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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Toto's topic reminded me how horribly neglected my topic is. Basically, my ELD classes own my life. The amount of stuff they expect us to get done is unreasonable beyond belief. There just aren't enough hours in the day. So that's why I haven't been posting a whole lot. So, time for a State of the Jesusfreak Address. XD Classes: As I already said, they own my life. My ELD Literacy is the worst by far, probably more work than all my other classes combined. I had to drop choir just to have an extra three hours to get stuff done. So, that has me kinda stressed. Astronomy is easy beyond words, and the teacher is entertaining. My BHP class this semester is Bible as Literature and Philosophy, which is a fun class. I already have my schedule put together for next semester, and course registration is this Friday already. I'm going to talk to one of my former education professors about doing an independent study for the two technology credits I need (I am NOT getting up at 8am to be taught things I've known since middle school). The cool thing is that I'll do the work over the summer, but register it for the fall semester so I don't pay extra for it. I might see about doing my BHP thesis over the summer too, though I'll have to register that for the spring semester if I don't register it for the summer. College life: does not mix well with being an education major. My roomie has a tendency to (probably unintentionally) keep me awake the nights before I have to get up at 6 or 7 in the morning for field work or class. Not good. Most aspects of my college life have been shoved in a corner due to my classes. We're hoping for an apartment next year. If we get the one we want, it means we all have our own rooms, and share a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and washer/dryer. Also, the new apartment building will have its own parking lot (which is exciting since student teaching next year will require getting up early in the morning and driving, and walking to the parking lot on the other side of campus when it's 20 degrees outside is NOT fun). Boyfriend: We are still together, and all is well outside of the being 5 hours apart and loaded down with work bit. The lest time I saw him was Valentine's Day weekend (which was lots of fun ) and I won't see him until my spring break in a little less than two weeks. His spring break is next week, and he's not bringing his computer with him since he wants to put off his grandparents getting angry about both hinges being broken on it (not his fault, those computers are known to have poorly made hinges). He will, however, have his ipod which has a web browser, so we can still probably send facebook messages. Not as fast as AIM, but close enough. The past couple weeks I've been missing him more than I've ever missed anyone in my life. It's not easy, but I'm still happy to have someone as awesome as him to miss. Family: I don't know much about what's going on with my family since I haven't had much time to talk to them. I do know that my parents have been going to ballroom lessons at Phil's college (which Phil hasn't been going to since his classes are tough this semester too), and leaving Grandma at home with a home health aid. But then my mom had some suspicions about the aid (which from what she told me were fairly reasonable), and hired one of her friends from church (who could use the extra money) to watch Grandma instead. My sister is at community college this semester, I don't know if I mentioned that or not. And she's still going out with (if you can call it that) her boyfriend who's in New Zealand. Other: We're supposed to get snow! That's always exciting. And I should be getting a new cell phone sometime around Tuesday, which is also exciting. It flips open sideways and has a keyboard for texting (which I don't do often, but it'll be nice during the summer when I go to camp some weekends and don't have internet). I think that's about it.
  2. lol I'm glad to hear that you're doing well!
  3. Ouch. *hugs* It seems like a lot of people have been going through rough times lately... :closedeyes:
  4. That's so strange, "Howard" is the first name that came to mind for me too lol. And that hamster is adorable! If you want to find more names, I suggest just doing a simple search for "baby names."
  5. It seems that way more and more. He seems to have a sinus infection at the moment. He hasn't gotten the stomach bug yet, but he probably will, unless you can transmit antibodies through saliva too. Today was my first day of field work with my 3rd grade class. They seem like a great group of kids, and my teacher seems pretty cool too. They have SO much energy! I wish I had that much energy all the time.
  6. Hokay now I'm back from class lol. When I was sick, Phil made it a point to ask me how I was doing, if I needed anything, etc. He *ran* to the co-op to get me crackers and ginger ale (he ran so he'd be out of the room for the shortest time possible), and even opened my bottle of water for me before handing it to me. At one point, he just sort of sat by the end of the bed not doing anything. He was just so concerned about me, it was incredible. I'm so lucky and so blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend. I slept through most of Saturday. Sunday when I got up I was feeling much better, but really lightheaded from having not eaten anything. And of course it figures that on Sunday Phil wasn't feeling well, only he had a headache and a backache (probably from stressing over me being sick), so it was my turn to take care of him, which was still okay. Because he was in pain and I was lightheaded, we spent most of the day napping, and he was feeling better by the end of the night. And then this morning I had to come back to my school. This semester my first Monday class isn't until 2:50pm, so I was able to leave at 9:00am, which means more sleep, less traffic, but also $24 for the parking garage (when I had to leave earlier, I was able to get out of the garage before the attendant got there so the gates were up and I didn't have to pay). Phil decided to pay for $20 of it, which I thought was really sweet too. So, despite the fact that my weekend would have normally been considered awful, it was actually awesome, because Phil and I kind of got a real chance to demonstrate how much we care for each other, and how much we love each other, and it just gave me even more confidence about our relationship and how strong it really is.
