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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Granted, but every other animal who also likes trees is sharing it with you. I wish that I would not have to carry my bags up and down the airplane stairs. Granted, because airline regulations and restrictions have gotten even more ridiculous, and you can only take what you can hold in your hands and pockets, no bags allowed. I wish getting up in the morning was easier.
  2. The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her. Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time.
  3. So, it was fun, yes? Ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeessssssssssss! The night before, I was thinking... do I really want to ride all this way for breakfast when I could just ride locally. Well, I woke up five minutes prior to my alarm clock going off, and I decided to start riding and see how I felt. Well, it felt great to I was really happy that I went. Now this is what makes me unhappy... lol you and your tyres. I figured your bike was the yellow one, it's the only one with Florida plates. You are so sharp. *gives Jesusfreak a coupon for an all expenses paid romantic dinner for two* I didn't even notice that and I was riding with them. LOL I did know that two of the bikes were from Mississippi, but never noticed the others. Hahaha. LOL ooooh dinner. And I had problems posting too, as I'm sure you saw in my siggy. 'Twas probably for the best though, I was *really* tired and quite out of it. Posting when you are really, really tired makes for some of the funniest posts. I thought you might like the dinner. lol true.
  4. Ohright, this is my topic, I'm supposed to post stuff about my life here. *is still a bit slow because she just got up* Um..... Mmkay, I was at camp this weekend. There were thunderstorms. It was mostly boring. On Sunday Dad and I took a walk to Jenny's camp (15 minutes through the woods, which is faster than driving since the bridge is out and we have to go all the way around town to get there now. ). We had to drop off mail and such. It started raining right after we got there, and stopped about 15 minutes later so we were able to walk back without getting soaked. Oh, and if I forgot to mention it before, Jenny is now dating this guy Andy from her camp. He seems like a pretty cool guy. The other day, he dug up a raspberry bush from the woods and planted it behind the infirmary where she works. It was adorable. Only two potential problems though: 1. He's 30 years old (he acts like he's 20 though, minus the immaturity. He's actually a lot like dad..... ). 2. He lives in New Zealand (which makes for a fun accent). So, it'll be interesting to see where that goes. Anyways, on the walk back to our camp, we went to explore a rocky overhang type thing, and ultimately ended up climbing up a small mountain, which had a lovely meadow-like terrain at the top, and cell reception! So I took some pictures and sent them to facebook, and one to Phil. We followed deer trails through the blueberry bushes and mountain laurel down the hill until we found our path again (we both had GPSs with us, and know a reasonable amount about orienteering, and it's not a terribly confusing part of the world to navigate). What else.....Grandma was exceptionally spacey this weekend. She kept thinking she was going to drive home and things like that, and mom kept having to explain that she's been living with us since April, and isn't allowed to drive anymore. It's starting to get to be really hard on mom, because grandma requires constant supervision and/or entertainment. Yesterday I got up at about 5:30am to come home. After lunch, Phil, Jazzy, and I all went to the mall, which was fun. We both wanted to get NX cards for maplestory, and an excuse to get out of the house. The CVS at the mall only had $25 cards (I intended to just get a $10 card, and didn't have $25 in cash on me). So Phil insisted on putting $10 towards the card, and I ended up with a $25 NX card anyways. Also, on maplestory, characters can get married. So we're going to get married on maplestory. That was half the reason for the NX cards lol. We then stopped at their house to pick up a guitar hero controller, and then came to my house to play Rock Band for awhile, which was fun. After I got back from dropping Phil and Jazzy off at their house, dad and I went to the autoparts store to get some stuff and check what the computer on the car had to say about what was wrong with it (it didn't really tell us anything we didn't know). So we went home and replaced the spark plugs and did a compression check on each cylinder. Odd thing was, the spark plugs weren't covered in oil like the last time, even though the car is still going through oil really fast. The spark plugs were still really crispy though. The compression check revealed the pressure in two cylinders to be 160, the next was 110, and the last was 150 (not sure about the units). We have no idea why. The different symptoms of the car just don't match up to anything. It's like an episode of House, only it's a car and not a person. After my car was put back together, we drove it out to Pizza Hut for dinner, which was good, and my car was driving a bit better after the new spark plugs. Also, the check engine light is gone. Not sure what the plans are for today. Dad should be home for lunch in a half hour, and Phil has off today (this week he only has work tomorrow and Saturday). There might be some sort of small LAN party going on today.
  5. I've always said that provided you're planning on going to college, dating is pretty much pointless until, say, your second year there. High school dating is pointless because you're probably going to go to schools far apart, and most people can't handle that. Freshmen in college dating is pointless because most people change at least a little bit when they get to college, for better or for worse. Without parental supervision, freshman year is when kids really get to go out and be themselves, and who they were in high school is often not exactly the same person they are by the end of freshman year. As such, relationships tend to end about there, and relationships started early-ish in freshman year tend to end quickly because of the changes as well. (I can think of at least 7 freshman year relationships involving people I know that failed by the end of freshman year, most of which were started freshman year, and the four that started after then are doing quite well).
