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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went. I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president).
  2. lol yeah. He actually didn't talk about religion AT ALL. And most of the stuff he was saying seemed pretty logical. I was actually impressed. I'm not sure if he would make a good president, but he has some really good points.
  3. You guys might get a kick out of this: Today Mike Huckabee is doing a lecture at my college, and my night class tonight wants us to go see it as part of our class. Also, today is April Fool's Day. I lol'd. (One of the professors also wants us to attend the protest of his presence, although that part isn't mandatory.)
  4. My mom's big deal is that it will look good on my resume. I still have the paper that says I was eligible, and even if I did the paperwork, I wouldn't have time to participate. Mom's been really irrational about things like that lately. And yeah, I think that homework should trump video games too. She says that I should go to a study lounge or something, but I can't concentrate on my work when I'm not in my room. If I was able to concentrate in other places, I'd gladly spend the day doing work elsewhere. I can understand why my always needing quiet to work and sleep gets annoying, but she needs to realize that I can't do anything about it, and take her anger elsewhere. If I wasn't doing homework, I would have let her play her video games. The noise would still be annoying, but I wouldn't have a legit reason for needing quiet then.
  5. Argh! Just when I think everything is going great, something comes along to inform me that I can't do anything right. My mom called me and asked if I had filled out the paperwork for a psychology honors society. I said no, because I have been doing homework all weekend, and it required a check, and I didn't have the money or checkbook for it. She asked when it was due, and it turns out it was due on the 26th. With that, she sounded all mad, said goodbye, and hung up on me. Within about a minute, and right as I was about to start writing my paper (which I just finished getting background info for), my roomie came in, and declared that she was going to play video games for an hour and a half to relax because the computer lab she usually uses was being used. Now mind you, not long ago, we worked out that she could play video games at a reasonable volume of her choosing from 8pm until whenever we went to bed, except on Mondays and Wednesdays because I go to bed early those nights for my early class the next day. I told her I was working on a paper, and wanted quiet. She said it was only an hour or so, and I decided to see how loud the game would be. It was loud, so I asked her to turn it down so I could concentrate. With that, she flipped out on me because it was just an hour and a half and she wanted to relax, and I never compromise for her, etc. etc. If I was capable of concentrating anywhere else on campus, I'd gladly go elsewhere, but I CAN'T. She can play video games downstairs, or even in the rec center. I might have been willing to work around this one hour and half if I had known (granted she didn't know she was going to want to play video games either), but she just came in all suddenly demanding to play video games during a time that we agreed I would have to do work. I can't help the fact that I have tons of work to do, and I can't help the fact that I can't concentrate outside of the room. Also, it's just that this weekend is especially rough. I'm not even going to be around this weekend, maybe next weekend, and almost definitely the weekend after that. I explained these things to her, and she seemed to understand, but then she said that even after this discussion, nothing had changed, and the problem was still there, we're just going to talk about it later, and left. I don't know what she expects me to do, because aside from agreeing on times like we already did, there's nothing else I can do. It's not my choice to have sensitive hearing, be a late sleeper, or have trouble concentrating. The only reason she's usually the one to have to change instead of me is because she's capable of it and I'm usually not.
  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh giant pile of homework! I'm glad to say I'm making good progress though. I have 9 tangible things I have to get done this weekend, and I have 8 of them done. The last one is a letter of self-reflection, and that is literally all I know about the assignment. No other explanation was given as to what this letter needs to be. I also have a quiz on Monday and and exam on Tuesday that I have to study for. If I have time, I'm going to do an essay that is due next Wednesday so I don't have to worry about it next weekend when I have no computer and I'm visiting Phil. So, here's hoping for the best.
  7. Yeah, Leguan doesn't quite look like how I imagined either, but he *does* look like he could easily pull off the mad scientist look.
  8. Time to celebrate!!! How exciting for you! No more noise when you want to sleep, no more disruptions... you won't know how to act. This is fantastic! New buildings, new everything and you will be one of the first to use the facilities!!! It will be nice having your own parking right near your door, being able to socialize when you want and best of all, when you want quiet, you go into your room and close the door. Awesome!!! You really have something great to look forward to for next year. I hope your roommate is able to stay with you all. AND REAL FOOD! I think all of us except Christina are opting out of the meal plan so we can cook dinner for ourselves instead of getting dining hall "food." And even if Christina bails on us, we plan to pull in Lara's friend Kyra, who's pretty cool. And yeah, super excited about my own room. We have control over the temperature in the rooms beyond opening windows too.
