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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Yeah, and today of all things the bus was early.
  2. i'm not.i know a hundred kids who feel like i do. and i beg to think im not the worst. oh, why me again? this topic is bruied. You are not a screw-up. gracias. anyway i'm in school. i hate school. and i hate big projects ew. haha its like 60% of our grade. XXXXXXXXXXXX Ugh join the club. Just wait till you're a senior. The work isn't that much different, but the motivation level drops. (better known as senioritis)
  3. What exactly are you doing? you said "How did the session with the counselor go? Did you talk about what you were doing?" did i talk about what...? Your cutting. oh. that. nope. havnt been bothered about that in a while "i havnt been one on one with janet or brendell in a while. i'd like to keep it that way. i thought i'd be back in their face but my idiot parents are blind. which im actually quite thankful for. brendell is quite blind aswell. but now im healed and free for the time being." I hope you stay that way. me too. but i have much bigger problems then the current state of my wrists. I feel like I'm butting in, because I haven't actually posted here in a while (though I have been reading), but such as what? *knows somehow I'm going to feel really dumb for asking* she's referring to the fact that she hasn't been cutting her wrists lately, which is good.
  4. Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it. This is another place to put a "lock" of hair. lol Yeah, so today they decided to combine our bus route with another route...I didn't get home until nearly 4 pm. Are they saving gas , did a bus break down or a driver not show up? Apparently they were short on drivers (or so they say). the thing that bugs me is that this happened several times earlier this year (with a different bus driver; we're on our 3rd this year), until the bus driver finally said she wasn't going to keep bringing them home. I was the last person dropped off, over an hour after I was picked up. And you are still calm. I would have been totally wacko! I wasn't exactly thrilled, but there wasn't much I could do about it. And this sort of stuff has happened so many times. It was a couple of weeks ago when the bus didn't even show up until 3:30 that I got upset. Plus our bus driver doesn't really speak English.
  5. Please... homework first, then if there is time, HampsterDance afterwards. Yup, and apparently dinner too. Don't let the online icon fool you.
  6. Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it. This is another place to put a "lock" of hair. lol Yeah, so today they decided to combine our bus route with another route...I didn't get home until nearly 4 pm. Are they saving gas , did a bus break down or a driver not show up? Apparently they were short on drivers (or so they say). the thing that bugs me is that this happened several times earlier this year (with a different bus driver; we're on our 3rd this year), until the bus driver finally said she wasn't going to keep bringing them home. I was the last person dropped off, over an hour after I was picked up.
  7. What big fly-in?????????? Is your father going to participate in this event? Yup. *suddenly remembers the 100 or so pictures she needs to take care of.* We've had some reall strange weather around here. Sun, rain, thunderstorms, wind, rainbows. Often two or more happening at the same time. Great time for pictures! Weather makes for some wonderful scenes. A thunderstorm, the sun and a rainbow this would be a magnificent picture. Yup! I edited the fly in pictures last night and sorted the best ones into their own folder so I could find them. Now i need to put the video together and put some pics online... As for the weather here, it's sunny and somewhat warm, no clouds at all! It is partly cloudy, in the 90's and generally a typical Florida day. I am trying to do something I should leave to the experts... cleaning the pool. The only problem is that I only swim in the pool when the water temperature is in the 80's. Except, I dropped three cement blocks into the pool and needed to get them out. Uck! FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! Hamsters do not like cold swimming pool water! I know the feeling. Most of our back yard is in the shade, so our pool tends to be on the chilly side.
  8. Alright, I hope to get them up today. But I definately need to do my homework first.
  9. Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it. This is another place to put a "lock" of hair. lol Yeah, so today they decided to combine our bus route with another route...I didn't get home until nearly 4 pm.
  10. What big fly-in?????????? Is your father going to participate in this event? Yup. *suddenly remembers the 100 or so pictures she needs to take care of.* We've had some reall strange weather around here. Sun, rain, thunderstorms, wind, rainbows. Often two or more happening at the same time. Great time for pictures! Weather makes for some wonderful scenes. A thunderstorm, the sun and a rainbow this would be a magnificent picture. Yup! I edited the fly in pictures last night and sorted the best ones into their own folder so I could find them. Now i need to put the video together and put some pics online... As for the weather here, it's sunny and somewhat warm, no clouds at all!
  11. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (the Christmas song ) performed by Jars of Clay.
  12. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY!!!! How did you take that picture?????? Your father is soooooooo cool! And gutsy! One of the other guys had a powered parachute (ppc) that had two seats, and took me for a flight. it was really neat! I should have a whole bunch of new (ground based) pictures up here in a little bit.
  13. Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it.
  14. What big fly-in?????????? Is your father going to participate in this event? Yup. *suddenly remembers the 100 or so pictures she needs to take care of.* We've had some reall strange weather around here. Sun, rain, thunderstorms, wind, rainbows. Often two or more happening at the same time.
  15. This is a picture of my dad, and yes, I took it myself.
  16. I love the violet! Get those weed pics up here now!!!!!!! Violet? I thought it was a weed. Very pretty! I don't consider violets to be weeds. Not only are they pretty, but every part of the violet plant is edible. The leaves taste sort of like the dark green lettuce you find in most salads. I didn't know that. I know that pansy flowers are very tasty and make beautiful salads! I'm pretty sure that pansies and violets are closely related. They look pretty similar, but pansies have much brighter colors. And yes, they grow in the grass.
  17. Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape.