  6. Granted, but you have to clean the school bathrooms. *gives - Kat - a new shiny Claymore in appreciation* I wish the renovation on my cage would be complete. Granted, but then a palm tree would come crashing through your living room, regardless of whether there's a palm tree near it or not. I wish I could obtain calories without the trouble of eating, like click a button and I'm immediately fed or something.
  7. So, it was fun, yes? Ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeessssssssssss! The night before, I was thinking... do I really want to ride all this way for breakfast when I could just ride locally. Well, I woke up five minutes prior to my alarm clock going off, and I decided to start riding and see how I felt. Well, it felt great to I was really happy that I went. Now this is what makes me unhappy... lol you and your tyres. I figured your bike was the yellow one, it's the only one with Florida plates. You are so sharp. *gives Jesusfreak a coupon for an all expenses paid romantic dinner for two* I didn't even notice that and I was riding with them. LOL I did know that two of the bikes were from Mississippi, but never noticed the others. Hahaha. ooooh dinner. And I had problems posting too, as I'm sure you saw in my siggy. 'Twas probably for the best though, I was *really* tired and quite out of it.
  8. Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. Just wait until I show up. Hahaha excellent. I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy When you use the screen name Horatio... it is almost a given that they won't thing anything else. When you first joined, I thought you were a guy too. I tried posting yesterday, but kept getting an error. Horatio IS a male, blonde, three and one-half year old hamster. The person at the keyboard, however, is not.
  9. I remember! Yeah, I think CS was a short-term mod, too. I remember they were all awesome. A looong time ago was AnimalKidd. I remember all these people. And miss them. I guess people move on. Why did Sheena and Cheetaspot lose their moderating status anyway? CS was a mod? For a very very short amount of time. Then she sort of disappeared.
  10. Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. Just wait until I show up. Hahaha excellent. I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy When you use the screen name Horatio... it is almost a given that they won't thing anything else. When you first joined, I thought you were a guy too.
  11. I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it..... I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes ). I'm so jealous of really thick hair. My fur is really, really, REALLY thin and one ponytail looks like I have a rat tail. If you live in Florida, you don't want hair like mine. It's nice in the winter, but it gets *really* hot in the summer.
  12. So, it was fun, yes? Ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeessssssssssss! The night before, I was thinking... do I really want to ride all this way for breakfast when I could just ride locally. Well, I woke up five minutes prior to my alarm clock going off, and I decided to start riding and see how I felt. Well, it felt great to I was really happy that I went. Now this is what makes me unhappy... lol you and your tyres. I figured your bike was the yellow one, it's the only one with Florida plates.
  13. I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it..... I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes ).
  14. Haha Every time I get my hair cut, I always get, "My gosh you have a lot of hair!"
  15. Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. Just wait until I show up. Hahaha excellent. I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy
  16. When I get a haircut, I'll probably have to trim at least four inches off of it.
  17. I have split ends on my split ends. The ends of my hair look kinda raggedy, although I kinda like the way it looks. My last haircut was over a year ago.
  18. Yeah, and half the plants you guys consider weeds down there are sold as exotic potted plants up here.
  19. So... how long is the drive between the two schools??? I do believe your van will be making lots and lots of trips. Somewhere between 4 and 5 hours, depending on traffic. If traffic is bad enough, it can take a lot longer than that. I don't really mind driving though. And yes, I do plan on visiting him a few times, and hopefully with my own car instead of the van. Dad needs to fix it. Plan on the van... I don't believe your father will get your car fixed before your first trip to see Phil. Five hours... piece of cake. I'm doing four plus one way for breakfast, then four plus back. And we all know you won't be coming back the same day. Oh I know. Dad's been saying "sometime next week" just about all summer. And yeah, the ride is actually pretty easy, and no, I won't be returning the same day. If I visit it'll probably be for the weekend. I know I can stay in either his room or my sister's room with no trouble. I'll probably stay in his room if I can though. He and is roomie have a futon in addition to their own college dorm beds, whereas my sister and her roomie (who is Phil's roomie's girlfriend), do not have an extra place to sleep.
  20. I love palm trees. We don't have them up here. I was really really excited to see them when we went down to Florida for spring break. Also, I think the word you're looking for a couple posts back is "tires" not "tyres"
  21. Hahaha. I tend to run my fingers through Phil's hair sometimes, but now his hair is getting just long enough to get tangles in it, so sometimes my fingers get stuck. He used to always keep his hair really short. I think he might be letting it grow out longer just because I like to play with it. His hair always smells really good too. My hair....still smells like hair dye. We both need haircuts. We were joking that we should make appointments at the same time and place and get our hair cut together.
  22. True. And this morning, I just bought a second bike. Another pretty black one. A DRZ400S. For dirt riding. Here is a picture of it loaded on the truck with the replacement tyres. Ooh, looks like fun! And random ADD comment: PALM TREES! XD k I'm done now.
  23. So... how long is the drive between the two schools??? I do believe your van will be making lots and lots of trips. Somewhere between 4 and 5 hours, depending on traffic. If traffic is bad enough, it can take a lot longer than that. I don't really mind driving though. And yes, I do plan on visiting him a few times, and hopefully with my own car instead of the van. Dad needs to fix it.
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