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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Thanks! I finished my paper shortly after dinner so I had the evening to relax. Tomorrow will be spent studying for a night class exam.
  2. 8am???? That can't be healthy....
  3. hard to make a living unless you get lucky, but at least it's fun!
  4. My psych law exam today went really well. I also got my paper back, which I got a 97 on. I'm almost done with my paper that I've been working on. I just need one more page. I'm having a hard time coming up with things to talk about though. >_<
  5. The ends of my hair are now blue. My paper, however, is still only three and a half pages long. I just couldn't concentrate on it. >_<
  6. Oh, and also I had the brilliant realization that I can dye the ends of my hair blue without worrying about it fading before I have to do field work because I can just cut it off and then it's gone.
  7. Aaaaand now it's snowing. Which I'm happy about. But it's distracting me more.
  8. I'm only three pages done with a 6 page paper that I want to finish today, and started yesterday. Why can't I concentrate on anything lately???
  9. And I second the vote for failblog. It's pretty epic.
  10. Have you seen the jibjab videos?
  11. I'll call it "Life" Seriously though, you can call just about anything modern art. All you have to do is say it represents the decay of modern society.
  12. I finished my Christmas shopping today!!!! Phil is harder to shop for than my dad. That's impressive.
  13. This is a: Scribble mark planet smushed bug cafeteria food pile of vomit piece of tangled string spilled paint animal cell germ cabbage [insert other ideas here] In other words, draw whatever you want, claim it's whatever you want, and people will see it.
  14. But that's the fun in it. XD Actually, I have an idea.
  15. I guess it's cheaper or something. I know single rooms are larger than half the size of a double room. Or maybe they just want to make sure everyone has someone else to sort of look after them or something. I'm not sure. I know freshman year, my roomie and I lived totally independent lives.
  16. *if* I ever decide to ingest alcohol, it will be only a small taste, the same as I would do with ice cream. A portion that small should not be enough to impair my cognitive and motor skills. I agree that drinking and driving is bad though. Drunk drivers are really dangerous and more annoying than people who drive and talk on the phone. It really just comes down to knowing your limits. My limit is a small taste because I know I won't get drunk or addicted that way. For most people who actually drink, their limit depends on their weight mostly. I think part of the problem is we tell kids DRINKING IS BAD DON'T DO IT EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!111one. What we really should be doing is teaching them the drinks to weight ratio that roughly determines blood alcohol level and what happens at different levels. A 110lb girl can't handle as much alcohol as a 300lb man. If the freshman at my school last year had known his limit, he wouldn't have drank a half a bottle of vodka in 15 minutes and died. (Yes, too much alcohol can kill you. Good reason to know your limits eh?) If you do a search of "BAC calculator" on google a few come up that let you put in various factors of drinking and roughly estimate what your BAC would be. The first one also has an entertaining list of myths at the bottom.
  17. Thinking that I should go to sleep, and that Phil should have gone to sleep hours ago. My first class is at 2:20, he has an exam at 8.
  18. Of course people would still do it. Just it wouldn't be quite as compelling anymore.
  19. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    My boyfriend plays sax! Funny, that was my favorite instrument when I was really little.
  20. It's not the really young kids people are concerned about, it's the 16-20 year olds that get themselves into trouble. I don't really get the big deal with the drinking age though, except that the younger you are, the more you make emotionally based decisions than logic based ones (peer pressure to do idiotic things is the key problem there). Personally, I think more effort and money needs to be given to emphasize responsible drinking rather than not drinking at all. Naturally, when you tell young adults and teens they can't do something that's normally portrayed as fun, they're gonna go do it. They might as well be taught how to do it safely (like sex). My personal views on drinking: In moderation, it's okay. Being drunk is not okay, because you lose your inhibitions, and that often makes you do really stupid things that you later regret. Having your life revolve around drinking is also not okay. That's called alcoholism, and it often runs in families, which is why I don't drink and don't plan to drink even after I turn 21. However, I had an idea last night to perhaps treat drinking like ice cream (I'm lactose intolerant). The idea is that small tastes of things would be fine, communion at churches that use wine instead of grape juice would be fine, and virgin drinks (things that would normally have alcohol in them but don't) are fine. Anything beyond that (for me) is off limits.
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Oh oh! The kind with the buttons! *has no idea*
  22. Yeah, being in a triple room (three people in one room) is the cheapest, followed by doubles. There used to be single rooms, but the university accepted too many people last year so there were no singles available and some unlucky people were forced into triples. Singles are more expensive than doubles. Then there are apartments, which are three or four single rooms that share a bathroom, living area, and (sometimes) a kitchen. Those are more expensive, but you can opt out of a meal plan if you have a kitchen. There are also pods, which I think is 6 single rooms and two bathrooms with a living area. There's also a new building that's being built now which will have other types of more expensive housing.
  23. So, both Christina and Kyra *want* do to the apartment now, but they aren't sure if they can afford it yet.
  24. My sanity seems to have broken itself into little pieces, some of which I retain, and some of which wander off because of things like finals.
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