  7. Ear plugs are definitely good for blocking out noises that can damage your hearing, but they're still not good to leave in your ears for a long time. Better than going deaf from loud noises, but still not great. That's why a lot of people who are around noisy things a lot wear those big ear muff things instead. Anyways, my weekend was amazing, despite the fact that my description of it is going to make it sound awful. First off, I made awesome time getting there despite leaving later than I expected (I had to get my TB test checked), and was only a little bit late for anime club, which was fun times. Friday was pretty much declared a pajama day, which was nice. At some point, I told Phil I want to keep him forever, and he said something along the lines of, "I think I can arrange that." That made me *really* happy. However, late Friday night/early Saturday morning, I got hit with this nasty 24 hour stomach bug that's been going around. I couldn't even keep water down. (One of my friends had it not too long ago and was taken to the hospital because of dehydration). So yeah, that was bad. But Phil took amazing care of me. He was so worried about me, and stayed with me the entire day. He was so sweet. Ooh, I have to go to class, I'll finish this story later. >_<
  8. Earplugs aren't good for wearing for long periods of time. >_< But in better news, I'm at Phil's college now (he's in class right now though) But yeah, after the last few days being here with Phil is an amazingly nice change.
  9. My roomie (unintentionally) kept me up again last night. I would ask her to leave the room the nights I need to go to bed early, but I hink she'd claim that's unreasonable (she never kicks me out of the room, but she, unlike me, can sleep through anything). Blehhh....I just hope I actually make it up there to see Phil. With all that's been going on, I'm half expecting the car to break down or crash or something >_<
  10. Ugh, I just can't win. I had a hard time finding the book I needed today, and then was late to night class (I thought it was at 6:45 like the others, but Kevin texted me at 6:10 saying that it started at 6:00). As class was ending, I realized I forgot my keys. Luckily, my roomie was just down the hall, but yeah, I wasn't happy. Now I have to do *more* homework, pack, and go to sleep. >_<
  11. Oi, today has really just been one of those days. Starting with last night, when my roomie came into the room with food to eat right when I was about to go to sleep, so I got less sleep than I wanted. Class was rather boring with added anxiety because I had just realized I had to get a TB test done before field work next week (I was worried about the snow shutting down the health center). I had to leave lunch early to get my insurance card (which I apparently didn't need), and went and got the test done after class. I really didn't want to be in the health center as there's been this really nasty stomach bug going around, and I really don't want it. Dinner was really bad. First, they didn't have any plain pizza (pretty much the only thing there I like). So next attempt was cereal. I poured myself a bowl, only to find that there was no soy milk! Then all the big tables were taken so there was no good place for us all to sit. Somehow the guys found a table after me and Kim sat down. Around that time I decided dry cereal isn't even close to dinner, and came back to my room to make soup. You know your dining hall fails at life when canned soup makes a better meal. Even ramen would have been better. Then I was playing maplestory, and some lag made me accidentally close it (thankfully I didn't die). Also, people keep freaking slamming their doors (despite threats of the whole hallway getting written up), and they didn't cancel night class because of the snow (which is getting slippery). Add to this the fact that being back in an all girls floor is probably making my hormones worse, and you have all the things that put me in a bad mood (noises, deprivation of sleep, deprivation of food, and hormones). I would take a nap but I have night class soon (my roomie came into the room this afternoon right as I was about to take a nap too ) In better news though, I get to see Phil on Thursday.
  12. Another poem in here is long overdue (as is my going to sleep) Two Halves Make a Whole No matter how far apart we move, you still make my life improve. The weather outside is freezing cold, but hearing "I love you" never gets old, and saying the same brings me such joy, because I know you're more than "just a boy." And I know that something we share, is that when we part our hearts both tear. We have weekends and breaks as our common goal, and despite being torn our two hearts are still whole, The torn part of your heart is with me, and my part is with thee, and eventually I know that together we'll be.
