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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    *cough* Horatio... ..
  2. Crazy fun! Now you need a fireplace to warm up in front of. Ooh, that would be nice. We have a fireplace at camp, but here the closest I have indoors is the fireplace animation plugin that I have for windows media player .
  3. Today was fun. Phil got out an hour early and called to tell me. He sounded really happy, it was SO adorable. We spent most of the evening playing MS and watching anime, as well as eating dinner. And then around 10pm we went swimming. Which was a lot of fun, but it was freezing. And I was shivering. I still am shivering, despite the fact that I'm wearing dry clothes now, and have been out of the water for an hour. Still, totally worth it. I'll be putting warm pajamas on and going to sleep soon anyways. We're hoping that tomorrow I can pick Phil up from work and hang out at his house for the evening. And then Thursday I go to camp, and the chaos weekend begins.
  4. The power was out for all of this morning. Although it gave me a chance to sort through some stuff on my computer, drain the battery, and read part of the new National Geographic magazine. Next on the list of fun things to do is going grocery shopping and bringing Phil home to hang out.
  5. Teehee. I'm amused now. I swear Phil's brain is like telepathically wired to mine or something. He was supposed to get online after he got home from work for a little bit, but didn't. So I was kinda sad, and sent him a text message saying, "It looks like you're not going to make it online tonight, so I just wanted to say good night, and let me know if you can hang out tomorrow. I love you. <3 *hugs*" About two seconds later, (not enough time for him to have read my text and responded) I got a text from him saying that he can hang out tomorrow, as per the plan I described earlier. So he must have been typing his text at the same time I was typing mine So, that's quite entertaining to me. I think dad can fix it. And I'm sorry, but I can't stand macs. They confuse me. I like my PC. And yes, it is getting to be really hard on my mom. Luckily, she came to her senses and dad didn't have to go all the way to camp today. (Mom's not very rational when she's upset) Grandma is going to get worse until she passes away, unfortunately. Eventually, we're going to have to put her in a nursing home. We're just trying to delay that for as long as possible. :closedeyes:
  6. I was watching dad research and take apart my computer.
  7. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    Cheesus, post more! (also, the line under the topic title in forum view still has the old username in it.)
  8. Today was fun, but is beginning to dissolve into chaos. Phil didn't have to go to work until 4pm (which means he won't be out until 10pm), so we got the bright idea for me to come over for a little bit to hang out, and then drive him to work since I had to go grocery shopping anyways, which was cool. But of course I realized I didn't have the shopping list when we were on our way there, and of course dad didn't have his phone on him, so it looks like I'll be going back out again tomorrow. Our current idea is for me to pick him up from work tomorrow when I go do the rest of my shopping, and bring him home to hang out for the day. Now the chaos: The hinge on my laptop is broken, and Dad's working on fixing it. As it is, my computer hinge is half disassembled, and my laptop is resting on the coffee table with the screen propped up on a stack of magazines. At least it's working though. Also, grandma keeps trying to go "home," which she sincerely believes is right around the corner. :closedeyes: Mom wants dad to go get grandma's car and bring it home, and leave the miata with mom at camp, and she wants him to do it like right now. o.O (not sure how much that will help, but whatever.) And the weekend is going to be insanity. Here's my current plan: Thursday morning, I drive up to camp (dad's going up wednesday night), and stay until roughly Friday afternon, to help dad with the roof (cabin roof is getting replaced this weekend). I come home Friday, and then go out with Phil and his family for a surprise dinner for Phil, since he goes back to college on Saturday. Saturday, I (hopefully) hang out with Phil and friends at their college. Sunday I go back to camp, load up Jenny's stuff in the minivan. Monday morning, (at like 5am) I drive Jenny to college and help her check in and move in. From there, there might be more hanging out with Phil and other assorted people. I haven't gotten that far yet.
  9. Um...Horatio, why is this topic not pinned yet? I think this one deserves pinning a lot more than most of the other pinned topics.
