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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. As long as they're 18 or older, I think yes. Otherwise I've been breaking rules.
  2. And you look absolutely phenomenally fantastic!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I think it's safe to say all your body image insecurities are quite unfounded. You look wonderful.
  3. The upside down smiley was my FAVORITE!
  4. They're so uncomfortable compared to regular sneakers or sandals. Did you hear about the woman who had surgery on her feet so she could wear heels easier?
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You're lucky. I have an insane amount of work that's going to catch up to me next week. And yeah, sometimes taking an initiative is all you need to do.
  6. So, Lara said she wants to be in an apartment next year too, and has dropped her desire to throw parties, so now I only need one or two more people! Luckily, Lara knows like half the population of my college, so it will be easier to find people with her. She's considering asking her friend Kyra, who's a pretty cool person overall. If my roomie can do it too, then we've got our four people. So we'll see where this goes.
  7. Yeah, looking pretty is always good for a self-esteem boost. Dressing like a bum is far more comfortable though. I really don't understand the girls who go to class in high heels every single day.
  8. There is a distinct lack of battle in this thread.
  9. Haha awesome. XD I could always hope for a white birthday.
  10. I want snow! As long as I don't have to drive in it anyways....
  11. Aw, *hugs* There seems to be a lot of that going around lately. :closedeyes:
  12. Hm.....you know, that's one thing I forgot to mention. If you suspect that hormones are playing a part in all this, maybe see about birth control to regulate that.
  13. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I know how you feel there, but it doesn't bother me as much. I guess I just got used to it at an early age and accepted it as part of life. Keep in mind, that your friends might not be aware that you want to know when and where they're hanging out, especially if you don't seem like the hanging out type. You could always send a quick IM or call and ask what everyone is up to.
  14. Yaaaaaay not cutting! *hugs* There are lots of other ways to vent. One is to talk about it. Tell someone everything that's on your mind (someone you can trust, less senseless drama gets out of hand). Another way is to go get some exercise of some sort. It might sound dumb, but getting up and moving around, even if it's just for a quick job, is way better for you than sitting around dwelling on the bad things. And always remember that no matter what happens, you have all of us here for you, and if you need to do some uncensored venting, you have me on facebook.
  15. Paper is done now. I just need to drop it off on my way to my night class.
  16. I left at 8am today expecting to be back on campus at about 11:30 so I'd have time to get my citations on the paper done and such, but I hit horrendous traffic and didn't get here until close to 1:30, making me late for my class, and my paper still needs citations. >_<
  17. It was really nice seeing Phil today. We grabbed dinner really quick at the dining hall and then hung out in his room for a bit. Driving wasn't too fun though since it was both dark and raining. >_< Now I need to finish my paper so I can go to sleep.
  18. Clerks ftw! I remember going out with one of my guy friends to get Clerks II. He got the special edition one with the visor, cup, and name tag.
  19. Haha really? Most people here still just drink soda. I guess it's gaining in popularity because it has no sugar and people are over-obsessed with weight loss. No sugar?????????????? You need to read some of the labels! You would shock yourself, so bring Phil when you go. You will need him to pick you up when you faint at the ingredients. lol I was unclear in what I was saying. *Water* is gaining popularity because it has no sugar. Soda has an insane amount of sugar.
  20. I didn't write this one, and I don't know who did, but here you go: Haikus are easy But sometimes they don't make sense Refrigerator
  21. It's funny 'cause it's true. Americans have the most backwards way of doing things sometimes.
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