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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. The upside down smiley was my favorite! I think the main thing that could be improved is simply speed.
  2. I've always been a big fan of Fuzzy myself.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Welcome back! NH is soooo pretty....and yeah, mountains make for bad cell reception.
  4. The great news was that you go to spend some time with Phil. Have a great weekend, with pleasant thoughts dancing around in your head. As for next semester... that's not here yet. LOL Next semester is coming up really fast though. I'm looking forward to seeing my college friends again, but I'm going to miss being with Phil in person soooo much. Hopefully he'll get a webcam by then, so at least we'll be able to see each other in a sense. It'll also be a good way for us to get to know each other's college friends better. And *hopefully* I'll be able to visit him every once in awhile on a weekend. And it would be really awesome if I could bring him down to my college for a weekend to meet everyone. I'm kind of hoping to be able to bring him down for spring break, but getting his grandparents' permission and finding him a place to sleep would be tricky (my roomie doesn't want guests in the room for more than like 2 nights, which is understandable. The guys all have a suite, so maybe he could stay with each of them for a night or two....).
  5. So, immediately upon getting home from wal-mart, Phil was bombarded with having to watch Trin again. >_< He did, however, manage to come over for a couple hours after dinner, which was good. I really really wanted to be able to spend some time with him in person before going to camp tomorrow, so it was good that he managed to come over. Next semester is going to be SO hard.
  6. Chipmunks should not be running in the middle of the road. That's not your fault.
  7. Blah. Today was mostly boring, outside of doing VBS decorations. I got a brief scare when I thought my cat had been hit by a car (I heard a car come to a sudden stop, along with what sounded like my cat being moved suddenly), but the cat is fine. Then dad got a call from mom. Apparently grandma is becoming more delusional and argumentative. So, this weekend could be interesting, and will most likely be worse than usual. :closedeyes: Tomorrow Phil said he's going to wal-mart, but should be free after that, so hopefully I'll be able to see him.
  8. lol true. The other problem is that yesterday he wasn't able to get online until after 5pm because his internet was out (he had told me he planned to get online as soon as he got home, so it made me a bit nervous), and the day before that he didn't make it online at all because his mom spontaneously recruited him to babysit her kids. So the past two days there's been a bit of a lack of communication, which just generally puts me in an off mood. :closedeyes: I really hope I can spend the day with him tomorrow though, because I'm going to be at camp for the weekend, and unable to talk much then. Ummmmmm... absence makes the heart grow fonder???? Haha Hopefully I'll get to see him tomorrow.
  9. lol true. The other problem is that yesterday he wasn't able to get online until after 5pm because his internet was out (he had told me he planned to get online as soon as he got home, so it made me a bit nervous), and the day before that he didn't make it online at all because his mom spontaneously recruited him to babysit her kids. So the past two days there's been a bit of a lack of communication, which just generally puts me in an off mood. :closedeyes: I really hope I can spend the day with him tomorrow though, because I'm going to be at camp for the weekend, and unable to talk much then.
  10. Today was mostly boring. I got to see Phil at the grocery store, but that was about it. He has off tomorrow and thursday, but he has to watch his little cousin tomorrow. >_< I guess it kinda works out though, I'm pretty sure dad wants me to do house/yard work tomorrow, and I have to help with VBS decorations in the evening.
  11. Hey, you're still alive! I love the feeling of being done with a big project.
  12. Hope you find your checkbook. As for the job... your father might as well tell you to forget about it. It is almost August and you would only be hired for a few weeks. So, by the time they tell you to start, train you, you are handing in your resignation papers. So, I say, kick back and enjoy the summer, and get a summer job next year. I never need my checkbook for anything. I tend to do everything with my debit card. As for the job, it's at Dairy Queen, which is only open in the summer around here, and they had help wanted signs up. I don't really want a job, it's mostly just to get my parents off my case about it.
  13. I couldn't find my checkbook (I think it's in a box of college stuff up at camp) so I didn't go back out after church today. I'll probably apply for that job tomorrow. And get gas. That needs to happen soon.
  14. Oh also, best line of the day from yesterday: Phil: [talking about temperature] Wow I'm hot. Me: Yeah you are! So far today I went to church, and picked some things up at the grocery store (by which I mean visit Phil, because none of the four things I got were so urgent that they couldn't wait for a longer shopping list and Dad's debit card ). The rest of the day will most likely involve depositing a check, doing dishes, and maybe applying for a job. Dairy Queen is apparently hiring.
  15. So, today was fun times. Instead of Phil coming over here, I went over to his house, where we played brawl and mario kart with his sister. Then we all ate dinner, and Phil's grandma asked if I wanted to come with them to drop Jazzy off at Alyssa's, to which I said yes, of course. It's about an hour each way, but car rides are nothing to me by now, and it was kinda nice being able to just sit and chat with them all. Alyssa and Chris' (her fiancee) apartment is covered in anime and video game stuff, which makes me realize what a wonderfully geeky family they all are. When we got back, I was able to hang out with Phil for a couple hours until about 11, which is more or less his bedtime. We played more brawl and maplestory, and he showed me how to play fire emblem, which was kind of cool. And then of course he walked me out to my car to say good night as usual. And it just occurred to me; we've only ever kissed outside. Usually when he's saying goodbye to me in his driveway, our first kiss at 6 Flags, and one other time just outside the grocery store. Interesting.
