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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I was doing dishes, and the posted in my topic, and then fixed my midterm and talked to Shane, and then came back here to post some more.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Clearly, you've never had science textbooks.
  3. The people at the pet store said that there isn't anything they could have done to kill it that fast, so it probably was sick when they got it. From the first day, the new chinchilla has seemed much healthier. Unlike the other one, this one is active and alert. And, interesting discussion with Shane. He's very open about his feelings, and asked what he thinks about "us." I was completely honest with him, and told him I think it could work, but that I'm not ready for a relationship yet, both because I'm not quite over Phil and because I want to get to know him better first. I explained that if we end up in a relationship, I don't want it to be a stupid rebound relationship, because that's not fair to him at all. I also explained my friends first style of dating, which I think he understands. I find his openness and directness to be really refreshing, and think that it's forming a good foundation that we might be able to base a relationship, if not just a good friendship, on later. He has a different style of thinking than I do, which might be good, though it might pose some challenges as well. We do, however, have a lot of similar likes and interests, perhaps more than Phil and I did. I have to say, I've got a bit of a crush on this kid, though I can't say I love him just yet. So now, I have to be careful to not get myself into a relationship sooner than I should, which might be tough knowing that we both like each other as possibly more than friends. Also, the other day he was flirting with me in Italian. It was fun because I was able to figure out most of it based on my knowledge of Spanish, and OMG Italian is a pretty language.
  4. Craziness this past week. My roomies got a chinchilla a week ago, but it was apparently sick when they got it and it died on Sunday. The pet store gave them a refund and they got a new one yesterday. The new one seems much healthier, and now my roomies know more about taking care of a chinchilla because they asked the pet store lots of questions. I found a voicemail from my sister when I got out of the shower saying my Uncle Bob had gone into the hospital for rehab (he's been on a lot of pain meds for his back), and ended up having a seizure while he was there, but he's okay now. I've been bogged down with absurd amounts of work. Things are going well with Shane (the guy I met on the dating site). We're hoping to get together to hang out this Friday! He's also invited me to a Halloween party at his house, but I want to hang out with him in a more neutral setting before I agree to that. He *really* seems to like me, and last night was flirting with me in Italian (which I did a good job figuring out most of based on my knowledge of Spanish). I suppose I've already got a bit of a thing for him too, but I haven't known him for long, still am not 100% over Phil, and don't want to rush into anything. It would not surprise me at all though, if we do end up dating. He's a sweetheart, interested in many of the same things I am, more serious about his faith than Phil was, and already seems to be willing to put forth effort (when talking about getting together, he had mentioned not having a car, but being theoretically able to take a bus or train down here if he had to). So, I think this could be a good thing, if for no other reason than a reminder that there are guys out there that are in fact what I'm looking for, and are willing to treat me how I would like to be treated.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    You get a bike lock and chain it to something outside. Also, invite them over to *your* place sometime.
  6. yeah my mom pressures me and i'm like dude, my dad's mom didn't get her license till she was 31 and my dad and his sisters had to drive her everywhere and my mom's mom didn't get hers til about the same time. lol XD I never really needed my license. I had a school bus that came to my door, and my mom was able to drive me anywhere else I needed to be. I needed a car when I was 19 though, because I was starting field work and wasn't going to be able to carpool for that one. Also, gas is kinda expensive, and I believe insurance is too (I lucked out that my parents are paying for mine).
  7. I didn't get my license until I was 19. My sister got hers I think at 20. Jesse is also 20, and I think he still doesn't have his. One of my roomies is almost 22 and doesn't have a full license yet either. So, you're not at all alone.
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I suggest texting or using some form of instant messenger and tell your friends, "Hey, next time you do something let me know!" I also suggest a bike if you don't have one yet.
  9. You forgot me! I'm still friends with Phil!
  10. I thought you posted a picture of your human self once before, and I know you posted pictures of your hamster self.
  11. Finally, I have some time to myself that doesn't involve homework! The past week has been insane. Let's see... We had a roomie meeting, where we all talked about what was bothering us in the apartment, which was good, since a lot of things needed to be addressed. My roomies have been really good about being quiet when I'm sleeping lately. I've had an INSANE amount of work to do. I started field work, and taught my first lesson today. The class I was placed in is full of awesome. It's a 5th grade class, and the teacher LOVES science. The room is full of animals (no, I'm not talking about the students, who are a great group of kids). There is a snake, a hedgehog, two tarantulas, cockroaches, guinea pigs, baby ducks (they are SO cute), a turtle, a lizard, gerbils, and probably something else I'm forgetting. The lesson I taught today was on reading temperature, and I had to create and teach it with my classmate who was placed in the same class. He's not very good at writing 5th grade science lesson plans, but the lesson went pretty well overall, and my professor (who observed us) liked it. I got bored and decided to make a profile on a Christian dating site, just to see who was out there (I was fair and made sure to put that I just got out of a relationship and am only looking for friends). I met a guy on there that seems really interesting, and we've been talking for a couple days on facebook. So far he seems pretty cool, and who knows, it might turn into something more. Right now I just want to be friends though, until I get to know him better and until I get completely over the whole Phil thing (I figure it's not fair to date someone if I still have feelings for my ex). I can say though, that I've been in a much better mood since I've started talking to him. So, it might be interesting to see where this goes. He goes to another college in this state, maybe 45 minutes away, so there's a good chance we'll get together to hang out some time I think.
  12. lol my hair is too short to braid now. It has to be really long to even look like a braid because it's too thick. My younger cousin has hair like mine though, and she keeps it really long; often in braids.
  13. Ah that makes sense. I would imagine that for a long flight like that, it would be easy to automate the bulk of it.
  14. Promise to wear a tux to the wedding.
  15. I can see why that airplane would require extra training then. @_@
  16. Yeah, my thick hair makes my problem the opposite from yours. Low water pressure means I'm in the shower forever trying to rinse the conditioner out. Better water pressure makes that whole process much faster.
  17. Except Horatio's topic isn't pinned for some reason (The Best Friend of Horatio Club).
  18. Hm....two options here. You can continue to keep it a secret for what, one more year until you go to college? (assuming you're both going to live on-campus) Or, you can sit the mom down and say, "Look, we love each other..." and go on from there. Just be sure to stay calm and not yell. Personally, I've never been a fan of secrets, and prefer to keep everything out in the open. But, if her mom is the type that would kick her out of the house or something, it might be best to keep it quiet until she's able to handle getting kicked out of the house.
  19. Most of the regulars have their own topics in some form or another, scattered around the boards, and they're usually pinned. There's a link to mine in my signature.
  20. There is a free program called paint.net, it works pretty well. I've taken to using it to edit photos since I don't have PSP on this computer.
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