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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    Yeah. x3 Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. I will edit anything I am asked to. Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.) How much is he paying? Well I don't know. You'll have to ask him that.
  2. Yeah. Last night I figured out that I can do IM through my cell phone, but it's *really* slow compared to normal IMs. I just send Phil a rather long message through a networking website we're both on with some tips on talking to his grandparents. Because they don't understand, and they make assumptions about why Phil did poorly in his classes (which, to be fair, are typical assumptions one would make as to why someone did poorly in classes), and Phil gets *really* frustrated with the whole situation. And I've never seen him debate something with someone, so there's a good chance he just doesn't know the finer points of preventing discussions from turning into arguments. (I took debate class, my parents taught me well, and I'm a psych/education major, so this sort of thing is my specialty. I don't know if Phil's had a debate class, but I know his parents/step parents/grandparents don't/didn't work the same way my parents do, and he's a chem major. ) I also told him that I love him very much and that I'm praying for him. So, yeah, hopefully he'll be okay this weekend.
  3. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    Yeah. x3 Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. I will edit anything I am asked to. Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.)
  4. That's pretty normal, but there are two differences. Actually three. 1) Teachers in grade school have to have an education degree, college professors don't. 2) The class average for some of Phil's classes was F, not C. C is a normal class average, a D or F average indicates a problem with the teaching. 3) In college more people care because you're paying an insane amount of money to take them, the class is more likely to be relevant to your future career, and you need to either pass it or take it again to graduate.
  5. This works out better. He stays home this weekend because of his grades, then he is free to get together with you all the following weekend. lol in theory. I don't know his grandparents that well, so hopefully they won't do something like ground him the whole summer. The only thing that kinda worries me is that I won't be online to talk to him after he tells them about his grades, because I know he's going to be upset after that. I can do aim with my cell phone, but that's really slow. And he has the number for the cabin phone, but the lines tend to be crackly, and I'm not sure how long distance works with his phone. (my cell phone doesn't get enough reception at camp or at home for talking, but it's usually good enough for texting)
  6. If you don't like him like that, you do need to break up with him. That's not fair to him.
  7. Hm....looks like the plans for Sunday are getting moved over a week, because Olivia has work. It works out well though, because I won't have to drive myself up and back to camp (I'll go with Dad and come home with him on Sunday instead), and Phil won't have to worry about his grandparents keeping him home this weekend because of his grades.
  8. Jesusfreak


    Band director would probably come out to majoring in music education, or double majoring in music and the education level of your choosing. I know that my college has a music education program of some sort, but I'm not sure how it works....
  9. Oh, and yesterday I changed the oil in my car (Dad told me what to do). And it's not that hard. I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's just a little bit messy. Then Jenny and I went out shopping (again) because we needed some stuff from the grocery store, and needed to buy a new broom (the one we had broke when we were sweeping off the trampoline, which was covered in assorted tree debris). Today was mostly spent doing nothing, aside from driving out to pick up our Chinese food order. Tomorrow I'm going up to camp because Saturday is a work day (mom's paying me $50 to do the work day for her). And then I come home Saturday afternoon/evening. I'm starting to get really tired of all this driving.
  10. Jesusfreak


    lol my high school didn't have AP chem at all. AP stats might be a good class. What are your options?
  11. Jesusfreak


    I think there's a huge difference between the US and Europe, especially Germany. Additional to the fact that gas is very expensive and parking space is rare, many people here are very ecology-minded. Riding a bicycle is quite normal for short distances (a few kilometres). Many streets have special bicyle lanes and everywhere you can find kickstands. That's so awesome! I would ride my bike more often, but where I live, there are no bike lanes, and often no sidewalks (and even then, it is technically illegal to ride on the sidewalks, although people do it anyways because it's safer). It's just not easy for cars and bikes to be on the same roads around here. Also where I am there are lots of big hills that aren't too fun to get up.
  12. Whoo Hoo !!!! lol indeed. I just hope his grandparents let him come over. He failed multivariable calculus, and got D's and a C in some of his other classes, although it's mostly not his fault. Apparently he had some really awful teachers *thinks back to her own problems with her calculus and cell bio classes* and when you have awful teachers, you can try as hard as you want, and still not pass the class. And for at least one class, the textbook was bad too, so he couldn't even teach himself from the book. Plus the class average for most of those classes was at least close to failing anyways. But his grandparents just don't realize that he tries as hard as he can, and that he's upset about his grades too. Like I get it, and my parents get it, but his grandparents don't. So I'm hoping he manages to come over today if for no other reason than the fact that I'd be able to give him a hug, because I know he needs it. Give him two hugs. I do agree that teachers and textbooks can make all the difference in your being successful or struggling. Hopefully his grandparents will catch on, although I seriously doubt it. Some teachers are bad and then the way they grade their tests makes matters worse. If everyone in the class is struggling to make good grades, then something is drastically wrong. So... give him two hugs, He certainly needs the support. lol I probably hugged him at least 10 times. And he knows that he has my support, and the support of my family. At least he seemed in better spirits today than he did yesterday, but I can tell he's scared to see the full force of his grandparents' reaction. Hopefully they won't do anything too drastic..... I will cross my paws. Let me know what happens. Will do. He was going to talk to them yesterday after dinner, but he said they seemed tired, so he'll either tell them today or after Sunday (because on Sunday, the two of us plus Jenny, Tommy, Scott (Phil's roomie, who I know from middle school), and Olivia (Scott's girlfriend) are all going out for lunch at Tommy's restaurant and then to see the new Narnia movie, and Phil doesn't want to mess that plan up with the potential wrath of his grandparents. Although he really should tell them sooner rather than later.
  13. Jesusfreak


