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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Make the pictures much smaller and try and use jpg first or gif second. They attach really well and make sure you click on Add Into Post after you click on Add Attachment. They're all jpg. Do you mean click "add to attachment " after you click "browse" or am I missing something? You got it! The size was the problem! Oh, so you don't have to click the add to post button unless you want to organize them inside your post. i get it now.
  2. Oh, I just saw the "add to post button." Okay. Let's try that again... Okay, so there should be a picture of Ivy, and a picture of misty and dusty. That's a picture of me. And there's also picture of me from Halloween. And that's a picture of a tree outside my house in a snowstorm. That's all I have for now. I'll add more later. (you can delete all my stupid posts before this if you want. )
  3. This is Ivy the kitten. Don't let the cute face fool you. I have several scratches on my arm.
  4. Trying again...This time it worked. Must have been the size. This is a picture of mist and dusty.
  5. Make the pictures much smaller and try and use jpg first or gif second. They attach really well and make sure you click on Add Into Post after you click on Add Attachment. They're all jpg. Do you mean click "add to attachment " after you click "browse" or am I missing something?
  6. Here are a few colours that go great with teal... bronze or copper, pewter, magenta and a yellow orange (like the sunrise). lol you should have told that to my senior class. I personally voted for black and black. For some reason black and teal (our actual school colors) weren't an option to vote on. Black and teal is great! Of course, I stayed away from black so that I didn't seem so dark and retro! When they did black and teal before the girls wore teal. Last year they did black and white. I would have voted with you on the black and black. That would have been very cool! At least it would have been somewhat normal.
  7. Here is your first question... TBFOF cannot see the Clickable Smilies (emoticons) properly. What is the problem? (See his topic in the Admin forum.) That... I could answer if I was an admin of theboard here, Which I dont expect to happen. I dont think I can get that, as... i havent access to anything that could fix it. But that happened to some of the members on a board that i AM admin of, and i still couldnt figure out what was wrong. Though answers to the following questions would help the situation: Did TBFOF install any anti-virus software recently? INstall anything... internet-related, for security? can you see other images on the board? (post reply, new topic, forum markers, etc.) what is your favorite color? what is the approximate velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut? Have you tried resetting the board cookies on your computer? (Reply if'n you dont know what the computer cookies are. They dont involve chocolate or sugary goodness in any way, though.) and have you checked for the emoticons on other computers that are networked the same way yours is? (provided you have multiple computers and a networking router) AYO DAWGGG MUH MAN LEX HAZ SULVD DA PROB 4 MII. DANKZ 4 YO TRII DOH. ... Whats really depressing, is that I understood that. ._. You know what else is depressing? | (4|\| 7'/|>3 4|\||) |234|) |-|4XX0|2 1337 1||<3 3|\|61|5|-| Okay, uh... -squits- I can tnke and twohundred-thirty-fourD haxxors leet like ngllslsH? Thats about as good as I could get it, really... "I can type and read Haxxor leet like English." Wow. I woulda never come up with that.
  8. music wakes me up. only church music and science videos put me to sleep. i could never stick to a shedule. mm i need energy drinks for the enrgy in the day... plus i dont eat lunch so there my breakfast/lunch. What you could do is not drink the energy drinks like gatorade but instead go for a multi vitamin juice. Sometimes they don't taste that great but they are better than energy drinks or caffine. You can also get very healthy breakfast bars that contain musli for energy and calcium. You really should eat something in the morning, even if its just an apple or banana. I always eat breakfast, I feel hungry and unable to concentrate if I don't. ♥ Lee gatorade isnt an energy drink.firts of all. second id rather stick to water. calories=BADDDDDDDDDD. i never have enough time to eat breakfast. or enough to pack myself good for lunch You could always pack your food the night before. And my next question is, has a doctor actually told you that your overweight, or is this something you just decided on your own?
  9. Okay, new pictures. I made the head taller, I put on a small tail (don't want it to get in the way), and I tried your green/brown combination. You should make the tail a little bigger, it is too small. IMHO. Hm...yeah, I think I can agree with that.
