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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. What's the matter with that Honours Seminar instructor... A-. Doesn't he/she know it should have been an A? CONGRATULATIONS!!! You did great! Thanks! Haha A- in that class is good enough for me. It was a 300-level class. I didn't even read the novel we were supposed to read. (To be fair, it was their own fault. It was the last class before spring break, and just as we were dismissed, one of them went, "Oh, by the way, read that novel by the time you come back." No warning whatsoever. And as you might recall, my spring break was totally packed. I couldn't have read the book in that time if I wanted to. And as it turned out, the book wasn't useful to anything we had to turn in anyways.)
  2. Jesusfreak


    Sounds like a good choice of major(s) for you. As for college living, for your freshman year at least, I suggest living on campus in a standard double room (meaning you have one roomie). Most standard double rooms have two each of a bed, desk, chair, closet, and set of drawers. Just the basics. Your entire floor shares a couple bathrooms, which in my experience isn't too bad. Standard doubles are nice because you only have to deal with one roomie, and you're directly connected to the hallway, which is better for meeting new people and making friends. Chances are, your building will have at least one lounge with a TV and furniture, and maybe a small kitchen. When you look at colleges, find out what the different residence halls are like. Sometimes colleges designate different halls for different things. Like part of one building is for just science majors, another building is for honors freshmen, part of another is substance-free, etc. My experiences so far: Freshman year I lived in a standard double in a building designated for honors freshmen. It was pretty good overall, and not as rowdy as the normal freshmen building because the kids where I was were a bit smarter. However, as with any freshmen-only residence, a lot of the people are just getting out from under their parents' control, and are experimenting and doing tons of stupid stuff. (Honors freshmen can't cook popcorn without burning it). From what I understand, the normal freshmen building is usually crazy, and they do stupid things like spraying fire extinguishers in the hallway (which can happen anywhere, but it's more common with freshmen). Last year I was in wellness (substance-free, meaning NO alcohol or cigarettes, regardless of age) once again in a standard double. It was a great year. I don't drink or smoke, and I was living with people who felt the same way (which meant lots of awesome game/anime/band geeks). There were no drunken shenanigans, and it was an overall great place to be. Also, most of my friends were in the same place (we purposely picked rooms next to each other). We probably would have stayed in wellness, but next year most of my friends are going to be 21, and while most of them aren't looking to go get drunk, they at least want the option of drinking. So the guys got a suite in a building that's all suites, and the girls (myself included) are taking up a good part of one wing on the 3rd floor of the building next door, which is supposed to be pretty quiet. Locations to keep in mind: Look at the layout of your campus. Buildings that are close to greek buildings (fraternities and sororities) are likely to be big party spots. See what buildings are close to or far away from. Also, if you know people that already go to the college you want to go to, ask them about the different buildings. Within the building: If you can pick what specific room you want, keep these things in mind: look for stairs, doors, and bathrooms. The closer you are to these things, the more people will be walking past your room. This is good for meeting new people if you have your door propped open, but not so good for sleeping if you're a light sleeper. The first floor, while you don't have to walk up stairs, is no fun. First floors generally have the most people walking through them, and also most often have tour groups walking through them on open house days. Also, you have to worry about people breaking in through your window (which isn't really a problem in most places, but still something to worry about). Another thing is that you might have to deal with noise from above you. The first floor also gets a lot of noise from people who are outside the building, and also second hand smoke (second hand smoke is also a good reason to pick rooms that aren't directly above doors to the outside of the building, because that's where smokers most often are). The second floor is where I've been the past two years. It's nice because it's not the first floor, and not up as many stairs as the third floor. The second floor has the same problem as the first floor with noise above you, but you also have to worry about not making too much noise for the people below you. The top floor of the building (which is the third floor for all the buildings on my campus except one) is nice for the same reasons as the second floor, and you don't have noise from upstairs. However, you have to climb up more stairs to get to your room, which is no fun, especially in move in day (most buildings on my campus don't have elevators). One nice thing about all those stairs though, is that it's good exercise, and it means that the top floor has the least amount of traffic, and should be the quietest. Um, wow, I wrote a novel. I'm probably forgetting stuff too....
  3. *does a victory dance with her current transcript* Who got awesome grades this semester? I got awesome grades this semester. I now have 88 credits and a 3.664 GPA. Lowest grade was an A- as you can see below. (If you're wondering, P means Pass. Some classes don't get letter grades because they're pass/fail classes.)
  4. Aw, thank you! I'm fully aware that Marius will never follow the same line of thinking, but it's hard because when I give people advice, I generally tell them what works for me, and trusting God is what works for me. And I hope Marius finds someone. He's such a great guy, it amazes me that he's still single. Although on the other hand, he's so strange that it's hard for him to find someone he's compatible with. And I can sympathize with him there. I'm probably the strangest person I know, and it took me 20 years to even be in a relationship. He's been in several. Although the vast majority of his relationships I think weren't really meaningful. It's also hard for Marius because he sees all the people around him in happy relationships, and he wants what we have. And he doesn't know what to do about it. Because he's tried sitting around waiting for it, and that hasn't worked. And he's tried actually trying and working for it, and that didn't work either. So now he's kinda depressed.
  5. aw yeahh i am rare now Yeah you are! lol you should post more often.
  6. This poem is partially inspired by a conversation I had with Marius (although the poem itself is, as I'm sure you expected, about Phil). Marius is really frustrated because he feels empty and doesn't have anyone, despite the fact that he's tried everything. But he doesn't buy the whole "God has a plan" thing that's kept me sane so far. And I can give him advice, but he won't listen to what I think is my most helpful advice, which is to trust God. Not that I expect him to take advice like that, because most people don't, but it gets frustrating when I have what is to me a very simple and effective solution, and he just doesn't get it. So here's my sentiments: No Coincidence I'm so lucky to have you, but it wasn't luck that brought me to you. It's something bigger than both of us, Something in whom we trust. This is no coincidence, I see from our past incidents. No, I think this was planned, across our entire lives it's spanned. Most people don't have this, To see the positive end of things run amiss. Because our past made us who we are. It wasn't all fun, but we've gotten this far. I know our trials make us stronger, and knowing this, I hold out longer. I can see the reasons, why I've waited for so many seasons. It was to get me to where I needed to be, and to show me what I needed to see, in order to understand what I've got. And now I know, that it's quite a lot. So this is what I think is true: it's no chance that I've got you.
  7. Haha that first one is exactly how I feel sometimes. XD
  8. This afternoon ?????????????? Yeah. I was hoping to get up at like 10 or 11am. That didn't happen. >_< I guess I was more tired than I thought. Super tired I'd say. lol apparently. I didn't get much sleep the two nights before last, so it probably just caught up with me.
  9. Jesusfreak


