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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Only if it was hot water with a tea bag, lemon and honey in it. That works better for colds. True... or when indulging in light tea, tea served with scones, or afternoon tea, tea served with bread and butter. Or peppermint tea with honey and two candy canes melted into it.
  2. Only if it was hot water with a tea bag, lemon and honey in it. That works better for colds.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Haha there probably is. It's 'cause Jesse tends to disappear for long amounts of time and then conversations go on in his topic without him.
  4. lol me too. This is when I wish apartments could be co-ed. Apartments are 4 single rooms with a shared kitchen, living room, and bathroom, so idk what the big deal is. I have tons of guy friends I could live with, but not many girl friends, and the ones I do have already have other plans. So, now I'm hoping there are other people who want to do an apartment too that are looking for someone like me to live with (although it's still early in the year for most people to be thinking about housing).
  5. Any particular colour trench coat? Black. Matches everything.
  6. I want a trench coat. I know a few people that have them, including Phil.
  7. Aw, I hope you feel better. When I'm sick, drinking water usually helps a lot.
  8. My presentation is done, and I think it was one of the better ones.
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I actually think you're quite interesting BECAUSE you're not like everyone else. You're one of those anomaly guys who are totally awesome but still can't manage to find a relationship or a place to really fit in. And wanting someone to care for and who cares for you is totally natural basic instinct. I found a quote awhile ago, and it went something like, "Do what you love, and you will find someone who loves the same thing. Don't look for love, beg for love, or change for love. Just live." I don't know what's so unapproachable about you, since I don't know you in person. I can only make guesses based on your facebook that you tend to keep a lot about yourself quiet. My best suggestion is do like you did with your orientation and throw more about yourself out there. It might help give people a better idea of who you are and what to try to talk to you about. I'm actually kind of surprised that you don't have a good group of friends because I find you to be quite approachable, and you were probably my first online friend ever, and remain one of my best online friends to this day. So if it makes you feel any better, I care about you and how you're doing, and I miss you when you're not around.
  10. Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away. Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here. lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here. Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please. lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today. Tick, tock, tick, tock... Quit thinking of Phil. I don't think that's possible.
  11. Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away. Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here. lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here. Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please. lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today.
  12. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Whenever a guy has hugged another guy around me it was done as a sarcasm, a joke or in an intrusive manner. I can't recall ever seeing it done seriously, except if two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time meet each other. Not to mention I would probably overdo it too much and probably creep out my victim I don't mean to infer that I never talk, because I do. I talk to quite a few people in my surroundings if I feel anything to contribute to the current subject. I talked to others about how I felt tonight in pep band, for instance. It's not that I'm anti-social, but I'm just conservative about when I talk and what I talk about. Either way it doesn't feel that meaningful to me. Maybe that's just coming from someone who was spoon-fed his first language as a kid, for not speaking naturally. It feels like most things I say are not actually what I mean, or are a great distortion of my meaning, but I cannot get one to equal the other. I get closer to this equality in other instances like playing or composing music, but not so much with just, talking. And Horatio nailed it; my director is rather stubborn-minded in his ways. He wanted the drums heard more so that's what he got. I feel sorry for the girl next to me who had a concussion recently and was already experiencing bad headaches. lol maybe it's just a ballroom thing. So, you're just not a verbal person. That makes sense. My suggestion then is to go do things where you get to be more musical and express yourself that way (which it seems like you do anyways). So compose more, maybe join some other music type groups or something. And as much as I'm probably biased, if your college has a ballroom dance team or lessons, go check that out. From what I've seen of the ballroom people at Phil's college, they're the type of people you'd probably get along with really well.
  13. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    (*cough*hampsterdance-jesse's topic*cough*) As for the band director... somehow I feel he wouldn't really care how anyone felt. Haha. You never know. I figure it's generally better to say something first, because the band director could be totally oblivious to how everyone feels.
  14. That probably will happen sooner than you think. Haha probably.
  15. Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away. Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here. lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here. Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please. lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD
  16. I still maintain that cell phones should have a USB port that you can plug a USB keyboard into. It would make my life at camp SO much easier....
  17. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I know it's not the same as a real hug, but *hugs* Also, since when is it not okay to hug guy friends? My boyfriend hugs his ballroom buddies all the time. And keep in mind that talking is good, even if it's just venting to a friend (*cough*facebookchat*cough* ) And talking is how you get to know people and become closer with people that are better friends for you. And as much as the band people might talk about alcohol and sex, there are probably a good number of people whose conversations *don't* revolve around things like that. I mean, being that you're in college, those things will naturally come up, but there are people who talk about other things too. Either way, you know I'm online all the time, feel free to come find me if you want someone to talk to. And yeah, your band director sounds pretty ridiculous. Have you guys told him how you feel?
  18. Welcome back! Things were very quiet while you were away. Congratulations to the dancing duo! Please post sme pics here. lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here.
  19. I'm back from visiting Phil, which was fun times as usual. He and Jenny did really well at the ballroom competition, and even placed 8th in, I think it was foxtrot or tango, I forget now lol. And they made quarterfinals and semifinals in a whole bunch of things. And as usual, I took an insane amount of pictures, which will hopefully be edited and on facebook by the end of wednesday. I would probably elaborate more on the weekend, but I'm super tired and have to get my presentations done. >_<
  20. Haha I wish. The translation was given with the Japanese in Phil's away message (I take it on faith that it's accurate), and I know Phil doesn't speak Japanese, so I'm pretty sure he copy pasted it from somewhere, looks like lyrics to a song.
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