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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. pants mud or slush? Um...slush? Desktop Calender or Wall calender? Wall calendar. up or down? Up! drums or mallet percussion? (as in bells, vibes, xylophone, etc) oh that's a tough one....I'm going to go with mallet percussion. cowbell or gong?
  2. pants mud or slush? Um...slush? Desktop Calender or Wall calender? Wall calendar. up or down?
  3. I wholeheartedly agree with your idea!!! When we stay in hotels, it is amazing the amount of people who walk out of their doors and let them slam. If you are trying to sleep or relax, it grates on the nerves. If I could get away with putting up signs in the halls, I would. But certainly the hotel would have them torn down sooner than I posted them all. I did put up signs actually. And as far as I know they're still there. However, the door slamming has not stopped. I might talk to the RA about it (even though she blatantly said at our floor meeting to not slam doors) or maybe sit in the hallway until I see who's doing it and then tell them to stop. And yeah, door slamming *really* annoys me. I'm very sound sensitive, and loud sudden noises like that wake me up and set me on edge. Not good. We are the same when it comes to sounds... I get on edge with loud sudden noises, or continuous repetitive noises. Such as the case when we were in the Fort Lauderdale hotel... there were dualing jack hammers. Ooh, repetitive noises are up there with me too. Things like people tapping pens get me nuts. So, it's already Friday. Tomorrow morning is my Praxis II exam, which I think is going to be pretty easy. I went over the practice questions in the ebook I got, and got about 83% right, which isn't great, but not bad either. I don't even need to get a good score, I just need to pass the score for NJ (and CT too, if that's where I end up teaching). Then after the exam, I drive up to see Phil!!! I'll probably stop at home on the way up since I need to get some things from there anyways, and it's on the way. I'll be up there (and probably not posting much here) until Monday morning, when I return to NJ (my first class doesn't start until 1:10, so I can get away with that, although I'll have to leave at like 6am). I'm excited. However, this means I need to get Monday's homework done today, because I know I won't get it done over the weekend.
  4. Sharpieeeeeeeeees. Hey, give us something to choose from.
  5. I wholeheartedly agree with your idea!!! When we stay in hotels, it is amazing the amount of people who walk out of their doors and let them slam. If you are trying to sleep or relax, it grates on the nerves. If I could get away with putting up signs in the halls, I would. But certainly the hotel would have them torn down sooner than I posted them all. I did put up signs actually. And as far as I know they're still there. However, the door slamming has not stopped. I might talk to the RA about it (even though she blatantly said at our floor meeting to not slam doors) or maybe sit in the hallway until I see who's doing it and then tell them to stop. And yeah, door slamming *really* annoys me. I'm very sound sensitive, and loud sudden noises like that wake me up and set me on edge. Not good.
  6. McCartney. George Harrison or Ringo Starr? George. crayons or markers? Markers. Dry erase or sharpie markers?
  7. Oh also, it's almost Saturday!
  8. *someone* in our hallway keeps slamming their door, and it's *really* annoying. I think it's the boyfriend of one of the girls that lives next to Lara. I think I'm going to print up some don't slam the door signs and put one in front of that room.
  9. With Ian, you'd be surprised. He does all sorts of insane things that you wouldn't expect to be true. However, I tend to not 100% trust anything I hear until I see proof.
  10. I've been lurking, but haven't really had much to say.
  11. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Show Ian's modeling pics!!!!!! I probably won't 100% believe it until *I* see them. But you've seen pictures of him in my pictures topic, so if you see a Hollister picture that looks like him, it's probably him. (I don't go anywhere near Hollister, personally) I have fur. I'm not a Hollister wearer either. I just don't like them on general principal. Same with Abercrombie and most other overpriced clothing stores.
  12. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Show Ian's modeling pics!!!!!! I probably won't 100% believe it until *I* see them. But you've seen pictures of him in my pictures topic, so if you see a Hollister picture that looks like him, it's probably him. (I don't go anywhere near Hollister, personally)
  13. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention: Ian was also telling me about the jobs he had over the summer. One of them was working as a Hollister model. I lol'd.
  14. Today has already been interesting. I was going over some test prep material for the Praxis exam, when I got a phone call from Ian, of all people. He asked if I was on campus and if I was busy, and then said he was in front of the dining hall, so I went and got him to hang out for awhile. Apparently, Ian has to take the remedial math class in order to graduate. As I was walking over to the dining hall I prayed about the whole thing with Ian, and just asked for help in general with the whole thing. And talk about timing. As I'm just now getting to a really secure place in my relationship with Phil, I realized for certain today that I am definitely 100% over Ian, and that he'd probably drive me nuts if we were ever to actually be together. Also, Ian told me today that he broke up with his girlfriend (or rather, the girlfriend kinda broke up with him, for no readily apparent reason). So, interesting, but I'm happy that I'm now free from my feelings for him. Anyways, class time now.
