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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. When you get done with your room, would you please clean my cage? I'm much too lazy! Haha I still haven't gotten around to cleaning the rest of my room. No problem... I can wait. lol your cage will probably be fossilized and put in a museum before I have my room completely cleaned. So, today I was waiting for Phil to get online, and time kept going by, and I was like, "Okay, he should be online sometime soon..." And being stupid me, I was kind of starting to panic, because he's been getting online lately, and just been kinda quiet, so I've been half wondering if something's up. And then it was past 10:30, which really bugged me because I know he's supposed to sign off at 11. So the following two smileys sum up how I felt: But then I got back in my room and found I had a text message that said "I'm gonna be breaking curfew tonight to talk to you since I wasn't around today. :-)" At which point I realized that I'm being stupid. And I texted him back and said "lol okay, just don't get yourself in trouble. <3" He's still not online yet, but the text made me feel a lot better. Anyways, I wrote a poem about all this, and I'll be posting it shortly. Amazing how our minds can spin a web of crazy ideas... which we start believing. LOL Well, logically I know nothing's wrong, because I have no real evidence of anything being wrong. To the contrary, I have a good list of reasons why Phil's been so busy lately. But for some reason my brain decides that it should worry anyways. I feel like a stupid paranoid teenager. But at least I have the brainpower to recognize the fact that I'm being stupid and not make any irrational decisions. Welcome to the world where matters of the heart short-circuit the brain. lol I guess. That needs to stop happening. Otherwise we're gonna have some problems. o.O It takes a little bit. It goes away when you feel secure in your relationship. You're not there yet. lol well, logically I think I'm fine, but apparently my emotions have other ideas . Although in all reality, this is my first relationship and we've been going out for about a month and a half. So as much as I like to think I know what I'm doing, I probably don't. When it comes to matters of the heart... you will never know what you are doing. Oh I hope that's not the case. I generally like to know exactly what I'm doing. That's the whole reason I won't drink or do drugs (that and the whole addiction thing...).
  2. When you get done with your room, would you please clean my cage? I'm much too lazy! Haha I still haven't gotten around to cleaning the rest of my room. No problem... I can wait. lol your cage will probably be fossilized and put in a museum before I have my room completely cleaned. So, today I was waiting for Phil to get online, and time kept going by, and I was like, "Okay, he should be online sometime soon..." And being stupid me, I was kind of starting to panic, because he's been getting online lately, and just been kinda quiet, so I've been half wondering if something's up. And then it was past 10:30, which really bugged me because I know he's supposed to sign off at 11. So the following two smileys sum up how I felt: But then I got back in my room and found I had a text message that said "I'm gonna be breaking curfew tonight to talk to you since I wasn't around today. :-)" At which point I realized that I'm being stupid. And I texted him back and said "lol okay, just don't get yourself in trouble. <3" He's still not online yet, but the text made me feel a lot better. Anyways, I wrote a poem about all this, and I'll be posting it shortly. Amazing how our minds can spin a web of crazy ideas... which we start believing. Well, logically I know nothing's wrong, because I have no real evidence of anything being wrong. To the contrary, I have a good list of reasons why Phil's been so busy lately. But for some reason my brain decides that it should worry anyways. I feel like a stupid paranoid teenager. But at least I have the brainpower to recognize the fact that I'm being stupid and not make any irrational decisions. Welcome to the world where matters of the heart short-circuit the brain. lol I guess. That needs to stop happening. Otherwise we're gonna have some problems. o.O It takes a little bit. It goes away when you feel secure in your relationship. You're not there yet. lol well, logically I think I'm fine, but apparently my emotions have other ideas . Although in all reality, this is my first relationship and we've been going out for about a month and a half. So as much as I like to think I know what I'm doing, I probably don't.
