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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. SWEET! Can I come? Sure. I'm getting a second bike. We'll have to work it in before you go back to school. What charity do you think we should ride for? lol I was just playing around about my joining you, I've got way too much going on right now. Although I'd love to do something similar at some point in my life or another. A charity.....possible ideas include scholarship funds, research funds, how about the make-a-wish foundation? They're pretty awesome.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Congrats! Yeah, I see the radar. There's a few giant red spots in your area.
  3. You could, but also consider the types of CDs seventeen is likely to send you.
  4. So, today can basically be summed up by: BEST DAY EVER! Phil and I went to 6 Flags today as planned, and it was amazing (probably understatement of the century). I would elaborate, but I'm exhausted, and need to go to sleep soon.
  5. Cool! NOT cool!!! These foliage terrorists can clean a bush in about one day. I won't kill them, but I sure hate that they eat all my beautiful plants. They are not even afraid of humans... I was really, REALLY close to this one and all it did was look at me between bites. Oh wow. Eating your plants isn't cool.
  6. 6 Fags? I hope they have more than 6 pieces of firewood for you to look at. I so totally missed that one. Great catch Jesse. Ah! How did I miss that one too?!? And moreover, I'm surprised the word filter didn't get that one. 6 Flags, with an L. Yeah. I guess HampsterKing didn't think that would be a word anyone would use, so it wasn't added. Of course, it would have looked very funny written like this... 6 ####. Now that surely would have attracted my attention. Haha and I would have noticed it once it was posted too.
  7. 6 Fags? I hope they have more than 6 pieces of firewood for you to look at. I so totally missed that one. Great catch Jesse. Ah! How did I miss that one too?!? And moreover, I'm surprised the word filter didn't get that one. 6 Flags, with an L. Yeah.
  8. Do you fly the same plane everytime? No, we have a bunch. Here are the numbers of airplanes we will have in each different category for the next couple years. My plane is the Airbus 300 or Airbus 310. I am certified in both and fly whichever one is scheduled for the route I am to fly. As you can see, we have 129 Airbus aircraft. So I probably won't fly them all, as we have some in Subic Bay, Phillipines, and Paris, France, as well as the U.S.A.. But I could possibly fly a large number of them. That's pretty cool!
  9. Phil can go to 6 Fags tomorrow! I'm excited.
  10. Very important with the heat, check your battery level. You can use water if it is low. As well, check all your fluids. They are easy to check as they have the plastic little containers with lines. The radiator means just waiting until the engine cools slightly and then taking a look. Very, very important is to always check your tire pressure. lol everything else should be fine, although I should probably check everything anyways. I don't trust the warning lights in my car to come on when they're supposed to.
  11. I called Friendly's this morning, and they told me that their wait staff was full. So I called the local day camp, and they said to print and fill out an application and bring it in as soon as possible. But I don't really want to work there. So I'm going to take a look around and see what my other options are. Today was also the scholarship dinner thing. Which was boring, but short. I also went grocery shopping today, and I got to see Phil. And it wasn't busy, so I actually got to talk to him and give him a hug. His grandmother wasn't happy with him this morning (she was already annoyed about the phone, which he told her about last night, but his alarm didn't go off this morning, so he was rushed getting to work. He normally used his phone as an alarm clock, so he had to set the alarm on his clock instead. And he set the alarm properly, but his clock was set to PM instead of AM, which meant the alarm was backwards. ) Apparently she went off on a rant about his being irresponsible on the ride to the grocery store. But the ride home and dinner were both fine, so that's a good sign. Last I heard he was going to watch a movie with his family, and it's after 11 so I probably won't hear from him again until tomorrow. And he has off tomorrow and Friday, and if his grandparents will let him, we're going to go to 6 flags. Tomorrow he's going to stay home, he said something about helping his grandmother clean out his closet (which is apparently filled with her quilting supplies ). And also tomorrow we might go out shopping. If nothing else, I know I need to get gas in my car, and probably check the oil. Not looking forward to getting gas.
