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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Aw, thanks guys! My birthday has been pretty good so far. My 5th graders sang the birthday song to me when they found it was my birthday, it was cute.
  2. Please get well soon or hopefully you don't get sick. If you do get sick, please pay attention and watch that you don't do too much and get a relapse. The relapse is a million times worse. Great news on the class. Glad you are enjoying it. I have my chamomile tea and have been making sure to take vitamin C in addition to my usual multivitamin lol. I can't afford to be really sick.
  3. Oooh, pretty pictures! I love snow.
  4. I'm back at school now (been back for a week now, had to move in early because of student teaching orientation). My class seems pretty cool, my roommates still seem uncooperative, and Shane has bronchitis. (He's had cold-like symptoms since December, and he finally went to the doctor yesterday). My family is also sick, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick too.
  5. Happy birthday Leguan! I always forget how close your birthday is to mine lol. Just remember though: growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional.
  6. Shane sounds like a really great guy. I'm really happy that you met him! If you feel old at 22, imagine how HampsterKing feels at 104! I remember when Jesse was waiting until he was 15 and we were doing the countdown. Now that seems so long ago. Hehe I do remember that!
  7. Darnit MK your signature made me lose the game. Anyways, I have a relationship too! Woo! And TBFOF, how old are you now? Gosh I'm gonna be 22 in a week; I've been posting here since I was almost 15 I think. *feels old*
  8. Hahaha ancient history ftw! Horatio, I would have been tempted to get a blue or green cast too, but black at least matches everything. What type of camera did you get?
  9. I love search bars. I ordered Windows 7 today (I get a free upgrade because of the computer I got), but needed to put in when I bought the laptop. My online banking history didn't go back that far, but I figured out when I bought it by searching "new laptop" here and finding the post I made about it.
  10. Awful!!!!! *cries* Aw...I hope you feel better! Thank you. But I am such a baby and really hate being confined, restricted, etc., because I am sick or injured. The mental state is worse than the actual pain of the break. Plus, I don't take any pain killers or other stuff like that so when I move my leg, the pain is fairly intense. I hate that too lol, though I take painkillers once the pain starts to interfere with what I need to do. I figure the effects of the painkillers are probably no worse than the stress of the pain.
  11. I'm making a driving playlist for my mp3 player, so, suggestions for good driving music to put on it?
  12. Happy New Year to you! Shane is very, very lucky to have you in his life!!! How great that you both met. We all knew you would do great in your classes, and I'm certain that you are looking forward to student teaching. You will make a fantastic teacher. I hope I do well. And yeah, one of the great things about Shane is that he thinks he's lucky to have me too, and expresses his affections often.
  13. Thanks! My Christmas was good, I can't believe it's already 2010, which is going well for me so far as well lol. No particular news at this point, I did well in all my classes and next semester is student teaching. Things are still going wonderfully with Shane, I can't believe we only started dating a couple months ago, as at this point it seems likely to me that we'll get married someday. I hadn't thought it possible before, but Shane is much better for me, and a much better boyfriend to me than Phil was. I'm so lucky to have him.
  14. lol, people around here will disappear for months or years at a time and still come back, so don't feel too bad.
  15. I return! All that's left now is my independent study, and then I'm done.
  16. My life has been pretty much entirely consumed by homework, don't expect to see me posting much (if at all) for the next couple weeks. >_<
  17. That's great news! Any word from Phil? We chat every so often in the maplestory group chat on skype, but that's it. No one-on-one or in depth conversations. I know references to Shane have been made a number of times in that chat, so I assume he knows, but I've heard nothing about his reaction to it. Then it appears all is good. Hope Phil finds where it is he wants to be. He'll probably (hopefully) get himself together once he moves out and doesn't have to answer to his grandparents anymore.
  18. That's great news! Any word from Phil? We chat every so often in the maplestory group chat on skype, but that's it. No one-on-one or in depth conversations. I know references to Shane have been made a number of times in that chat, so I assume he knows, but I've heard nothing about his reaction to it.
  19. Things are going well with Shane; I'm really happy with him, and he seems to be really happy with me.
  20. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I suggest making a facebook group on the subject in order to find someone to live with. Some of your friends might even know someone else you'd get along with.
  21. I could have sworn I posted in this. Happy very belated birthday HK!
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