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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I'm just starting to get into anime, thanks to my friends. In all honesty, I'll watch pretty much anything you put in front of me. So far I've watched all of Love Hina, Love Hina Again, Ouran High School Host Club, and FLCL. I've gotten through part of Death Note, Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist. And I have an ever-growing list of animes I still need to watch.
  2. A hedgehog? Who steals a hedgehog? Seriously. And leopard geckos are so cool! We used to have them (and the pet crickets that go with them) a few years ago. Then we gave them to someone. But they're neat animals.
  3. Poor Grandma. My heart goes out to her. As for all the rest... backseat drivers and all. Sounds like you had a great day. Yeah, grandma just tends to forget where she is and why she's here. Like half the time she thinks she's just visiting at my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Ken's house. And it was a great day, we need to do stuff like that more often. Today I dropped off my job application like I said, and then went to the grocery store (again, because mom had *more* things she needed from there), and I got to see Phil again. You didn't mention where you dropped off your application for employment. Good luck. 23H00 curfew on the computer... ouch!!!! I couldn't live with that curfew. It would be far worse than being grounded. No, being grounded would mean *no* computer. In all reality, it's almost a good thing that he has to sign off so early, because that means I'm more likely to go to sleep at a reasonable hour myself, and as a result get up at a reasonable hour. I'm almost surprised that he's not online now, but he's probably just spending time with his family.
  4. Poor Grandma. My heart goes out to her. As for all the rest... backseat drivers and all. Sounds like you had a great day. Yeah, grandma just tends to forget where she is and why she's here. Like half the time she thinks she's just visiting at my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Ken's house. And it was a great day, we need to do stuff like that more often. Today I dropped off my job application like I said, and then went to the grocery store (again, because mom had *more* things she needed from there), and I got to see Phil again.
  5. Yesterday was fun times. Phil biked over to my house to hang out for a little while, and Dad helped us plug the computer in to the TV, so we were able to play stepmania on the TV (I have DDR mats that have a USB plug). Then we went to go pick up Scott and Liv, and then to get Jenny and Tommy at Tommy's house. From there we went to the mall where the movie theater is (which was a challenge because Tommy was giving me directions from the far back seat, and was too quiet to hear. >_<). The movie we wanted to see wasn't for awhile, so we wandered around the mall, which was fun, and then went to see the movie. I think there were only like three people in the theater aside from ourselves. After the movie, we wandered around the mall some more, and then went back to Tommy's for Chinese food and to watch another movie (Tommy lives in an apartment upstairs from the Chinese food place where he works). And that was also fun times. Then, leaving Tommy at his house, we dropped off Scott and Liv, returned home to pick up Phil's bike and drop off Jenny, and then I brought Phil home and helped him get the bike out of the van and into a shed, and he told me to text him when I got home (normally I would IM him, but his grandparents for some odd reason have imposed an 11pm computer curfew, and it was already after 11pm). So when I got home I did that, and went to sleep. Today I need to go drop off a job application. Oh, and apparently Grandma tried to go home at some point recently. >_<
  6. Yeah. Another one was the priest during the wedding in the little mermaid. I'm sure most people have heard of that one. And I'm pretty sure there are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
  7. So, it looks like that thing we were going to do on Sunday is actually happening tomorrow. Today I went down to the local camping gear store and picked up a job application, and then went to the grocery store, partly to pick up some stuff mom wanted, but mostly to visit Phil, because I knew he was working today. He was happy to see me. The rest of the day was spent getting annoyed at the internet for cutting out on me, and playing stepmania. Now I'm doing laundry. And tomorrow is our triple date chinese food and movie thing. But I already said that. The details are way more complicated than they should be (compliments of my sister), but the general idea is that Jenny, Tommy, Scott, Liv, Phil, and I are all going out to see the new Narnia movie, and to get Chinese food at Tommy's restaurant. Good thing I can drive the minivan....
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You got an A in differential equations, your freshman year. That's more mind blowing than all of my A's combined. @_@ I guess that shows even more that I chose the right major! For math next year, in the fall I'll do linear algebra (which I was supposed to do this semester but it was canceled Isn't registration fun?) and in the spring I will take structures & proofs and abstract algebra. lol my dad *hated* linear algebra. I cant do all that insane math stuff.
