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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I have two majors, actually. Elementary Education and Psychology, and I'm planning on declaring a minor in teaching Middle School Physical Science. (I started out as Secondary Education and Physics, but then switched Physics to Biology, and then switched Biology to Psychology, and had to switch Secondary Education to Elementary because of some problem with getting certified.)
  2. Cliches are sometimes good. Hope you both have a great day!!! Yeah, it was epic awesome. I'm sad to have to go home today, but hopefully I should see him again within a week. Oh, I am certain you will see him again soon. He is probably feeling as wonderful as you are. Yeah, we've both told each other how happy the other makes us. And I could go on about how awesome he is, but I'll spare you all, unless you actually want to hear it. There's a good chance I'll see him sometime on Saturday, it seems, but we don't have any definite plans.
  3. Cliches are sometimes good. Hope you both have a great day!!! Yeah, it was epic awesome. I'm sad to have to go home today, but hopefully I should see him again within a week.
  4. I'm at college in my sister's room now. Jenny's fire department thing ended up not being tonight, so we got here early and surprised Phil. It is SO nice to actually be with him, I can't even put it into words. At least not without using pretty much every cliche in the book. And tomorrow we have the entire day together. I'm so excited!
  5. Haha I know. I'll be driving at night too. >_< But I'm taking my sister up too, so she'll keep me on the right track. I just have to remember to check/add oil to my car. It's pretty sad. We have to fill up the oil and check the gas instead of the other way around. Buy it by the case and save. We already do.
  6. Haha I know. I'll be driving at night too. >_< But I'm taking my sister up too, so she'll keep me on the right track. I just have to remember to check/add oil to my car. It's pretty sad. We have to fill up the oil and check the gas instead of the other way around.
  7. This isn't my best work poetically, but it's what's on my mind. Miracle And who would have thought that I'd be missing someone I so rarely see, That I'd be counting down the days until he's close to me. That he'd put so much joy in my life, be able to erase all the strife. And I know he feels the same way, And with smiles we end the day, Because the love we feel is not our own, But a shared love, and it's more than we could have ever asked for. And I thank God for it every day, And it must have been His work, I'm sure, because what we have is nothing short of a miracle.
  8. Hi! I have been busy packing up things in my room, which I'm sure you can relate to. I'm pretty much done now though. Have you started that yet (not sure if your messy room would be the "before" or "during" phase in packing up ) I'm home already, so I'm in the unpacking phase, and my bedroom is an outright disaster area. When I was packing though, the room was much more of a mess during packing.
  9. Hahaha I'm sure I could figure it out....Just now I'm tempted to discoify the hallway in my dorm building
  10. Oh, and I see a Jesse! Hi Jesse!
  11. Oh, I agree. I basically figure that if the stuff that's going on would be funny to someone who's watching but not experiencing it, I laugh at it. But there are some things that just aren't funny, and I'm fully aware of the difference. Good. xD Sometimes my one friend calls me a horrible person for laughing at things I probably shouldn't. xD But she's just messing around. Her and I get along really well. We have the same birthday, and we can be very similar in some ways, yet entirely different in others. x3 lol friends tend to be like that. Today was mostly spent helping Dad move things around outside, and get stuff from Lowes to make the shower here better. And earlier today I got some homework done. That's pretty much it. Tomorrow I might go to church. Not sure though. If I go, it'll be by myself, because mom has to take grandma to mass at the local Catholic church (mom promised Grandma that she'd take her to mass every Sunday if grandma came to live with us). At least next week my sister can come with me, and I'm going to see about maybe getting Phil to come along too. That would be awesome. Lowes?? Sorry 'bout that, my dad works for Home Depot... ~Liz Haha yeah. Lowes usually works out better for finding the stuff we need for some reason. Dunno why. I got my stuff for education fixed and emailed to my professor, but apparently we're supposed to post it online, and I'm not entirely sure where. So I'm waiting for a response before I do anything else. Tomorrow night after Jenny's fire department thing, I'm taking her back up to her college, and then I get to see Phil!
  12. Ooh....*considers how she could abuse such knowledge*
  13. Homework = no fun. :closedeyes: I went to church this morning, which was kinda fun. When I got back, I helped dad assemble a better bed in grandma's room, and then ate lunch. And now I'm doing homework. I just have to fix my unit plan, lesson plan, and teaching philosophy, which is easy, but I don't feel like doing work.
  14. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: WWHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT ??????????? I see a delete button..... edit . . . = . . . delete . . .???? I dunno. It's just to the left of the quote and reply buttons, and it definitely says delete.
  15. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: WWHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT ??????????? I see a delete button.....
  16. Oh, I agree. I basically figure that if the stuff that's going on would be funny to someone who's watching but not experiencing it, I laugh at it. But there are some things that just aren't funny, and I'm fully aware of the difference. Good. xD Sometimes my one friend calls me a horrible person for laughing at things I probably shouldn't. xD But she's just messing around. Her and I get along really well. We have the same birthday, and we can be very similar in some ways, yet entirely different in others. x3 lol friends tend to be like that. Today was mostly spent helping Dad move things around outside, and get stuff from Lowes to make the shower here better. And earlier today I got some homework done. That's pretty much it. Tomorrow I might go to church. Not sure though. If I go, it'll be by myself, because mom has to take grandma to mass at the local Catholic church (mom promised Grandma that she'd take her to mass every Sunday if grandma came to live with us). At least next week my sister can come with me, and I'm going to see about maybe getting Phil to come along too. That would be awesome.
