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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. music wakes me up. only church music and science videos put me to sleep. i could never stick to a shedule. mm i need energy drinks for the enrgy in the day... plus i dont eat lunch so there my breakfast/lunch. Then listen to church music and science videos. Not eating breakfast and lunch might affect your sleep, especially if you're not getting all your vitamins and all that. Just stay off anything with caffeine after lunch.
  2. You can make it about Florida. Except add fires to that statement. Yeah, before we got the sudden week of rain there were lots of brush fires up here too. Currently it's not raining, but it's still wet and cloudy outside. And our lawn is like 2 feet tall.
  3. This is no longer a debate. Debates require both sides to put forth evidence for their opinion, and some people are only bashing others' religions. *throws a glance at the phoenix who knows exactly what I'm talking about* I feel a particuarly derisive laugh is in order here; *laughs deresively* Of course you are so much better Topazia as your side of the argument seems to consist of me saying something and you either skipping over it, repeatedly say "I love you", get confused about the two Archbishops, refuse to give evidence, quote the Bible or anything else which could be mildly taken as an intellectual point about why Christianity is any better than the other religons or why it is true, ask for me to give evidence and when I do, not read it and generally complain how this rapidly declining debate is all one sided, how you have on repeated occasions not under any circumstances just repeatedly bashed everything from Mormonism to Aethiesm (spot the sarcasam and for whoever is our resident Mormon, I did not pick Mormons as an extreme, I just chose them at random, well not really since Topazia has bashed them amongst those other delightful denominations the Church manages to spawn off every time someone speaks) and mentioned Lee Strobel without evidence or quotes that are in the belonging to him. Oh yes, and how could I forget, mentioned your youth pastor. Anything else? Thrown meanicing glances. Decided that it would save time by not bothering to respond properly. Wrote some poetry, or maybe that was Topazia 1.0. Are you like Windows ME? You upgrade from '98 thinking it would be better and get ME, but all you get is blue screen and end up swearing at it and shut it down. So when will you go to XP mode? I'm drifting again, but the point remains standing. Oh, and for provoking a response out of me for a particularly obtuse and disregarding remark, you get the dreaded word thrown in; Hypocriscy. *groans* I thought we were debating religion, not each other.
  4. I would make a comment about cactus and tumbleweeds, but it's pouring rain here. Some towns got 4 inches of rain today!
  5. My moderator senses are tingling... :ninja:
  6. Oh yeah, as for the sleep thing, try listening to some quiet music when you try to sleep. It works wonderfully for me. Also, try wearing lighter, more comfortable pajamas. Another thing that might help is to keep a regular nighttime routine. So for example every night do the exact same thing in the same order before going to sleep. Eventually your body will learn that these things means it's time to sleep. And don't drink energy drinks! that might be part of what's keeping you up at night.
  7. Psh yeah, I totally agree with the siggy rant. That's been a personal pet peeve of mine ever snce the siggy limits were abolished. It's kinda sad when you have this siggy that takes up an enite page just to say "lol." And the booger and vomit jelly beens are the harry potter ones, not jelly belly. Jelly belly has some really good ones. i love their grape jelly, apple, and coffee flavored ones.
  8. Congratulations on passing your tests. I am positive you passed your Calculus. Glad to hear you have a new laptop. Are you looking forward to college? My how the time passes. Which college will you be attending? Do you have any plans on what you will be majoring in? Hopefully we will see you this summer before you head off. By the way... you and Kenny Boy must have some psychic connection. He showed up and asked about you and then you appeared! I like that. I'm positive i didn't pass that one. You have to get at least half the questions right to pass, and i didn't even answer half of them. I'm kinda looking forward to college and not looking forward to it at the same time. It will be a new experience with new people and all that, but I'm not looking forward to leaving my friends, doing my own laundry (I have it good here ), sharing a bathroom with 80 other girls, and the increased work load. And the bills. But hey, it beats working at Mc Donalds until I die of heart failure. I'm going to Rider University, and I'll be doing a doubble major in Secondary Education and Physics. As for the summer, if I'm lucky, you might even see me during the summer. I sense many trips to restaurants with free wireless internet in my future. I'm going to be really busy though. I've heard that I'm going to be made youth activities director this year! lol I didn't know he was looking for me. Weird. You know what would be cool? To have a hampsterdance old school board. Like you have to have been around for at least a certain amount of time to get in, so maybe all the old members would come back. i miss all my crazy friends here. And wow you have a lot of posts. I remember when it was a huge deal when Sheena reaches 10,000. *kicks the emoticon limit*
  9. You were not alone. There were two others. *cough, cough* Well, everything is certainly green over here. *stares at rain and newly green trees* Hm...Maybe have the character have brown pants and a green vest?
  10. It's going well. Did I ever say we finished moving? Because we kind of did a month ago I've gotten all A's on my midterms at my new school! It's kind of weird to actually live somewhere else, it feels like I may never fully get over that. But I enjoy it here all the same. I even like being a "new kid" at the school because I get to have a fresh start. I was sort of sick of my old town after fourteen years of living there. Psh I know how that feels. That's why I went to high school so far from home.
  11. If you don't see it there, go to the bottom and you'll see a dropdown list that says "last 30 days." Select "all topics" and click go, or view, or whatever that button is, and you'll see it.
  12. *reports self* I hope to be a bit less of a rare appearance in the future. And HK was on a few minutes ago, but I have no clue how to take a screen shot on my computer. And I'm too lazy to do it anyways.
