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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Aw, Phil couldn't come over today. It had something to do with him falling asleep and not getting his room cleaned, and his grandma thinking he was up on the computer (he actually signed off early last night). So I got most of the leaves out of the pool without him, and dad helped a bit. Hopefully we should be able to start filling the pool by the end of the weekend.
  2. So, yesterday I got up and picked up all the tree branches out of the back yard and put them into a pile to burn later. After that I went out to the grocery store...again. I just wanted to get marshmallows for Monday. That's all I wanted. Then mom said, "Oh, while you're there can you pick up...." and wrote out yet another shopping list for over $100 worth of groceries. Phil probably thinks we're crazy now (not that he's be too far off in thinking so...). We never ended up hanging out yesterday after he got out of work because he got caught up in family stuff. He wasn't too happy about that, but it happens, and I think it's pretty cool that he respects his family that much, and that he's so close with them. Most people our age aren't like that. He's still planning on coming over today to help out clean the pool though, so that could be interesting. I also got my bike cleaned up yesterday. It needs a new chain, but everything else was fine with the aid of some oil and WD-40. And late last night some drama went down between Tommy and Jenny over the phone. I'm not sure what happened, but she was in tears and mom and dad were talking to her. I asked mom about what was going on when she poked her head in my room last night, and she said something about thinking Jenny was going to break up with Tommy, and Tommy being a jerk. Which is odd, because Tommy's usually a nice guy, so I'm not sure what's up with that. On the other side, however, I think my sister's prescription for the medication she's on to regulate her hormones rand out awhile ago (she's been trying to get it filled, but the pharmacy keeps having problems), and she's been kind of a jerk lately to me at least, and might be acting the same way with Tommy, in which I couldn't blame him for acting like a jerk right back at her. Although it's also possible that she's just taking her frustration with Tommy out on me. Anything's possible. I kinda hope they stay together and work things out though. They're a good couple, and he's supposed to be going to the same college as her next year, at which point I think things will be much easier for them, if they can make it that far.
  3. Sorry, I got mixed up on which state you're living in at the moment. To set things straight in my head, your home is in CT and your college is in NJ? I think you mentioned something about New York too but I can't remember how that was involved. Haha yes, and camp/the cabin is in New York. I live all over the place.
  4. Ohhhhhh, you are so pretty!!!!! This is the best picture yet!!! No wonder why Phil is so in love with you!!!! Aw, thank you! Yeah, I was pretty happy with the way that picture turned out. For some reason, pictures of people tend to look better when they're in black and white or sepia (for me, that reason is because I have awful skin, and it's not as noticeable when there's no color). So there are few really good pictures of myself in color where you can easily see my whole face. Like this one. This is probably the only really good recent shot of my face in color. As for Phil, he asked me out without having seen me in person for almost a month, and having seen me less than 10 times (probably less than 5 times actually, but I'm not sure) in the past year. Now I just have to get some more good pictures of Phil....the problem is that I don't usually take pictures unless I'm bored or someone is doing something outlandish enough that I think a picture needs to be taken. And usually if I'm with Phil, I'm holding hands with him or something, so I don't have my hands free. So I need to actually make it a point to take pictures of him. Because most of the pictures of him that currently exist do not do his lovely face justice. Great picture featuring your gorgeous blue eyes. I like this one as well. Thanks! lol I like the way my eyes look, but they don't work very well. Well, how many times to you actually look at your own eyes? Soooo, no problem if they don't work well. It's the looker, not the lookee, who gets to see the beautiful colour. *thinks about the ~er~ and ~ee~ and checks to make sure they are in the correct position* Haha. I think in a few years I might look into the laser surgery to correct my vision, or at least make it a little better. I'm just afraid that something will go wrong. But in the mean time, glasses are fine. I've been wearing glasses since I was about two. I'm not so sure I could go in for lasers/surgeries in my eyes. It would be hard for me if I was sight impaired. Glasses are just fine... as long as I don't lose them... which happens every now and then. Losing glasses is pretty hard for me, since they're always on my face or in some specific spot if I'm sleeping, showering, or swimming. Anything beyond about 2" from my face is fuzzy, so I pretty much always have my glasses on. Plus it's just instinct for me to put on my glasses as soon as I get up. You have developed a very good habit... putting them in a specific place when you go to sleep, shower, etc. It would be great if I had such discipline. lol well, I have to, because without them, I can't see them well enough to find them again. So when I go to sleep, the glasses go on the shelf next to my bed, when I take a shower, they go on the counter next to the sink or in my bathrobe pocket, and when I go swimming, they go in the glasses case in my beach bag, or on the deck railing.