  13. The past couple days have been busy. I found and ordered new glasses (and sunglasses), got the van's oil changed, and found something to wear for Valentine's day. I am soooo looking forward to being able to spend Valentine's day with Phil. This is the first year EVER that I wasn't single for Valentine's day, so it's kind of exciting. Also, it's freezing outside! Lucky for me, Starbucks is on the way between the parking lot and my dorm building and it was open, so I got myself a raspberry mocha made with soy. [Note: yes, starbucks is a waste of money, but I can pay for it with the campus dollar things we have, so I'm not really spending money on it (I always have extra at the end of the year)]
  14. I kind of hope he asks me soon too because it would be fun and exciting, but at the same time, it wouldn't really change much, so it wouldn't matter much to me if he waits another year or so to propose. I mean, at the moment, neither one of us are anywhere close to being ready to get married, so all an engagement would do is give me a shiny piece of jewelry and change our relationship status. I guess the relationship status change would make the rest of the world view our relationship more seriously, but I don't really care much about most of the rest of the world's opinion. I think we both know pretty much where we stand in our relationship, which is good enough for me, and I'd rather Phil propose when he's ready than rush into things.
  15. I don't think she would, but I'm under the impression that a proposal is usually sort of a surprise. (I say "sort of" because the guy should be pretty darn sure she'll say yes, and the girl should be kind of expecting it). And I think my relationship with Phil is more or less at that point. I've told my parents and sister a few times that if he proposes, I'll say yes, and I think they'd be more than happy to relay that information to him. Also, I recently sent him a message about some stuff that had been on my mind that we just never had a good time to talk about. It was a really long message, but the first part of it I told him how sincere I am when I say "I love you" and how it's not a just because sort of thing. And I also said that I feel like what we have is something that could last forever, and I hope it does. However, facebook ate his response, so he just told me later that what his response was, was pretty much just a carbon copy of what I told him. So, that's very encouraging to me. As for getting married, no, not until after we've graduated. I don't think we could handle trying to plan a wedding whilst being 5 hours apart and full time students. I'm guessing maybe a year after we graduate. That'll give us time to get jobs and a place to live and money and such.
  16. Oh, interesting comment was made yesterday. I was talking to Phil, who was telling me how ballroom went (background story, my parents are going to ballroom at his college now because it's open to all), and he said that he ended up talking to my parents for like an hour. And also, he's been especially affectionate lately (which might just be because of my birthday). I'm half wondering if he asked my parents if he could marry me.....?
  17. Well, the teacher of the math section (who is also teaching the section I got switched into) said we were put there to keep the number of people in the classes close to even, which I think is fair. Also, it looks like the books are all the same, and the supposedly awful teacher seems fairly reasonable. So it might not be worth bothering.
  18. My adviser gave me the name and number of someone to call today, so I might give it a shot.
  19. Registration went perfectly. But it was really dumb to tell me THE DAY BEFORE a class that they've moved me into a different section with different professors. I don't know what I'm going to do about my books now, since I need my mom's credit card to return them.
  20. I'm really angry with the education department right now. I got an email this afternoon saying that the section of ELD classes I'm in didn't have enough people in it, so we were all moved to section 1 (I was in section 3). Section 1, however, is the section I DIDN'T want to take because I've heard nothing but bad things about the professor, and even my adviser implied that it was a bad section for me. So I tried to register myself for section 2, which still had three seats open. However, I had to drop my section 1 classes to do that, and it gave me an error message about not having permission. I got the same message when I tried to get into my section 1 class, and had to go to the registrar to fix it. She could only put me in section 1, saying that she was told to do that, and that she was told section 2 was closed (despite having three seats open). No real reason was given. Also, this class starts TOMORROW and I already bought books for the class I was supposed to be in. So now I'm really angry and frustrated, and do not want to be in this class with a professor I've heard so many bad things about.
  21. I never misplace my glasses because they are always on my face. Anyways, I'm back on campus now. I also went out grocery shopping with the guys, and played DDR with Lara, Kyra, and Christina, which was fun.
  22. Haha wow, another reason I like my glasses. My problem though is not only the brightness, but the drops make my vision blurry anyways, even with glasses. Yesterday I went out to a late lunch with Phil and my family, which was fun. Today I have to load up the car and go back to college, and classes start tomorrow. Winter break ended so fast.
  23. Well, the eye drops make your pupils expand, so they let more light in, and that hurts your eyes.
  24. lol I haven't named stuffed animals in years. Anyways, eye doctor appointment went well, just a slight adjustment to my prescription. The eye drops made seeing outside in bright daylight nearly impossible.
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