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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. idk, I haven't had real ice cream in years. But that's pretty crazy that it doesn't exist in Britain.
  2. I just got back from spending the evening with Phil, which was wonderful. *Now* it is summer vacation.
  3. Haha yep. DQ has decent slushies though, I got a lemon-lime one (labeled "green" by other employees), which was really good.
  4. Aw...*hugs* I suggest going out for a walk or something. Being outside tends to do wonders for people.
  5. Congratulations!!!!!! Dairy Queen!!!! Time to celebrate!!!!! lol it's pretty ironic though: I'm lactose intolerant.
  6. I got a job at Dairy Queen!
  7. So, after getting my work done early, I was able to get home yesterday, and am now relaxing with only the noise of the fridge. Tomorrow I'm going to see about applying for some jobs and hope for the best.
  8. I got to see where I'm living next year, and it is GORGEOUS! I'm SO excited about it.
  9. I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish. Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone. Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies. And then you will be gone! Yeah!!! Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours. I hope the RA hears her, but my guess is that she won't get reprimanded. You are far too generous. My guess is that dorm rooms are not intended for business/jobs/etc. She is quite lucky that I am not her roommate as I would have turned her in to the school. You have every right to be able to study without her conducting business. Just my random two cents. Good luck. Well, chances are if I complained to the RA, I would be told we need to compromise and that maybe I should study in the library or something (and I can't concentrate outside the room). We both live in the room, and it belongs to both of us, and I understand she's not getting much time to relax in our room, but still, I have work to do.
  10. I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish. Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone. Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies. And then you will be gone! Yeah!!! Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours.
  11. I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish. Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone.
  12. I've been super busy I'm one paper, one exam, and one portfolio away from summer vacation though. I've been trying to work on my paper all day long, but it's been really hard to concentrate. I only have two and a half pages out of 8+ and I don't even have outside sources yet. I want this paper done by the end of tomorrow. My roomie came back from Formal a little while ago, and said she might have some friends over in a bit (they are hanging out in Lara's room, but if Lara and Mike start making out, it'll be awkward, and they can't go to a lounge because they want to drink). I told her I'm working on a paper, and she said, "I have nights" while blatantly ignoring the distraction of her playing video games for an hour (I let her do that assuming she'd be gone all night) and then the hour some of our friends spent in our room getting ready for Formal (which I did not give an okay for). Seriously, I'm sure her other friends have rooms too. And it's FINALS week, a paper that's worth a huge part of my grade should come before having a place to drink. Ugh.
  13. I was doing some research on the new apartment building I'm going to be living in next year, and it's really cool. They want the new buildings to be LEED certified (it's an environmentally friendly thing). So they're doing things like using certain materials and ventilation systems, getting materials as locally as possible, and recycling the leftovers. The most interesting thing I learned though, was that when they were clearing the land to build, they used horses to move the trees that had been cut down because it was environmentally friendly. I thought that was pretty cool.
  14. This weekend was awesome! Phil finally taught me how to dance this weekend, and Gala was tons of fun. Apparently I'm pretty good at American rumba. Not so much at swing, but I think I can get better with practice. Also, my sister got an awesome picture of us, which I put in my pictures topic. Sadly, I probably won't be able to visit Phil again until I'm done for the semester, since we only have about three weeks left, along with finals and papers and projects and such. And I just discovered a faster way to get there too.
  15. Taking pictures in a poorly lit room isn't easy, but my sister did a good job with this one.
  16. Paris sounds pretty cool. ^_^Sorry for the inactivity, I've been busy, and I'm visiting Phil for the weekend lol.
  17. Jesusfreak

    From a Marine

    Yeah, I have to agree with pretty much everything this guy says as well, and this is part of the reason I'm afraid to have kids.
  18. Haha I'm not really mad at my parents, I'm more worried that they see something wrong, since it's unusual for us to have such differing opinions. And Phil isn't going to spend Easter at home, he's going to stay at school to study. His grandparents did end up inviting him home for Easter, but he turned that down because he needs to study. They weren't too happy about that, but he's doing what he has to do, and I'm proud of him for making sure he gets his work done.