  5. Well, we kinda live in the same state, remember? And there area few ways to get leaves out. There's only a few inches of water in the pool, so I'll probably just stand in the pool and pick up big handfuls and toss them out. There will likely be rubber gloves and boots involved. The other way is to use this net scooper thing that's attached to a long pole. The problem is I'm to short to be able to use it effectively, and I can't stand on the edge of the pool like dad usually does because there's not enough water to support the pool walls. So Phil will probably use that. He's got strong enough arms for it too. And he doesn't have rubber boots. This should be an interesting afternoon. Oh yeah. I was planning on doing it myself, but I guess he wants to help, so okay then. I'm not sure he understands just how gross the pool is, but, whatever. Although if he's on the outside of the pool, it won't be too bad.
  6. Well, we kinda live in the same state, remember? And there area few ways to get leaves out. There's only a few inches of water in the pool, so I'll probably just stand in the pool and pick up big handfuls and toss them out. There will likely be rubber gloves and boots involved. The other way is to use this net scooper thing that's attached to a long pole. The problem is I'm to short to be able to use it effectively, and I can't stand on the edge of the pool like dad usually does because there's not enough water to support the pool walls. So Phil will probably use that. He's got strong enough arms for it too. And he doesn't have rubber boots.
  7. So, today was really boring. I sat around and did nothing pretty much all day. Um....yeah. Although the weather was kinda strange today, switching between rain and sun and back again throughout the day. Tomorrow should be nice, so I'm gonna start cleaning up the yard a bit and pile all the fallen branches in one spot so I can burn them later. I might go over to Phil's house tomorrow after he gets out of work, but I'm not entirely sure yet. He's coming over here on Saturday to help me clean out the swimming pool (which was totally his idea, for the record. I said, "Hey, it's supposed to be nice on Saturday, we should go do something." And he said, "We could go for a bike ride. No wait, I've got it. Clean out your swimming pool!") So that should be interesting. The swimming pool is really gross, and we basically just have to get the leaves out of it (it was never properly covered for the winter). And Monday he's probably going to come over since neither of us have any plans for Memorial day, and we'll probably light a fire in the back yard and roast marshmallows and have like a mini-cookout sort of thing. So today was boring, but the next few days could be fun.
  8. Ohhhhhh, you are so pretty!!!!! This is the best picture yet!!! No wonder why Phil is so in love with you!!!! Aw, thank you! Yeah, I was pretty happy with the way that picture turned out. For some reason, pictures of people tend to look better when they're in black and white or sepia (for me, that reason is because I have awful skin, and it's not as noticeable when there's no color). So there are few really good pictures of myself in color where you can easily see my whole face. Like this one. This is probably the only really good recent shot of my face in color. As for Phil, he asked me out without having seen me in person for almost a month, and having seen me less than 10 times (probably less than 5 times actually, but I'm not sure) in the past year. Now I just have to get some more good pictures of Phil....the problem is that I don't usually take pictures unless I'm bored or someone is doing something outlandish enough that I think a picture needs to be taken. And usually if I'm with Phil, I'm holding hands with him or something, so I don't have my hands free. So I need to actually make it a point to take pictures of him. Because most of the pictures of him that currently exist do not do his lovely face justice. Great picture featuring your gorgeous blue eyes. I like this one as well. Thanks! lol I like the way my eyes look, but they don't work very well. Well, how many times to you actually look at your own eyes? Soooo, no problem if they don't work well. It's the looker, not the lookee, who gets to see the beautiful colour. *thinks about the ~er~ and ~ee~ and checks to make sure they are in the correct position* Haha. I think in a few years I might look into the laser surgery to correct my vision, or at least make it a little better. I'm just afraid that something will go wrong. But in the mean time, glasses are fine. I've been wearing glasses since I was about two. I'm not so sure I could go in for lasers/surgeries in my eyes. It would be hard for me if I was sight impaired. Glasses are just fine... as long as I don't lose them... which happens every now and then. Losing glasses is pretty hard for me, since they're always on my face or in some specific spot if I'm sleeping, showering, or swimming. Anything beyond about 2" from my face is fuzzy, so I pretty much always have my glasses on. Plus it's just instinct for me to put on my glasses as soon as I get up.