  9. Awesome! Congrats on doing so well! And oh, Disney movies....have you seen the box for the Little Mermaid movie? The castle tower aside, just look at facial expressions and where their eyes are going.....
  10. Fencing would be so awesome! My favorite gym unit was in middle school when we had an entire gymnastics unit. That was awesome. My biggest problem was that I just don't like competitive sports. Probably because I'm bad at most of them. I was fine in floor hockey, as long as people weren't trying to chop my feet off with a hockey stick. And I was decent at ghetto kickball* because there was some strategy involved. *Ghetto kickball is something we did in high school. We played in our tiny gym, and it was mostly like regular kickball. The differences were that you could have as many people as you wanted on a base (which was great because you didn't have to run if you knew you were going to get out by running), and when you were running to home, if you were clear to go on to first base again, you could do that and it would still count as a run, and you wouldn't have to kick again until the next time you stopped at home. So as long as I could kick the ball and make it to first base without getting out, I was usually fine, because I could run to the next base when I was clear, and I could usually make it back around to first base without stopping at home. The fun part was when you get one of the hot-headed guys that think they're the master of all things sports, because they were usually the catcher, and they would try and throw that ball at you from halfway across the gym to get out out and miss, so the ball would go rolling across the gym into some far corner, and you could keep running bases until they got their act back together and stopped trying to get people out. Also, if you could kick the ball above a line painted on the back wall of the gym, it was an automatic safe trip to first base, and if you could kick it and hit the box painted on the wall, it was an automatic home run, or something like that. (I was bad at kicking)
  11. it stands for physical education, which is fitting, seeing as half of what we do is only learning about sports and not actually doing them. Yep. >_> because learning about who invented volleyball is so important for my future! Ugh, yeah, I think the sheer uselessness of that information is what bothered me the most. Totally absurd. Common sense would be to have some sort of exercise program that would benefit everyone. Duh... Yeah. o.O Pretty soon students will have to memorize various sports statistics in order to pass the course. They can be couch potatoes, but if they know the statistics of various players, they get an "A" for the course. Oh goodness, I hope not. >_<
  12. it stands for physical education, which is fitting, seeing as half of what we do is only learning about sports and not actually doing them. Yep. >_> because learning about who invented volleyball is so important for my future! Ugh, yeah, I think the sheer uselessness of that information is what bothered me the most. Totally absurd. Common sense would be to have some sort of exercise program that would benefit everyone. Duh... Yeah. o.O
  13. it stands for physical education, which is fitting, seeing as half of what we do is only learning about sports and not actually doing them. Yep. >_> because learning about who invented volleyball is so important for my future! Ugh, yeah, I think the sheer uselessness of that information is what bothered me the most. Totally absurd. Common sense would be to have some sort of exercise program that would benefit everyone. Duh... lol you would think that now wouldn't you?
  14. it stands for physical education, which is fitting, seeing as half of what we do is only learning about sports and not actually doing them. Yep. >_> because learning about who invented volleyball is so important for my future! Ugh, yeah, I think the sheer uselessness of that information is what bothered me the most.
  15. Yeah. Last night I figured out that I can do IM through my cell phone, but it's *really* slow compared to normal IMs. I just send Phil a rather long message through a networking website we're both on with some tips on talking to his grandparents. Because they don't understand, and they make assumptions about why Phil did poorly in his classes (which, to be fair, are typical assumptions one would make as to why someone did poorly in classes), and Phil gets *really* frustrated with the whole situation. And I've never seen him debate something with someone, so there's a good chance he just doesn't know the finer points of preventing discussions from turning into arguments. (I took debate class, my parents taught me well, and I'm a psych/education major, so this sort of thing is my specialty. I don't know if Phil's had a debate class, but I know his parents/step parents/grandparents don't/didn't work the same way my parents do, and he's a chem major. ) I also told him that I love him very much and that I'm praying for him. So, yeah, hopefully he'll be okay this weekend. Perhaps you should go there with him as his "lawyer". Haha My mom always said I'd be a good lawyer. Law school sounds insanely boring though. And being a lawyer requires *way* too much research and paperwork. I think I'll stick with teaching. Probably a good idea to stick with teaching. But you could always practice your skills helping Phil. Haha true. I'm talking to Phil now, although his responses are a bit slow. It seems his grandparents aren't mad about the grades anymore, and he actually had a good weekend. *breathes a sigh of relief* Make that two of us breathing a sigh of relief. Glad to hear things have calmed down on Phil's end. lol yeah. It's good that he can relax now, I know the whole grades thing was stressing him out.