    Ouch. And I thought $4 a gallon was bad. >_< But yeah, colleges that are in less urban areas tend to have everything on campus. Colleges that are in the city though, are more like your college, with buildings all over the place. Yale is like that. And they have shuttle busses, or you could take a city bus to get around. There are a few people in bikes, but that's a bit difficult with crowded streets and sidewalks.
  14. Jesusfreak


    Yeah, most people live in dorms here. They're set up kinda like hotels as far as room placement goes, only each room doesn't get its own bathroom. Instead entire hallways share a bathroom that has like three showers, sinks, and toilets. Although it depends on the college. Colleges that are in a city with lots of apartment buildings nearby have less dorm buildings because it's easy for students to get their own apartments, and public transportation is better. Where my college is, public transportation isn't too good, and it's very suburban, so most students either live on campus or live with their parents and commute. Most people that live on campus have cars on campus too. My sister's college is huge (the population there is bigger than the population of my town), and her campus has shuttle busses that run within the campus, which contains lots of restaurants and places to go shopping, so you never need to leave campus anyways. Because of that, and because freshmen can't have cars on her campus, less people have cars.
  15. Wow, I'm already within. Yeah, because you're just that awesome.
  16. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    Is it just me, or should there be some serious name changing and stuff going on here? *notes how nothing says Cheesus*
  17. Class rings aren't cool once you get into college anyways. But your mom really should take you to the doctor's, because the other things that would cause pain and swelling should probably get checked out too.
  18. *headdesk* Can you have your friend's dad tell your mom to take you to the hospital?
  19. Whoo Hoo !!!! lol indeed. I just hope his grandparents let him come over. He failed multivariable calculus, and got D's and a C in some of his other classes, although it's mostly not his fault. Apparently he had some really awful teachers *thinks back to her own problems with her calculus and cell bio classes* and when you have awful teachers, you can try as hard as you want, and still not pass the class. And for at least one class, the textbook was bad too, so he couldn't even teach himself from the book. Plus the class average for most of those classes was at least close to failing anyways. But his grandparents just don't realize that he tries as hard as he can, and that he's upset about his grades too. Like I get it, and my parents get it, but his grandparents don't. So I'm hoping he manages to come over today if for no other reason than the fact that I'd be able to give him a hug, because I know he needs it. Give him two hugs. I do agree that teachers and textbooks can make all the difference in your being successful or struggling. Hopefully his grandparents will catch on, although I seriously doubt it. Some teachers are bad and then the way they grade their tests makes matters worse. If everyone in the class is struggling to make good grades, then something is drastically wrong. So... give him two hugs, He certainly needs the support. lol I probably hugged him at least 10 times. And he knows that he has my support, and the support of my family. At least he seemed in better spirits today than he did yesterday, but I can tell he's scared to see the full force of his grandparents' reaction. Hopefully they won't do anything too drastic.....
  20. Whoo Hoo !!!! lol indeed. I just hope his grandparents let him come over. He failed multivariable calculus, and got D's and a C in some of his other classes, although it's mostly not his fault. Apparently he had some really awful teachers *thinks back to her own problems with her calculus and cell bio classes* and when you have awful teachers, you can try as hard as you want, and still not pass the class. And for at least one class, the textbook was bad too, so he couldn't even teach himself from the book. Plus the class average for most of those classes was at least close to failing anyways. But his grandparents just don't realize that he tries as hard as he can, and that he's upset about his grades too. Like I get it, and my parents get it, but his grandparents don't. So I'm hoping he manages to come over today if for no other reason than the fact that I'd be able to give him a hug, because I know he needs it.
  21. there was this event recently, it was the "Women's Expo." I know that a Men's expo would be shot down and flagged as sexist. And another thing that bugs me is standardized testing listing "white" as a race. I'm caucasian, not white. When you get as specific as "Pacific Islander," I feel slighted. I have no objections to being called white, just the same as how I refer to black people as being black rather than African American. I don't demand to be called European American. Plus white and black are easier to say.
  22. Today I actually got the rest of my unpacking done, and got most of the stuff in my room (the stuff that belongs to me anyways) organized to a reasonable degree. And I went grocery shopping, because mom wanted some stuff from the store. I still have tons of laundry that has to get done though, so I'll probably start that soon. Tomorrow Phil is probably going to come over, which should be tons of fun. It's supposed to be nice out tomorrow too.
  23. I call the flamingos! Jesusfreak... you take some beautiful pictures. TBFOF... you also take wonderful pictures... please post some. I'm selling two cameras on eBay and buying a new slim one. So I'm currently camera less.. because one broke, two are in boxes, one just stinks, and the other one I gave to my mom. I could use hers, but I think I'll just wait. Please do not use the 's' word. Horatio S word? I said s***? I'm so sorrrrrrrrry. I didn't even realize it! No, I'm pretty sure the word she's talking about was the one that was changed to "stinks" because I had the same thing edited in one of my posts once. Not really a bad word in my opinion, but I suppose it's not a good one either.
  24. Aw, thanks! I want to get a new camera too, but I can't find one that works better than the one I have that isn't either huge, $400+ or both. And my camera is almost 4 years old, missing a couple screws, and partially held together with tape.
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