  16. I know you are excited about tomorrow! Yep. Assuming Phil's grandparents let him come over anyways, which they might not. They're strange like that. I figure if they don't, I have to go deposit a check, and should look into getting a study book for my praxis exam.
  17. Today was spent mostly on maplestory. I didn't even get up until like noon, I guess I was worn out from yesterday. Tomorrow Phil's going to come over (hopefully), we're probably going to play DDR and go swimming. Then he has to go (I assume with his grandparents) to drop his little sister off at his older sister's house sometime in the evening.
  18. Yeah, the weekends thing gets me nuts. My parents harass me about getting a job, but they also generally want me at camp on the weekends to help with stuff and so I can see mom. But no one hires people that can't do weekends. So they need to pick one. I'm staying home this weekend though. And Phil has off on Saturday. So, the rest of today. We came up with the plan of Michy and Robin getting Phil and then coming over to my house to hang out, and then going to the movies and dinner. Swimming, of course would be involved with that, but the pool needed to be vacuumed, so dad showed me how to do that when he was home at lunch, and then went back to work. I got the house reasonably cleaned up and then went back to work on the pool, but couldn't get the vacuum to work without sucking air through the pump (which is bad), so I gave up on it and tossed the pool vacuum over the side of the pool. Well, remember that yellow jacket nest I discovered last week? Totally not gone. Luckily I was far enough away when I noticed them flying around to be able to get away unharmed. Eventually, I managed to empty a can and a half of wasp killer on the nest, and then proceeded to squash it and knock most of it down with the end of the pool vacuum (it's on a reeeeeeally long pole). I win. When everyone got to my house, we played Mario Kart for awhile (Phil brought his wii), and then went swimming (no bug problems, so I guess I did a good job). After that we went to the theater to see "Wanted," which was pretty interesting, and rather entertaining. After the movie, we got dinner at Denny's (which I actually managed to finish this time around. Granted it was two pancakes, but I ate both of them. I think the trick is to not pay attention to the fact that I'm eating ), and then headed back to my house, where we played brawl for awhile. And then they all had to leave, because Phil had to get home by roughly 11:30 because he has work at 7am tomorrow. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. Oh, and I finally got maplestory to work! Phil will be happy to hear that. The next time your father mentions getting a job, be nice, but say that most employers want you to work weekends and it is hard finding a place with weekends off. Does he have any suggestions? Place the who thing back in his lap. By the way... I do believe if you read the wasp/bee killing spray can, it probably will tell you to spray the nest during the evening, night through early morning. The reason for this is so that you do not get stung. I did say that to him actually. He's the one who suggested the hotel in the first place. As for the bug killing, I know you're supposed to do it at night, because that's when they're all asleep, and they can't see very well, especially in the dark. However, I wanted the pool to be safe to swim in before everyone came over, so I had no choice but to deal with it in the middle of the day.
  19. Oh it still exists for sure. It's just usually not over such stupid stuff. Or maybe I just have a much more mature and laid back group of friends than most people.
  20. Yeah, the weekends thing gets me nuts. My parents harass me about getting a job, but they also generally want me at camp on the weekends to help with stuff and so I can see mom. But no one hires people that can't do weekends. So they need to pick one. I'm staying home this weekend though. And Phil has off on Saturday. So, the rest of today. We came up with the plan of Michy and Robin getting Phil and then coming over to my house to hang out, and then going to the movies and dinner. Swimming, of course would be involved with that, but the pool needed to be vacuumed, so dad showed me how to do that when he was home at lunch, and then went back to work. I got the house reasonably cleaned up and then went back to work on the pool, but couldn't get the vacuum to work without sucking air through the pump (which is bad), so I gave up on it and tossed the pool vacuum over the side of the pool. Well, remember that yellow jacket nest I discovered last week? Totally not gone. Luckily I was far enough away when I noticed them flying around to be able to get away unharmed. Eventually, I managed to empty a can and a half of wasp killer on the nest, and then proceeded to squash it and knock most of it down with the end of the pool vacuum (it's on a reeeeeeally long pole). I win. When everyone got to my house, we played Mario Kart for awhile (Phil brought his wii), and then went swimming (no bug problems, so I guess I did a good job). After that we went to the theater to see "Wanted," which was pretty interesting, and rather entertaining. After the movie, we got dinner at Denny's (which I actually managed to finish this time around. Granted it was two pancakes, but I ate both of them. I think the trick is to not pay attention to the fact that I'm eating ), and then headed back to my house, where we played brawl for awhile. And then they all had to leave, because Phil had to get home by roughly 11:30 because he has work at 7am tomorrow. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. Oh, and I finally got maplestory to work! Phil will be happy to hear that.
  21. Ick...I hate senseless drama. It tends to get a little less stupid as you get older. And awesome about the concert and rock band.
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