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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. SWEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!! Yep. I was a bit scared to tell him what I was thinking, because I don't want to scare him off if he's not thinking as long term as I am, since we've only been dating for about 5 months, and only 3.5 months were not long distance. So it made me really happy to know that not only does he not think I'm crazy, but is thinking the same thing as me (which he usually is, so I don't know why I get so paranoid about these things). Conversation went like this: Me: Hm.....it feels like I'm at home, but not. College usually feels like home, but something seems off or missing or something this year. Phil: yeah... Me: You feeling the same thing? Phil: yup Me: This might sound crazy, but I think it's you/me/us. It's just not quite home without being together. Phil: yeah T_T AWESOME!!!!! Nice way to get a long term smile on your face and in your heart! mmhmm. It's kinda bittersweet. It's sad that we have to be apart and miss each other like this, but it's happy because I know he's feeling the same things as me, and I love him so much, and it's still really hard for me to grasp the concept that he loves me that much too. It's strange.
  2. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.) I have to go with superheros. Butter or cream cheese? Butter goes better on steamed veggies. So, I have to say butter. Salt or no salt? Salt! popsicles or freeze pops? I thought they were the same thing? Uh, Popsicles. Yes or No? No. Spoiler or color change? That's tough... spoiler. Plain font or italic font? plain mint or cinnamon? Cinnamon! To go with your cookies... White milk or chocolate milk? Chocolate! satin or velvet? Velvet. Chromeo or Daft Punk? Chad Vangaalen Plastic or Cardboard Boxes? (I prefer Cardboard because they make better forts.) I agree. Cardboard. The name hurricane or cyclone? Hurricane. screaming or shouting?
  3. Ouch, yeah, you've got me beat there. Phil and I live in the same town, so we get to see each other during breaks, which is good. And I'll see him next weekend because I'm crazy and miss him terribly and am going to drive up there for a couple days.
  4. True. Second year after graduating then, or second year of living on your own. You get the idea.
  5. SWEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!! Yep. I was a bit scared to tell him what I was thinking, because I don't want to scare him off if he's not thinking as long term as I am, since we've only been dating for about 5 months, and only 3.5 months were not long distance. So it made me really happy to know that not only does he not think I'm crazy, but is thinking the same thing as me (which he usually is, so I don't know why I get so paranoid about these things). Conversation went like this: Me: Hm.....it feels like I'm at home, but not. College usually feels like home, but something seems off or missing or something this year. Phil: yeah... Me: You feeling the same thing? Phil: yup Me: This might sound crazy, but I think it's you/me/us. It's just not quite home without being together. Phil: yeah T_T
  6. Jesusfreak

    The Creamery

    I think that is sooooo cool! It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet. The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum. Ooh, classes with no established curriculum are often the most fun, as long as you can deal with being a guinea pig class. The first few class periods of any science related class are usually introduction and review. As long as the teacher knows what he's doing, the class should get more interesting soon.
  7. That means I changed the mirrors to fold down mirrors, put a jet-kit in the engine for more power, added a different muffler, different handle bars, removed some of the weight and sort of up-graded the bike for dirt. Let me look for a picture of before and after to show you. In the meantime... I have to run. Cleaning time and I have goofed off all morning and now I am getting dirty looks and things being said like... 'are you still on HampsterDance'? Bye, bye for now. Be back on later this afternoon. Dirty looks from who? *has a feeling she's missed something* I imagine other pilot-y people. But I dunno. I'm assuming Horatio is talking about being at her house. Maybe she has guests? I dunno. x3 Anyway, I gotta go. Ap chem that must happen, as always. ><; Ooh fun. I'm currently ignoring the 80-something pages I'm supposed to read for a class I haven't even had yet. Also in some other topic, Horatio used the word "we" in talking about grilling something. Does Horatio have something she should be telling us in the relationships topic....?
