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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. So much file moving. @_@
  2. Edit: figured out it was something my adblocker was messing up, adding hampsterboard to the bypass list fixed it. (installing said adblocker brought the problem back, then adding the boards to the bypass list fixed it)
  3. Not sure if it's my new computer or something got fixed, but the ginormous stretchiness is gone.
  4. I got a new laptop today! *paycheck magically vanishes* I'm working on making the backup disks now (using my old computer at the moment). It's nothing super spectacular, but it's better than what I've got so I'm excited.
  5. Walrus. Belts or Suspenders/Braces? Belts. Old or New Layout? Old, at the moment, because it was much more streamlined. I think once HK gets in here and messes around with things it has the potential to be better than the old ones though. plants or animals? Animals. Walk up and escalator or let it do all the work? Depends on how tired I am, but walking is faster for sure. Gummies or fruit snacks?
  6. We still have posted pictures: Vixen's Avatars Topic MK's Avatars (which I don't think made it into the old boards) Erendayu's Avatars (Horatio in an orange and purple airplane) Jesse's Art (has avatars) Arkcher's Avatars (also mostly not in the old set I think) Avatars that were made for specific people Top Banana's Avatars Another avatar topic The page in my photos topic where I posted a whole bunch of avatars Another page in my topic where I posted lots of avatars I think I got them all. Also, I can easily make any of the pictures I posted (or pictures anyone else posted) into avatars by request (or any of you can do it; just crop the photo to a perfect square, and then resize it to whatever it's supposed to be, 200x200 is it? I don't remember.)
  7. I think I have the ones I submitted on my computer still, I can resend them. They may also be in a topic in artwork, unless we lost all those photos too.
  8. Wait, never mind, I figured it out lol. In the settings I guess there's gender and sex, which are two different things, and somehow my gender got set to male.
  9. So, for some reason my gender is coming up as male even though I'm pretty sure I set it to female....
  10. Walrus. Belts or Suspenders/Braces? Belts. Old or New Layout? Old, at the moment, because it was much more streamlined. I think once HK gets in here and messes around with things it has the potential to be better than the old ones though. plants or animals?
  11. Yeah, I thought that's kinda cool. Definitely more efficient than posting "I like this" or something with equally little content.
  12. Okay, definitely not a fan of how huge and stretched out everything is. >_<
  13. Woah, I guess this is what was going on when I tried to get on today and found something about a driver error.
  14. 'Good choice. Um, um, um.....both? bottles or cans? Bottles. This one is totally random. Solid Print or Pattern (on a couch)? Solid Print. Woods or Desert? Woods. Billie Jean or Beat It? Beat It. 2001: A Space Odyssey or 1984? 1984. Chicken Marsala or Chicken Parmigiana Chicken Parmigiana. Linguine or Spaghetti? SPAGHETTI Sharks or Bears? Bears. Magenta or Lime Green? Lime Green all the way! XD French Fries or Onion Rings?
  15. I had a creepy guy make a pass at me on MY first night as well. Looks like trauma is THE thing to have before you start your studies! It was just a bit of a shock, really, and it ruined such a good day. I heard about Michael Jackson about 12 hours after the rest of the universe, so it was indeed a real shock. My cousin who I must have mentioned before (who is a MASSIVE fan) was more upset than I've ever seen her: she culdn't stop crying and she NEVER cries. It has been her dream for over 10 years to see him perform and I have never seen her so happy as when I told her that we had tickets to go see him. It was pretty sad, he was such an icon to so many. I'm at home now, preparing for my trip to South Africa for 6 weeks: I'm going on Wednesday. I have so much to prepare it's not even funny. Still, I spared some time to watch "My Sister's Keeper" last night (and gawp with horror at the changed ending as I have read the book with relish in the past) and I just finished "Capote" right now. Too many films, too little time spent buying malaria tablets. lol Fun fact: One of the medications my dad was prescribed for his wrist is actually used as a malaria treatment
  16. Good choice. Um, um, um.....both? bottles or cans?
  17. t-shirts waltz or tango? Tango. In ground pool or above ground pool? In ground for sure. Unless you're talking about paying for one.... parsley or oregano?
