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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Oh wow, that is early. I thought it was 8pm. I think it would make sense to have a 24 hour window to vote in because people work at all different hours.
  2. My Halloween costume. I sent Phil a similar picture with my phone. His response: "that was HAWT" I was proud of myself for being able to pull off "HAWT" without dressing like a prostitute.
  3. Some days are just tougher than others. For me, they seem to occur when I am extremely exhausted... beyond tired. Luckily you were able to get online with Phil, that's the positive point of your day. Hope you got lots of junk food. Yeah, and I was pretty tired that day too. And Phil is amazing. Other guys need to take lessons from him or something. As for junk food, I got 3 bags of candy. I might go out again on Saturday to get more only on sale. And I also got the pants I needed, just simple black leggings. As I told Kim and Lara (who came with me), "I haven't worn pants this tight since the 90's!" They're comfy though, and they'll be nice in the winter to wear under snow pants or long skirts.
  4. Last night I was in a bad mood, so I went to bed early. But instead of falling asleep, I ended up having a sort of emotional breakdown and started crying. I eventually figured I wasn't going to fall asleep, so I climbed back down out of bed and went back online, where I just managed to catch Phil before he went to bed, so we talked for awhile about how I was feeling and he somehow managed to cheer me up. The odd thing was, that there was nothing that really set me off to start crying like that, and I can't even blame this one on hormones. I guess I just really miss Phil, and since I'm not used to really missing people, my brain's not sure what to do about it. And I just saw him a few days ago, and I'll see him again in a couple weeks. It's not like we're separated for months on end or something. So, it's strange. Today I've been just kind of out of it, although I did manage to go out shopping with Kim and Lara so I could get black pants for my cat costume and some much needed snack food (kind of hard to gain weight when you have nothing to eat )
  5. zomg HK is breaking forum rules! lol I'm just playing around. I think the iTunes thing is pretty clever actually.
  6. I love snow! When I saw it this morning I was like "omg hax." I figure it's God's way of reminding me that it's almost time for winter break.
  7. Three weeksssssssssssss???????? Oh no!!!!!!!!!!! I know. T_T I actually started crying last night when I was talking to Phil online. It's so hard when all you want to do is hug someone but they're 5 hours away. This weekend is Halloween, and I know my friends wanted me to be around for that. The weekend after that Phil has a ballroom competition I think in MA. And the weekend after that he has another ballroom competition in the same city that my high school was in, which I should hopefully be able to attend, and maybe visit with him for that weekend, but I need to talk to him and work out details. The only problem is that I've got lots of projects and papers and exams coming up around that time. But yeah, 3 weeks is entirely too long to go without seeing your love. It reminds me of something Phil said towards the end of the summer before he went back to college, that makes me want to smile and cry at the same time. "Just remember, I'll see you soon, and each time you think of that, it'll be sooner than the last time."
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Maybe you have some insanely talented new students? Who knows, maybe your director will do some more shuffling around as the semester goes on.
  9. Well, it turns out Phil grandmother (not the one he lives with) was able to drive him back to his college, so now I'm back on my own campus. It was a fun day at 6 Flags. However, I probably won't be able to see Phil again for another 3+ weeks.
  10. Pirate shirt!!! That's what I'm leaning towards lol. XD I'm going to have to make it a point to bring another shirt along though since I don't want to be driving for 4 hours in a corset. Now that would be painful. lol it's actually not painful. Just after awhile it's mildly uncomfortable, and I don't want that for a 5 hour drive.
  11. Pirate shirt!!! That's what I'm leaning towards lol. XD I'm going to have to make it a point to bring another shirt along though since I don't want to be driving for 4 hours in a corset.
  12. I see Phil tomorrow! *does happy dance* The question is...pirate shirt or no pirate shirt? It's fright fest at 6 Flags so I'm considering wearing the top half of my ren faire costume.
  13. I do have tons of pictures, I might post some of them tomorrow if I remember. I would do it now, but I'm really tired and going to sleep soon.
  14. Nice! I'm glad to hear you've been having fun. You're usually online every day, so when you were gone for a few days I started to worry a little bit.
  15. Anyone else notice that Horatio has been missing lately?
  16. So, this week has been considerably more relaxed than the past few weeks. I got all the pictures from the ballroom competition up on facebook (I took 333 pictures, about 150 of them made it online). The end result of this was being up until about 3am watching people tag other people, comments, and random friend requests from people who were tagged in the pictures. Then of course as is my luck, with 7 hours of sleep, my education professor gave us a surprise midterm. I think I did alright on it all things considered. I also got some exams handed back to me this week, which I did really well on. I got a 99 on the one I got back last night. Today and tomorrow are easy because it's just one class each day. JPCS is tonight if I remember to go. Tomorrow there's an even that's supposed to be like halloween all around the world or something like that. It sounds pretty cool. Then Sunday I get to see Phil at 6 Flags! That's gonna be fun times. And then I drive him back to his college since his mom wouldn't be able to until Monday night or something like that. I think. I have to check with him on what's going on with that.
