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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I'm sorry. Just think of Phil. This will put a smile on your face. Here... have a couple tumbleweeds to take with you back to school. Phil I think is half the reason I'm so unmotivated. I'm missing him to an unreasonable degree right now, and it's only been a few days since I saw him last. I really hope I can recover my mood, or else this semester is going to be really miserable.
  2. I'm packing now, sort of. I'm totally devoid of all motivation, and I'm not in a really good mood. :closedeyes:
  3. Mr. Pac-Man. I dunno. I always liked him better. Hats or Coats? Coats. I have too much hair to warrant wearing a hat most of the time. XD packing or unpacking?
  4. Yay people in my topic! I love having other people posting here, actually. This updates because it is essentially my journal, albeit slightly censored at times. This will be my 3rd year, which came up sooooooo fast. I need to start looking into getting into grad school.
  5. Cleaning... :eek: I have to clean my cage tomorrow. Have fun at camp. At the moment I am in Los Angeles, House cleaning is now done. Tomorrow is room cleaning and packing. Camp probably won't be terribly interesting, I just need to get the rest of my college stuff out of the garage and find some creative way to force it into the van. At the moment, I'm draining my new computer battery (you're supposed to fully charge and drain the battery a few times when you first get it).
  6. Cleaning is going well so far. I finished the kitchen, living room, and floors. Right now I'm taking a break and waiting for the floors to dry. Then I might start work on the bathroom, depending on how much energy I have. After that will be cleaning my room, and packing, but that might not happen until tomorrow. Lunch and dinner also need to happen some time today. o.O Then either Saturday evening or Sunday morning I'll go up to camp, Sunday I'll load my stuff that's at camp still into the van, and then Monday I move in.
  7. In the last post, "heard" should be "heart." Can you tell I was tired when I typed that? Anyways.... Today I planned to do nothing all day, (which, after the past several days, I deem to be totally acceptable) but dad had me take the vans to get the emissions checked (which was over a year overdue mind you, but at least it passed). Tomorrow I'll probably get some house work done. The house is a mess, and that needs to be fixed before mom and grandma come home so mom doesn't explode on contact or something. And also packing needs to happen as well. Oh, and my new computer battery came in. I'm going to let it charge overnight. Hopefully it'll last a lot longer than the one I have now.
  8. T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W ???????????????? Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which was today. Or, technically, yesterday. Like I said, it came up fast. My sentiments exactly. No, perhaps T_T is more accurate. I started crying again today when we were saying goodbye in the parking lot. He had me smiling within seconds, although I think I heard his voice shake at one point. I think it's finally starting to sink in that he really does feel the same way about me as I feel about him. Pretty much my entire life, all the times I've had feelings for guys it's been only me liking them, and not both ways. But now, I have a guy who loves me too, and it's just so hard to grasp for some reason. But I'm slowly starting to get it, and it makes me really happy. Being away from Phil while we're at college is going to be tough, but it'll be worth it for the times we can be together, and for the communication we'll still have anyways. Phil said he's going to go get a webcam as soon as he gets the chance. He also got me this really pretty small wind chime. It's a gold heard with a humming bird in the center. I have it hanging above my bed now, and when I go back to college I'm going to have my bed lofted, and I'll hang it under my bed where my desk is.
  9. So, today I drive back up to camp and get all Jenny's stuff loaded into the van, and then tomorrow we drive up to her college at about 5:30am. That is, after I get all the chores done that I have to do.
  10. Oh! I always just thought it was a fuzzy over exposed picture of a light colored dog.
  11. T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W ???????????????? Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which was today. Or, technically, yesterday. Like I said, it came up fast.
  12. Visiting Phil today was fun. I got up there with no problems, and also got home without too much trouble. (Got almost lost getting back to the main road, but I at least didn't make the same wrong turn that I usually make going home. ) Tomorrow I go back to camp to get Jenny and then bring her to college on Monday morning. And also some chores need to get done tomorrow I think.
  13. Yeah, that was going to be my question, are we having news reports about our members here, about the world, our neighborhoods, all of the above? I love the happy news idea though.
  14. Oh, I forgot to tell you, yesterday when I was out shopping, I saw a Fed-Ex truck parked outside of the UPS store. I would have taken a picture for you, but I was driving.