  18. Yeah, and the crazy thing is, we've been communicating more the past couple days now that we're on a break. While I think he's sad that I'm not his girlfriend at the moment, he's quite a bit less stressed about me being unhappy with the relationship, which is making talking easier. So, so far, this seems to have been a good move. And I also think it was good to let Phil have his choice of what to do, and I know he appreciates that I didn't just break up with him, though pretty much any other girl would have. I think that if/when we get back together, I'm going to specify that our relationship should be a friends first relationship. Meaning that above all else, we are best friends. Romantic expectations, though important in a romantic relationship, should come second to best friend expectations. I think in our relationship, we were both worrying too much about the romantic expectations and less about the friend ones. I dunno if that makes any sense to anyone else though lol. And thinking about it now, it's the best friends part of things that makes a couple stick together no matter what, not the romantic love side of things.
  19. heyyyy that last sentence sounds familiar. *cough* Anyways, you know we're always here to talk to.
  20. No, he has some irrational money related fears, which he's getting hung up on. We decided today that we are going to take a break from the relationship because it's just not feasible right now with the way he is and the things I expect from him. So for now we're friends, with no romantic attachments or expectations, though we agreed that we won't be actively looking for a relationship with other people (not that we would anyways, given his situation and what it takes for me to fall for someone). We also agreed that if for some reason one of us was to become interested in a relationship with someone else, we tell the other person immediately to make it a permanent break. And being friends is okay with me. I'm going to miss kissing him and telling him I love him and such, but I'm still there for him no matter what, and that's really the important part. I think also now that we're just friends, it will allow us to get back closer together as people without having to worry about relationship expectations. So, I think that this is a good choice for us, and hope that someday he'll be able to resolve things in such a way that we can get back together again on a romantic level. So in this way, I haven't lost him, but I'm not tied down by him either.
  21. Oh, by "I can do better" I mean I can find someone who cares about me more and treats me better. He says he trusts me and loves me and cares about me, but he's not backing up his words with actions at all. There's also some obvious priority differences between us. I took a slightly lower paying job at true value in part so my working hours would match his better, but to him, having a slightly lower college loan debt to pay off seems to be more important than keeping me around. He's so paranoid about being able to pay off his loans. If he really trusted me, he would trust me that we'd be able to make a way no matter what. A thousand dollars more to pay on a college loan is just a couple months of one bill, it's not that huge of a deal. Losing his relationship with me forever should be a huge deal. But then again, if this is his thinking, I should probably have broken up with him already anyways. But, I am going to give him the choice. I may not be able to find someone that I am quite so compatible with in terms of interests and such, but I know I'll find someone who will treat me better and make time for me. I don't like giving up on things, but I have my own future to keep in mind, and I don't think I want it to be with someone who is constantly "too tired" to see me, or talk to me, or even to show me he loves me.
  22. Okay, we'll see how much of this I can write down before I have to go to work. Phil and I have been problems with communication, spending time together, and even him showing me he loves me. His excuse is that he just can't do these things when he's tired, and that he's been tired all the time because he's been working so much, which he's been doing to eliminate as much debt as possible. So, what it comes down to, is that it seems like a slightly lower debt in the future is more important to him than I am, because right now, I'm running on *nothing* and don't know why he seems to think that will work. There was a whole series of events that lead up to this (including him not talking to me for a full 24 hours, which turned out to be unrelated to me), but at the end of the night last night I told him that it seems to me he just doesn't have time for a girlfriend right now, so he can either break up, take a break, or make time for me. He started to say that he's tried things like energy drinks to make himself less tired, but I cut him off saying I'd let him think about it since I needed to go to bed. So, now we'll see what he does with that, but I'm not terribly optimistic. It's really sad that it has to come down to this; I don't ask for much. I should never have to question if he loves me, I should never have to address the same problems more than once, I should never go more than a week without seeing him when we live so close together. I know he can do better, and if not, then I can.
  23. Okay, got a job at True Value, which is going well. Things with Phil are *not* going well. It's kind of a long story and I don't even know all of it, but we'll see what happens. I'm in a horrible mood right now and probably will be until this whole thing gets resolved, so it might be awhile before I come back with a more detailed post. :closedeyes:
  24. OMG I actually haven't seen that one before! Epic!
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