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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I called home earlier today, but dad was visiting some friends in the hospital. Mom said she'd tell dad to call me when he got home, but he never called. I'll try again tomorrow. And the part of yesterday being out with my friends for Marius' birthday was still fun, so the day wasn't all bad. Today was mostly alright until the end of the day when a former guildie on maplestory essentially deceived me for his own personal gain. When I get the chance, I'm going to defame him. In better news, I now have plans to bring Phil down here to NJ for a weekend, and we're gonna go to 6 Flags. Mom gave me the idea to see if I can get him take a bus into a city that would be on my way up to his college, which would effectively take out about 4 hours of driving time that day. He's a bit wary of taking the bus by himself though (he's never done it before), so I'm going to see if I can get my sister (who has done it before) to go with him (it would make the drive for mom to come get her for the weekend about 2 hours shorter in total). So that would be awesome, because it would make my driving time closer to 6 hours instead of 10 on the Friday. To drop him off back at his college, I plan to bring him back Sunday afternoon, stay there overnight, and come back here Monday morning like I did before. Oh also, you might be wondering why dad's friends are in the hospital. From what I gathered from what mom said, a bunch of them were going flying, and I guess two of them were in one airplane (presumably an ultralight), and I guess shortly after takeoff they lost the engine, or something. And instead of going straight back down to land, they thought they had enough air time to loop around first (which, had they had enough air time, would have been safer). However, they didn't and landed in the trees, and then on the ground. So one has a broken ankle and the other has two broken legs, or such was the estimate last I heard. >_< (for the record, my dad is fine, it's just his friends that crashed) So yeah, that's not fun. Good to hear your father's flying friends are not seriously hurt. One thing they teach you in flying, on take-off it is always better to pick a spot straight ahead and you almost never have enough altitude and speed to make a 180 degree turn and land back on the airfield. Those trees had to really hurt. The idea of getting your sister to ride the bus with Phil is genius!!! Once he does it, then the next time will seem like a non-event. Hope the weekend Phil makes it down works out great. I know you are getting excited about this. As for that guildie on maplestory... turn about is fair play. Go for it! oh, I'm very excited about Phil coming over here. The next two weeks are going to drag on lol. I just hope we can get the financial aid stuff sorted out, because last I checked, I don't have guest passes for food because of it. And I have not yet found the guy I want to defame, although I was fairly busy yesterday and wasn't on much. Phil, however, said he had also been checking periodically, and had not seen him (I think Phil was almost as angry as I was when I told him what happened, and also wants to defame him. He also said that if they could do player vs. player, he would kick his butt, in not so friendly terms. (In maple story, you can't hurt other players, you can only do damage to monsters. There's a quest that's an exception to this rule, but both Phil and the guy that lied to me are too high level for it.) I think it's really cute that Phil wants to stick up for me like that.)
  2. The fact that it says "royal rainbow" under your avatar makes me happy.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    We're still missing a Jesse.
  4. But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective. Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit?
  5. Um.....I drink water. Seriously though, energy drinks scare me. A lot. I'm surprised people haven't started glowing or mutating or something because of them.
  6. Um.....limewire ftw? I don't quite understand your second choice, but it's probably what I'd go with. I can't afford to buy lots of CD's, and most of the music I download is either super obscure or not something I would have gone out to buy anyways. tank tops or t-shirts?
  7. If you have been doing 200+ a night, with no results, then you probably are doing them wrong... But I am no expert. I'm like, 235 at 5'7", so I really need to lose some weight. However, I'm also very muscular. In my weight training class some people call me Tank. xD It also helps my self conciousness that even doctors always underestimate my weight by around 40 lbs. :3 I know what gunk you are talking about. Basically follow the advice given already. Just make sure not to gag too much when you brush the back of your tounge... And getting dressed up in a suit is not that bad as long as you think you look good in it... Other than that I am kinda useless here, never having had a real date, ever. >.>; BMI (the tool most people use to estimate healthy weight) isn't a perfect scale. Muscle is more dense than fat, so people that are super muscular can be labeled as overweight. Also, it's natural to have some fat around your belly. You're not supposed to be totally flat there. So if you're worried purely about looks, just ignore it. Being healthy is more important.
  8. Granted, but now we all think you're insane. I wish people acted honestly.
  9. i read somewhere that if you sprinkle toothpaste with banking soda it helps whiten your teeth i haven't tried it though Some brands of toothpaste actually have baking soda in it already.
