn't able to turn anything up in CT. I'll ask my mom though, she might have some connections or at least ideas. Since I was little, I enjoyed walking around in the woods, and then I was like, "Wait, you mean you can get paid to do that???"
  13. Haha that's what I did with music selections for my music class. The CD set with the music was a hundred bucks but I looked up the songs in videos instead. LOL Nice. So, yesterday was interesting. Finding that video was probably the best part of my day outside of talking to Phil last night before I went to sleep. The rest of the day kinda stunk. Despite getting 8 hours of sleep, I was totally exhausted all day (yet the day before I was full of energy and running on 6 hours of sleep ). I woke up tired and could barely stay awake during class. On the way to lunch and back I felt like I was going to pass out, so I took a nap before class which helped a bit. Our psych film presentation went well enough. After that was dinner, which I left early because I was in a bad mood (being tired makes me a rather unpleasant person to be around). When I got back I talked to Phil for a little bit, which cheered me up a bit. Then right as I was getting to go to class, my mom called. So I talked to her on my way to class. Apparently, Grandma was found walking around outside in her bathrobe. Mom took her car keys away a few days ago, and apparently grandma got the idea to walk over to Ken and Kathy's (uncle and aunt), which is within walking distance. But she got lost on her way over, and some guy asked her if she was lost, and gave her directions to get home. So she got home fine and called Uncle Ken to tell him what happened. So with that, they were like, "Uh....we were just going for a walk ourselves! We'll come and get you! " So she's at their house now. And of course now my mom is panicking because if Grandma's going to be walking around outside in her bathrobe alone, she can't stay in her house by herself anymore. So my mom is frantic trying to get the house in order for Grandma to come live with us. And because my room is much cleaner than my sister's, my room is getting moved out for grandma, and I'm going to have to share a room with my sister (I'm not thrilled about that, but we don't exactly have any other options right now). On top of being really tired, this phone call was rather upsetting to me and I was near tears by the time I got to class. I did my mini-lesson, and did a rather bad job of it (it's hard asking middle school level questions to college students that know the answers), but my professor thought it was good anyways, and gave everyone in the class perfect marks. I later explained why I was so out of it, and he was okay with it. When I got back to class, I talked with Phil for awhile and explained to him what was going on. And let me tell you, that man is amazing. I was about to have a mental breakdown and start crying, but by the time I went to sleep, he had me laughing out loud, and I went to sleep with a grin on my face that couldn't be moved. And last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I had a brilliant idea about moving into my sister's room. We both have a lot of stuff, and hardly enough room in our own rooms, so being crammed into one room isn't going to be great. However, we have an unfinished attic upstairs that's used for storage. I'm wondering how hard it would be to section off and insulate part of the attic above Jenny's room, and make it into livable space. That would free up a lot of room, and it would be so cool! I'll have to call dad and tell him my idea later. But now I have to go get ready for class. I can understand your mother's panic. Finishing off the attic with insulation, sheetrock, etc is easy. It would be the electrical part that I would be unable to do, but there are electricians for that. I like your attic idea. Pretty stellar! It's nice to know you have an understanding professor, but I think you probably did much better than you think as you seem to be your worst critic. Phil sounds like a great guy and has wonderful abilities to help put a smile on your face. I think you need to keep this guy around for a long time. Oh, I intend to. He's pretty amazing. As for the lesson, my concept was fine, but my presentation was bad. I know that I could have done better if circumstances were a bit better and I had more time to prepare. Thankfully, our professor was looking more at the concepts and thought that went into it. As for the attic thing, I know Dad can do the electrical part, it shouldn't be too tough. Plus all of this will get accomplished over the summer, so we don't need to worry about the house freezing while we do it. I'll probably call dad in about a half hour to talk to him about it. I'm not sure if he'll agree with it though, because a lot of other things around the house need to get fixed up too. I do plan on helping out though. I might even be getting paid for it. Which reminds me, I had an idea today that I might look into perhaps getting a job as a forest ranger for the summer. How cool would that be? I remember that's what I wanted to be when I grew up when I was little.