  17. Okay, the rest of my weekend: Ballroom competition. Looooong day. My parents and grandma came, as well as Phil's gram, sister, and sister's friend. And watching Phil dance is always fun. Also, he looked *really* good all dressed up for the competition. It was also insanely hot in the gymnasium where the comp took place, so when we finally got back to the room at the end of the day, we both immediately left to take showers. When I got back, I didn't see Phil, and asked Scott if I had actually beaten him back from the shower (I take long showers, but he was tired enough that it was possible that he had fallen asleep in the shower; he's done it before). He was actually sleeping though, I didn't see him at first because his bed was up so high. I just kind of laughed and went to bed myself. It was only about 8:30, but we were both exhausted. On Sunday we got up around noonish and just kind of lounged around the room until Dad called to tell us to head out for dinner. So we got dressed and got ahold of Jenny and got giftwrap for Dad's birthday present and drove down to our town to go out to dinner, which was fun. We stopped at home first, where I was able to pick up the back seat for the minivan, as well as my winter boots and coat. On the way back from dinner, we stopped at Phil's house so he could pick up some water and other things his gram forgot to give him at the comp. When we got back, I had to do my homework, and then we just kinda sat around for awhile before finally going to bed at like 1:30am. Neither one of us got much sleep, and we got up at 5:45am because I had to leave to come back here. The drive back wasn't too bad, but I now know that driving for more hours than I've slept in the past 24 hours is probably not the brightest thing I've done recently. I didn't hit anything or get beeped at, but my response time was definitely not what it should have been. I grabbed some coffee at starbucks on the way back from parking the car, and then relaxed for a bit before going to class, and then took a nap before dinner, where I got more coffee. And now I'm back and relaxing a bit, and talking to Phil who's in a bad mood again because he's over tired. My roomie is also in a bad mood today, because she just found out that her account somehow has negative money in it. o.O I think I'll be going to bed early today.
  18. I am going to be registering online, but registration starts at 4:30, and I was supposed to be driving then, and I'm not sure I'd be able to find free public wireless where I could get online to register while I'm on the road. I have to register for my ELD courses in person, but I'm not worried about them filling up. Now that's different. I can tell you all the places that I know that have free and pay wireless. Krystals, the hamburger place, but you have to buy something. I usually buy a small coffee. McAllister delis have free wireless and you don't even have to buy something. Of course when you sit down at the table someone will walk over to you as ask if you want anything, so I feel more comfortable with a cup of coffee in front of me. If there is a mall with an Apple Store, you can use their free wireless and their computers. Most hotels have free wireless in the lobby. You just park, walk in, sit down in the lobby and turn on your laptop. Starbucks, but you have to either have T-mobile or you have to pay $9.95 for 24 hour usage. (A total rip-off, especially when you are paying for a super macchiato pumpkin latte with whipped cream which costs more than one of your courses.) A number of Dunkin Donuts have free wireless, but there is no way to know which ones have it and which ones don't. Borders and Books a Million have free wireless and Barnes and Noble uses the T-mobile. All airports have wireless, but most charge you 3 or 4 dollars for 2 or 3 hours usage. Those are just for starters. Anyway, stress-wise, you would probably be better off just postponing your drive until you get your courses registered, unless you all have Krystals in your area. That is one place I always look for on the road for free wireless. Never seen a Krystals before. Most of those places I either don't know where they are on my route, they charge money, or they're too far away on my route. (There is an Apple store I use over the summer when I'm at camp for free wireless in a mall I drive past, but I'll be passing it a half hour later than I want to register). So yeah, I'm sticking around until I'm done with registration. Make a stop at my house! That would work... if you were home. With your schedule it seems like you are always at school. Very true. Today I was there from 7:25 A.M. to 6:15 P.M. Tomorrow will likely be the same, possibly till 9 P.M. Haha sounds like me when I was in high school some days. XD Also, I have no idea where you live, and doubt any parents in their right mind would be okay with some 20-year-old they've never met randomly showing up at your house to use their internet for 15 minutes. (at least if I had kids I wouldn't be cool with it lol) You can park outside and use the wireless. I won't mind. It'd be funny if you actually did have to pass near my house. Haha. XD I think I'd be....wait, can I list major highways that stretch across large spaces? Sure. I don't believe anyone would be able to find you. Probably not while I'm driving lol. And if they did there's not much they could do about