  3. When you get done with your room, would you please clean my cage? I'm much too lazy! : Haha I still haven't gotten around to cleaning the rest of my room. No problem... I can wait. lol your cage will probably be fossilized and put in a museum before I have my room completely cleaned. So, today I was waiting for Phil to get online, and time kept going by, and I was like, "Okay, he should be online sometime soon..." And being stupid me, I was kind of starting to panic, because he's been getting online lately, and just been kinda quiet, so I've been half wondering if something's up. And then it was past 10:30, which really bugged me because I know he's supposed to sign off at 11. So the following two smileys sum up how I felt: But then I got back in my room and found I had a text message that said "I'm gonna be breaking curfew tonight to talk to you since I wasn't around today. :-)" At which point I realized that I'm being stupid. And I texted him back and said "lol okay, just don't get yourself in trouble. <3" He's still not online yet, but the text made me feel a lot better. Anyways, I wrote a poem about all this, and I'll be posting it shortly. Amazing how our minds can spin a web of crazy ideas... which we start believing. Well, logically I know nothing's wrong, because I have no real evidence of anything being wrong. To the contrary, I have a good list of reasons why Phil's been so busy lately. But for some reason my brain decides that it should worry anyways. I feel like a stupid paranoid teenager. But at least I have the brainpower to recognize the fact that I'm being stupid and not make any irrational decisions. Welcome to the world where matters of the heart short-circuit the brain. lol I guess. That needs to stop happening. Otherwise we're gonna have some problems. o.O
  4. lol thanks. I haven't quite decided whether to share this one with Phil or not. I figure I probably should, because he does kinda have a right to know what's going on in my mind, but I also don't want to make him feel bad or worry, because he's probably stressed enough as it is.
  5. When you get done with your room, would you please clean my cage? I'm much too lazy! : Haha I still haven't gotten around to cleaning the rest of my room. No problem... I can wait. lol your cage will probably be fossilized and put in a museum before I have my room completely cleaned. So, today I was waiting for Phil to get online, and time kept going by, and I was like, "Okay, he should be online sometime soon..." And being stupid me, I was kind of starting to panic, because he's been getting online lately, and just been kinda quiet, so I've been half wondering if something's up. And then it was past 10:30, which really bugged me because I know he's supposed to sign off at 11. So the following two smileys sum up how I felt: But then I got back in my room and found I had a text message that said "I'm gonna be breaking curfew tonight to talk to you since I wasn't around today. :-)" At which point I realized that I'm being stupid. And I texted him back and said "lol okay, just don't get yourself in trouble. <3" He's still not online yet, but the text made me feel a lot better. Anyways, I wrote a poem about all this, and I'll be posting it shortly. Amazing how our minds can spin a web of crazy ideas... which we start believing. Well, logically I know nothing's wrong, because I have no real evidence of anything being wrong. To the contrary, I have a good list of reasons why Phil's been so busy lately. But for some reason my brain decides that it should worry anyways. I feel like a stupid paranoid teenager. But at least I have the brainpower to recognize the fact that I'm being stupid and not make any irrational decisions.
  6. This is the poem inspired by my stupidity that I explained in my topic. As such, it's aptly named "I'm Stupid." Why do I worry, when I have nothing to fear? Why am I hurried, when the time isn't near? I miss you like mad, but I shouldn't be sad, I know if you could be, you would be here with me. Life comes up and I understand, and my mind is getting out of hand. I need to clear the clutter from my brain, and remember the sun shines behind the rain. Sometimes the fog clouds my vision, But then the sun comes out and warms my face, even if it's only for a moment. I don't know why I forget that you care, because you're my sunshine, and you're always there.
  7. When you get done with your room, would you please clean my cage? I'm much too lazy! : Haha I still haven't gotten around to cleaning the rest of my room. No problem... I can wait. lol your cage will probably be fossilized and put in a museum before I have my room completely cleaned. So, today I was waiting for Phil to get online, and time kept going by, and I was like, "Okay, he should be online sometime soon..." And being stupid me, I was kind of starting to panic, because he's been getting online lately, and just been kinda quiet, so I've been half wondering if something's up. And then it was past 10:30, which really bugged me because I know he's supposed to sign off at 11. So the following two smileys sum up how I felt: But then I got back in my room and found I had a text message that said "I'm gonna be breaking curfew tonight to talk to you since I wasn't around today. :-)" At which point I realized that I'm being stupid. And I texted him back and said "lol okay, just don't get yourself in trouble. <3" He's still not online yet, but the text made me feel a lot better. Anyways, I wrote a poem about all this, and I'll be posting it shortly.