  9. Ohhhhhh, you are so pretty!!!!! This is the best picture yet!!! No wonder why Phil is so in love with you!!!! Aw, thank you! Yeah, I was pretty happy with the way that picture turned out. For some reason, pictures of people tend to look better when they're in black and white or sepia (for me, that reason is because I have awful skin, and it's not as noticeable when there's no color). So there are few really good pictures of myself in color where you can easily see my whole face. Like this one. This is probably the only really good recent shot of my face in color. As for Phil, he asked me out without having seen me in person for almost a month, and having seen me less than 10 times (probably less than 5 times actually, but I'm not sure) in the past year. Now I just have to get some more good pictures of Phil....the problem is that I don't usually take pictures unless I'm bored or someone is doing something outlandish enough that I think a picture needs to be taken. And usually if I'm with Phil, I'm holding hands with him or something, so I don't have my hands free. So I need to actually make it a point to take pictures of him. Because most of the pictures of him that currently exist do not do his lovely face justice. Great picture featuring your gorgeous blue eyes. I like this one as well. Thanks! lol I like the way my eyes look, but they don't work very well. Well, how many times to you actually look at your own eyes? Soooo, no problem if they don't work well. It's the looker, not the lookee, who gets to see the beautiful colour. *thinks about the ~er~ and ~ee~ and checks to make sure they are in the correct position* Haha. I think in a few years I might look into the laser surgery to correct my vision, or at least make it a little better. I'm just afraid that something will go wrong. But in the mean time, glasses are fine. I've been wearing glasses since I was about two.
  10. Ohhhhhh, you are so pretty!!!!! This is the best picture yet!!! No wonder why Phil is so in love with you!!!! Aw, thank you! Yeah, I was pretty happy with the way that picture turned out. For some reason, pictures of people tend to look better when they're in black and white or sepia (for me, that reason is because I have awful skin, and it's not as noticeable when there's no color). So there are few really good pictures of myself in color where you can easily see my whole face. Like this one. This is probably the only really good recent shot of my face in color. As for Phil, he asked me out without having seen me in person for almost a month, and having seen me less than 10 times (probably less than 5 times actually, but I'm not sure) in the past year. Now I just have to get some more good pictures of Phil....the problem is that I don't usually take pictures unless I'm bored or someone is doing something outlandish enough that I think a picture needs to be taken. And usually if I'm with Phil, I'm holding hands with him or something, so I don't have my hands free. So I need to actually make it a point to take pictures of him. Because most of the pictures of him that currently exist do not do his lovely face justice. Great picture featuring your gorgeous blue eyes. I like this one as well. Thanks! lol I like the way my eyes look, but they don't work very well.