  10. How can you say Catholicism isn't the root of all Christianity? It was the only form of Christianity for over 1000 years! Then Martin Luther decides that the Church is wrong and that he needs to remove books from the Bible? You know the true story right? Martin Luther didn't like the fact that there were Catholics that were doing wrong (doesn't everybody?) and he failed to see that no matter what a small minority in any group does it doesn't mean that the whole group is corrupt and wrong! If I go down Gratiot 10 miles to 8 mile and see one black kid that's spraypainting a wall does that mean I should say that all black people vandalize? No, that would be racist and stupid. So then why did Martin Luther feel the Catholic Church was wrong? The fact is he agreed on very many of the Church's teachings, one of the biggest being the EUCHARIST! He believed that the Eucharist TRULY IS THE BODY AND BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! You are 100% right on the Science statement. God created everything and you would have to be pretty dense to not think that there is intelligent design behind the many complex systems that make up our world. It's not that God's strange, it's just that we couldn't comprehend everything he has created. Not true. If anything, Baptists were the first ones around. In fact John was baptizing people before Jesus even showed up. Also, these books you are talking about were written long after the 4 main gospels, and (to my knowledge) contradict much of what is generally included in the Bible. As for martin luthor, I never even brought him up, and it doesn't make much difference to me what he thought. And unfortunately, the Catholic church does tend to mess some stuff up. Many don't preach salvation, but getting to heaven by being good. (I can come up with tond of verses on that one.) They also focus more on the religion, "traditions of their fathers" if you will, than on their faith. Some of these traditions (like having some masses in Latin, a dead language) don't profit anything. Also, purgatory is not in the Bible. Aside from all that, more evidence for Catholicism not being the root of all Christianity is that it's very formal and complicated. God didn't intend for people to have all these rituals and regulations. He wanted us to have a personal relationship with Him and to trust Him. Naturally, the first Christians had a simpler form, going just by the book. Catholics took this and made it much more ritualised and complicated than God intended. (in short, the natural flow of religion is from simple to complex). And like I said before, I can find Bible verses to back this up.
  11. Here are a few colours that go great with teal... bronze or copper, pewter, magenta and a yellow orange (like the sunrise). lol you should have told that to my senior class. I personally voted for black and black. For some reason black and teal (our actual school colors) weren't an option to vote on. Black and teal is great! Of course, I stayed away from black so that I didn't seem so dark and retro! When they did black and teal before the girls wore teal. Last year they did black and white.
  12. I'm going to try and put some pictures here. For some reason each time I click "add attachment" it comes up with some "this page can not be displayed message.
  13. Here are a few colours that go great with teal... bronze or copper, pewter, magenta and a yellow orange (like the sunrise). lol you should have told that to my senior class. I personally voted for black and black. For some reason black and teal (our actual school colors) weren't an option to vote on.
  14. lol yes, sharpies are fun. I plan to decorate my cap and gown with them. The stupid kids in my class voted for teal and white, of all things. White makes me look like a ghost, and you can't wear anything dark under it. So I'm gonna have all my friends write on it with pretty colored sharpies.
  15. Yup, and I think you're referring to "she." Mushroom_king had that problem for a while! lol yup, and neither of them were the first. I'm not exactly the girliest of all girls.
  16. Congratulations on passing your tests. I am positive you passed your Calculus. Glad to hear you have a new laptop. Are you looking forward to college? My how the time passes. Which college will you be attending? Do you have any plans on what you will be majoring in? Hopefully we will see you this summer before you head off. By the way... you and Kenny Boy must have some psychic connection. He showed up and asked about you and then you appeared! I like that. I'm positive i didn't pass that one. You have to get at least half the questions right to pass, and i didn't even answer half of them. I'm kinda looking forward to college and not looking forward to it at the same time. It will be a new experience with new people and all that, but I'm not looking forward to leaving my friends, doing my own laundry (I have it good here), sharing a bathroom with 80 other girls, and the increased work load. And the bills. But hey, it beats working at Mc Donalds until I die of heart failure. I'm going to University, and I'll be doing a doubble major in Secondary Education and Physics. As for the summer, if I'm lucky, you might even see me during the summer. I sense many trips to restaurants with free wireless internet in my future. I'm going to be really busy though. I've heard that I'm going to be made youth activities director this year! lol I didn't know he was looking for me. Weird. You know what would be cool? To have a hampsterdance old school board. Like you have to have been around for at least a certain amount of time to get in, so maybe all the old members would come back. i miss all my crazy friends here. And wow you have a lot of posts. I remember when it was a huge deal when Sheena reaches 10,000. *kicks the emoticon limit* Great school!!! Fantastic! Education and Physics! I am so very impressed!!!!! As for only answering 1/2 the questions... I believe you might be right on the outcome of that Calculus test. Lots of bookstores, coffee shops and restaurants have free internet. Now that you have a laptop... you are free to foam. Make sure you get a really padded carrying case. This is so important. We are trying to make a HampsterDance Reunion, thanks to the great idea by TBFOF. As for lots of posts, people say hamsters have no life... they just might be right. LOL Sharp cookie you are! lol Yup, so far I know that panera bread, some mcdonalds, and (says my friend) the radio shack in the mall all have wireless internet. And I already have the case. I'm so clumsy with stuff like that, you should see the dents in my camera. It still works though. I plan on being borderline paranoid with the laptop though, because I'm going to need it for college. Maybe camp will get cable internet... *kicks the emoticon limit again* I also recommend getting a way to mark your cables so you don't lose them. I always worry I will leave something somewhere. Yeah, that's true too. I'll probably use duct tape and sharpies.
