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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Haha, yes, it's quite sad. Except when people fool around with it. My sister is in one such "marriage" currently Yeah, I've seen people do that before lol. I know one couple who once set themselves as married or engaged as a joke, and they are now actually married. XD
  2. Ah, New Haven cops. I'm curious as to where you were exactly now, since New Haven is mostly flat. It surprises me that they would give you a speeding ticket to a cyclist, unless there were lots of pedestrians or something. I've heard some of the cops are horrendously racist; I don't know if that could have been a problem. Or maybe the cop was just jealous that you were moving faster.
  3. I didn't know this. But anyway, if it is necessary the farmers also work when it is dark. The official reason in Germany is that it should save energy. Two different worlds. You can even get a ticket for a broken bicycle light even though it isn't dark when the police stops you. However, you would never get a ticket for speeding on a bike in Germany, just an admonishment. Why? Pretty simple, you don't have a speedometer and can't know how fast you're riding. That's German law. Funny, isn't it? $150 is an amazing high fine. A broken bicycle light just costs €10. Another interesting thing: For different delicts you can get "points in Flensburg" (Flensburg is the city where the authority is located). If you accumulate 18 points, your driving license is withdrawn. Even if you were not driving a car at all. If you have a driving license, you can get these points for example for ignoring red traffic lights as pedestrian or for riding a bike when you're drunk. Is there something similar in the US? It sounds to me like your laws make an awful lot more sense than the ones in the US. We have laws about jaywalking (which is basically ignoring pedestrian traffic laws, like not crossing in a crosswalk), and against public intoxication. Most places in the US don't have a lot of bike traffic, and bikes are technically considered with the same laws as cars, so I don't think there are a whole lot of laws regarding them specifically.
  4. The ticket cost me $150!!!!! I was doing mid-thirties in a 15 or 20, can't remember which. Anyway, it was this freshly paved, smooth, pristine asphalt road, on the longest downhill... a magnificent piece of road and I was picking up speed. Whoa... what a feeling. I guess what really made the officer mad was that I wouldn't stop until I had reached the bottom. Anyway, I blew through the school zone feeling like I was flying. It was awesome! I still remember that feeling as if it had happened yesterday. Then I heard the siren. Never did I think he was pulling me over. He asked for my driver's license and I told him that I didn't have it on me, but gave him all my other identification. If I had given him my driver's license, I am certain he would have tried to put points on it. And just to let you know... this happened in Connecticut. LOL Seriously??? I thought they only did stuff like this in like, Princeton. Where in CT were you?
  5. A speeding ticket on a BIKE??? How fast were you going? Moreover, how were you supposed to know how fast you were going? Also, the farm time zone is a cool idea.
  6. I will say that it's kind of nice having it be daylight when I get up in the morning again, but the purpose of DST was originally so that the farmers would have more working hours in the day time. In all honesty, I think it would make more sense for them to just pick either DST or non-DST and stick with it, since the change is kind of pointless.
  7. Actually I have mine time set on GMT, so it is matches my Zulu time for work. That is six hours ahead of your time. Yeah, but the boards would still translate your time into my time. o.O
  8. ...did the messages boards not roll back an hour for the end of daylight savings time? Because it's 8:14am, and it says you posted that at 8:47am today.
  9. AHHH HOMEWORK AHHH!!!! Aside from that, things have been good. The Halloween party was a lot of fun, and a good time was had by all. Now that Halloween is over, I don't feel quite so bad about listening to Christmas music, and have been working on filling in the missing pieces in my collection by creating a Christmas playlist on Pandora (great website for music; you start a playlist by telling it a band or song you like, and it starts playing similar music. If you like the song it plays, you hit thumbs up, and it factors that song into future selections. If you hit thumbs down, it skips the song, and takes that song into account too. It's pretty cool.) Oh, and my relationship with Shane is now facebook official lol. I still think it's funny how much the internet is a measure of a relationship's legitimacy.
  10. Things have been kinda crazy lately. Tuesday in particular was insane, starting with traffic that made me late for field work. I was busy from 6am when I got up until after dinner. After I went to bed that night, I got a text from Shane at 2am saying, "Good morning, Bella :-)" (He's taking Italian, so he's taken to calling me bella, which means beautiful or pretty). I just sat there staring at it trying to figure out WHY on earth he was sending me a text that said good morning at 2 in the morning. Eventually I realized he had probably assumed that I leave my phone turned off at night, and he intended the message to be received as soon as I got up in the morning. He's a sweet heart. I'll be seeing him tomorrow, since he's coming over for the small Halloween party at our apartment.
  11. The pier landing was actually in a 1941 Taylorcraft airplane... And they seemed to be pretty good about not exaggerating the stories, actually. Maybe because there was usually at least one other witness to each story in the room.
  12. WOW!!! The guy who wrote the WinZip program. Now I would have found him very interesting! As for the flying stories... think fish. The stories are quite similar. Happy Birthday to your father. We had hot blueberry pie with vanilla bean ice cream in his honour. Well, the flying stories are mostly about crashes and emergency landings, which you can't really make up. (Like the time my parents made an emergency landing on a pier on the Hudson River, the police wouldn't let them take off after the problem was resolved, but they took off anyways. Or how dad was the first one to accidentally land his PPG in the water, and one of the fire department boats that was trying to "rescue" him started sinking because they forgot to put the plug in it. )
  13. I'm home for the weekend; last night was the birthday party for Dad's 50th birthday. It was a lot of fun; all of dad's flying buddies are interesting people. One of them is the guy who wrote the WinZip program. It was entertaining to hear them all swap flying stories and such.
  14. Ah, for Christmas and other assorted winter holidays I assume. That's exciting to know it's being worked on now though!
  15. *has just noticed "charging aardvarks* is listed as one of Jesse's interests*
  16. Ugh, telling Phil about this is gonna be so awkward...
  17. Can't wait to hear how it went. I'm sure the news will be all smiles. Oh, it is. He's SO cute. He's a very cuddly person, essentially a giant teddy bear. XD And funny too. He's taken what I said about being 100% open and run with it, sometimes to the point of being awkward, but I accept it as truth, and it makes for some good laughs. And now, I don't know what to do with him. We both very clearly like each other and want a relationship, and his openness means getting to know him is happening really fast, but we've still not known each other for long. I've never fallen for someone this fast before. At the end of the night when I hugged him goodbye, we both sort of looked at each other and he said, "You want to kiss me." Guilty as charged lol. I admitted to that, but said I knew it was a bad idea. He just hugged me and said "wait until you're ready" and kissed me on the top of the head instead. I'm really glad he's being so patient with me in my confusion lol. I really do want to start a relationship with him, but I'm still afraid of it just being a rebound. I think we're off to a really good start though. Next though, is how to deal with Phil in all of this. Initially, we were just on a break with the agreement to tell the other if one of us was interested in someone else. But then there was what I said about how if he didn't fix the communication thing that I would move on, and the subsequent statuses saying I was moving on (under that pretense, he ended the relationship permanently). So the question is, do I have to tell him one on one, or can he just find out on his own like everyone else?
  18. I get to meet Shane today! Very excited about that.
  19. My psych class is gonna see that for extra credit!
  20. Well, I have a friend whose had it at least 3 times. I hope I have the pleasure of only having it once. Wow. o.O If it helps any, mono is spread by bodily fluids. Don't kiss people, and don't share your drinks (or anything else that goes in your mouth), and you'll probably be fine.
  21. I'm pretty sure you usually only get mono once in your life, so you should be set there.
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