  11. Ohhhhhh, you are so pretty!!!!! This is the best picture yet!!! No wonder why Phil is so in love with you!!!! Aw, thank you! Yeah, I was pretty happy with the way that picture turned out. For some reason, pictures of people tend to look better when they're in black and white or sepia (for me, that reason is because I have awful skin, and it's not as noticeable when there's no color). So there are few really good pictures of myself in color where you can easily see my whole face. Like this one. This is probably the only really good recent shot of my face in color. As for Phil, he asked me out without having seen me in person for almost a month, and having seen me less than 10 times (probably less than 5 times actually, but I'm not sure) in the past year. Now I just have to get some more good pictures of Phil....the problem is that I don't usually take pictures unless I'm bored or someone is doing something outlandish enough that I think a picture needs to be taken. And usually if I'm with Phil, I'm holding hands with him or something, so I don't have my hands free. So I need to actually make it a point to take pictures of him. Because most of the pictures of him that currently exist do not do his lovely face justice.
  12. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    so I herd u leik mudkipz? And yes, you are a nerd, but in case you haven't noticed, you're in good company. The other day in the car we had a discussion about limits because Phil said to Scott, "You're testing the limits of my patience..." and that just turned into one big math discussion. Add to this the fact that half the music being played in the car was DDR music....
  13. I has kwestshun. Are Phil's parents like, still.. in the picture? 'Cause you always talk about his grandparents, never his parents. Kind of. He lives with his grandparents (in case that wasn't obvious). He used to live with his mom and dad, but they got divorced when he was really little, and the mom moved out, and soon the stepmom moved in. The stepmom, for some reason, didn't like him very much, and it wasn't fun times. About 4 years ago, they were all going to move to NC, but Phil was given the option to live with his grandparents instead of moving so far away, and took it, and his dad and stepmom moved to NC without him (and his sisters Jazzy and Alyssa stuck around too, but Alyssa has her own place now). His mom I think lives in town, and works in the store next to the one he works at, so he still gets to see her. I'm not entirely sure why Phil's parents got divorced, since both of them seem like really nice people. But yeah, since Phil lives with his grandparents, they're pretty much acting as his parents (and I don't think they're a whole lot older than my parents anyways, maybe by about 10 or 15 years). However, since they're his grandparents and have only been taking care of him for four years, they don't seem to fully grasp the concept that Phil is a responsible adult. >_< Oooooh. Are you two the same age? More or less. We were born the same year, but I was born in January, and he was born in November, so he's actually close to a year younger than me. But we're the same grade level though. You're 20, correct? Yep.
  14. I has kwestshun. Are Phil's parents like, still.. in the picture? 'Cause you always talk about his grandparents, never his parents. Kind of. He lives with his grandparents (in case that wasn't obvious). He used to live with his mom and dad, but they got divorced when he was really little, and the mom moved out, and soon the stepmom moved in. The stepmom, for some reason, didn't like him very much, and it wasn't fun times. About 4 years ago, they were all going to move to NC, but Phil was given the option to live with his grandparents instead of moving so far away, and took it, and his dad and stepmom moved to NC without him (and his sisters Jazzy and Alyssa stuck around too, but Alyssa has her own place now). His mom I think lives in town, and works in the store next to the one he works at, so he still gets to see her. I'm not entirely sure why Phil's parents got divorced, since both of them seem like really nice people. But yeah, since Phil lives with his grandparents, they're pretty much acting as his parents (and I don't think they're a whole lot older than my parents anyways, maybe by about 10 or 15 years). However, since they're his grandparents and have only been taking care of him for four years, they don't seem to fully grasp the concept that Phil is a responsible adult. >_< Oooooh. Are you two the same age? More or less. We were born the same year, but I was born in January, and he was born in November, so he's actually close to a year younger than me. But we're the same grade level though.
  15. *shudders* So, how did the hospital thing go? I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really. So I have to finish them before I go back. Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me. FLINTSTONES! Haha pretty much. Except I get the store brand ones because it's the same thing (or better) for less money. Yay reading ingredients labels! And for the record: the orange chewable vitamins always taste the worst. I don't know why. I love the orange and cherry. I hate the grape, with a passion. I always leave them for my brothers. Really? I always thought grape was one of the better flavors. Although I suppose it depends on the brand too.
