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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Thanks! Kind of ironic, since that's one of my longer poems.
  2. I'm going up to camp today, and won't be back until Monday morning, probably. My week is still kind of off, but Phil coming home on Monday should hopefully fix that. Last night was kind of cute. Phil and I were texting each other (like I said, we can't really send lots of messages so we were basically just saying hi and goodnight, and I told him I was going to camp today), and in one message I said, "And i would say something else but my heart is outrunning my brain so the words aren't there. >_< lol. I love you! <3" Because that is actually what happened, and it happens all the time, and I couldn't think of what else to say other than the truth. His response was, "XD that was cute! And I love you too!" So it was just kind of adorable, and more or less the basis of the poem I put up. And that's pretty much it.
  3. "Speechless" Sometimes my words fail me, and I don't know what to say. The words just won't come out, and the seconds slip away. So I say something short and generic, something just to say. And when those moments happen, you should know I feel this way: Anything words could express, could not explain my mind, I think you're quite amazing, the best I could ever find. And then there are those moments when I talk to you, they steal my words away, because I know you love me too. All the small things that you do, they brighten up my day. And when I try to tell you this, my words all slip away. Those times when I am quiet, my heart and brain will race, perhaps what I am thinking is expressed upon on my face.
  4. And that's something worth mentioning right there, now that I think of it. I rarely really miss people. Usually, my feeling is along the lines of, "It would be awesome to hang out with so and so, and I look forward to seeing them." But this is different.
  5. My day is a bit better now, but I'm still in kind of a gloomy mood. I was able to text Phil for about a minute (he can't send/receive lots of texts because it runs up the phone bill. I just sent him a facebook message with a link to the page that lists different texting plans. ), and that made me a little happier. Not much else really went well for me today though. A fun combination of hormones, missing Phil, being tired from a weekend of chasing around little cousins, and just general bad luck are taking a toll on me. This week can't be over fast enough. :closedeyes:
  6. Friendly's... I wish there were more of them in Florida. Martha's Vineyard... I love that place. I've never been there. Luckily Phil got his new phone Friday night, so we were able to text each other a bit. I asked him how Martha's Vineyard was, and he said, "Hot, and you're not here." I already miss him a lot, this week is going to drag on forever. Seeing my family was fun, but exhausting. Yesterday after everyone was gone, we got some more work done on the shower, and today we hit some crazy traffic coming home. I also got stung by a yellow jacket or some equally unpleasant relative this morning because dad wanted me to put the hose in the pool so we could put more water in it. I'm not going back out there until he takes care of the nest. So now I'm just in a really bad mood.
  7. Dinner at friendly's was good. We all got soup, and the total bill for all three of us was less than $10. After that, we went back to Phil's house and played brawl and mario kart for awhile, which is always good times. XD I even managed to win a round of brawl, which is an impressive feat for me. Later today I'm going back up to camp for the weekend, once again driving the van. I'm not leaving until 6 though. I figure it's after rush hour and I should get there before it gets too dark, and it gives me the rest of the day to do whatever I want (like sleeping in until 1pm ) Phil is leaving for Martha's Vineyard on Sunday, and will be there for the entire week until the following Monday I think, with no internet, and no phone. So that's going to be unpleasant.
  8. *ohhhhhhhh, I seeeeeeeeeee* Do you really intend to work? LOL Oh yes. XD And hopefully learn some stuff while I'm there too. I just got back from 6 Flags, which was a lot of fun. We're going to get dinner at Friendly's in a couple hours.
  9. So today, I applied for a job at the local craft store (next door to where Phil works), went grocery shopping (and got to chat with Phil for awhile since it wasn't busy and I was finished shopping right before his shift ended), registered for my praxis II, checked the chlorine level in the pool, checked the tires, and some other assorted stuff. XD Tomorrow is 6 Flags with Phil and Jazzy.
  10. Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere. Usually when people tailgate me I'll tap my breaks so they back off, but I couldn't even do that without the truck hitting me. but yeah, I could understand it if my moving over would allow the truck to move faster, but we were passing everyone to our right, and the car in front of me was going the same speed as me. So it wasn't like I could even do anything that would let him move faster. Stupid people. Anyways, looks like I might get to hang out with Phil tomorrow, and we're planning on going to 6 Flags on Thursday, possibly with his sister. Then I go back up to camp this weekend for some family gathering thing, which should be fun. OH EM GEE! I'm probz going to Six Flags Thursday. Maybe I will run into you! =P Depends on which 6 Flags you're going to. I assume the closest one to both of us. I don't know if the closest to me is the same as the closest to you. Well, you're in Ct, correct? So I assumed New England. Ah, yes. Somehow I thought you were in NJ, which has its own 6 Flags.
  11. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Big fish in a small pond about to be released to the ocean (ignore the blatant biological problems with that analogy). I love thunderstorms.
  12. Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere. Usually when people tailgate me I'll tap my breaks so they back off, but I couldn't even do that without the truck hitting me. but yeah, I could understand it if my moving over would allow the truck to move faster, but we were passing everyone to our right, and the car in front of me was going the same speed as me. So it wasn't like I could even do anything that would let him move faster. Stupid people. Anyways, looks like I might get to hang out with Phil tomorrow, and we're planning on going to 6 Flags on Thursday, possibly with his sister. Then I go back up to camp this weekend for some family gathering thing, which should be fun. OH EM GEE! I'm probz going to Six Flags Thursday. Maybe I will run into you! =P Depends on which 6 Flags you're going to. I assume the closest one to both of us. I don't know if the closest to me is the same as the closest to you.