  13. I guess I'm the weird one. I voted green.
  14. Wow, this place has really quieted down a lot. I've been busy with school and stuff. At least all three of my AP tests are done now. I dont think anyone in our classed passed the calculus one, but I think I did okay on the English and Biology ones, even though our biology teacher had to leave (he's in the air force). And more college news, I just got $1000 from the company my dad works for! It's soooo hard to get scholarships these days if you aren't a minority and don't have some miracle story to tell. Oh, and I got a laptop! It's an early graduation present, because I'm gonna need a computer for college. Anything amazingly new around here? Oh, and if Sheena ever sees this; my friend Emily wore the "One by one the penguins steal my sanity" shirt the other day. It made me think of you. And yes, I still have my lovely green sanity, but it's not feeling well right now.
  15. Ah, okay. So we're talking about creation and proving everyone else wrong. First of all, CATHOLICISM IS NOT THE ROOT OF CHRISTIANITY. And TGHL, you ARE a kid. Get over it. And yes, America is a republic (and to the republic, for which it stands...). And yes, our government is going downhill fast. I would not be too surprised if the events predicted in Revelation occur within our lifetime. As for creation, let's start with life. We know about natural selection. Okay, so the gene pool changes over time. And we know that scientists have created the organic compounds necesary for life by zapping dirt with electricity. But explain this: why can't the scientists zap their compounds into life? And if matter can neither be created nor destroyed, then where did the matter come from? The same for energy. Yes, there are lots of "christians" who mess things up and contradict themselves. Please do not judge those of us that are real Christians based on the foolish actions of others. The sad truth is that most people who claim to be Christians really aren't. "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going to Mc Donalds makes you a hamburger." For some background info for anyone who doesn't know me, I'm a by-the-book born again Christian. I believe that the Bible is 100% true. I also believe that much of science and the Bible complement each other, which makes sense if you consider that God created everything that science tries to explain. Where science breaks down, God fills it in. And when people are confused about things in the Bible, sometimes science can explain it. And sometimes it doesn't. Because God can be strange like that. And on a side note, don't take offence to anything I say. I'm not tryng to upset or insult anyone, so don't take it like that. I'm just very blunt and straight forward sometimes.
  16. lol I'm still here. And kennyboy, you didn't create this topic, I did. but when it was transferred from the old boards things got garbled up and it put you as the first post. Gosh, I think this topic is nearly 3 years old. I haven't had a chance to go back and read the posts I've missed, but yes, God did tell us to love each other and basically to be nice. At the same time, everyone needs to calm down and not take things so personally. It's very hard to determine tone of voice through a message board post. what someone might regard as an insult might have just been an offhand comment with no bad intentions. just keep that in mind.
  17. Either way, both beginnings start with the text equivalent of kissing, "muah" or "mwah."
  18. Now it's time for a lesson in debating: The point in debating is to convince the person or people you are debating with to agree with you. Insulting people and calling them stupid or "small minded" is a bad tactic. This only displays your own immaturity and makes people less likely to agree with you. Furthermore, it starts flame wars, in which the topic is steered away from the original subject and turned towards the levels of each other's intelligence and comparisons to certain parts of the anatomy. That said, why not teach evolution AND creation as THEORIES. Then let the kids make up their own minds. (And yeah, if you send your kid to public school you should expect them to be tought evolution) Evolution has NOT been proven, there is only evidence to back it up. There's also evidence to back up creation. I personally believe that the two are linked, and I'll be happy to go on about that if anyone's interested.
  19. *reports self again* Yeah, I'm too lazy to figure out how to take a screen shot of myself.
  20. You put the i in there just to spite me, didn't you? I've pretty much finished arranging my room. I have lots more space here than my old room! And with 1/8 the amount of dust too! Wow, how many times have you moved? Is this the first? Well, I also moved when I was like 1 year old...so you might as well say this is the first time My mind has trouble believing that I'm actually in a new house What "mind" are you speaking of? Umm...whatever the thing is that got me good SAT scores in 7th grade? Oooh where can you buy one? I didn't know they still sold them! I didn't buy it, I inherited it. But I imagine Walmart has some of those. They're having a sale on their lives section, I've heard. Horrors !!!!!!!!!!!!! I would never buy a brain at Walmart. All you are going to get is some inferior quality brain that has been manufactured to below common sense level so Walmart can sell it at a cheap price. For all you know, when it rains your brain will short circuit and smoke will be seen pouring out of your ears and nose. Nah, I wouldn't buy one because they're all probably programmed to make you spend all your money at wal-mart and work there for below minimum wage.
  21. Hehe, too bad he missed this one: Go to google and type in "failure" and click the button that says "I'm feeling lucky."
  22. I hope you are sitting. They say that the AVERAGE reading level for the entire USA is 6th grade. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's Completly Idiotic. I Love to read, And I rememeber When I was in 1st grade and we took a reading test and They said i had a 9th grade Reading Level. And This was 1st grade That I was in! Good Goth, That was years ago. I wonder what My reading level is now. Last year I had the 3rd highest reading score in my school, whish was well into college level. Another kid in one of my classes was at 2nd grade reading level...in high school! So anyways, more good news:I'm not only accepted to college with a good scholarship, but I'm in the honors program too! That means I'm in the top 8% of the school!
  23. Cool indeed! And they gave me a nice scholarship!
  24. Jesusfreak


    I saw this cell phone commercial where this woman at a party was showing off her phone that messaged people based on speech, so she said into it "Thanks mike I had fun last night," and the phone said back to her "Thanks mike I have lip fungus" and after several tries she gets so mad she screams at the phone "I DO NOT HAVE LIP FUNGUS!" and everyone stops and looks at her <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, but what does that have to do with you having lip fingus? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I quoted "I do not have lip fungus!" in my sig and then people took the "I" to be from me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, okay. You left that part out.
  25. SUPER GOOD NEWS!!!!! I got accepted to the college I applied to!
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