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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I am going to be registering online, but registration starts at 4:30, and I was supposed to be driving then, and I'm not sure I'd be able to find free public wireless where I could get online to register while I'm on the road. I have to register for my ELD courses in person, but I'm not worried about them filling up. Now that's different. I can tell you all the places that I know that have free and pay wireless. Krystals, the hamburger place, but you have to buy something. I usually buy a small coffee. McAllister delis have free wireless and you don't even have to buy something. Of course when you sit down at the table someone will walk over to you as ask if you want anything, so I feel more comfortable with a cup of coffee in front of me. If there is a mall with an Apple Store, you can use their free wireless and their computers. Most hotels have free wireless in the lobby. You just park, walk in, sit down in the lobby and turn on your laptop. Starbucks, but you have to either have T-mobile or you have to pay $9.95 for 24 hour usage. (A total rip-off, especially when you are paying for a super macchiato pumpkin latte with whipped cream which costs more than one of your courses.) A number of Dunkin Donuts have free wireless, but there is no way to know which ones have it and which ones don't. Borders and Books a Million have free wireless and Barnes and Noble uses the T-mobile. All airports have wireless, but most charge you 3 or 4 dollars for 2 or 3 hours usage. Those are just for starters. Anyway, stress-wise, you would probably be better off just postponing your drive until you get your courses registered, unless you all have Krystals in your area. That is one place I always look for on the road for free wireless. Never seen a Krystals before. Most of those places I either don't know where they are on my route, they charge money, or they're too far away on my route. (There is an Apple store I use over the summer when I'm at camp for free wireless in a mall I drive past, but I'll be passing it a half hour later than I want to register). So yeah, I'm sticking around until I'm done with registration.
  2. You guys are saying "nerd" like it's a bad thing....
  3. lol MK, the nicknames you give your friends are immensely entertaining.
  4. I am going to be registering online, but registration starts at 4:30, and I was supposed to be driving then, and I'm not sure I'd be able to find free public wireless where I could get online to register while I'm on the road. I have to register for my ELD courses in person, but I'm not worried about them filling up.
  5. Oh also, I got my Praxis II scores on Tuesday. Possible score range is from 100-200, average was I think 151-176, and passing was 141. I got 199 And now I'm all greenlit and ready and able to register for my classes. So now I can finally relax for awhile. All that's left is packing, actually registering, and then driving up to CT for the weekend.
  6. Things have been insane lately. I had an exam yesterday and the day before. On Monday, I found out I need to register for classes on Friday (tomorrow). So I had to scramble and get that done. I'm up early today because I have an advising appointment so my adviser can greenlight me so I can register on Friday. And of course, registration starts at 4:30, which is when I was planning on being on the road to Phil's college. So I'm going to have to delay my departure so I can register (I want to register ASAP because some of the classes I want fill up super fast). After I do that, I head out to visit Phil (I need to stop at the gas station to put air in one of the tires since it looks low). I'm assuming he'll want to go to sleep earlyish because there's the ballroom competition on Saturday. Then Sunday night we're going out to a restaurant to celebrate Dad's birthday (which is actually today, so I need to call him later). Add to this the fact that I'm probably getting sick, and likely hormones.
  7. I'm printing out my absentee ballot application as I type. It was really cool. It came up as a PDF form that you can fill out in its entirety (minus the part where it needs your signature) on the computer, and then print, sign, and mail. Now I need to research the candidates more to see which one stinks less.
  8. So, the convention was fun times. My friend Rayna already found a picture of the two of us dancing together on the convention's website. XD
  9. So...I'm supposed to be getting up in an hour and a half....
  10. I'm going to an anime convention tomorrow! I'll be back Sunday, and don't plan on having internet while I'm there.
  11. Good call. All three years I went to prom I didn't have a date, but went with friends instead. It was awesome.
  12. Actually I don't believe that would put pressure on him as I think he feels the same way as you do. To me it was an expression of how much you care about him. I think he feels the same way too, but I also know that he's the type to worry too much about things, and he likes to make people happy, so I won't want him to feel pressured into going out and buying an engagement ring or something like that. Not that I would mind (I'd be thrilled), but he has too many other things to worry about right now, let alone my wanting him to propose to me. I want to take this relationship at a pace he's comfortable with, and not rush him into anything. I'm pretty sure that if I show him this poem, he'll look at it and realize it's basically me saying I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and then he'll feel he has to act on it as soon as possible to keep me happy, or something silly like that. Not that he won't see it as an expression of how much I care about him, but he's just that type of person to stress over something like that.
  13. Aw, you posted right after I went to bed. I am not done with my exam, as you can probably guess by the fact that I'm up at 7am. >_< I have until 2:30pm to finish it.
  14. Yes... I had forgotten to mention that. You have made more of an impact on Phil in one quarter the time of his ex. Yippee!!!!! Yeah. It's a good feeling knowing that I'm doing something right. And it makes me happy knowing I can make him happy too, especially since much of his childhood wasn't very happy. Like a week or so ago, he was telling me what his childhood was like, and I said something to the effect of, "Well, at least now that part of your life is over and you can look forward to better times." And he said, "Yeah, I can thanks to you." I'm so used to me being happy having him in my life, I forget how happy it makes him that I'm in his.