  13. Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere. Usually when people tailgate me I'll tap my breaks so they back off, but I couldn't even do that without the truck hitting me. but yeah, I could understand it if my moving over would allow the truck to move faster, but we were passing everyone to our right, and the car in front of me was going the same speed as me. So it wasn't like I could even do anything that would let him move faster. Stupid people. Anyways, looks like I might get to hang out with Phil tomorrow, and we're planning on going to 6 Flags on Thursday, possibly with his sister. Then I go back up to camp this weekend for some family gathering thing, which should be fun. Here is the trick... turn your lights on and then off. This will simulate your brakes and when someone is tailgating, they don't usually think about the fact that you might be turning on your lights... they just react. Their reaction is that of putting on their brakes. It really works well. Have fun a 6 Flags! Maybe you will see TBFOF! Yeah, but then the person in front of me would think I'm flashing my lights at them. Dad says that sometimes if tapping the brakes doesn't work, he'll use the emergency brake instead, so he slows down but the lights don't go on. I, however, am not planning on trying that anytime soon.
  14. Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere. Usually when people tailgate me I'll tap my breaks so they back off, but I couldn't even do that without the truck hitting me. but yeah, I could understand it if my moving over would allow the truck to move faster, but we were passing everyone to our right, and the car in front of me was going the same speed as me. So it wasn't like I could even do anything that would let him move faster. Stupid people. Anyways, looks like I might get to hang out with Phil tomorrow, and we're planning on going to 6 Flags on Thursday, possibly with his sister. Then I go back up to camp this weekend for some family gathering thing, which should be fun. OH EM GEE! I'm probz going to Six Flags Thursday. Maybe I will run into you! =P Depends on which 6 Flags you're going to.
  15. Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere. Usually when people tailgate me I'll tap my breaks so they back off, but I couldn't even do that without the truck hitting me. but yeah, I could understand it if my moving over would allow the truck to move faster, but we were passing everyone to our right, and the car in front of me was going the same speed as me. So it wasn't like I could even do anything that would let him move faster. Stupid people. Anyways, looks like I might get to hang out with Phil tomorrow, and we're planning on going to 6 Flags on Thursday, possibly with his sister. Then I go back up to camp this weekend for some family gathering thing, which should be fun.
  16. I'm back! *does a happy dance* Phil doesn't seem to be online though. I'm guessing his grandparents made him unplug his computer because of the thunderstorms that seem to have been here. Driving back here was alright after awhile. First I couldn't find the van keys (I found them in the van, I guess they fell off the keychain when I was clipping it to my camera case). Then I realized I didn't have directions to get home, so I found a safe place to pull over and ask mom. Then I accidentally got on the wrong highway (which was a lovely drive, but cost me $1 at the toll booth to get off). After that, things were alright save for some traffic and a super-tailgating truck (he beeped at me, but there was nowhere I could go. I was going as fast as the car in front of me, and we were passing people to the right. I eventually moved over anyways, and the truck did the same thing to the car that was in front of me, and nearly crashed.)
  17. Okay, better news now. Phil finally IM'd me, saying, "T_T im sooooo sorry i couldnt get to your house today." Apparently his grandmother ended up dragging him all over the place instead of just the mall. And we talked for awhile, which cheered me up a bit. And with a bit of work and problem-solving, I'm going to go over to his house once they're done with dinner, and we might go out to see Kung-Fu Panda with his sister. So that cheers me up a lot. I'm going to camp tomorrow morning for the weekend, and I won't have internet or decent cell reception, so I really want to see him before I go. So, I'm a much happier person now. Too bad Phil couldn't come with you. Then you wouldn't miss him so much over the weekend. I told him he could come, and he said he would, but he has work this weekend, otherwise he would go "in a heartbeat" I think is what he said.
  18. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    That's a really good question.
  19. Yeah, that was worth sitting around waiting for. I'm going to miss Phil entirely too much when I'm gone this weekend.
  20. Okay, better news now. Phil finally IM'd me, saying, "T_T im sooooo sorry i couldnt get to your house today." Apparently his grandmother ended up dragging him all over the place instead of just the mall. And we talked for awhile, which cheered me up a bit. And with a bit of work and problem-solving, I'm going to go over to his house once they're done with dinner, and we might go out to see Kung-Fu Panda with his sister. So that cheers me up a lot. I'm going to camp tomorrow morning for the weekend, and I won't have internet or decent cell reception, so I really want to see him before I go. So, I'm a much happier person now.
  21. So, I never heard from Phil, and he's still not online, so I neither got to see him nor apply for a job today.
  22. i don't anymore...i used to lip balm is awesome. i wear strawberry chapstick ~Liz Me too. I don't have the time or patience for makeup. Yeah, too much of a hassle. And I think I have enough self-esteem to believe I look OK without makeup. ~Liz If you have the self-esteem to go without it, then in the long run, you will be so much better off. I absolutely guarantee this. Chapstick instead of lipstick is a much better choice. truly. and who needs makeup when you have VIDEO GAMES, SCIENCE, AND RAINBOW SUSPENDERS?! I agree.
  23. WHAT???????? If you turn 18, you don't need a permit to learn how to drive? Nope. You still need someone else in the car who's had their license for at least 4 years though. The test for your permit is a 10 question multiple choice thing about simple rules for the road like what certain signs mean and how far away from something you should put on your blinker. I guess they figure if you're 18, you should know by now.
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