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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Interesting idea. Certainly gives you a lot of motivation to deal with your disagreements in a more civil manner.
  2. So, job applying today. The hotel I applied at (surprise surprise) said they probably won't hire me because I can't work most weekends. And that place is INSANELY upscale. Dunno if I'd really fit in there anyways. The store Phil told me about had run out of applications, but the manager seemed pretty happy to see me anyways, and I was able to give her my resume and the paper I had all the stuff written down that I need to put on an application anyways. And it also seemed like a much more casual laid back type of place, which is awesome.
  3. Ooh Newark. Driving past there on the highway is fun because you can see all the airplanes, and sometimes they fly really low over the highway which is pretty cool. And my mom grew up in a town near there. As for Phil, we are the ray of sunshine in each others' day on a regular basis. Last night I said "Yeah, you didn't seem like you're in such a good mood today," to which he responded something along the lines of, "Well I'm in a good mood now; you're here." Cheesy? Yes. But still adorable.
  4. So, today started out quite frustrating. Maplestory released a new patch, but of course it won't work right on my computer, so I tried to reinstall the full version (instead of just the patch, I've done the same thing before). But no, it won't work at all. Not even after uninstalling and reinstalling the whole thing. I still don't have it working. When dad got home for lunch he made some comment about me not doing anything productive, which annoyed me (even though there's some truth behind it). Phil eventually signed onto aim (part of the reason I was so annoyed about MS not working is because a lot of times, Phil is on MS and not aim, because he knows I'll probably sign on there eventually and we'll talk then), so I was able to talk to him for a bit. Then he had to leave for work (they had him working from 3:30 to 9:30, he wasn't happy about that), at which point I gave up on installing MS and got some housework done (when mom's not around, dad doesn't do anything to pick up the slack. The floors and the bathroom were gross. So I cleaned them). I went to church for VBS decorations, and found out that tonight was actually a VBS meeting, so it was good that I made it down there (I keep forgetting to go >_<) And there was strawberry shortcake. Dad wanted me to pick up some stuff on the way home (including cheese for dinner), so I got to see Phil again. Apparently around 9pm is a pretty quiet time at the grocery store, so I once again got to hang out with him for awhile, and give him some much needed hugs (he got into a conversation about college with his grandma about college, and she told him she didn't think he could make it in the chem program, or something equally discouraging to that effect. And this is added to him being annoyed that he had to work so late, and just generally not being in a good mood today). He seemed to be pretty happy that I was able to come visit with him for awhile. Tomorrow should be busy, but fun. Tomorrow morning I need to apply for some jobs. I know there's an opening for a local hotel for front desk people and reservationists, and Phil said he heard that another local store is looking to hire people to work for the next 7 weeks, since they're going out of business. So I'll look into those. Then in the afternoon I'll be hanging out with Phil, as well as Michy and Robin (remember them? The drama queens? I guess they still want to be friends or something. Probably because Phil was nice to them. We're invited to their birthday party too.), because we're all going to go see a movie, and probably get dinner at Denny's. So that should be fun. Phil's not sure if we're going to be able to hang out at his house (and his grandparents have some weird thing about wanting an adult to be in the house if we're hanging out at someone's house, despite the fact that we've all been at college for two years), so I suggested that we could hang out at the elementary school playground because it would be fun times (and it's not far from where our houses are). And he agreed that would be pretty awesome. So, the day ended much nicer than it began. Now if only I can get MS to work now.....
  5. Thanks! The problem is that some people idealize love, and get crazy ideas about love, relationships, and people that aren't true all the time, and then find themselves let down. Or they end up in a relationship with someone that's not right for them because they're more in love with the idea of love than with the person they're supposedly in love with. And then they expect everything to be like a fairy tale. And life (love included) is not like a fairy tale. Eventually, there will be disagreements and confusion and hard times. People who idealize love have a hard time when those things happen, and the really disillusioned ones might even end the relationship over something stupid (If I recall correctly, Phil's ex ended their relationship over something stupid, like him not wanting to go home for the weekend (which, given the rules his grandparents give him, you can't really blame him for), and the way he found out is that her facebook relationship status was changed to "single" Whether it was because she was too idealistic or not, I don't know. She was a drama queen, and obviously didn't know what she was giving up. ). People who are more realistic know it's part of life and deal with it. At the moment, my relationship with Phil is perfect, outside of not being able to see him as often as I would like (but like I said, we deal with it). There's some confusion, but it's never a big deal, and it's mostly my brain getting carried away with itself, and that doesn't really happen so much anymore. And we have yet to have an argument. The only things I can really think of that we don't agree on involve food (he likes spicy food and I don't, and he likes ketchup but not tomatoes, whereas I like tomatoes but not ketchup) It's almost creepy how much we don't disagree on things. But, our relationship is still young (It'll be 3 months on Friday), and I know that things happen. Obviously I don't hope anything bad will happen, but I know these things are part of life, and won't be shocked and horrified when they do. lol wall of text. You are so right. Then there are the females that view the male and see 'how they can make him perfect, if they just change a couple things'. What????? This is the most ridiculous pattern of thought. Then they wonder why neither of them is ever happy. Sounds like Phil's girlfriend made such a big mistake and things worked out for the best for both of you. If and when you have a disagreement, I am certain it will be nothing major and you both with work it out. Yep. You can't change people that don't want to be changed. In all reality, I don't think Phil's ex was a good match for him at all. Interesting though, she was the one that was dating the guy I had a crush on in middle school, so I guess we have the same taste in men. And yeah, I think we'll handle disagreements okay. We're both stubborn, but we're also both pretty laid back about most things, and we both tend to be willing to let the other do what they want to do. There's a lot of "What do you want to do?" "Doesn't matter to me, you pick something."