  18. the rain finally stopped! And dad finally cut the lawn! I just hope the weather holds up this weekend for the big fly in. My dad and his friends were even in the local newspaper! Hm...I might have some pictures to put up about that...
  19. lol my mom probably threw it out.
  20. I love the violet! Get those weed pics up here now!!!!!!! Violet? I thought it was a weed. Very pretty! I don't consider violets to be weeds. Not only are they pretty, but every part of the violet plant is edible. The leaves taste sort of like the dark green lettuce you find in most salads.
  21. The weird thing is, I don't. My hair is so thick that it comes out sorta short and fat. I hope to grow it long enough to have decent looking braid though. Your hair is so beautiful, that what you need to consider is the following. If you grow your hair really long, when you decide to cut it, braid it, put a hair tie at the top part, but NOT next to your head (a couple of inches below where you want to cut it) and another at the very end of the braid. When you cut this, you can donate your hair to the American Cancer Society and they will use it to make a wig for a young person. I've done that before. A lot of hair salons participate in the locks of love program that donates your hair to make wigs. Apparently real hair wigs are super-expensive. I am so impressed you have participated in that program. You are such a wonderful person! Aw, thanks! But seriously though, what was I going to do with it? Say "no it's mine, I want to put it in a zip lock back and keep it forever?" Your lock of hair would be a little large for your Bible. LOL I never would have thought of putting my hair in my Bible. I was always taught to place a lock of your hair inside the Bible at the time you were presented the Bible. Never heard of that one before. Ask both of your grandmothers. It was something one many, many years ago. Yeah, it does sound like something Grandma on my mom's side would do. Now that I think of it, I used to have a lock of hair from my first hair cut in my jewelry box when I was little. I woner what happened to it...
  22. Oh, is that how it works? I never was a big fan of Apple computers. We had them in middle school, and they crashed all the time. One of my friends signed my yearbook "imacs shall burn!" He had this great plan involving a catapult...
  23. The weird thing is, I don't. My hair is so thick that it comes out sorta short and fat. I hope to grow it long enough to have decent looking braid though. Your hair is so beautiful, that what you need to consider is the following. If you grow your hair really long, when you decide to cut it, braid it, put a hair tie at the top part, but NOT next to your head (a couple of inches below where you want to cut it) and another at the very end of the braid. When you cut this, you can donate your hair to the American Cancer Society and they will use it to make a wig for a young person. I've done that before. A lot of hair salons participate in the locks of love program that donates your hair to make wigs. Apparently real hair wigs are super-expensive. I am so impressed you have participated in that program. You are such a wonderful person! Aw, thanks! But seriously though, what was I going to do with it? Say "no it's mine, I want to put it in a zip lock back and keep it forever?" Your lock of hair would be a little large for your Bible. LOL I never would have thought of putting my hair in my Bible. I was always taught to place a lock of your hair inside the Bible at the time you were presented the Bible. Never heard of that one before.
  24. He is rare! I still do not know how to do the screen capture! I did it differently than they do it (my dad showed me how). I just opened up paint shop pro, hit shift and C at the same tme. Then I right clicked, and dragged a box around what I wanted, and clicked again. Yeah. I don't have Paint Shop Pro, , I have a different program and I do not have a right and left click. Only one click button. Yeah? Are you sure? You're mouse doesn't have two mouse buttons?!? Horatio, I think it's time to get a new mouse. I think my mouse is in Tennessee. The laptop has just one clicker. No left and no right. In fact it has been soooooooooo long since I used my mouse. Besides you PC people just wish you could be Macs! That's weird. My laptop had two clickers. So that is why you always post double posts! He is rare! I still do not know how to do the screen capture! I did it differently than they do it (my dad showed me how). I just opened up paint shop pro, hit shift and C at the same tme. Then I right clicked, and dragged a box around what I wanted, and clicked again. Yeah. I don't have Paint Shop Pro, , I have a different program and I do not have a right and left click. Only one click button. Yeah? Are you sure? You're mouse doesn't have two mouse buttons?!? Horatio, I think it's time to get a new mouse. I think my mouse is in Tennessee. The laptop has just one clicker. No left and no right. In fact it has been soooooooooo long since I used my mouse. Besides you PC people just wish you could be Macs! That's weird. My laptop had two clickers. So that is why you always post double posts! Seriously, my mouse is just a cute little mouse where you touch the mouse slightly downward and the entire mouse clicks. There is no finger movement, more of a hand movement. Ugh, no, I clicked the back button expecting it to take me to the main menu, but it took me to the "this post will be previewed by a moderator" page instead. Sorry about that. You must have a laptop mouse. You can plug a normal mouse into your laptop, and it works the same.
  25. The weird thing is, I don't. My hair is so thick that it comes out sorta short and fat. I hope to grow it long enough to have decent looking braid though. Your hair is so beautiful, that what you need to consider is the following. If you grow your hair really long, when you decide to cut it, braid it, put a hair tie at the top part, but NOT next to your head (a couple of inches below where you want to cut it) and another at the very end of the braid. When you cut this, you can donate your hair to the American Cancer Society and they will use it to make a wig for a young person. I've done that before. A lot of hair salons participate in the locks of love program that donates your hair to make wigs. Apparently real hair wigs are super-expensive. I am so impressed you have participated in that program. You are such a wonderful person! Aw, thanks! But seriously though, what was I going to do with it? Say "no it's mine, I want to put it in a zip lock back and keep it forever?" Your lock of hair would be a little large for your Bible. I never would have thought of putting my hair in my Bible.
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