    Yeah, you've got time. Just remember to get a good idea of what you want to do *before* you pick a college if you can. As for deciding what to do, think about your favorite academic subjects and things you enjoy doing, and think about what careers they could turn into. I enjoy helping people and teaching, and I was always good at science. So I'm elementary ed and psychology and I'll probably declare a middle school science minor. So I could be a middle school science teacher, or with the psychology degree I could be a psychiatrist, counselor, or something like that. Just make sure you major in something you enjoy, and if you find out you don't like your major, switch it while you still have time. Most college students switch their major at least once.
  10. Jesusfreak


    Great idea!!!! Thanks!
  11. I agree. The whole reason this country got started in the first place was so people could be free to practice whatever religion they want. If people get that up in arms about people praying to God at a game, they have the same right to say, "May the laws of physics be in our favor today," or say a prayer to who/whatever they believe in. Note: I'm not saying science is a religion or anything like that. I believe in the laws of physics too. So if anyone chooses to argue with me, please don't use that as a debating point, you know what I meant.
  12. Jesusfreak


    So. I'm halfway done with my undergrad work at college. And it crossed my mind that probably most of the people here are in high school or middle school. So I figured I'd make a topic where you guys could post your questions about college, what it's like, etc. And I can try to answer them. I know at least Jesse and Leguan are in college too, so they might be able to answer some questions too. So, anyone have any questions about college?
  13. This past year was my second year.
  14. This afternoon ?????????????? Yeah. I was hoping to get up at like 10 or 11am. That didn't happen. >_< I guess I was more tired than I thought.
  15. So, last night I went to sleep early (sometime between about 10:30 and 11:00) figuring I'd be more likely to get up at a more reasonable hour. I got up at 1:30. >_<
  16. Love and Happiness (I actually wrote the last line in this poem seconds before Phil IM'd me) Love and Happiness, can they be defined? Love and Happiness, that's what I find, when I look into your eyes, hear your voice, and time flies. We always know, our words are true, and it makes things better, gray skies turn blue.
  17. They turned out fine. Looks like a good guy! I agree!!! They look great and he looks like the perfect person for you. He seems like the perfect person for me so far. It amazes me on a regular basis how similar we are. And soon, I hope to have pictures with both of us in them. Oh yeah!!!!! Pictures of the dynamic duo!!!! Mmkay. The problem is that I tend to take pictures mostly when I'm bored and fidgety, and while I was with Phil I wasn't bored, and we were usually holding hands or had our arms around each other, so my hands weren't even free most of the time. So I only took a few pictures, and I only have one half decent picture of both of us. Phil looks adorable as usual, but I look kinda funny. So here ya go. What a fantastic picture!!!!!! I love it!!!!! You both look great together. Thanks. My generic reaction to it is something along the lines of, "Awwwwww "
  18. XD I have one suggestion: make the shirt a plaid flannel.
  19. Haha I know. I'll be driving at night too. >_< But I'm taking my sister up too, so she'll keep me on the right track. I just have to remember to check/add oil to my car. It's pretty sad. We have to fill up the oil and check the gas instead of the other way around. Buy it by the case and save. We already do. Ooooh... that's a bad sign. LOL lol yeah. >_< We've been putting oil treatments in the car too, but it looks like we're going to have to take the engine apart and try to fix it. Not fun. Oh dear... engine repair. Yeah. Dad's not looking forward to that. But if we can fix it, that'll be great, because having it fixed by a mechanic or buying a new engine would probably cost more than the car did in the first place.
  20. They turned out fine. Looks like a good guy! I agree!!! They look great and he looks like the perfect person for you. He seems like the perfect person for me so far. It amazes me on a regular basis how similar we are. And soon, I hope to have pictures with both of us in them. Oh yeah!!!!! Pictures of the dynamic duo!!!! Mmkay. The problem is that I tend to take pictures mostly when I'm bored and fidgety, and while I was with Phil I wasn't bored, and we were usually holding hands or had our arms around each other, so my hands weren't even free most of the time. So I only took a few pictures, and I only have one half decent picture of both of us. Phil looks adorable as usual, but I look kinda funny. So here ya go.
  21. Haha I know. I'll be driving at night too. >_< But I'm taking my sister up too, so she'll keep me on the right track. I just have to remember to check/add oil to my car. It's pretty sad. We have to fill up the oil and check the gas instead of the other way around. Buy it by the case and save. We already do. Ooooh... that's a bad sign. LOL lol yeah. >_< We've been putting oil treatments in the car too, but it looks like we're going to have to take the engine apart and try to fix it. Not fun.
  22. *does a happy dance* Oh wait, you wanted us to say something....
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