  8. Sounds like an extension of my standard of "don't date someone if you know for certain you'll never marry them." Not that you have to know for certain you would marry them, just that there's no point in dating someone you know you're going to break up with eventually. It's a waste of time, money, and emotions.
  9. That means I changed the mirrors to fold down mirrors, put a jet-kit in the engine for more power, added a different muffler, different handle bars, removed some of the weight and sort of up-graded the bike for dirt. Let me look for a picture of before and after to show you. In the meantime... I have to run. Cleaning time and I have goofed off all morning and now I am getting dirty looks and things being said like... 'are you still on HampsterDance'? Bye, bye for now. Be back on later this afternoon. Dirty looks from who? *has a feeling she's missed something* I imagine other pilot-y people. But I dunno. I'm assuming Horatio is talking about being at her house.
  10. True, I'd have that problem too lol. I wouldn't care if it was in my profile on a website my friends don't know I'm on though.
  11. That means I changed the mirrors to fold down mirrors, put a jet-kit in the engine for more power, added a different muffler, different handle bars, removed some of the weight and sort of up-graded the bike for dirt. Let me look for a picture of before and after to show you. In the meantime... I have to run. Cleaning time and I have goofed off all morning and now I am getting dirty looks and things being said like... 'are you still on HampsterDance'? :blush: Bye, bye for now. Be back on later this afternoon. Dirty looks from who? *has a feeling she's missed something*
  12. For how long? Last night was when I broke up with him, and I'm not going back. Yay? Yes, yay. It was an awful relationship and I was completely in denial about that fact. (seriously, it was that bad and it took a thousand and one fights for me to fully realize it.) I didn't really see the problem, I was forgiving him and staying through all of it, despite how unhappy I was. What did one of my friends have to say about this? "You have the patience of a saint." "Thanks?" Still, a bit odd, having had a year and a half gone by and now I don't have the same goodnight call. Creature of habit. And 'Raishey, you might want to save this comment here: I'm not going to have a boyfriend for a while. Tease me if I have a new one within the next couple of months. Yep, I'm going to end up laughing at myself later. Again. That's half the fun of the internet. Aha, yeah, when you're in love with someone (or even merely infatuated with them) you tend to ignore all of their faults, no matter how bad they are. I still stand by my advice of not dating until you're in your second year of college.
  13. Dunno if you've been following my topics, but my boyfriend goes to college 5 hours away. I feel your pain.
  14. So a few minutes ago, while just kinda looking around my room, it crossed my mind that it feels like home, but not quite. Usually, college feels like a second home to me, but this year, it's not quite there, like something's missing. And then it crossed my mind that what's missing is Phil. It would seem more completely like home if he was around. So I told him the first part about it feeling like home but not, and he said he was feeling the same way. So then I ventured the second part, that it doesn't feel like home because we're not together. And he agreed with me.
  15. No air conditioner in some of the rooms must make it tough. Good reason to drive up and see Phil. Yeah. These buildings even tend to be roasting in the middle of the winter, but at least then we can open windows to cool things down. And it is really tempting to go visit him this weekend, especially since my weekends are booked until October, but it's the first weekend back and common sense says I should stay here. Common sense?????? *falls over in shock* Go see him. Yes, common sense. I haven't been here for a week yet, it's best for me to stay here to properly readjust to being here at college, and get back into the swing of things with my friends. I would have visited him next weekend or any weekend after that, but I'm stuck. Next weekend is the Paxis II exam, and after that Marius told me he's doing something for his 21st birthday. Then after that weekend, it's October, and I do plan to visit Phil then. Although, assuming my exam is on a Saturday, I could theoretically go up to visit him right after that, and then come back here early Monday morning. Hm....yep, it is. I think I might actually do that. I'll have to run it past him first, but I'm sure he'll be thrilled. *tosses Jesusfreak's common sense out the window* Readjust? Phooey. I say go visit Phil now. You can always readjust when you return. I'm going to visit him next weekend. It seems like a good plan to me, and Phil seems to think so too. I think he also said before that his grandmother is going to visit him this weekend, and I don't want to interfere with that. Great idea not to be there while grandmother is there. First, you don't want to give her the wrong idea and second, you want to have as much time with Phil in the short weekend as possible. The following week... yeah!!!!!! I actually get along with the grandmother pretty well, but yeah, having some alone time with Phil is nice. I'm missing Phil more than usual today though, so now I'm really looking forward to next weekend. I know, but you are in love and three's a company. mmhmm. Having other people around is fun sometimes, but we pretty much always have other people around. You need more time by yourselves. I concur.