  8. When you get done with your room, would you please clean my cage? I'm much too lazy! Haha I still haven't gotten around to cleaning the rest of my room.
  9. Yesterday was pretty dull, and mostly spent avoiding my sister because she had a major attitude problem going. She wanted me to take her out shopping or something, but I wasn't about go to anywhere near her if she's acting like that. And she wants to go to 6 flags or something too, and we don't even like the same rides. It's just going to end badly. So I was in a somewhat unpleasant mood yesterday, until Phil signed on and IM'd me, which made me feel a bit better. Today I called about my job application, but of course today of all days is the manager's day off, so I'll call tomorrow. I also got some stuff put away in my room, so at least I got something accomplished. I still should probably get some more cleaning done today though.....
  10. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Oh wow. We got some minor thundershowers but no loss of power. Half the time when we could hear thunder it was sunny out. Lucky! We got two waves of heavy lightning and rain. After the storm ended it was immediately sunny again. Which made things humid, and without the power we couldn't have fans or anything! Glad we have power now, because we were worried we might have had to wait for maybe tomorrow since so many places were out of power. Ah, see that doesn't even phase me. It was really humid here too, but we don't have air conditioning, so I'm used to it. I have a fan, but it's not hot enough to be worth the amount of noise it makes. But what's really bad is when the power goes out in the winter time. I remember in 5th grade a snow storm knocked out power for two days. It was cold.
  11. Exactly. You can still find the link, if you try, though. I figure if people are smart enough to figure out how to get the links that way, they're smart enough to deal with whatever they find that way.
  12. As in, we're really not supposed to use the picture button where you enter the picture url to post pictures. Even though it's faster. Use the "browse" button below and upload the pictures from your computer instead. If the picture you want to share isn't on your computer, right click on it, select "save as" and save it on your computer so you can browse and upload it. Just make sure to say that a picture isn't by you if it's not yours.
  13. Do your schoolwork! XD
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Oh wow. We got some minor thundershowers but no loss of power. Half the time when we could hear thunder it was sunny out.
  15. WOOT, WOOT, WOOT !!!! May you have many, many more days like that! lol I hope we have more days like that. I'm really hoping he can get a weekend off of work sometime in August and come up to camp for a weekend. That would be fun times. And then we wouldn't have the issue of having to get him home by 11pm for once. And thinking about it, one of the reasons things might have seemed a bit off yesterday is because Phil's been at work...a lot. And I think that stresses him out a little bit. So that might have something to do with it.
  16. Today was a lot of fun. Phil came over and sat with us at the parade (which was oddly short this year), and then I went and got him to come over to our house later in the afternoon. And we jumped on the trampoline and played mario kart and did a bit of ballroom in the middle of the road (not enough cars come down the road for it to interrupt us much) and got the pump running to pump water from the stream into the pool, and we made a fire and roasted marshmallows and it was just overall a pleasant day. The only odd thing is that things just seemed a little bit off, almost like we were lacking a certain depth or something. Although there are a few logical reasons for that, mostly involving this being the first time Phil actually spent the entire day at the house with my whole family, and also the fact that lately we haven't been able to spend much time together, both online and in person. Although at the end of the day I said, "We need to do this more often." And he said, "Yes, very much more often," so that made me happy, and hopefully we can make days like this happen more often.
  17. i....have no idea what that is. Duh. 'S a goomba. Ah, that's the name I was looking for. I knew what it was but didn't remember what it was called.
  18. So, today is the Memorial Day parade, which should be fun. I know Phil's going to be there with his family, but I don't know if I'll see him there. I told him where we're planning on sitting though. And at some point after the parade, at last check, Phil is still able to come over, so I'm excited.