  6. oooh......*kind of wants a defanged version as a pet* Look at it! It's cute and fuzzy just like you! Kind of reminds me of cat-spider (cat-spider is a stuffed spider my mom gave me at halloween, but for some reason it has ears like a cat)
  7. In tropical regions (like the rainforest) there are really big spiders that eat things like birds and fish. They don't eat them alive though, they kill them first. Then eat them.
  8. Thanks! The problem is that some people idealize love, and get crazy ideas about love, relationships, and people that aren't true all the time, and then find themselves let down. Or they end up in a relationship with someone that's not right for them because they're more in love with the idea of love than with the person they're supposedly in love with. And then they expect everything to be like a fairy tale. And life (love included) is not like a fairy tale. Eventually, there will be disagreements and confusion and hard times. People who idealize love have a hard time when those things happen, and the really disillusioned ones might even end the relationship over something stupid (If I recall correctly, Phil's ex ended their relationship over something stupid, like him not wanting to go home for the weekend (which, given the rules his grandparents give him, you can't really blame him for), and the way he found out is that her facebook relationship status was changed to "single" Whether it was because she was too idealistic or not, I don't know. She was a drama queen, and obviously didn't know what she was giving up. ). People who are more realistic know it's part of life and deal with it. At the moment, my relationship with Phil is perfect, outside of not being able to see him as often as I would like (but like I said, we deal with it). There's some confusion, but it's never a big deal, and it's mostly my brain getting carried away with itself, and that doesn't really happen so much anymore. And we have yet to have an argument. The only things I can really think of that we don't agree on involve food (he likes spicy food and I don't, and he likes ketchup but not tomatoes, whereas I like tomatoes but not ketchup) It's almost creepy how much we don't disagree on things. But, our relationship is still young (It'll be 3 months on Friday), and I know that things happen. Obviously I don't hope anything bad will happen, but I know these things are part of life, and won't be shocked and horrified when they do. lol wall of text.
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Positive exposure is probably the best way to get over irrational fears. O RLY !?!?!?!?! YA RLY!!!! a fear of spiders is irrational. I can understand a fear of the pain from being bit by a spider, but not a fear of spiders themselves. (I think that the only true rational fears are pain and death) No, no, no, no, nooooooooooooo. A fear of spiders is totally a way of life. It is commonly known as spiderobia. Not arachnaphobia as you might believe but spiderobia. This is where those eight-legged creatures, search out fuzzy, cute, blonde male hamsters and want to eat them alive. So, contrary to popular belief, this is not irrational, but a known fact and therefore accepted as real. Pain... that hurts and death, who knows, as most people only experience it once and don't live to talk about it. There are only a few spiders big enough to eat hamsters, so I suppose that might be rational. Humans, however, are too big to be eaten alive by spiders. And even a hamster is big enough to easily squash most spiders. The only reason a spider will bite something as big as a human is self defense. As for death and pain, those are rational fears for self-preservation. Although I don't fear death, because I know where I'm going when I die. However, I would still like to live my life here on Earth as long as I can, so I do my best to not die. Plus things that cause death tend to hurt, and I do have a fear of pain. And I know that my dying would cause other people pain, and I would never want to do that.