  16. it stands for physical education, which is fitting, seeing as half of what we do is only learning about sports and not actually doing them. Yep. >_>
  17. Teehee. *joins the dino hugging*
  18. Jesusfreak


    lol my high school didn't have AP chem at all. AP stats might be a good class. What are your options? AP Stats, Ap Bio, Ap Spanish or spanish 4, stuff like child development and other non-AP classes. Stat is my top choice as of the moment, I want to take at least 1 AP in junior year. ~Liz Out of those, I'd take Spanish, unless one of the others will apply directly to your major. Spanish is a nifty language to know, and most colleges have a language requirement regardless of your major.
  19. Yeah. Last night I figured out that I can do IM through my cell phone, but it's *really* slow compared to normal IMs. I just send Phil a rather long message through a networking website we're both on with some tips on talking to his grandparents. Because they don't understand, and they make assumptions about why Phil did poorly in his classes (which, to be fair, are typical assumptions one would make as to why someone did poorly in classes), and Phil gets *really* frustrated with the whole situation. And I've never seen him debate something with someone, so there's a good chance he just doesn't know the finer points of preventing discussions from turning into arguments. (I took debate class, my parents taught me well, and I'm a psych/education major, so this sort of thing is my specialty. I don't know if Phil's had a debate class, but I know his parents/step parents/grandparents don't/didn't work the same way my parents do, and he's a chem major. ) I also told him that I love him very much and that I'm praying for him. So, yeah, hopefully he'll be okay this weekend. Perhaps you should go there with him as his "lawyer". Haha My mom always said I'd be a good lawyer. Law school sounds insanely boring though. And being a lawyer requires *way* too much research and paperwork. I think I'll stick with teaching. Probably a good idea to stick with teaching. But you could always practice your skills helping Phil. Haha true. I'm talking to Phil now, although his responses are a bit slow. It seems his grandparents aren't mad about the grades anymore, and he actually had a good weekend. *breathes a sigh of relief*
  20. Methinks this is a good question. o.O
  21. The closest I've been to a pig was TODAY cause I had bacon with breakfast. Hahaha
  22. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You got an A in differential equations, your freshman year. That's more mind blowing than all of my A's combined. @_@
  23. lol we had written tests in some of our high school gym classes (it depended on the teacher we had that year). And those stupid tests are the only reason I got a B+ in gym instead of an A. I was not happy about that.
  24. Yeah. Last night I figured out that I can do IM through my cell phone, but it's *really* slow compared to normal IMs. I just send Phil a rather long message through a networking website we're both on with some tips on talking to his grandparents. Because they don't understand, and they make assumptions about why Phil did poorly in his classes (which, to be fair, are typical assumptions one would make as to why someone did poorly in classes), and Phil gets *really* frustrated with the whole situation. And I've never seen him debate something with someone, so there's a good chance he just doesn't know the finer points of preventing discussions from turning into arguments. (I took debate class, my parents taught me well, and I'm a psych/education major, so this sort of thing is my specialty. I don't know if Phil's had a debate class, but I know his parents/step parents/grandparents don't/didn't work the same way my parents do, and he's a chem major. ) I also told him that I love him very much and that I'm praying for him. So, yeah, hopefully he'll be okay this weekend. Perhaps you should go there with him as his "lawyer". Haha My mom always said I'd be a good lawyer. Law school sounds insanely boring though. And being a lawyer requires *way* too much research and paperwork. I think I'll stick with teaching.
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