it except follow me, and even then the places I'd stop are either highly populated or my house, where there are guns, that both my parents know how to use. Anyways, around the time I need to register, I'd be somewhere on 206 or 287. (because I'm a noob and don't want to deal with the GWB; Tappan Zee Bridge FTW). Some of those bridges can be intimidating... especially if you are the one driving and navigating. The tunnel in Boston can really be a bear... there are a variety of fork left, fork right type things and you must be in the correct lane or else you have just gone in the totally wrong direction. The cool thing about the Boston tunnel is that when you are under land, the tiles are white with brown lines and when you go under water the tiles now are white with blue lines. That is very cool. You didn't tell me... do you have Krystal's up there? Ooh....exit only lanes. Those are no fun, especially when they're poorly marked. Although the worst is when the sun hits the windshield at such an angle that you can't see ANYTHING. It can be quite frightening. That's neat about the Boston tunnel. When we went to AnimeUSA (which was near DC), I was able to see the driver's GPS navigation system, and saw blue (which represented water) around our road when we went through the tunnel. I think I might have been the only one on the bus that knew we were under water. And nope, no Krystal's here. At least not that I remember seeing. Oh yeah my weekend. It was fun. I registered for my classes just fine. Oh crap. I still need to register for my ELD classes. I totally forgot about those. I guess I'll have to do that tomorrow. Anyways. The other classes were registered for perfectly fine and all. I got to Phil's college pretty late, and then we all got up at 4am for the ballroom competition, which was fun times. I took over 300 pictures I think, I still need to go through them. Phil wasn't in a great mood towards the end of the day though since he was so tired. And now, I have to go to class, so I will type more later.
  19. I am going to be registering online, but registration starts at 4:30, and I was supposed to be driving then, and I'm not sure I'd be able to find free public wireless where I could get online to register while I'm on the road. I have to register for my ELD courses in person, but I'm not worried about them filling up. Now that's different. I can tell you all the places that I know that have free and pay wireless. Krystals, the hamburger place, but you have to buy something. I usually buy a small coffee. McAllister delis have free wireless and you don't even have to buy something. Of course when you sit down at the table someone will walk over to you as ask if you want anything, so I feel more comfortable with a cup of coffee in front of me. If there is a mall with an Apple Store, you can use their free wireless and their computers. Most hotels have free wireless in the lobby. You just park, walk in, sit down in the lobby and turn on your laptop. Starbucks, but you have to either have T-mobile or you have to pay $9.95 for 24 hour usage. (A total rip-off, especially when you are paying for a super macchiato pumpkin latte with whipped cream which costs more than one of your courses.) A number of Dunkin Donuts have free wireless, but there is no way to know which ones have it and which ones don't. Borders and Books a Million have free wireless and Barnes and Noble uses the T-mobile. All airports have wireless, but most charge you 3 or 4 dollars for 2 or 3 hours usage. Those are just for starters. Anyway, stress-wise, you would probably be better off just postponing your drive until you get your courses registered, unless you all have Krystals in your area. That is one place I always look for on the road for free wireless. Never seen a Krystals before. Most of those places I either don't know where they are on my route, they charge money, or they're too far away on my route. (There is an Apple store I use over the summer when I'm at camp for free wireless in a mall I drive past, but I'll be passing it a half hour later than I want to register). So yeah, I'm sticking around until I'm done with registration. Make a stop at my house! That would work... if you were home. With your schedule it seems like you are always at school. Very true. Today I was there from 7:25 A.M. to 6:15 P.M. Tomorrow will likely be the same, possibly till 9 P.M. Haha sounds like me when I was in high school some days. XD Also, I have no idea where you live, and doubt any parents in their right mind would be okay with some 20-year-old they've never met randomly showing up at your house to use their internet for 15 minutes. (at least if I had kids I wouldn't be cool with it lol) You can park outside and use the wireless. I won't mind. It'd be funny if you actually did have to pass near my house. Haha. XD I think I'd be....wait, can I list major highways that stretch across large spaces? Sure. I don't believe anyone would be able to find you. Probably not while I'm driving lol. And if they did there's not much they could do about it except follow me, and even then the places I'd stop are either highly populated or my house, where there are guns, that both my parents know how to use. Anyways, around the time I need to register, I'd be somewhere on 206 or 287. (because I'm a noob and don't want to deal with the GWB; Tappan Zee Bridge FTW).