  10. What's on My Mind Something is on my mind, though I'm not sure what it is. Part is that I know he's mine, and I know that I am his. And that he's the only one I ever want to kiss. I think about how I felt when we were apart. How we can act so silly, even though we're smart. And that this seems right with both my brain and my heart. I marvel at all of this, it's all a gift from above. I guess to put it simply, what's on my mind is love. And I'll give you guys the same end note I put on facebook: (And before people jump on me, yes, I'm totally aware of how idealistic this sounds, etc. So shoot me. I love my boyfriend. It's what was on my mind, so it got put into a poem. Also, I'm tired, so this probably sounds a lot more....*attempts to find the right word* snippy? than it probably should. Tact takes a serious hit when I'm tired. XD ) (for some reason my friends (usually Ian) tend to fear that I've become disillusioned or "in love with love" or something like that, when in fact that I'm quite realistic about things, and fully aware that our relationship is only almost three months old, nothing will ever go perfectly, and all that other fun stuff. Actually, I think I'm going to modify and add this end note to the end note to my facebook note )
  11. *thinks Jesusfreak is very, very lucky* *agrees* Being able to hang out with him online again is nice too (we play on maplestory, where you have a character and go around doing quests and beating up assorted monster things and chat with people. It's kinda cool because you can see each others' characters, and you have a set of facial expressions you can use, so it gives the person you're talking to a bit more of a physical presence the biggest downside is their ridiculous curse filter that takes out words like spoon, cucumber, and pigs; not bad words, and sometimes the names of items that are actually in the game ). I missed him soooooooooo much when he was at martha's vineyard. Which is really saying something, because I rarely really miss people.
  12. @Horatio: yep I asked him about it today, and he said he's going to try really hard to get the time off. @TBFOF: Not off the top of my head. You could try googling it though. Or maybe post about it here.
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Positive exposure is probably the best way to get over irrational fears. O RLY !?!?!?!?! YA RLY!!!! a fear of spiders is irrational. I can understand a fear of the pain from being bit by a spider, but not a fear of spiders themselves. (I think that the only true rational fears are pain and death)
  14. As expected, I got to see Phil when I went shopping today. He had apparently just gotten off early when I got there, and was wandering around the store while he was waiting for his grandma, so I actually got to chat with him and give him a hug instead of just saying hi, which was good.
  15. That will be fun... if Phil is with you! I wish. He pretty much never gets weekends off. :closedeyes: Although I think he's going to try and request a weekend off so he can come up to camp, and we can go to the ren faire and the giant mall that's nearby and all that fun stuff.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Positive exposure is probably the best way to get over irrational fears.
  17. Maybe we just need to get Horatio a pet tarantula to help her get over her fear of spiders.....
  18. I was out of state for awhile and will be most weekends. >_<
  19. Phil is back at home now. It's nice to be able to talk to him efficiently again, although he was really tired and went to bed early (after falling asleep at the keyboard). And hopefully I'll see him tomorrow when I go grocery shopping.
  20. What an innocent looking kid. lol he's always been adorable. It was kinda funny too, when we were little, he was this tiny pipsqueak kid. And then last summer when I hung out with him in person for the first time in probably 10 years, I was like, "Wow you're taller than me!"
  21. Teehee. Phil told me one day that he doesn't really have any pictures of when he was little. Well, yesterday I had to clear out all the stuff from my room at camp, and a lot of it was Jenny's stuff too. One of the things she had in the room was a photo album with photos from elementary school. And one of those photos was this: I just emailed it to my phone, and then sent the picture to him.
  22. Ripping out walls so they can be replaced??????? I didn't know that walls went bad. LOL Speeding ticket = points. Female, under 25, 27 (?) means that your insurance goes up. My suggestion is to go the speed limit, even though other guys are passing you. You don't need another ticket. The cop said as long as I pay it on time, I don't get points, which is good. And on that stretch of highway, people don't even do the speed limit in the right lane. And the walls, well, some mice (and probably other critters) over the years decided that the walls would make a nice apartment complex. And dad apparently found a (dead) wasp nest in what was one of the walls to my room. The people that had the cabin before us had NO idea how to take care of it, so it's in such bad shape that walls need to be replaced, as does at least part of the roof, among other things. It was so bad, the camp actually paid us to take it (because of the amount of work we're putting into fixing it) instead of charging rent. We do, however, now have a properly functioning shower that's not a tarp and a garden hose attached to hot and cold water.
  23. Mmyep, this week wins as worst week ever. Being at camp was no fun. I did pretty much nothing outside of some construction type things and chores. The one highlight is that mom and I went shopping yesterday and I got some much needed clothing. Last night my parents were ripping down walls in the cabin so they can be replaced, including my wall. So my bedroom was missing a wall as of last night. My bed got taken apart today. I got a later start than I was hoping to get home today. And to top it all off, I got a speeding ticket about 10 minutes away from home (I was doing the same speed as everyone else around me), and it's for nearly $300. At least my parents aren't too upset about it. Their general idea is that if this is the worst I've done and I'm 20 years old, that's still pretty good.
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