  10. Ohright, last post was vaguely incomplete. Other activities at the party included the usual brawl and mario kart, watching amusing online videos, and a trip to wal-mart in search of the equipment necessary to use a TV as a computer monitor. It was fun times. Getting there was a bit challenging though, because right as we were getting to where I needed to be able to read road signs, it started pouring. The ride home was nice and sunny though, which was good, because I was really tired anyways. No one got much sleep. We didn't go to bed until probably after 4:30am, and were all in a small basement. So I was somewhat curled up on a couch with Phil, and another guy was sleeping on the other end of the couch, and there were other people on the floor. It would have been easier to sleep if I wasn't so used to sleeping laying down on my stomach. Most of the other people left around 6am, at which point Phil said I should probably get some sleep (seeing as I had to drive back home again) and moved off the couch to the floor so I could actually lay down and fall asleep for a little bit. When we got up a couple hours later, we went upstairs to where Michy had ended up sleeping (she wasn't feeling well, so she went to sleep on the living room couch), ate breakfast, and hung out for a little while before heading home. When I was saying good bye to Phil when I dropped him off at his house, he said, "Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours...." (Sometimes we end up just looking in each others' eyes, and sometimes he'll say "What?" to which I usually reply "nothing," so I assume this comment was in the same world of comments). And it made me think about what actually does go on inside my head when I'm just looking at him like that, and then later told him on maplestory that I came to the conclusion that it's usually something along the lines of "I love you so much," "Wow you're attractive," "Can I keep you?" and "You're adorable." And sometimes "You're such a dork " and "Why is it 11pm already?" But mostly the first four. His response was LOLZ. Which, given the fact that he was running on less sleep than me (at that point, I had taken a good nap and a shower), probably means there was a lot more going on in his head, but he lacked the brainpower to put it into words.
  11. French toast Shoes with laces or shoes without laces? Without. Formal or Casual? Oh that's hard. I like both quite a lot. I have to go with formal. I don't get to dress up often enough. cake or cookies? Cookies. Defffff coooooooookies. Stay up late, or get up early. Stay up late!! Solitaire or Hearts? Solitaire. Spider solitaire or regular solitaire? Spider! Take your time or just hurry to get it done? Depends on how much I enjoy what I'm doing. I guess I'll say hurry. Nestle Crunch or Hersheys? ~Liz Ooh....I'll have to go with crunch. Christmas or Easter? Easter. Bread pudding or Rice pudding? Modified... Bread pudding or Rice pudding... both made with soy? Still don't know, I've never had either, and neither one sounds especially appetizing to me.
  12. You also are a terrific writer. I was thinking for those people who can't write... they can take photographs. I am? Poetry maybe, but I don't generally have the motivation to write much.
  13. I'm lactose intolerant, so I'll let someone else grab that one.
  14. So, Michy's birthday party was tons of fun, and included a 1am trip to Denny's. I'm going to be staying home again this weekend, partly because Phil needs a ride to work tomorrow morning, and probably a ride back as well. I would probably type more, but as I'm sure you can guess, I'm not running on much sleep, and am very tired.
  15. French toast Shoes with laces or shoes without laces? Without. Formal or Casual? Oh that's hard. I like both quite a lot. I have to go with formal. I don't get to dress up often enough. cake or cookies? Cookies. Defffff coooooooookies. Stay up late, or get up early. Stay up late!! Solitaire or Hearts? Solitaire. Spider solitaire or regular solitaire? Spider! Take your time or just hurry to get it done? Depends on how much I enjoy what I'm doing. I guess I'll say hurry. Nestle Crunch or Hersheys? ~Liz Ooh....I'll have to go with crunch. Christmas or Easter?
  16. French toast Shoes with laces or shoes without laces? Without. Formal or Casual? Oh that's hard. I like both quite a lot. I have to go with formal. I don't get to dress up often enough. cake or cookies? Cookies. Defffff coooooooookies. Stay up late, or get up early. Stay up late!! Solitaire or Hearts? Solitaire. Spider solitaire or regular solitaire?
  17. WOAH! Where did HK post and how did I miss it? You already responded to it. *decides not to tell where* I did just now, but not before Liz linked to it. And no wonder, it was in the written stuff forum, which I usually don't wander around too much.
  18. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *Jesse's topic twitches* Haha
  19. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *pokes Jesse's topic*
  20. There was an interview with Pickens in the Sunday NY Times Magazine a couple weeks ago, actually.
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