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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Hahaha tumbleweeds. Jesse, I'm waiting for the snowblower.....
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Are you dealing with finals week yet?
  3. That's worth lots of points!!!! I wonder if that's when we got our instant posting abilities.....
  4. *dances around the boards for lack of better things to do*
  5. Holy instant posting, Batman! (Yes, it works)
  6. They turned out fine. Looks like a good guy! He's amazing, like, I can't even put it into words. And a pretty good dancer. He's going to teach me how to dance this summer. The girls in the pictures are his dance partner and my sister. (at ballroom they pair up to dance with random people half the time, but they usually pick people they know, at least)
  7. Oh, I agree. I basically figure that if the stuff that's going on would be funny to someone who's watching but not experiencing it, I laugh at it. But there are some things that just aren't funny, and I'm fully aware of the difference.
  8. Phil pictures, right. These aren't very good because Phil was dancing and thus hard to take pictures of. Hopefully during the summer there will be better pictures.
  9. That was so fast. Glad you're home. It is going to be hard to see your Grandmother know be as mentally sharp as she used to be. Yeah for Phil!!! *wonders when we are going to get some Phil pictures* With Grandma, I'm going to treat it as a comedy. There's nothing we can really do aside from keep an eye on her and try to keep her as happy as possible. And when things go wrong, we can either cry about it, or laugh about it. I figure laughing is a better option. As for Phil pictures, I have a few from when I visited over spring break, but they're almost entirely all ballroom pictures (dancers are really hard to photograph!). I'll see what I can come up with....
  10. I'm home now! My room is a disaster area, but I'm working on it. I think I did really well on my exam today, and I made excellent time getting home, even though I hit traffic. Grandma's home, and she seems to be doing pretty well, but she seems a bit dazed to me. Mom says she tends to mix things up like where she is and who she's with, but overall things are okay. I'm really looking forward to Tuesday, which is when I'm going to go visit Phil at his college (they don't get out until next Friday).
  11. Sweet! Count me in! You could probably count Jesse in too, although he hasn't posted yet. He's probably busy with finals.
  12. I think you have been talking to Phil too much. There is a little bit of him coming through in your writing. This is a great way to end the semester and start the summer!!! After you study, please go to Warm Wishes and look at the important topic. Thanks! How did I miss that? I use firefox, so it's even underlined in red. >_< And I don't think it's possible for me to talk to him too much. My studying was a lot easier than I expected, and my packing is done. So I go home tomorrow after my exam. It came up quick.
  13. Yesterday was fun times. I got some studying done (today I'll be locked in my room getting all of it done, plus placking). And I was talking to Phil throughout the vast majority of the day, and my friends were in and out of the room all day. Marius had drawn some pictures to show Derek, and when he realized I was talking to Phil, he wanted to show Phil the pictures, so I turned on the webcam to show him, which was fun times, and Phil got to hear more insane conversations with my friends, and it was just overall fun times.
  14. Oh my! The entire length of a male hamster is only about four inches. Psht. Some child oriented site this is. =] Haha
  15. Yeah for a great day! Congratulations on the award! You must have been quite happy. The concert was a success not only for your singing, but your father showing up not one second too late! Phil must be thrilled with the webcam. That sure makes things nice. Overall... an A+ day, I would say. With the exception of the paper writing until 4am, it was a good day. And I am quite happy with the award. I generally try to put forth my best effort, so it's nice to see someone recognize that once in awhile. Today after I posted my message here, I went and dropped off my paper at my professor's office, and then came back here and slept for another three hours. And now, I get to enjoy a day free from work! WOOHOO!!! What a wonderful feeling that must be!!!!!! Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it.
  16. Yeah, pretty much. Your heart seemed to be smiling throughout that poem. Yeah. I think Phil probably makes me happier than any other person. I had my webcam on last night because I was doing work and couldn't really IM him so much. But he doesn't have a webcam. So I can see him, but he can't see me, so we still have the text box open to talk. And every once in awhile he would see that I was frustrated with my work, and would say something just to make me laugh. At one point in time, he said, "SMILE MOAR!!!!! " Too bad Christmas isn't coming, you could work to get Phil a webcam. The nice thing is that they are built into the Mac. I think Phil will probably buy one sometime this summer. You can get them for about $20, so it's not too expensive. My roomie's computer has a webcam built into it. Actually, that's why I have a webcam. When she got her new computer, she didn't need her old one (which plugs into a USB port), so she gave it to me.
  17. Yeah for a great day! Congratulations on the award! You must have been quite happy. The concert was a success not only for your singing, but your father showing up not one second too late! Phil must be thrilled with the webcam. That sure makes things nice. Overall... an A+ day, I would say. With the exception of the paper writing until 4am, it was a good day. And I am quite happy with the award. I generally try to put forth my best effort, so it's nice to see someone recognize that once in awhile. Today after I posted my message here, I went and dropped off my paper at my professor's office, and then came back here and slept for another three hours. And now, I get to enjoy a day free from work!
  18. That all sounds ridiculous. And really, with all that, your guy friend is asking to be called gay. If he's really that concerned, you can tell him that average is about 4" and you can find that statistic just about anywhere. As for the whole he said she said bit, I find it easiest to just never lie. Everyone knows that I never lie, so no one bothers trying to say that I do, except as a joke. Your most convincing argument might be to just say, "You guys can think whatever you want, but I know I didn't say that, and if you want to think I did, then it's your problem." It's not worth obsessing over, because people will either believe you or they won't, and there's not much you can do about it.
  19. Oh right, the rest of my day. I knew I was missing something.... Yesterday was my choir concert, which went really well. The only tough part was during one piece where our director almost started crying (she's retiring, this was her last concert, and the piece we were singing was sung at her high school graduation probably over 50 years ago). At the concert, I got an award. It was called the 100/100 award, which meant 100% attendance and 100% effort 100% of the time. Dad showed up at the concert just after we had all stood up, and right before singing our first piece. After the concert, we went out for an early dinner, and then came back to pack up all of my stuff. My room looks so empty now! Although I still have probably enough stuff to last me a good three weeks. It'll all fit in the van just fine though. After dad left, I had to finish that psych film paper, the working on which was interspersed with friends hanging out for a little while (and since I had the webcam on, Phil was able to hear some of the insanity (he got to see how one conversation went from the existence of God to fireflies to Henry VIII in a matter of about 5 minutes).
  20. Yeah, pretty much. Your heart seemed to be smiling throughout that poem. Yeah. I think Phil probably makes me happier than any other person. I had my webcam on last night because I was doing work and couldn't really IM him so much. But he doesn't have a webcam. So I can see him, but he can't see me, so we still have the text box open to talk. And every once in awhile he would see that I was frustrated with my work, and would say something just to make me laugh. At one point in time, he said, "SMILE MOAR!!!!! "
  21. Yeah, I need at least 8 hours of sleep to function properly. *is running on only 6 hours because she was up until 4am doing work that was due today* Well Jesse, all you need to do is start going to bed at 1 and getting up at 10 instead. (for me this wasn't too tough, because that's how late my friends are usually awake)
  22. Haha. I would totally eat at that picnic table too.
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