  17. Yup, and I think you're referring to "she."
  18. You can make it about Florida. Except add fires to that statement. Yeah, before we got the sudden week of rain there were lots of brush fires up here too. Currently it's not raining, but it's still wet and cloudy outside. And our lawn is like 2 feet tall. I wish we would get rain. If you aren't using reclaimed water to water your lawn, then your lawn in dead, dead, dead. lol around here the only dead lawns are the ones that use weed killers (because most of the green stuff in our lawn is crabgrass and dandelions). My two favorite plants! There are lots of those here. Except the people with the dead lawns would love to have crab grass right about now. lol yup. I love dandelions! They're so pretty! And if you get the really big ones, you can make a salad with the dandelion leaves! Besides, what other weed looks great when flowering and when it is about to go to seed! I always wondered how it would go from a flat flower to a sphere of seeds! Yup! You can eat plaintain and violets too. And clovers can be used to make tea.
  19. You can make it about Florida. Except add fires to that statement. Yeah, before we got the sudden week of rain there were lots of brush fires up here too. Currently it's not raining, but it's still wet and cloudy outside. And our lawn is like 2 feet tall. I wish we would get rain. If you aren't using reclaimed water to water your lawn, then your lawn in dead, dead, dead. lol around here the only dead lawns are the ones that use weed killers (because most of the green stuff in our lawn is crabgrass and dandelions). My two favorite plants! There are lots of those here. Except the people with the dead lawns would love to have crab grass right about now. lol yup. I love dandelions! They're so pretty!
  20. You can make it about Florida. Except add fires to that statement. Yeah, before we got the sudden week of rain there were lots of brush fires up here too. Currently it's not raining, but it's still wet and cloudy outside. And our lawn is like 2 feet tall. I wish we would get rain. If you aren't using reclaimed water to water your lawn, then your lawn in dead, dead, dead. lol around here the only dead lawns are the ones that use weed killers (because most of the green stuff in our lawn is crabgrass and dandelions).
  21. Congratulations on passing your tests. I am positive you passed your Calculus. Glad to hear you have a new laptop. Are you looking forward to college? My how the time passes. Which college will you be attending? Do you have any plans on what you will be majoring in? Hopefully we will see you this summer before you head off. By the way... you and Kenny Boy must have some psychic connection. He showed up and asked about you and then you appeared! I like that. I'm positive i didn't pass that one. You have to get at least half the questions right to pass, and i didn't even answer half of them. I'm kinda looking forward to college and not looking forward to it at the same time. It will be a new experience with new people and all that, but I'm not looking forward to leaving my friends, doing my own laundry (I have it good here), sharing a bathroom with 80 other girls, and the increased work load. And the bills. But hey, it beats working at Mc Donalds until I die of heart failure. I'm going to University, and I'll be doing a doubble major in Secondary Education and Physics. As for the summer, if I'm lucky, you might even see me during the summer. I sense many trips to restaurants with free wireless internet in my future. I'm going to be really busy though. I've heard that I'm going to be made youth activities director this year! lol I didn't know he was looking for me. Weird. You know what would be cool? To have a hampsterdance old school board. Like you have to have been around for at least a certain amount of time to get in, so maybe all the old members would come back. i miss all my crazy friends here. And wow you have a lot of posts. I remember when it was a huge deal when Sheena reaches 10,000. *kicks the emoticon limit* Great school!!! Fantastic! Education and Physics! I am so very impressed!!!!! As for only answering 1/2 the questions... I believe you might be right on the outcome of that Calculus test. Lots of bookstores, coffee shops and restaurants have free internet. Now that you have a laptop... you are free to foam. Make sure you get a really padded carrying case. This is so important. We are trying to make a HampsterDance Reunion, thanks to the great idea by TBFOF. As for lots of posts, people say hamsters have no life... they just might be right. LOL Sharp cookie you are! lol Yup, so far I know that panera bread, some mcdonalds, and (says my friend) the radio shack in the mall all have wireless internet. And I already have the case. I'm so clumsy with stuff like that, you should see the dents in my camera. It still works though. I plan on being borderline paranoid with the laptop though, because I'm going to need it for college. Maybe camp will get cable internet... *kicks the emoticon limit again*
  22. It's going well. Did I ever say we finished moving? Because we kind of did a month ago I've gotten all A's on my midterms at my new school! It's kind of weird to actually live somewhere else, it feels like I may never fully get over that. But I enjoy it here all the same. I even like being a "new kid" at the school because I get to have a fresh start. I was sort of sick of my old town after fourteen years of living there. Psh I know how that feels. That's why I went to high school so far from home. Good idea! Did your parents ever worry about that? Not really. They were concerned about the fact that the town my school is in is regularly in the local news, but they learned that it's actually a pretty safe place.
  23. You were not alone. There were two others. *cough, cough* Well, everything is certainly green over here. *stares at rain and newly green trees* Hm...Maybe have the character have brown pants and a green vest? That's an interesting combination. Perhaps I'll give it a try. Today I made a new head mesh for Luke. I was going for a slightly more realistic touch. What do you think? That looks cool! One suggestion though: make the round part of his head a little bit taller.
  24. I thought we're only allowed to speak English on the boards.
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