  20. I am going to be registering online, but registration starts at 4:30, and I was supposed to be driving then, and I'm not sure I'd be able to find free public wireless where I could get online to register while I'm on the road. I have to register for my ELD courses in person, but I'm not worried about them filling up. Now that's different. I can tell you all the places that I know that have free and pay wireless. Krystals, the hamburger place, but you have to buy something. I usually buy a small coffee. McAllister delis have free wireless and you don't even have to buy something. Of course when you sit down at the table someone will walk over to you as ask if you want anything, so I feel more comfortable with a cup of coffee in front of me. If there is a mall with an Apple Store, you can use their free wireless and their computers. Most hotels have free wireless in the lobby. You just park, walk in, sit down in the lobby and turn on your laptop. Starbucks, but you have to either have T-mobile or you have to pay $9.95 for 24 hour usage. (A total rip-off, especially when you are paying for a super macchiato pumpkin latte with whipped cream which costs more than one of your courses.) A number of Dunkin Donuts have free wireless, but there is no way to know which ones have it and which ones don't. Borders and Books a Million have free wireless and Barnes and Noble uses the T-mobile. All airports have wireless, but most charge you 3 or 4 dollars for 2 or 3 hours usage. Those are just for starters. Anyway, stress-wise, you would probably be better off just postponing your drive until you get your courses registered, unless you all have Krystals in your area. That is one place I always look for on the road for free wireless. Never seen a Krystals before. Most of those places I either don't know where they are on my route, they charge money, or they're too far away on my route. (There is an Apple store I use over the summer when I'm at camp for free wireless in a mall I drive past, but I'll be passing it a half hour later than I want to register). So yeah, I'm sticking around until I'm done with registration. Make a stop at my house! That would work... if you were home. With your schedule it seems like you are always at school. Very true. Today I was there from 7:25 A.M. to 6:15 P.M. Tomorrow will likely be the same, possibly till 9 P.M. Haha sounds like me when I was in high school some days. XD Also, I have no idea where you live, and doubt any parents in their right mind would be okay with some 20-year-old they've never met randomly showing up at your house to use their internet for 15 minutes. (at least if I had kids I wouldn't be cool with it lol) You can park outside and use the wireless. I won't mind. It'd be funny if you actually did have to pass near my house. Haha. XD I think I'd be....wait, can I list major highways that stretch across large spaces?
  21. I am going to be registering online, but registration starts at 4:30, and I was supposed to be driving then, and I'm not sure I'd be able to find free public wireless where I could get online to register while I'm on the road. I have to register for my ELD courses in person, but I'm not worried about them filling up. Now that's different. I can tell you all the places that I know that have free and pay wireless. Krystals, the hamburger place, but you have to buy something. I usually buy a small coffee. McAllister delis have free wireless and you don't even have to buy something. Of course when you sit down at the table someone will walk over to you as ask if you want anything, so I feel more comfortable with a cup of coffee in front of me. If there is a mall with an Apple Store, you can use their free wireless and their computers. Most hotels have free wireless in the lobby. You just park, walk in, sit down in the lobby and turn on your laptop. Starbucks, but you have to either have T-mobile or you have to pay $9.95 for 24 hour usage. (A total rip-off, especially when you are paying for a super macchiato pumpkin latte with whipped cream which costs more than one of your courses.) A number of Dunkin Donuts have free wireless, but there is no way to know which ones have it and which ones don't. Borders and Books a Million have free wireless and Barnes and Noble uses the T-mobile. All airports have wireless, but most charge you 3 or 4 dollars for 2 or 3 hours usage. Those are just for starters. Anyway, stress-wise, you would probably be better off just postponing your drive until you get your courses registered, unless you all have Krystals in your area. That is one place I always look for on the road for free wireless. Never seen a Krystals before. Most of those places I either don't know where they are on my route, they charge money, or they're too far away on my route. (There is an Apple store I use over the summer when I'm at camp for free wireless in a mall I drive past, but I'll be passing it a half hour later than I want to register). So yeah, I'm sticking around until I'm done with registration. Make a stop at my house! That would work... if you were home. With your schedule it seems like you are always at school. Very true. Today I was there from 7:25 A.M. to 6:15 P.M. Tomorrow will likely be the same, possibly till 9 P.M. Haha sounds like me when I was in high school some days. XD Also, I have no idea where you live, and doubt any parents in their right mind would be okay with some 20-year-old they've never met randomly showing up at your house to use their internet for 15 minutes. (at least if I had kids I wouldn't be cool with it lol)
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