  19. So, interesting couple of days. It turned out that Phil is unable to come over for Easter, as he has two quizzes on Monday, and will need Sunday to study (and is also sort of afraid his grandparents would get mad at him for visiting me and not them, though at the time they hadn't mentioned anything Easter-related to him). However, he came up with the idea that I could visit him Thursday-Friday, and then be home for the rest of the weekend so I could still see him, even though he couldn't come over. Wednesday night I called mom to let her know about this plan, and she seemed more annoyed than I expected that he wasn't coming over (he had perfectly reasonable reasons for it). This turned into an odd rant from her about how she's worried for me because she thought he was being snippy with me one day at dinner, that he keeps making excuses for things, and that this is what my sister's exes did to her, and that I might be blinded by my love, etc. Even dad said that he thinks he needs to stand up to his grandparents, and wondered where our relationship was going. I asked my sister about it, and she said similar things to what mom said, which I though was strange, since I'm not seeing ANY of this. It totally came out of nowhere; I was just thinking how great our relationship was. I told Phil about what mom and dad said (but not what my sister said, since she wants to see how he acts at gala without him knowing she's keeping an eye on him), and he said he was getting some angry vibes from mom last time he was with her, but wasn't sure why. It worried me that they were all saying the same thing, and my parents were right when they had problems with my sister's exes. However, after thinking and praying about it for awhile, I think everything is fine. I never noticed him being snippy with me, and nothing he's said has bothered me enough to remember it as being a problem. I know that he would *never* intentionally say something to upset me, and when I talked to him about it, he confirmed this. I'm guessing my parents were just interpreting what he said wrong (he has kind of a strange sense of humor with very subtle sarcasm, so it's easy to misunderstand him sometimes). His excuses so far have all checked out as being legit, and if he stands up to his grandparents, he might have to move back to North Carolina with his stepmom, who he can't stand, so it's not really an option. And I know he doesn't make excuses to get out of seeing me/passive-aggressively trying to break up with me, because he does make an effort to come up with ways to see me as often as he can, even though he can't drive himself (like by paying for my ticket for gala, and coming up with the idea to see him yesterday-today). Also, we agreed to be direct with each other should any problems arise. Of course, all these things can be dismissed as me being blinded to it and making excuses. However, I came to this conclusion: Phil and I are both *happy* with our relationship. Neither one of us has any complaints about anything the other one does. Anything that is bothering my parents is not bothering me or Phil, and I figure that as long as we're both happy with each other, that's all that really matters. And as of today (since it is now past midnight), we have been going out for one year.
  20. Thanks for asking. Not missing, just without my new laptop. I am waiting for the delivery of my new, new laptop. Using the phone to try and reply is something I need to work on. The scroll part, where you have to reply downstream is hard for me, but I know that I am missing something. So, at the moment, I am in Boston waiting to fly down to Memphis. Hopefully I will have a new laptop this afternoon. Yay! You're still alive! I was starting to worry lol. No worries... I have my NEW laptop!!! Pretty awesome!!!!!!!! YAY
  21. Thanks for asking. Not missing, just without my new laptop. I am waiting for the delivery of my new, new laptop. Using the phone to try and reply is something I need to work on. The scroll part, where you have to reply downstream is hard for me, but I know that I am missing something. So, at the moment, I am in Boston waiting to fly down to Memphis. Hopefully I will have a new laptop this afternoon. Yay! You're still alive! I was starting to worry lol.
  22. Where is Horatio? Horatio isn't usually missing for this many days without warning.
  23. My two lessons went really well, my computer seems to be in proper working order, and my weekend was amazing, even though a large percentage of it was spent napping lol. Highlights included a nearly 12 hour long dungeons and dragons campaign at his older sister's place, going for a walk, and watching Castle (spiffy show by the way). He was going to teach me how to dance yesterday, but he had a headache and was somewhat dizzy, so he ended up sleeping for most of the day to make the pain go away. He felt really bad about it, but he needed rest. Hopefully next time I visit he will be able to teach me, since the Gala (like prom for the ballroom people) is that weekend too, and we're going to that. Next weekend is Easter, so I'll be home for that, and Phil might join us for Easter dinner/lunch/food. It'll depend on his exams and such though. >_<
  24. Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went. I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president). Huckabee's problem, I believe, was that he spouted so much religion, that no one could see past that. Interesting that he is on a speaking tour. Does he plan on another presidential attempt? Please let me know what your class discussion centers around. I would be interested to hear the opinions of your classmates. I think that was exactly his problem. I don't think he plans on running again, though he did say he had fun doing it. Our class last week was actually dismissed early because he didn't give us anything Bible-related to talk about. From what I heard though, it seems like pretty much everyone in the class still thinks he's an idiot, and more or less ignored the very valid points he made. :closedeyes:
  25. Well, my studying has paid off so far. I got 100% on my education midterm, and 91% on my developmental disabilities exam (which is really good considering all the really stupid unimportant trick questions she asked that had nothing to do with the study guide). Also, today is THURSDAY! Busy day for me. Workshop at school, field work with teaching TWO lessons, shopping, driving to CT and dropping my computer off with Dad so he can replace the fan, and then visiting with Phil for the weekend!
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