  10. I called home earlier today, but dad was visiting some friends in the hospital. Mom said she'd tell dad to call me when he got home, but he never called. I'll try again tomorrow. And the part of yesterday being out with my friends for Marius' birthday was still fun, so the day wasn't all bad. Today was mostly alright until the end of the day when a former guildie on maplestory essentially deceived me for his own personal gain. When I get the chance, I'm going to defame him. In better news, I now have plans to bring Phil down here to NJ for a weekend, and we're gonna go to 6 Flags. Mom gave me the idea to see if I can get him take a bus into a city that would be on my way up to his college, which would effectively take out about 4 hours of driving time that day. He's a bit wary of taking the bus by himself though (he's never done it before), so I'm going to see if I can get my sister (who has done it before) to go with him (it would make the drive for mom to come get her for the weekend about 2 hours shorter in total). So that would be awesome, because it would make my driving time closer to 6 hours instead of 10 on the Friday. To drop him off back at his college, I plan to bring him back Sunday afternoon, stay there overnight, and come back here Monday morning like I did before. Oh also, you might be wondering why dad's friends are in the hospital. From what I gathered from what mom said, a bunch of them were going flying, and I guess two of them were in one airplane (presumably an ultralight), and I guess shortly after takeoff they lost the engine, or something. And instead of going straight back down to land, they thought they had enough air time to loop around first (which, had they had enough air time, would have been safer). However, they didn't and landed in the trees, and then on the ground. So one has a broken ankle and the other has two broken legs, or such was the estimate last I heard. >_< (for the record, my dad is fine, it's just his friends that crashed) So yeah, that's not fun.
  11. Horatio stole my "how tall are you?" question. According to the bmi calculator I found online (google BMI), if you're 5' 6" or taller (I used the higher end of your weight estimate), then you're actually healthy weight. As for getting in better shape: swimming works your whole body, and is a good thing to be good at. Running also helps. Also try just sucking in your stomach if you're not doing anything else, like just sitting in class or whatever. It might help tone it up a bit. Also, try replacing soda with water. Soda is the biggest factor in childhood obesity, believe it or not. For the teeth brushing, I used to also neglect brushing my teeth. The trick is to incorporate it into a routine so you don't forget. I don't brush my teeth three times a day like horatio though. Instead I brush my teeth right after I get dressed and use the bathroom. The only downside is that whenever my morning routine gets messed up for some reason, I tend to forget to brush my teeth. Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash might help. Most mouth wash burns my mouth, so I use a kind that's alcohol free, I think it's by crest. Also, they make toothbrushes with tongue scraper things on the back, and mechanical toothbrushes work better than normal ones. I can't help you much with the dance thing aside from say that I never had a date to any dance in my life. I always just went with friends, and I think it's way more fun that way. I don't really know much about dancing either, all I do is try and more or less imitate what everyone else is doing. As for slow dancing, the only time I've ever slow danced was in the act of learning an actual ballroom dance (I forget which one, but it was *really* simple). From what I can gather though, most middle school/high school slow dancing is kind of you just have your arms around each other and kind of rock back and forth. :/ My best suggestion to you: ask one of your friends at school to show you. Also, getting dressed up is fun!
  12. Yesterday started out bad, but got better eventually. Mom was yelling at me for something financial aid related (which reminds me I have to call dad....), and due to hormones I kind of overreacted and got upset about it, and then I realized my keys were missing, and was rushed because I had to go take a shower and be ready to go for Marius' birthday party, and I was just kind of a mess. (When I was in the shower I remembered I had left my keys on top of the microwave the night before when I was making ramen. Thankfully, when I knocked on the RA's door, she said, "Oh, your keys are in the office, I'll go down with you to get them.") Then we all went out to dinner, which was lots of fun, and then went over to Marius' house to hang out for awhile, which was also lots of fun. And I got to meet his dogs that he talks so much about. When we got back, I found that Phil was online, but idle for the past four hours, which was odd since it was like 1am. I let another hour go by before I texted him. He didn't respond, so I texted him one more time about 15-20 minutes later saying, "You okay?" He came back online shortly after that. He apparently got my texts right as he was heading back to his dorm, and then apologized for not putting up an away message and explained where he was. And I told him it was alright, just that I was worried about him, and that I'm glad he's okay. Because I really don't care where he is, just that he's safe, and when he's idle for 5+ hours that late at night with no away message saying where he is, I kind of worry something bad happened because he's not usually out that late. (It turns out he had gone to the game room and to a movie with a some friends, and then ended up hanging out in one of their rooms talking for awhile.)