  16. Ouch, I hate days like that. >_< If it makes you feel better, we got the rain you were talking about here, and in the time it took to go from the dining hall to my dorm building, I was completely soaked. To the extent that I had to change my clothes. At least you weren't wet for long and could change clothes. Those are the days you want to avoid going outside. There is lots more rain on the way. Get hip waders. My shoes were soaked and they had the air conditioner max cold in the airplane. Just as I was getting over the cold, I feel like I am getting it all over again. Ah, I hate that! More rain? My local forecast is clear for the next 5 days, outside of some scattered thunderstorms.
  17. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.) I have to go with superheros. Butter or cream cheese? Butter goes better on steamed veggies. So, I have to say butter. Salt or no salt? Salt! popsicles or freeze pops? I thought they were the same thing? Uh, Popsicles. Yes or No? No. Spoiler or color change? That's tough... spoiler. Plain font or italic font? plain mint or cinnamon? Cinnamon! To go with your cookies... White milk or chocolate milk? Chocolate! satin or velvet?
  18. HampsterKing would worry about the name of the banner showing the webstie name. Thus, direct personal contact. It's a great idea if there was someway to protect everyone here that is under 18. huh? Explain what you mean further, you lost me. Or perhaps I've lost you. What I meant was to make a banner and post the image/link code on here. Then we, in turn, can post the banner on our myspaces, or signatures in other forums, and people will click the banner and end up here. I don't see any additional risk there. My apologies. For some reason, my brain was thinking about creating banners for other websites, not being a link to this website. It was too early in the morning. Perhaps I need coffee now. lol *gives Horatio the first ever "I need coffee" award* Thank you, thank you, thank you. The most appropriate award ever. *graciously accepts the wonderful award* Haha you are most welcome. You earned it.
  19. D: That's not good. Talk to her about it, try to figure out why, and then make sure she knows it's not good for her, and offer to help her out if you can.
  20. Only if you post in this topic first thing after getting up. I was having turkeyburgers that we cooked out on the grill. Mighty tasty. Usually within a few minutes. XD "we?" Having parties without us? lol jk I was....returning from dinner. And being soaked in the process.
  21. Prep work is the worst part of painting. >_< When I get off the internet, I'll probably go to sleep.
  22. Jesusfreak


    Good thing you don't fly an airplane. Wouldn't want you to be flying with fatigue-induced hallucinations. That might be cause for some interesting flights! Scenario goes like this: "Okay folks, we've been up for the last 30 hours and we are thinking that instead of landing at Dallas-Fort Worth like we planned, we stay up here and use this airplane to fight these space critters we see in our flight path." Could continue, but my imagination would get too carried away. Sounds like the beginning of a very entertaining story. Perhaps I need to continue this one... or perhaps someone with a better sense of humour can continue. Where's Glowurm when we need him. Haha XD
  23. Ouch, I hate days like that. >_< If it makes you feel better, we got the rain you were talking about here, and in the time it took to go from the dining hall to my dorm building, I was completely soaked. To the extent that I had to change my clothes.
  24. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.) I have to go with superheros. Butter or cream cheese? Butter goes better on steamed veggies. So, I have to say butter. Salt or no salt? Salt! popsicles or freeze pops? I thought they were the same thing? Uh, Popsicles. Yes or No? No. Spoiler or color change? That's tough... spoiler. Plain font or italic font? plain mint or cinnamon?
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