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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I'm going to be cutting my hair really short again soon, but I'm having a hard time finding a picture of what I want. All the short hair pictures online require straight hair (mine is thick and wavy) or excessive styling (gel, hairspray, and the like). I need pictures of short hair that would look good with my thick, wavy hair that has a mind of its own. Can anyone help me out? Note: I'll add some pictures of my own hair in my next post.
  2. I did student teaching and lots of field work, but I don't know if that counts as "experience." I'm debating not taking the tutoring job. The hours aren't steady or consistent, and I'm not sure I want to give up that much free time.
  3. So....it looks like by the end of this month, I will have four jobs. Walmart: This will be dropped down to half shifts to fit everything else in but still pay bills. Mad Science: This will be a 6 week after school program, and should be a lot of fun! Homebound Instruction: This started today. I'm teaching a 6th grade boy science at his home for two hours a week. So far, it seems like it should be interesting. Tutoring: If all goes well, I will be working part time as an SAT tutor in a learning center. The pay isn't great for what I'm doing, and the hours aren't enough to let me quit Walmart, but it will look good on a resume.
  4. I don't have access to a fax machine, but I might be interested, depending on a few things.
  5. Things have been kinda busy lately. I never did get a teaching job, so I'm stuck at wal-mart for the time being. I'm working on applying to substitute teaching jobs, and I have a Mad Science program lined up in October. So, that's that, not great and not horrible. Shane has started his classes, and is continuing to work at Target part time, so it's going to be a little harder to see him now. It's also football season, so his TV is going to take him away from the computer fairly often. I kinda wish I had cable now so I could watch with him, but cable is expensive, and I probably wouldn't watch TV unless I was watching something with him anyways. >_< So, life isn't exactly wonderful, but it's not terrible either.
  6. Your roomie is probably getting all of the WOOOO NO PARENTS!!!!! out of his system. As for making friends, I know this is cliche, but you have to put yourself out there. Join some clubs/organizations or something. Keep your door open when you're in your room. Play video games or watch TV in the lounge (if you have one). Or, if you see someone doing something that interests you, ask to join them. I made a few good friends because I walked past their open dorm room when they were playing DDR. My main group of friends I met at the honors dinner thing, just because they looked as confused as I felt. Most of my other friends I sort of met through them. Also, all those people you've met, friend them on facebook.
  7. I doubt that MW having a relationship with a teacher outside her school district is likely to get her in much trouble down the road. Most people would just dismiss that as being a stupid teenager (not that MW is stupid, just that that's how it will be seen), and she can brush it off as such. The only problem I could see would be a really uptight person denying her a job where she would be working with older students. As it stands, teacher guy will probably have a hard time getting a job in the area unless it's made REALLY clear that he was framed. If convicted, he's pretty much doomed as far as teaching jobs or any job working with children is concerned. All jobs ask about whether you've been convicted of a crime, and teaching jobs ask that as well as child abuse.
  8. Heh, reminds me of the times everyone cheered at school because the power went out.
  9. Congrats! It's always nice having the grade anxiety out of the way.
  10. That is a crazy amount of studying, but at least you'll be in a better simulator now.
  11. Great idea. I think this will be a plus for you. Hopefully you will make lots of money with your photographs. I hope so, but there are WAY better pictures up on deviantart for people to buy. Absolutely stunning. If you've never been there, go take a look. (of course, there are also some absolutely terrible ones too)
  12. I went ahead and made the fan page. As for the pictures, I don't mind if people want to copy them, and am disabling the ability to download the full size, so they'd have to buy the prints if they want good ones.
  13. I'm considering making a facebook fan page for myself to try to get a teaching job/sell some of my photography. I'm thinking that it might be an interesting social experiment in networking. Maybe if enough of my friends "like" it, one of their friends will see it, and happen to have connections for me. Also, if/when I do get a teaching job, my students could "like" my fan page instead of trying to friend me. Thoughts?
  14. Last night I had the brilliant idea to start an application for Science Educator at the Liberty Science Center. It pays a little less than teaching, but it would be so much fun!
  15. I'm not so concerned about a high school kid liking a 26 year old as I am about a 26 year old dating a high school kid.
  16. That kinda reminds me of a Star Trek episode where one of the characters is doing some training, and placed in a mock situation where she can't win, no matter what she tries.
  17. I want to teach middle school science, and the way things are right now, I'll take anything anywhere in NJ. There seem to be no jobs where I am right now (a bit south of Toms River), so I've already accepted that I'll probably have to get an apartment near wherever I end up teaching.
  18. Bleh, I've been in a bad mood lately. It's probably just a fun combo of hormones and not having a teaching job, but part of me is afraid that it's the depression I saw around this time last year coming back. I thought that was mostly about Phil, but I'm over Phil and very happy with Shane, so I'm starting to get concerned. Work at wal-mart hasn't been fun. Our department is under-staffed, and they've made us change the way we stock things, so I have to spend a lot more time inside the cooler now, which is NOT fun. The good news though, is that Dan, one of my coworkers, has heard from Juan, the coworker who's been MIA for over a week. Juan apparently had some personal stuff going on, and is going to try and get his job back. I really hope they take him back, because we need him.
  19. I had a major disappointment the other day. I got a voicemail from a job I applied to saying they wanted to interview me. Naturally, I was all sorts of excited. I called back, but there was no answer. I called again a few hours later, and the guy said that the position had already been filled, and they didn't find out until after he called me. I've applied to a few more jobs, but not gotten and replies yet.
  20. We sort of learn the things in books first, then on the computer that acts similar to the airplane, then in a Flight Training Device that is very similar to the airplane where all the switches, lights, sounds are the same, but it does not move. Then we move into the Flight Simulator that is exactly like the airplane with motion. The big difference is that fires, windshear, hydraulic, electrical, etc. problems are "simulated" here and we follow procedures that permit us to be exposed to the problem, deal with the problem whilst there is no abuse and wear and tear on the airplane. Training is very hard on the equipment and you cannot simulate many of the systems problems that could occur in the airplane, so the Flight Simulator is outstanding as a training device. Ah, that's good. Simulated fires are definitely better than real ones.
  21. Ah, new stuff. It shouldn't be learned in books, it should be learned by actually doing it.
  22. Ouch. Would a heart transplant be an option?
  23. I think you've worked in the aviation industry long enough to know proper procedures. As for the coffee pot, I've done tons of things like that. Remember, sleep is just as important for passing tests as studying.
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