  13. *covers Jesusfreak in whipped cream* (youtube it and it will make more sense) *leaves to take a shower*
  14. Haha true XD Although I went to JPCS today, and the people there seem pretty awesome.
  15. I'd say it is oblivious. No offense. xD Eh, I take that more as a compliment, since it implies that my guy friends have had crushes on me.
  16. Aw, thank you! Phil really liked it too, which made me happy.
  17. I hate waking up in a bad mood. This morning, instead of sleeping until noonish like I planned, I was woken up at 10-something, by maintenance fixing/cleaning gutters, right outside my window. Which on its own wouldn't be so annoying, but they're using this cherry picker that beeps SO loud you can probably hear it on the other side of campus, and it beeps EVERY TIME IT MOVES. It's the most annoying piece of equipment ever. I don't know how the people using it stay sane, and also don't understand why they don't do this stuff in the afternoon *after* people wake up. So yeah, that's my rant for today.
  18. You Have My Heart Is it bad you're all I think about, that you're my only dream? That when I have to leave you, tears form a steady stream? The simplest things remind me, of the random jokes we share, and little things that show me just how much you care. I think how God has blessed me, to me you are a gift. Just being able to talk to you, it gives my day a lift. And I think that you should know, even though we are apart, that I'm not really gone, because you have my heart.
  19. So, I already hate my floormates. They have stolen my markers, ripped down papers that other people put up, slam their doors, and are just generally obnoxious.
  20. I never had the problem of guy friends having a crush on me, and most of my closest friends are and have been guys. Either that or I'm *totally* oblivious...
  21. lol yep! And I'm back on campus now. I've been up since 5am. So now I'm exhausted, even though I haven't had my first class yet. I think I'll be taking a nap after class and before dinner. But yeah, my weekend was awesome I think I did pretty well on my Praxis exam, and the drive up wasn't too bad. My time up at Phil's college was spent hanging out with him and sometimes Jenny, mostly just kinda sitting around with our computers, getting food, and we spent a bit of time messing around with some sheet music on the piano in one of the common areas. It was a really nice time. This morning when I was leaving Phil came with me out to the car to say goodbye, which was really sweet (he told me last night to wake him up). The drive back wasn't too bad overall. There was one patch of insane traffic, but other than that it was easy, just long. I'm glad I made decent time anyways, because I have class at 1:10. Sitting around on your computer and you didn't give us a hint at your stellar weekend? Anyway, I am really excited to know that you think you did well on your Praxis exam. If you think you did well, then you probably did great. The next great news is your weekend being one of the best. You will get so used to driving back and forth, that the traffic will be just a speed bump in your trip. Overall... your weekend was a 25 on a scale of 1 to 10. lol pretty much, just the weekend was waaaay too short. Traffic doesn't bother me so much unless I'm worried about being late, and I had to get back in time for class. And I'm already used to the driving lol. I only had to write down two exit numbers for the whole trip back here. As for computer time, it was mostly spent playing maplestory, and most of that time I wasn't really doing anything but watching what Phil was doing, and otherwise distracting him.
  22. lol yep! And I'm back on campus now. I've been up since 5am. So now I'm exhausted, even though I haven't had my first class yet. I think I'll be taking a nap after class and before dinner. But yeah, my weekend was awesome I think I did pretty well on my Praxis exam, and the drive up wasn't too bad. My time up at Phil's college was spent hanging out with him and sometimes Jenny, mostly just kinda sitting around with our computers, getting food, and we spent a bit of time messing around with some sheet music on the piano in one of the common areas. It was a really nice time. This morning when I was leaving Phil came with me out to the car to say goodbye, which was really sweet (he told me last night to wake him up). The drive back wasn't too bad overall. There was one patch of insane traffic, but other than that it was easy, just long. I'm glad I made decent time anyways, because I have class at 1:10.
  23. Jesusfreak


    Now it's really Saturday morning. Possibly in that fuzzy area between late and early. (I just got up, actually)
  24. I am awake, kinda. Why do they make these tests so early??? It's a Saturday, and I have to be there at 7:30. So in order to give myself plenty of time to get up, wake up, and get myself together, I got up at 6. And this test is ON MY CAMPUS (which is small). It's quite impractical for college students with neighbors who prefer to be loud and obnoxious on weekends and weekend quiet hours don't start until 1am. Lack of sleep ranting out of the way, I get to see Phil today! So I guess that's one advantage of early testing: early leaving campus to see Phil (and also stop at home to pick up some things I forgot/didn't realize I needed until I got here). I'm really excited about that, and I know Phil is too.
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