  15. So, tiredness + thinking about Phil + not wanting to do work = more poetry! They styling on this one isn't great, but it's what's on my mind. I think I'm gonna wait awhile before I show Phil this one though, because I don't want to put any unnecessary pressure on him. Together As time goes on I begin to see that you're becoming part of me. The each time we say "good bye," it makes me hope for a time when "good byes" come a long time after "hellos." When saying "good night" doesn't'' mean driving away. When "home" can truly be where my heart is. And I hope there comes a day, when you will look at me and say, that if I'll be yours, then you'll be mine.
  16. Oh, addition to the comment Phil made: He and his ex went to the same high school and college. They saw each other almost every day. Half of my relationship with Phil has been long distance. And he still says he's had more fun with me in that time than two years of constantly being around his ex. That's just...wow.
  17. Yeah, although it takes time for you to fully come to the conclusion that someone is the "right" person. Like it was almost an entire year before I even had feelings for Phil. And then it took awhile after that before I thought a relationship was a good idea. And now, almost 6 months into our relationship, I've come to the conclusion that Phil is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I think there's a good chance he's come to the same conclusion about me. And that's exciting. Now we just have to wait for him to do something about it..... As for the candy, it might not help with concentration, but it will help with staying awake. I got less than 6 hours of sleep last night and drove for 5 hours today. I'm exhausted.
  18. So, my weekend was awesome as expected. Phil's grandparents didn't come to visit, so I got to spend the entire weekend with him, and we went to 6 Flags last night. I also got a one day extension on my exam, so while I probably should have, I didn't have to work on it while I was with Phil. He was talking this weekend about maybe becoming a high school chemistry teacher, which I think is a great idea. As it is, his grades and understanding of course material isn't quite good enough for him to get a job doing any type of pharmacy research, but he understands basic chem perfectly. He's also really good at teaching things to people, and he seems to enjoy that. We were joking how fun it would be to teach in the same school district. And that's not only an amusing thought, but the fact that he said that suggests to me that he intends for us to be together as a couple so that would be possible. He also said this morning something along the lines of, "You know, I dated Steph for two years, and you for what, 6 months? I've had more fun with you in the past 6 months than the entire two years I was dating her." (He often jokingly says, "you're no fun," usually after he makes some joke about him doing something stupid/illegal/suicidal and I tell him to not do that. Like, "I'll drive!" "That's illegal." "You're no fun." He's very sarcastic, it's amusing. And he's generally very good about suffixing most of his sarcasm with "I'm kidding," especially if I look at him funny, because I don't always pick up on sarcasm and tend to react as if he's serious even if I'm pretty sure he's just joking around.) Anyways, that comment about him having more fun with me in six months than with Steph in two years made me really happy. Not like in a "oh good I'm better than his ex" sense, but in a sense that he really enjoys being with me, and apparently I don't stink at being a girlfriend (so whoever said dating around is important for good "for experience" can eat their words). I think Phil is also realizing that he's pretty much part of the family now. I stopped at home on the way up to pick up some things, and mom had made me, Jenny, and Phil each a giant box filled with candy and snack foods. When I gave Phil his box, there were comments such as "Your mom is awesome" "Your mom is trying to make me fat" and "OMG DARK CHOCOLATE!" Actually, mom is trying to make *me* fat (not really, but she freaked out when she saw me because I'm apparently a lot skinnier than the last time she saw me.) Anyways, I need to consume lots of candy so I can be awake enough to get this stupid take-home exam done.
  19. I *still* haven't gotten a reply from my professor. And my exam is nowhere near complete. After dinner, I was just totally unable to concentrate. I'm feeling oddly stressed today. >_< I guess I'm going to have to finish my exam while I'm with Phil.
  20. Oh, I know that feeling well. All the hard work pays off though.
  21. Have fun this weekend. If his grandparents do make a surprise visit, this will create far less problems. Great thinking!!! Yeah. It's still kinda sad because he really wanted to go to 6 flags down here, and I wanted him to meet some of my friends, but maybe we can do this some other weekend when it's highly unlikely that his grandparents won't try to visit or call. And also, the most important thing is going to happen regardless, which is me seeing him. Now I just have to work on this take home exam. It's due Monday, so I effectively only have today to get it done. I emailed the professor and asked for an extension, but he hasn't replied yet. >_<
  22. Okay, for this weekend, I will be going up to visit Phil in CT. We decided that the risk was too high that his grandparents would try to visit even if they said they weren't going to (they've been known to do things like that). And if his grandparents knew he was in NJ, they might take such actions as not letting him see me during summer and winter breaks, or even not letting him come back to school next semester. (They think that college should be entirely for studying, and don't realize that's only a part of it, and also don't realize Phil is nearly 20 years old and totally capable of making his own choices). So, because one weekend isn't worth 4+ months, I'll be going up there.
  23. Too much to do and not enough time!!!
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You're still alive! You gotta keep in mind, parents *usually* tell each other everything if they're still married. As for the open-mindedness thing, it depends on the parents really. Some parents might not agree with things, but they'll still love and care for their kids. Some parents, however, have their heads shoved up somewhere and are totally irrational about things. >_< There's not much else I can really say, mostly because I lack details and am more or less guessing about what you're talking about.
  25. E-X-A-C-T-L-Y the same things guys are saying about girls. I doubt that is true for all cases. ;D The vast majority of all cases, I'd guess. Mostly about how they're so confusing/stupid/awesome/horrible/etc. I dunno. I don't generally have any problems with guys that I don't have with girls too. But my mom says I tend to think a lot like a guy anyways, so maybe I just have dual understanding. Now, did your father say you think a guy? Cause I'd find that more convincing. xD I don't recall. He usually doesn't make many comments outside of how I'm not exactly your average girl.
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