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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Woodwind. Dolls or stuffed animals? Stuffed animals. Dirt or Mud? Dirt texts or IMs? Text... definitely text. Motorcycles or scooters? (And you all better answer this one correctly! ) Scooters! Kidding, kidding. Motorcycles. Definitely motorcycles. Black and white or color? Black and white!!!!!!! (Think Ansel Adams!) Woodwind. Dolls or stuffed animals? Stuffed animals. Dirt or Mud? Dirt texts or IMs? Text... definitely text. Motorcycles or scooters? (And you all better answer this one correctly! ) Hmmmm... scooters? Elton John or John Lennon (don't worry about my opinion, just give yours...lol) ~Liz SCOOTERS?????????????????? WRONG ANSWER!!!!!!! *faints and can't answer Liz* lol horatio! John Lennon! Ebony or Ivory? Ebony. Spaghetti or Lasagna? Spaghetti. Barnes and Noble or Borders? ~Liz Borders. Spinach or Green beans? *cough* horatio missed the part where wildcat said B&N then asked desert or ocean and i said ocean and i asked vinyl or mp3. get with the program! ~Liz Vinyl. Okay... I was trying to make sure The Breakfast Monkey's post was not lost and I my brain became like scrambled eggs. Spinach or Green Beans? sorry, i had to take out some blushes so i could post my smileys! lol YEAH GOSH HORATIO spinach! like popeye! Dumbledore or Gandolff? Gandalf. Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin?
  2. oooh rock band is fun times. I forgot I have that too As far as computer games go, the sims 2 XD
  3. Sleeping, laying in bed half asleep attempting to gain the motivation to get up, and sending Phil a random text message (it said, "Randomtext! Yay! XD I love you! <3") because he's at work (although there's a good chance that he doesn't even have his phone on him).
  4. DDR all the way. XD More than half of my (relatively small collection of) video games are DDR games (not counting my gameboy games, which haven't been touched in a loooong time). Katamari is also fun times. Oh, and Mario Kart. I'm actually pretty good at it. That said, I only own a ps2 right now. A wii is next on my list of consoles to get. My boyfriend has one, and it's fun times. (please ignore the possible double meaning there, 'twas not what I intended, but given the console's unfortunate name, it's unavoidable)
  5. Azumanga Daioh is on my list of animes to watch.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse's topic is lacking in Jesse.
  7. I didn't get that impression at all. Rather it seems that McCain is relatively quiet at this point. I mean, he's giving lectures in grocery stores while Obama's overseas, so guess who gets more media attention? But I have not forgotten that McCain will still get lots of support. And people seem to view him as somewhat moderate, so that might pull more independents in. I'm not really sure what to expect, but at least I get to vote for the first time! Don't forget it was McCain that suggested, about one week prior, that Obama go to Europe and the Middle East. Interesting. Points to both of them for giving and taking advice to/from each other.
  8. You're never alone. *big hugs* If nothing else, you have us here, and whether you believe it or not, God loves you too. My advice to you: vent about what's going in in your life, whether it be here, with a therapist, or someone else. And get out and do something. Go for a walk, see a movie, take up photography, something. Keeping active helps to keep you in a better mood.
  9. Woodwind. Dolls or stuffed animals? Stuffed animals. Dirt or Mud? Dirt texts or IMs?
  10. Going to target was fun, although traffic was insane. Apparently people decided that since it was raining, they had to do 25mph on the highway.
  11. (another delayed reaction) Okay, I stand corrected! And I pick The Arctic or Antartica? Antartica...because of penguins! Ice skating or roller skating? ~Liz Ice Skating! This LG or Samsung? Samsung. This: dill pickles or that: bread and butter pickles? Dill pickles, I hate bread and butter pickles. grocery store or supermarket? Grocery store. Glass or plastic? Hm....plastic doesn't break as easily, but I have to go with glass. silver or gold? My preference is platinum or white gold... so I would have to go with gold. White gold or rose gold? Rose Gold. Oil or Acrylic (Paints)? Acrylic roses or tulips? tulips! i'm a sucker for them! indoors or outdoors? outdoors speakers or headphones?
  12. Granted, but the mosquitos will be the size of pelicans. I wish that I could stay young. Cool. XD Granted, but no one will believe you're over 18. I wish rain didn't make driving so annoying. Granted, but you still have to deal with people who can't drive. I wish school wasn't boring. Granted, but it's only less boring due to an increase in senseless drama and work difficulty. I wish it didn't take so long to do laundry....
  13. That's great! Now I will be singing that song all day. Teehee. He had a song something along the lines of "happiness is living in a neat mess" too, which has been my theme song as far as organization is concerned.
  14. Yaaaay Phil can go to target! He just has to finish his laundry first.
  15. Granted, but the mosquitos will be the size of pelicans. I wish that I could stay young. Cool. XD Granted, but no one will believe you're over 18. I wish rain didn't make driving so annoying.
  16. For some reason, I read the past couple posts and it reminded me of that Raffi song, "I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas....."
  17. (another delayed reaction) Okay, I stand corrected! And I pick The Arctic or Antartica? Antartica...because of penguins! Ice skating or roller skating? ~Liz Ice Skating! This LG or Samsung? Samsung. This: dill pickles or that: bread and butter pickles? Dill pickles, I hate bread and butter pickles. grocery store or supermarket? Grocery store. Glass or plastic? Hm....plastic doesn't break as easily, but I have to go with glass. silver or gold? My preference is platinum or white gold... so I would have to go with gold. White gold or rose gold? Rose Gold. Oil or Acrylic (Paints)? Acrylic roses or tulips?
  18. Oh, forgot to put a wish (just woke up lol) I wish mosquito bites didn't itch.
  19. Granted, but you will have to wear black-out eye shades for twelve hours a day and you can't take them off or even peek out from underneath. I wish that all foods were good for you, had no calories and we would never get fat. Granted, but you know food like that won't taste good. I wish my internet worked better Granted, but it only works AFTER 23H00 when Phil is asleep. I wish that zero calorie food tasted phenomenally good, was ultimately delicious and was always available when you wanted it. Granted, there would only be one variation, and it looked disgusting. I wish my grandma's car would stop having problem. (MORE PROBLEMS NOW!) Granted, except the dealer would just give your grandmother a new car. I wish that tomorrow would be a great motorcycle riding day. Granted, but the next 3 weeks will be rainy. I wish I could find my watch. Granted, but your watch would be in some awful, disgusting place that you wouldn't want to reach into in order to grab it. I wish I got payed to go to school. Granted, but your school day is now 12 hours long, and you can get fired from it for the same reasons you get fired from any job.
  20. Hanging out with Phil at the grocery store, and then getting annoyed that my internet wasn't working.
  21. You have to pay twice??????????? Once for each time. Regardless of whether I make it to take the test or not.
  22. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo! I hate when things like that happen. What horrible news. I am so sorry that they would not let you take the exam. What would happen if someone did not drive? Would they have to get a non-driver identification card? State ID, Military ID, passport, and drivers license are all acceptable. So, yes. What??? No U.S. Government ID's? I would assume they'd accept those. So, to add to the insanity, part of the cable kept flaking out, taking out both the internet and the home phone. However, I got to see Phil at the grocery store. I went towards the end of his shift, and he was putting away all the returned items, so I got to follow him around the store for a good hour at least, and chat with him, which was really nice. The internet finally came back on a little while after I got home, which was good. Phil and I might take a trip out to target tomorrow if he can get out of the house, since he has off. I think I'll probably skip church tomorrow. I really need the sleep.
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