  16. Weee new picture! If I get bored enough and I'm by myself, I take pictures to use for online profiles. And this time I was actually stuck between three of them. So I sent them to Phil, and he liked this one the best, which is the one I was kinda leaning towards anyways. So here ya go, a picture.
  17. *shudders* So, how did the hospital thing go? I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really. So I have to finish them before I go back. Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me. FLINTSTONES! Haha pretty much. Except I get the store brand ones because it's the same thing (or better) for less money. Yay reading ingredients labels! And for the record: the orange chewable vitamins always taste the worst. I don't know why.
  18. *shudders* So, how did the hospital thing go? I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really. So I have to finish them before I go back. Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me.
  19. I has kwestshun. Are Phil's parents like, still.. in the picture? 'Cause you always talk about his grandparents, never his parents. Kind of. He lives with his grandparents (in case that wasn't obvious). He used to live with his mom and dad, but they got divorced when he was really little, and the mom moved out, and soon the stepmom moved in. The stepmom, for some reason, didn't like him very much, and it wasn't fun times. About 4 years ago, they were all going to move to NC, but Phil was given the option to live with his grandparents instead of moving so far away, and took it, and his dad and stepmom moved to NC without him (and his sisters Jazzy and Alyssa stuck around too, but Alyssa has her own place now). His mom I think lives in town, and works in the store next to the one he works at, so he still gets to see her. I'm not entirely sure why Phil's parents got divorced, since both of them seem like really nice people. But yeah, since Phil lives with his grandparents, they're pretty much acting as his parents (and I don't think they're a whole lot older than my parents anyways, maybe by about 10 or 15 years). However, since they're his grandparents and have only been taking care of him for four years, they don't seem to fully grasp the concept that Phil is a responsible adult. >_<
  20. Yay permit! I got my permit the summer after I turned 16, and then didn't get my license until I was almost 20. And here in CT, you don't need a permit after you turn 18.
  21. That's good that you talked to him. Open communication is an essential part of any relationship, and necessary for maintaining trust.
  22. But yeah, no computer would be a big problem, since we communicate almost entirely through aim. He even asked me out through aim. Neither one of us likes to talk on the phone, and it would run up his phone bill anyways, since his family shares minutes which his grandfather tends to use up. :glare: So the computer is quite necessary.
  23. Poor Grandma. My heart goes out to her. As for all the rest... backseat drivers and all. Sounds like you had a great day. Yeah, grandma just tends to forget where she is and why she's here. Like half the time she thinks she's just visiting at my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Ken's house. And it was a great day, we need to do stuff like that more often. Today I dropped off my job application like I said, and then went to the grocery store (again, because mom had *more* things she needed from there), and I got to see Phil again. You didn't mention where you dropped off your application for employment. Good luck. 23H00 curfew on the computer... ouch!!!! I couldn't live with that curfew. It would be far worse than being grounded. No, being grounded would mean *no* computer. In all reality, it's almost a good thing that he has to sign off so early, because that means I'm more likely to go to sleep at a reasonable hour myself, and as a result get up at a reasonable hour. I'm almost surprised that he's not online now, but he's probably just spending time with his family. My grounded was thinking you could not go out, not *no* computer. That would be really, really awful!!! Yeah for a few good night's sleep!!! In my house at least, we got grounded for specific things, for a specific reason. Like if my sister and I were fighting over the computer, we'd be grounded from the computer. Or if we were getting bad grades and spending lots of time playing game boy, we'd be grounded from game boy. We never really went out anywhere anyways, there was nowhere to go. And yeah, sleep is good. I need more sleep than most people seem to need. I generally need at least 8 hours, but I can sleep for 14 hours easily. I actually have three alarms set for 9, 10, and 11am so I don't get up well after noon anymore. I'm generally pretty good about getting up at 9 or 10 now unless I'm really tired from the previous day.
  24. *shudders* So, how did the hospital thing go?
  25. lawl sonic the hedgehog. That's actually what I expected this topic to be about when I saw the title.
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