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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. So, we actually were able to go see a movie after VBS. We saw Hancock, awesome movie! Phil has off again tomorrow, so I'm hoping we might be able to arrange some time to hang out a bit. I know at least that I need to pick up grandma's prescription (again, mom lost it the first time), and I have VBS. I should clean out the pool, but I can always do that on Saturday afternoon when Phil has work anyways. My praxis II exam is Saturday morning already.
  2. You have every right to be upset. And I would tell you just how ridiculous that is, but Horatio wouldn't be happy with the words I'd have to use in order to properly convey the message. Seriously, *what* did they do to that car? NO new car should EVER have that many problems with it. My suggestion is to find another dealership, and do some research. Ask people you know, and poke around online for opinions and experiences with different places. I wouldn't be surprised if other people had a problem with your car dealer. You might want to (if you can afford it) take your car to an independent mechanic to have it checked out. They'd have nothing to lose by fixing everything properly. And if your feeling particularly vengeful and you find other bad reviews of the dealership, call up the local news and let them in on it. I know eyewitness news in my state does some consumer watch thing where they investigate and publicize that sort of thing.
  3. Yeah, while I do think that Saddam needed to be taken out, I think there are better ways we could have gone about it. However, you can't change the past, and things were broken that need to be fixed. It's just a matter of who won't over-do it, and who won't do a halfway job of it.
  4. ??? well its not unheard of christmas in july.... im goin make a christmas in july topic :] I was going to have a Christmas in July this saturday, but then the park I booked it for overbooked on the pavillion things, so they gave me my money back plus an additional twenty-five to not have it this Saturday. woah, thats rad i had a christmas in july themed birthday once That's so awesome! I would do that too, but my birthday is in January. So I had a luau theme party instead.
  5. So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away? Maybe? I might leave early for VBS and stop by there anyways and grab a bottle of water and a muffin or something. Mm so I did that, and Phil had gone home early because it wasn't busy. Tomorrow's his day off, so we're going to see if I can get him out of the house to go see a movie or something. Movie... and then we want a movie review. Haha well, there's the matter of finding a movie time that won't interfere with my getting to VBS on time. In all reality, it's not likely to happen, but we can try.
  6. that's awesome! seems like a great idea, but what about the long term side effects? couldn't like our crops come to life and eat us and we would all be braindead zombies with radiation poisoning from the microwaves going through the air? i'm afraid to stand in front of the microwave oven while making popcorn... Nope. I'm assuming they're on the other end of the microwaves spectrum, and should be totally safe. Now that I think of it, my dream last night had something to do with zombies.....
  7. So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away? Maybe? I might leave early for VBS and stop by there anyways and grab a bottle of water and a muffin or something. Mm so I did that, and Phil had gone home early because it wasn't busy. Tomorrow's his day off, so we're going to see if I can get him out of the house to go see a movie or something.
  8. Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?
  9. So... lightning and thunder scare the ants away? Maybe? I might leave early for VBS and stop by there anyways and grab a bottle of water and a muffin or something.
  10. MK, I think something's been horribly wrong.....
  11. Thunder. It can't kill you. Pens or Pencils?! Pens. As a lefty, I hate pencils (being left handed and writing in English means I drag my hand across everything I write, so if I'm using a pencil, the side of my hand turns gray pretty quick). snow or sand?
  12. aren't we just the active ones! Nah, I just tend to go online as soon as I wake up. And August 11th? That's insanely early! I'm guessing you live out west or down south then. In the northeast, most schools start around labor day. I go back to college on September 1st I think.
  13. Mm, so, scratch those last two. It's currently pouring rain with thunder and lightning. The power has already flickered at least once. And dad says he doesn't need the ant traps any more. :closedeyes:
  14. Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it? I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options. The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'. I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days. I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels. That's probably not going to happen where I live, though. Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills? Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field. You need to look him up. He also talks about how it makes NO sense to try and drill for more oil. He has been so persuasive that several politicians are starting to listen. thats cool i also think its great that all these hybrid cars are popping up has anyone else noticed all the presidential candidates don't seem to quite fit the job? Obama - seems kinda sketchy, there is just something about him i don't feel comfortable with, but that's what happens when you fall asleep with the news on McCain - might just be a repeat of Bush, which could be a problem Clinton - i don't think she would be able to handle a country, I think she would be something like Kathleen Blanco who did a TERRIBLE job with louisiana, and broke down crying during several press conferences about Katrina I know. Can I be president please?
  15. Chipmunks do to steal food from bird feeders! I might have a picture..... chicken. thunder or lightning?
  16. My mom once saw a naked guy at the park. :blink: Seems like there are a lot of naked guys running around in public. And none of them are hot. Hahahaha
  17. My usual course of action: sign onto AIM weather/email/facebook (all open at the same time) hampsterboard gaia subeta mod the sims 2 sapphire sims 2 maplestory, or more facebook (usually bumper stickers or the group I post in)
  18. LOL Eh, it's true enough. My shopping list had salsa, fresh basil, and cookies. The first two things weren't there. I'll probably end up there again tomorrow because dad wants ant traps. You could always go to the hardware store for the ant traps. :rolleyes: I could.....but I won't. I need to be downtown anyways to pick up grandma's prescription from the doctors (Yes, I did that last week. Mom lost it. ) Also on the list of fun things to do today is cleaning the pool and mowing the lawn.
  19. Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it? I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options. The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'. I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days. I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels. That's probably not going to happen where I live, though. Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills? Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field.
  20. oh noes! There's two! Um.....hugs and sun. chipmunks or squirrels?
  21. LEXXY! You just gave me an idea! -goes off to make "HampsterRoll'd- Brilliant. XD
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