  14. Haha that's what I did with music selections for my music class. The CD set with the music was a hundred bucks but I looked up the songs in videos instead. Nice. So, yesterday was interesting. Finding that video was probably the best part of my day outside of talking to Phil last night before I went to sleep. The rest of the day kinda stunk. Despite getting 8 hours of sleep, I was totally exhausted all day (yet the day before I was full of energy and running on 6 hours of sleep ). I woke up tired and could barely stay awake during class. On the way to lunch and back I felt like I was going to pass out, so I took a nap before class which helped a bit. Our psych film presentation went well enough. After that was dinner, which I left early because I was in a bad mood (being tired makes me a rather unpleasant person to be around). When I got back I talked to Phil for a little bit, which cheered me up a bit. Then right as I was getting to go to class, my mom called. So I talked to her on my way to class. Apparently, Grandma was found walking around outside in her bathrobe. Mom took her car keys away a few days ago, and apparently grandma got the idea to walk over to Ken and Kathy's (uncle and aunt), which is within walking distance. But she got lost on her way over, and some guy asked her if she was lost, and gave her directions to get home. So she got home fine and called Uncle Ken to tell him what happened. So with that, they were like, "Uh....we were just going for a walk ourselves! We'll come and get you! " So she's at their house now. And of course now my mom is panicking because if Grandma's going to be walking around outside in her bathrobe alone, she can't stay in her house by herself anymore. So my mom is frantic trying to get the house in order for Grandma to come live with us. And because my room is much cleaner than my sister's, my room is getting moved out for grandma, and I'm going to have to share a room with my sister (I'm not thrilled about that, but we don't exactly have any other options right now). On top of being really tired, this phone call was rather upsetting to me and I was near tears by the time I got to class. I did my mini-lesson, and did a rather bad job of it (it's hard asking middle school level questions to college students that know the answers), but my professor thought it was good anyways, and gave everyone in the class perfect marks. I later explained why I was so out of it, and he was okay with it. When I got back to class, I talked with Phil for awhile and explained to him what was going on. And let me tell you, that man is amazing. I was about to have a mental breakdown and start crying, but by the time I went to sleep, he had me laughing out loud, and I went to sleep with a grin on my face that couldn't be moved. And last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I had a brilliant idea about moving into my sister's room. We both have a lot of stuff, and hardly enough room in our own rooms, so being crammed into one room isn't going to be great. However, we have an unfinished attic upstairs that's used for storage. I'm wondering how hard it would be to section off and insulate part of the attic above Jenny's room, and make it into livable space. That would free up a lot of room, and it would be so cool! I'll have to call dad and tell him my idea later. But now I have to go get ready for class.
  15. *stops by just to hang out* Hey everyone!
  16. I have 1337 internet searching skillz. I amaze myself. Sometime yesterday I realized I have to teach a mini lesson in my education class tonight. And of course I had forgotten about it, and as such didn't have time to get ahold of the materials I wanted for my demonstration. And I then figured I could do a different lesson, but it was way more boring, and wouldn't really work well for a mini lesson because it involved a long-term project. But then in a stroke of brilliance I remembered the wonder of online videos, and managed to find a video of the demonstration I wanted to do on youtube. Same visual effect, less materials and mess I have to deal with, and everyone wins!
  17. Fun fact about poison ivy: the reason you get the itchy rash from poison ivy is because you're allergic to it. Most people are. Despite all of my allergies, I have never gotten a rash from poison ivy.
  18. Here's another poem written for teh Phil. It's oh-so-creatively titled "I Love You." Talking to you was the highlight of my day, and no one else makes me feel this way. You really are something quite special. Do you know how much you mean to me? I'm counting the days until we're free. Soon, but never soon enough. We're separated by so many miles, but my friends tease me about my smiles, because they know they're because of you. I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to see you. <3
  19. *has looked up and downloaded music from most of the artists that were listed here*
  20. So much work. *collapses* I finally finished studying for my quiz, and am now part way through my powerpoint slides I need to get done. The powerpoint slides are mostly just copy/pasting things and editing some photos to make it look like we knew what we were doing, so it's mostly brainless. Just time consuming. >_< So now I'm taking a quick break to do my usual run around the internet.
  21. You escaped with far less injuries than I did... I got into an unforeseen ant hill and was bitten all over my paws, all the way up to my hammy body. Ewwww. I stepped on a fire ant hill once. That wasn't fun. I've never ripped my shoes off that fast before. x3 Fire ants was exactly what I got into. Except they love to bite me and lots of them had dinner! Gah, I hate those things with a passion! >_< Not as much as I do! At the moment, my paws are itching like crazy. :wacko: >_< I suggest cold water or an ice pack or something along those lines.
  22. Today was really warm out. Like over 80 degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to be up to 85 degrees. We went out to get Italian ice again today. And now we're in the lounge playing rock band. XD You might not hear from me (much) the next couple days, as I have a massive pile of homework that needs to get done next week. >_<
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