  17. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Almost, that starts next week. It's more like a "finals weekend" for me though. I have one Thursday, one Friday, and then one the following Monday. Can't really complain about that. And I barely have to live on campus next week, which is good news for me. My roommate has been creepy lately. Just today I saw a, well, I'll just call it a disturbing dvd sitting on his bookshelf. This is the second time throughout the year I've seen such a disturbing dvd. He was also talking to someone on the phone about the idea of carrying a knife on him (he wanted to do something late at night), and said that he knew many guys on campus that do the same thing. But he will be out of my fur soon enough. Hate to break it to you, but I think that's pretty normal (not good, but normal nonetheless) for guys at this age (although most of them usually have the decency to keep videos like that out of plain sight...). And I carry a knife on me, and I'm a girl. Yeah, I don't know why I found it surprising...maybe it's just the fact that I know such dvds are sitting there in the room. What if someone thinks they're mine? The one I saw today also had a racist title, but I guess that's like critiquing the paint job on the Titanic... And the knife, I see why it's a good idea in some cases, but I just can't imagine anyone needing one on a campus like mine. Who would bother trying to mug someone or something on this campus? Oh wait...the same guy who swiped my clarinet from a practice room. That's right, I was stupid and left my e-flat soprano in a practice room, and over the two-hour span of time, someone took it and nothing has happened since. I've taken all the action I can with that, but my father generously got me another one. Still, who does that? Jesse, anyone who knows you knows that DVD's like that aren't yours. The reason I have a knife is because it's my pocketknife, and it's useful for everyday life (and kind of amusing, because most people don't expect a girl to have such a large pocketknife ). And the clarinet, yeah, that's a pretty strange thing to steal. Was your name in the case? No, I never thought to put a nametag on it I learned a few lessons from that... Aha. Having your name and phone number on expensive things is usually a good idea.
  18. It won't hurt the bubble, will it? *blows snow which sticks to sides of bubble* This has got to be the most unique dance party ever. But of course, because we're just that awesome. The bubble is made of an indestrucible material, so the snowblower will just add some atmosphere. Just like one of those snow globes. Yes, a snowglobe with dangling tumbleweeds and an assortment of animals and a cheese dancing inside. Well, for this place, that would be normal.
  19. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Almost, that starts next week. It's more like a "finals weekend" for me though. I have one Thursday, one Friday, and then one the following Monday. Can't really complain about that. And I barely have to live on campus next week, which is good news for me. My roommate has been creepy lately. Just today I saw a, well, I'll just call it a disturbing dvd sitting on his bookshelf. This is the second time throughout the year I've seen such a disturbing dvd. He was also talking to someone on the phone about the idea of carrying a knife on him (he wanted to do something late at night), and said that he knew many guys on campus that do the same thing. But he will be out of my fur soon enough. Hate to break it to you, but I think that's pretty normal (not good, but normal nonetheless) for guys at this age (although most of them usually have the decency to keep videos like that out of plain sight...). And I carry a knife on me, and I'm a girl. Yeah, I don't know why I found it surprising...maybe it's just the fact that I know such dvds are sitting there in the room. What if someone thinks they're mine? The one I saw today also had a racist title, but I guess that's like critiquing the paint job on the Titanic... And the knife, I see why it's a good idea in some cases, but I just can't imagine anyone needing one on a campus like mine. Who would bother trying to mug someone or something on this campus? Oh wait...the same guy who swiped my clarinet from a practice room. That's right, I was stupid and left my e-flat soprano in a practice room, and over the two-hour span of time, someone took it and nothing has happened since. I've taken all the action I can with that, but my father generously got me another one. Still, who does that? Jesse, anyone who knows you knows that DVD's like that aren't yours. The reason I have a knife is because it's my pocketknife, and it's useful for everyday life (and kind of amusing, because most people don't expect a girl to have such a large pocketknife ). And the clarinet, yeah, that's a pretty strange thing to steal. Was your name in the case?
  20. It won't hurt the bubble, will it? *blows snow which sticks to sides of bubble* This has got to be the most unique dance party ever. But of course, because we're just that awesome.
  21. They turned out fine. Looks like a good guy! I agree!!! They look great and he looks like the perfect person for you. He seems like the perfect person for me so far. It amazes me on a regular basis how similar we are. And soon, I hope to have pictures with both of us in them.
  22. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Almost, that starts next week. It's more like a "finals weekend" for me though. I have one Thursday, one Friday, and then one the following Monday. Can't really complain about that. And I barely have to live on campus next week, which is good news for me. My roommate has been creepy lately. Just today I saw a, well, I'll just call it a disturbing dvd sitting on his bookshelf. This is the second time throughout the year I've seen such a disturbing dvd. He was also talking to someone on the phone about the idea of carrying a knife on him (he wanted to do something late at night), and said that he knew many guys on campus that do the same thing. But he will be out of my fur soon enough. Hate to break it to you, but I think that's pretty normal (not good, but normal nonetheless) for guys at this age (although most of them usually have the decency to keep videos like that out of plain sight...). And I carry a knife on me, and I'm a girl.
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