  19. Jesusfreak


    Something to consider is that some colleges let you make your own majors. If you could find a creative way to combine those subjects together into a major (or maybe two of them into a major, and then minor in the other) then that might be a good reason to attend such a college. I've heard of custom majors like Psychological History or Music History. Or, you could simply major in one of the subjects and minor in the others. Just don't do a single major in English, I heard that it is useless unless you want to teach English. Or do two majors and a minor...there are lots of options for you here. One thing though is that "science" is going to be a very vague term. You should at least pick a branch like Biology, Chemistry, or Physics (unless, again, you can combine them. Like Biochemistry.) From what I've heard, Biology and Chemistry are rather ambiguous terms themselves, and you might have to break it down further. (for example my former roommate had a bio major with a neurology focus). Yes, hopefully I'll be able to do something like that. I'll have to see how Physics goes next year to see if I like it. I think I will, and then I'm planning on taking AP Physics senior year. So I guess I'll need more experience before I can narrow down what I specifically want to study. Thanks Jesse & Jesusfreak for the advice! ~Liz No problem. Also keep in mind that a lot of colleges don't make you declare a major until the end of sophomore year, so you can go in as "undecided." Although as a general rule, the sooner you declare a major the better.
  20. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    Nah, that's kinda understandable. *hugs*
  21. I don't have a boyfriend either.... Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! ~Liz Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. *doesn't get celebrity crushes*
  22. Whoo hoo!!!!!!! Pool party at Jesusfreak's house!!!!! Haha I said start filling. When we fill the pool, we pump water out of the stream next to our house so we don't run the well dry, and it takes forever, and the water is COLD. It'll probably be a few weeks before it's actually warm enough for swimming, both in terms of water temperature and air temperature. Just in time for the 4th of July!!! How are the fireworks in your town? lol I don't know, I'm usually at camp for 4th of July, and I'll probably be up there again because my parents are on the 4th of July committee. Oh, and Jenny broke up with Tommy, but it was kinda mutual, and it was really just not working out very well. So that's the end of that, apparently. But in better news, It's supposed to be nice out tomorrow and Monday, and Phil's hoping to make it over here on Monday after the parade. And as much as I seem him during my many trips to the grocery store, I really miss him, so I really hope he does make it over here. And as much as I miss him, he still always manages to make me smile when we talk online, if for no other reason than the fact that I can tell that he really cares about me, and that's something special. So today I told him he was awesome for no good reason other than the fact that I felt like it (and had actually been wanting to tell him that again for awhile, despite not having any specific reason). Tommy seemed insecure about his relationship with Jenny, so the break-up is probably for the best. Let's see what happens. It's wonderful news that you and Phil are getting better and better. Pool party at Jesusfreak's house July 4th!!!!! Yeah, apparently he wanted Jenny to change things about herself that he found annoying or something stupid like that. Plus he wasn't putting in any effort to go see her or anything like that. And I guess Jenny finally got fed up with it and ended it. Yeah, Phil's kinda awesome. Ha, you can try that, but like I said, there's a good chance I won't be home.
  23. Whoo hoo!!!!!!! Pool party at Jesusfreak's house!!!!! Haha I said start filling. When we fill the pool, we pump water out of the stream next to our house so we don't run the well dry, and it takes forever, and the water is COLD. It'll probably be a few weeks before it's actually warm enough for swimming, both in terms of water temperature and air temperature. Just in time for the 4th of July!!! How are the fireworks in your town? lol I don't know, I'm usually at camp for 4th of July, and I'll probably be up there again because my parents are on the 4th of July committee. Oh, and Jenny broke up with Tommy, but it was kinda mutual, and it was really just not working out very well. So that's the end of that, apparently. But in better news, It's supposed to be nice out tomorrow and Monday, and Phil's hoping to make it over here on Monday after the parade. And as much as I seem him during my many trips to the grocery store, I really miss him, so I really hope he does make it over here. And as much as I miss him, he still always manages to make me smile when we talk online, if for no other reason than the fact that I can tell that he really cares about me, and that's something special. So today I told him he was awesome for no good reason other than the fact that I felt like it (and had actually been wanting to tell him that again for awhile, despite not having any specific reason).
  24. Whoo hoo!!!!!!! Pool party at Jesusfreak's house!!!!! Haha I said start filling. When we fill the pool, we pump water out of the stream next to our house so we don't run the well dry, and it takes forever, and the water is COLD. It'll probably be a few weeks before it's actually warm enough for swimming, both in terms of water temperature and air temperature.
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