  12. Yeah, that does seem a bit strange.
  13. *loves pics* An adorable picture of both of you and your 'chaperone'. Haha that's my dad. He was only out there because it was really hot and he wanted to go swimming too. He left after awhile. The story is much better when you put the 'chaperone' twist on it. Haha Thankfully, my parents aren't overprotective to that extent. The only house rule about stuff like that is that if we're hanging out in a bedroom (which we never do anyways, because it's always a mess), we have to keep the door open (or at least that was the rule for my sister and her past boyfriends, so I assume it applies to me as well). My parents trust my judgment. And my dad only made two threats about boyfriends when I was younger. The first was that if he came to pick me up for a date and didn't come up to the door, but rather sat in the driveway and beeped his horn, I wouldn't be allowed to go. The second (and more entertaining) threat was that if a boy came to pick me up for a date and it looked like his pants were going to fall down around his ankles, he would use his staple gun to ensure that they don't. Lucky for Phil, he wears pants that fit properly, and doesn't drive (although I know if he did, he would come up to the door to get me).
  14. Ah, see I won't date someone without knowing them as a good friend first. That way I know what I'm getting myself into.
  15. *loves pics* An adorable picture of both of you and your 'chaperone'. Haha that's my dad. He was only out there because it was really hot and he wanted to go swimming too. He left after awhile.
  16. Won't the day off give you *more* time?
  17. A couple pictures from today. One because it's an adorable picture of both of us, and the other because it's a good shot of Phil's pretty eyes.
  18. Phil came over to hang out today! It was a lot of fun. We went swimming and played maplestory and got Chinese food. The only downside is that his cell phone and wallet went swimming too. His grandmother is going to be upset, even though it was partially her fault. Phil was going to wear normal shorts to my house, and then change into his swimsuit, because he tends to forget things in his pockets. But his grandmother told him to wear his swimsuit over anyways. And he forgot there was stuff in his pockets. >_< So, he's probably in a bit of trouble now. I'm planning on going grocery shopping tomorrow anyways, so maybe I'll be able to talk to him then and see how things went. Tomorrow I also need to call Friendly's and go to some scholarship dinner thing (it's for everyone who got a scholarship from the company my dad works for). I think Phil said he has off Thursday and Friday, but I'm not sure his gram is going to let him do anything after she finds out about his phone. >_< (his DS also took a ride in the wash recently) But at any rate, today was still a lot of fun. I might put some pictures up in a bit.
  19. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, I was looking at the radar. If you live in the part of the state I think you live in, you just got hit with a hefty thunderstorm. And congrats on the good reviews!
  20. I don't have a boyfriend either.... Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! ~Liz Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. *doesn't get celebrity crushes* Yeah, yeah, details!! *only has 2 celeb crushes: him & john lennon!* woohoo my love life is amazing! [/sarcastic] ~L:iz my love life is more amazing, every guy who's had a crush on me was a nerd. not the good kind. yeah well "every guy that's had a crush on me" is better than no guy's had a crush on me (that I know of) oh well! i do like one guy at my school... ~Liz My boyfriend is the only person who I've ever been aware of having a crush on me, and he's the only one that matters, so don't feel bad.
  21. Oh yeah? What about how you southern guys act when it snows? Hahaha
  22. They sent us home from school early because of the heat. ~Liz Wow. On the news tonight they were saying extreme heat warnings and early dismissals around here too. o.o Tomorrow Phil is hopefully going to come over, and there will be swimming, because it's supposed to be 91 degrees tomorrow. You northern guys are such wimps... we have mid-to-high ninety temperatures all summer long. Yeah, but you guys all have air conditioning in your schools. Not all the northern schools have it. It's also really humid. Otherwise the temperature wouldn't be so bad.
  23. They sent us home from school early because of the heat. ~Liz Wow. On the news tonight they were saying extreme heat warnings and early dismissals around here too. o.o Tomorrow Phil is hopefully going to come over, and there will be swimming, because it's supposed to be 91 degrees tomorrow.
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