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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. lol I'm a little person on all counts. And those boots I got sometime in high school for Christmas, so I wouldn't even know where to look for them now.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Added. Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol.
  3. okay *how* does one upload their own avatar? I can't seem to find it....
  4. Haha they're probably too small. Those boots are size 6. But yeah, those boots are fun, as long as I'm not walking too far in them. I usually just wear sandals.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name? Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic.
  6. I didn't realize we could upload our own avatars until I saw LE's avatar. XD And yeah, non-modded posts are also making the boards a good bit more active.
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I found it again. XD Funny thing is, based on your profile picture, you look about the same as I imagined you look.
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    More like I forgot the beginning quote tag in mine. Or something. I don't mind if you add me on facebook. Oh yeah LE I guess you already friended me on LJ so disregard my comment. I added you too. Haha awesome Well, when I went to post, it yelled at me for not having proper tags so I had to add whatever it looked like you missed. o.O
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out. lol XD I haven't been on neopets in about a year. I should really just give all the stuff I have to my mom. And I think I found your facebook once. Do you care if I add you there (provided I can find it again o.O) (also, I think there might be a glitch with the quote tags o.O)
  10. But Jesusfreak probably was not as active in her costume as you were!!!!! You could have always super-glued the dress up. Great pictures! Thanks for posting them. Yeah, my friends and I did whole battle scenes using my video camera. We did old fashioned Batman and Robin-style stuff while people watched from the school windows. It was really funny but so embarassing! Yeah, I could have done... for my freshers' ball there was a lot of dancing and I could only do penguin impressions. I'll upload more at some point but there aren't may great ones of me on this computer: the ones I'm getting are on FB. Haha that is awesome!
  11. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Ooh, cool! I wish I could sight read like that.....
  12. If you're over 18 your picture can have your face in it, but I think you still can't do last names.
  13. I was also probably the first [human] person to post pictures where you can actually see my face. And yaaay cat costumes! It was really hard for me to find a normal looking set of cat ears and tail too. And yeah, I could probably never get away with a strapless dress. I don't have much to hold it up. I know a number of people who used the extra fabric from when they had their dresses hemmed to make straps though.
  14. I hope you stayed up. Haha I did. We couldn't really talk much because he had to get himself dressed and out the door, but I know it made him smile.
  15. She actually made the comment. SNL took her comment and then put it into their show. Oi. *headdesk*
  16. Ooh gorgeous dress! And we do have lots of pretty people here haha.
  17. I'm debating on whether to stay up until Phil wakes up. (he has to get up at 4:30am for his ballroom competition tomorrow)
  18. ok so dumb question: did Palin actually make a comment about being able to see Russia from Alaska, or was that just the SNL skit?
  19. PHENOMENAL !!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS OUTSTANDING NEWS! C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S !!!!!!!!!!! Now I have two states that I have to avoid riding my motorcycle in. New Jersey and New York. I'm one of the best drivers I know. But you should avoid riding in New Jersey in general. People here are INSANE.
  20. Because they're superficial high school girls? As a general rule, I've noticed that nicer guys tend to have fewer girlfriends, but the girlfriends they do get tend to be much better than the ones the jerks get. It's a matter of quality vs. quantity.
  21. Too much to do at not enough time to do it. Here's what my life is looking like in the next few weeks: 11/10: Term paper outline and bibliography due, psych law exam 11/11: autism exam and take home component due 11/12: reading due (20-25 pages or so) 11/14: child development presentations start, visit Phil for the weekend? 11/17: BHP exam due 11/18: date for my child development presenation 11/19: presentations begin for both education and behavior modification 11/20: Phil's birthday 12/1: psych law paper due 12/8: psych law exam, education take home final due by 3pm 12/9: autism exam, report due 12/10: behavior mod exam 12/11: child development exam 12/18: term paper due Visiting Phil will probably happen some other weekend in there too, haven't gotten that far yet, but I clearly have grounds for going insane.
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