  15. SWEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!! Yep. I was a bit scared to tell him what I was thinking, because I don't want to scare him off if he's not thinking as long term as I am, since we've only been dating for about 5 months, and only 3.5 months were not long distance. So it made me really happy to know that not only does he not think I'm crazy, but is thinking the same thing as me (which he usually is, so I don't know why I get so paranoid about these things). Conversation went like this: Me: Hm.....it feels like I'm at home, but not. College usually feels like home, but something seems off or missing or something this year. Phil: yeah... Me: You feeling the same thing? Phil: yup Me: This might sound crazy, but I think it's you/me/us. It's just not quite home without being together. Phil: yeah T_T AWESOME!!!!! Nice way to get a long term smile on your face and in your heart! mmhmm. It's kinda bittersweet. It's sad that we have to be apart and miss each other like this, but it's happy because I know he's feeling the same things as me, and I love him so much, and it's still really hard for me to grasp the concept that he loves me that much too. It's strange. It only gets better. I hope so. I'm looking forward to the day when (hopefully) we won't have to leave each other like this. That would be a wonderful day. Next problem is when you both find jobs. It will take a little coordination to get your jobs near each other. Maybe, but I can get a job just about anywhere as a teacher. He'll have a harder time than I will. We'll make it work. Oh, I am certain you both will make it work. I was just giving you the only other problem that I could see for keeping you two apart. I think, as the way things are, that there's a good chance we'll be at least engaged by the time that's likely to come up, in which case I'll be willing to go wherever he has to go to find a job. His job will come before my job since the type of job he'll probably get will pay better than a teaching job, and will also be harder to find. (he wants to do research of some sort, like to develop medications, although at one point he mentioned the possibility of teaching high school chem, in which case finding jobs nearby will be easy for both of us) But yeah, after the next two years I should be done with my undegrad work, and after that, I plan to do as much as I can for there to not be a 5 hour distance between us. 1 hour is workable. With a one hour drive, I can go visit whenever. 5 hours is hard. With a 5 hour drive it's a giant road trip. Also, last night I had two different dreams where I was supposed to be able to spend time with Phil, but things kept interfering. >_<
  16. caffeine never actually gives me energy, it just keeps me from falling asleep.
  17. SWEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!! Yep. I was a bit scared to tell him what I was thinking, because I don't want to scare him off if he's not thinking as long term as I am, since we've only been dating for about 5 months, and only 3.5 months were not long distance. So it made me really happy to know that not only does he not think I'm crazy, but is thinking the same thing as me (which he usually is, so I don't know why I get so paranoid about these things). Conversation went like this: Me: Hm.....it feels like I'm at home, but not. College usually feels like home, but something seems off or missing or something this year. Phil: yeah... Me: You feeling the same thing? Phil: yup Me: This might sound crazy, but I think it's you/me/us. It's just not quite home without being together. Phil: yeah T_T AWESOME!!!!! Nice way to get a long term smile on your face and in your heart! mmhmm. It's kinda bittersweet. It's sad that we have to be apart and miss each other like this, but it's happy because I know he's feeling the same things as me, and I love him so much, and it's still really hard for me to grasp the concept that he loves me that much too. It's strange. It only gets better. I hope so. I'm looking forward to the day when (hopefully) we won't have to leave each other like this. That would be a wonderful day. Next problem is when you both find jobs. It will take a little coordination to get your jobs near each other. Maybe, but I can get a job just about anywhere as a teacher. He'll have a harder time than I will. We'll make it work.
  18. If I can get away with it. I don't quite buy it. Meaning I would do the same thing as Wildcat, cake, cookies, etc. if I could get away without gaining the 10 pounds. But being a hamster, sleeping all the time, the calories go straight to my chubby body and make me plumper. That is *totally* off topic from what I was talking about. Coffee... I must be needing coffee. I thought you were replying to Wildcat's post. Let me reread this tomorrow after I have had a pot of coffee. lol you and your coffee. I said "if you say so" in reference to your talk of whoever you were talking about being your next door cage neighbors, which I don't quite believe, but that's probably because I'm a hopeless romantic. hahaha, horatio i'm pretty sure you don't need coffee, but i'm sure you need some sleep! Actually you are 1000% correct. My yawns are getting closer and closer together and I have to get up in 3 1/2 hours. So, I am going to get off the computer and head to bed. How do you function on such little sleep?
  19. If I can get away with it. I don't quite buy it. Meaning I would do the same thing as Wildcat, cake, cookies, etc. if I could get away without gaining the 10 pounds. But being a hamster, sleeping all the time, the calories go straight to my chubby body and make me plumper. That is *totally* off topic from what I was talking about. Coffee... I must be needing coffee. I thought you were replying to Wildcat's post. Let me reread this tomorrow after I have had a pot of coffee. lol you and your coffee. I said "if you say so" in reference to your talk of whoever you were talking about being your next door cage neighbors, which I don't quite believe, but that's probably because I'm a hopeless romantic.
  20. If I can get away with it. I don't quite buy it. Meaning I would do the same thing as Wildcat, cake, cookies, etc. if I could get away without gaining the 10 pounds. But being a hamster, sleeping all the time, the calories go straight to my chubby body and make me plumper. That is *totally* off topic from what I was talking about.
  21. SWEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!! Yep. I was a bit scared to tell him what I was thinking, because I don't want to scare him off if he's not thinking as long term as I am, since we've only been dating for about 5 months, and only 3.5 months were not long distance. So it made me really happy to know that not only does he not think I'm crazy, but is thinking the same thing as me (which he usually is, so I don't know why I get so paranoid about these things). Conversation went like this: Me: Hm.....it feels like I'm at home, but not. College usually feels like home, but something seems off or missing or something this year. Phil: yeah... Me: You feeling the same thing? Phil: yup Me: This might sound crazy, but I think it's you/me/us. It's just not quite home without being together. Phil: yeah T_T AWESOME!!!!! Nice way to get a long term smile on your face and in your heart! mmhmm. It's kinda bittersweet. It's sad that we have to be apart and miss each other like this, but it's happy because I know he's feeling the same things as me, and I love him so much, and it's still really hard for me to grasp the concept that he loves me that much too. It's strange. It only gets better. I hope so. I'm looking forward to the day when (hopefully) we won't have to leave each other like this.
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