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Wow, my school starts late. Everyone seems to be moving in this weekend lol.
  16. I know your heart is happy! Oh my heart is all over the place. I was quite thrilled that I was able to spend time with him today, and he even got out of work two hours early. However, we're going to be apart soon, and I'm really not happy about that. Tonight I actually started crying when I told him I was going to miss him. He held me closer and told me a number of really sweet things, and then wiped away the tears. He really is such an amazing person, and I know he loves me and is going to miss me as much as I love and will miss him. And over four months later, that's still a novelty to me. God really has blessed me in all of this. It's going to be sooooo hard being away from him during the school year, but still totally worth it. Today Phil said something along the lines of, "I love you forever!" The word "forever" makes me happy, because it tells me that he takes this as seriously as I do. I think we're kind of at a point where we both know it's probably too soon, but we're pretty sure we want to be together forever. I can easily see myself marrying this man and spending the rest of my life with him. How nice to read your post. I hope you are inviting all of us to your wedding. LOL Haha If we get married, it won't be until I at least finish school in NJ. My trip to camp and back was more or less uneventful. Mom had me do some shopping because grandma's 75th birthday is tomorrow, and I helped dad a little bit by handing him stuff to fix the roof. My drive home was exhausting, since there was so much traffic. And this evening I'm going out to dinner with Phil and his family. He apparently knows he's going to dinner, but I don't know if he knows I'll be joining them lol. That will be a nice surprise. Hehe, Phil pretty much fell over when he came down into the living room and saw me. It was quite entertaining. We went out to dinner at Olive Garden, which was good. And I got to hang out with Phil at his house after dinner too, which was nice. Tomorrow he moves into college (that came up soooooo fast), and I'm going to visit tomorrow afternoon/evening once he's all moved in.
  17. I know your heart is happy! Oh my heart is all over the place. I was quite thrilled that I was able to spend time with him today, and he even got out of work two hours early. However, we're going to be apart soon, and I'm really not happy about that. Tonight I actually started crying when I told him I was going to miss him. He held me closer and told me a number of really sweet things, and then wiped away the tears. He really is such an amazing person, and I know he loves me and is going to miss me as much as I love and will miss him. And over four months later, that's still a novelty to me. God really has blessed me in all of this. It's going to be sooooo hard being away from him during the school year, but still totally worth it. Today Phil said something along the lines of, "I love you forever!" The word "forever" makes me happy, because it tells me that he takes this as seriously as I do. I think we're kind of at a point where we both know it's probably too soon, but we're pretty sure we want to be together forever. I can easily see myself marrying this man and spending the rest of my life with him. :wub: :wub: How nice to read your post. I hope you are inviting all of us to your wedding. LOL Haha If we get married, it won't be until I at least finish school in NJ. My trip to camp and back was more or less uneventful. Mom had me do some shopping because grandma's 75th birthday is tomorrow, and I helped dad a little bit by handing him stuff to fix the roof. My drive home was exhausting, since there was so much traffic. And this evening I'm going out to dinner with Phil and his family. He apparently knows he's going to dinner, but I don't know if he knows I'll be joining them lol.
  18. I know your heart is happy! Oh my heart is all over the place. I was quite thrilled that I was able to spend time with him today, and he even got out of work two hours early. However, we're going to be apart soon, and I'm really not happy about that. Tonight I actually started crying when I told him I was going to miss him. He held me closer and told me a number of really sweet things, and then wiped away the tears. He really is such an amazing person, and I know he loves me and is going to miss me as much as I love and will miss him. And over four months later, that's still a novelty to me. God really has blessed me in all of this. It's going to be sooooo hard being away from him during the school year, but still totally worth it. Today Phil said something along the lines of, "I love you forever!" The word "forever" makes me happy, because it tells me that he takes this as seriously as I do. I think we're kind of at a point where we both know it's probably too soon, but we're pretty sure we want to be together forever. I can easily see myself marrying this man and spending the rest of my life with him.
  19. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    *cough* Horatio... .. O RLY. LOL I just love that special button! Thanks! YA RLY! Well, not anymore, seems you fixed it. And you are most welcome. You also get a fish award for use of "O RLY."
  20. Phil just called me, so I can hang out with him today!
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