  9. Housing selection was today, and I GOT MY ON CAMPUS APARTMENT!!! I'm super excited about that. It's four single rooms that share a bathroom, kitchen, livingroom, and washer/dryer. It's in the new apartment building that is still being worked on, so everything will be brand new (no worrying about what happened on those couches.....). The buildings also have their own parking lot, which is nice. I'm a bit worried that my roomie will back out though. She's super worried about the cost since she's getting a meal plan (an extra $4000 instead of spending that money on groceries), and she made a weak attempt at getting us to go for a non-kitchen apartment. After housing selection, she went right back to the room instead of sticking around to chat. If she does back out, we have another person we can pull in, but it'll be sad because she won't have me to live with again, and she's kind of worried about being roommate-less. So, we'll see what happens. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about finding a place off campus.
  10. You read the first post where the directions are posted.
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not your computer!!!!! How awful. *hopes that Jesusfreak's computer survives* Work for school we totally understand, but a dead computer !?!?!?!?!?! Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason. Perhaps this might be an easy fix? Hopefully it can be fixed. Three years is still not too old to die. Outdated perhaps, but it should last. Well, the problem seems likely to be heat related. I'm fairly certain that the interior fans aren't running, and the program I have logging the computer temperature says it's almost hot enough to cook on. So, at the moment I'm using my roomie's cooling mat, and planning on dropping it off with dad for a weekend in a couple weeks so he can take it apart and clean out/replace the fan. In other news, today Phil came up with the idea that he's mixing up his priorities between me and maplestory (often not giving most of his attention to the game instead of to me). This is more of a problem when I'm with him in person, but it hasn't really upset me to the point of directly calling him out on it. Either way, I'm kind of glad he saw it as a problem on his own, and really glad that he *wants* to do something about it. Since I need to leave my computer with dad for a weekend anyways, he agreed to try to have a computer-free weekend when I do that. It should be a lot of fun. It also means a lot to me that he thinks he should pay more attention to me than his games (which is kinda obvious most of the time) because he's been a gamer since forever. I'm amazed that we've been going out for almost a year, we've never had an argument, and that this is our biggest problem so far.
  12. Yeah, he really liked that one, I think probably because he feels the same way lol.
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not your computer!!!!! How awful. *hopes that Jesusfreak's computer survives* Work for school we totally understand, but a dead computer !?!?!?!?!?! Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason.
  14. Ugh, my computer is being really flaky. If I suddenly drop of the face of the boards, it's probably due to a dead computer. Or maybe lots of schoolwork. >_<
  15. I sent this poem to Phil last night: They say that home is where the heart is My home, it isn't here, Even though I've lived here for over twenty years. This was once my refuge place, my favorite place on earth. But now to me the walls and floors hold little worth. My home is now quite portable, though often far away, and sadly I cannot go home every day. As by now I'm sure you've guessed, that my home is you, you know. Within your arms instead of walls my happiness did grow. Apartment, house, or cardboard box, Antarctica or Rome, As long as I'm with you, I will be at home.
  16. Verizon let me activate my phone outside of the store (they had to mail the phone to me at school) so I could save my contacts and such. And yeah, backing stuff up is good. I really should back my external hard drive up to something. >_<
  17. Oh my goodness, that's awful! *big hugs* And yeah, that sort of thing can be a royal pain in the backside. >_<
  18. I can't remember what bridge that is. Grrrrr. You should know as I believe you had talked about driving across the bridge in one of your posts. At first I thought it was the George Washington Bridge, then I thought it was the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge, but then I couldn't make up my mind. TBFOF... where are you??? H-E-L-P-P-P-P-P-P-P please ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? I drove across the TZ bridge yesterday.
  19. I already am. Sleep in a room that was mostly silent and dark felt amazing.
  20. I don't think that's the tappan zee bridge, because the tappan zee bridge has metal supports crisscrossing its middle section (it makes your car radio staticky).
  21. I'm home. And yeah, Phil's working on it. I should be able to see him tomorrow or more likely Saturday (he has to clean the garage tomorrow, or so he was told).
  22. Too much sugar! LOL Seriously... how productive you are today. lol I had to, because I knew I wouldn't have time the rest of today. I had class from 2:50 until about now, and will have dinner at 5, then class 6-9, and I have to go to bed at around 10, because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow. Tomorrow looks like another long day for you. How's Phil? Phil, last I checked, was getting over a nasty cold and in a rather bad mood for some reason. I think he's suffering from internet withdrawal. (both hinges on his computer broke, and he doesn't want his grandparents to know about this yet, because they'll yell at him for being irresponsible, when in fact HP just makes crappy hinges (my sister and I have both had to replace a hinge on our computers.). We were keeping in touch through facebook messages because Phil was able to get to facebook through the wireless on his new ipod, but it died and he seems to have left the charger at college, so now we just have text messages, and sometimes his sister's computer) As for today, I'm leaving for home straight from field work today.
  23. For age differences, I always heard the half plus seven rule. Take the older person's age, divide it by two, and add seven. That's the youngest the younger person should be. So when you're younger, a three year age difference is huge, but when you're older, it doesn't matter.
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