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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I don't think it's more than two years old, but I even had a hinge break on my laptop. My dad was able to make a really nice replacement though, so the other one is still intact. For Phil's, we're going to use velcro straps and adhesive straps to secure the screen to the rest of the laptop, kind of like those stadium seats that have backs on them. Using velcro means it'll be easy to adjust to whatever angle it needs to be. I didn't name the teddy bear Phil gave me lol, but it's on my bed with the other stuffed animal he gave me awhile back. And yeah, I'm way overdue for an eye doctor's appointment lol. It's probably been about three years.
  2. Yesterday I went out with my mom and picked out my birthday present; a long black leather coat. It comes to about my ankles, it's pretty awesome. I think I'm going to wear it with my combat boots on Saturday when I see Phil. I'm going to pick him up to join my family for a birthday lunch, and then take Phil out to Wal-Mart (or whatever store is in the area) to pick up some stuff he needs. (His ipod is missing and the hinges on his laptop are broken, and he doesn't want his grandparents to know because they'd get mad, so he's going to get a new ipod and some velcro to make a makeshift thing to hold his screen up.) Oh, and I forgot to mention this I think, but two days before he left for school, he got me flowers and a big stuffed teddy bear for my birthday. Tomorrow I have an eye doctor's appointment (better late than never), and Friday I have to start packing, Sunday I go back to college.
  3. Phil goes back to college tomorrow. The past couple days were fun though, we got to hang out a bit which was good. Today I've been tired and in a bad mood for no good reason though. :closedeyes:
  4. I don't have the time, money, or patience for makeup. Plus it would make my already bad skin worse. I used to wear eyeshadow in middle school sometimes, but I'd always end up with one eyelid being darker than the other, and I could never get them to be even and symmetrical, and it took forever, and I jut kinda gave up on it.
  5. lol thanks Although that's what I'm using as my profile pic, so of course it looks good. I could easily get a picture that makes me look more like a boy.
  6. Here you go, this I think is the best out of the pictures I took:
  7. Hokay, I took some pictures of myself last night so you can see the hair/earrings. However, I haven't moved pictures from my camera to my computer since Thanksgiving, so it's gonna be awhile before I get to the ones with my hair lol. Also, I might be going to Phil's sometime today, not sure when, because Phil isn't online right now. So until then, working on pictures! Yay!
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Ooh, pretty dress. I have a blanket with wolves on it that's really pretty, it reminds me of Jesse sometimes lol.
  9. Not actually pregnant. Baby birds are a nightmare to look after... few! And those flying lessons are so expensive... We can cut down on the expense of flying lessons... I'll teach them. I now have the mental image of little baby eagles with aviation goggles and scarves fluttering in the wind. Awwwww that sounds adorable!
  10. I just ate, so I'm not hungry at the moment.
  11. You need to do that before you see Phil. lol it's been too cold for sandals, so he won't see them anyways You wear shoes in the house??? Not usually, but I leave my socks on after I take my shoes off.
  12. If the guy is smart... the answer to that question is always... NO! But then he gets in trouble for not being honest. It's a no-win situation! I feel so bad for guys who are subjected to that..... I mean seriously, like any guy in his right mind would want his girl to think she's fat. And Phil I think tends to worry about messing up in some way or another. It's kinda cute really, knowing that he cares so much about how I feel, but a touch frustrating when I want his honest opinion about something lol.
  13. You need to do that before you see Phil. lol it's been too cold for sandals, so he won't see them anyways
  14. So, now that my hair is cut short, mom's insisting that I get my ears pierced (which she's been harassing me about for years anyways). I'm going to humor her and get it done (she's paying for it anyways). I figure it'll help the elementary school kids I'm going to be working with figure out that I'm a girl, and prevent the awkwardness that happens when people buy me earrings without knowing my ears aren't pierced. I asked Phil his opinion, and as usual, he said "whatever you want to do" and "whatever is more comfortable to you." He's so funny. I think he's just afraid of giving me the wrong answer or something. I pointed out to him today that the only reason I ask him these things is that I don't have an opinion either, and that his is the only opinion I really care about, and that there are no wrong answers. I'm not going to be one of those horrible cruel girls that says "does this make me look fat?"
  15. lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....
  16. It's supposed to get into the single digits here soon, *not* looking forward to that.
  17. I actually just couldn't think of what any other cartoon characters looked like that I could even attempt to draw lol.
  18. I think we're gonna see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. We both agreed that it looks like a really good movie.
  19. I'm bad at computer art, but here ya go.
  20. I might be going out to see a movie with Phil tomorrow! *excited*
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Aw, nice! As long as you don't IM him ALL the time AS SOON as he signs on, you should be fine lol.
  22. Yeah, so, about global warming......
  23. lol I was wondering what happened to you! Your spider story reminds me of how when I was little, my dad named every spider he came across in the house Boris.
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    lol maybe he's been avoiding someone else?
  25. Phil likes my haircut, as does his family. And yeah, pictures do need to happen. I need to get the pictures from Thanksgiving and Christmas parties onto my computer and online too. >_<
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